50 research outputs found

    Connectivity in Sub-Poisson Networks

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    We consider a class of point processes (pp), which we call {\em sub-Poisson}; these are pp that can be directionally-convexly (dcxdcx) dominated by some Poisson pp. The dcxdcx order has already been shown useful in comparing various point process characteristics, including Ripley's and correlation functions as well as shot-noise fields generated by pp, indicating in particular that smaller in the dcxdcx order processes exhibit more regularity (less clustering, less voids) in the repartition of their points. Using these results, in this paper we study the impact of the dcxdcx ordering of pp on the properties of two continuum percolation models, which have been proposed in the literature to address macroscopic connectivity properties of large wireless networks. As the first main result of this paper, we extend the classical result on the existence of phase transition in the percolation of the Gilbert's graph (called also the Boolean model), generated by a homogeneous Poisson pp, to the class of homogeneous sub-Poisson pp. We also extend a recent result of the same nature for the SINR graph, to sub-Poisson pp. Finally, as examples we show that the so-called perturbed lattices are sub-Poisson. More generally, perturbed lattices provide some spectrum of models that ranges from periodic grids, usually considered in cellular network context, to Poisson ad-hoc networks, and to various more clustered pp including some doubly stochastic Poisson ones.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Proc. of Allerton 2010. For an extended version see http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00497707 version

    Clustering comparison of point processes with applications to random geometric models

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    In this chapter we review some examples, methods, and recent results involving comparison of clustering properties of point processes. Our approach is founded on some basic observations allowing us to consider void probabilities and moment measures as two complementary tools for capturing clustering phenomena in point processes. As might be expected, smaller values of these characteristics indicate less clustering. Also, various global and local functionals of random geometric models driven by point processes admit more or less explicit bounds involving void probabilities and moment measures, thus aiding the study of impact of clustering of the underlying point process. When stronger tools are needed, directional convex ordering of point processes happens to be an appropriate choice, as well as the notion of (positive or negative) association, when comparison to the Poisson point process is considered. We explain the relations between these tools and provide examples of point processes admitting them. Furthermore, we sketch some recent results obtained using the aforementioned comparison tools, regarding percolation and coverage properties of the Boolean model, the SINR model, subgraph counts in random geometric graphs, and more generally, U-statistics of point processes. We also mention some results on Betti numbers for \v{C}ech and Vietoris-Rips random complexes generated by stationary point processes. A general observation is that many of the results derived previously for the Poisson point process generalise to some "sub-Poisson" processes, defined as those clustering less than the Poisson process in the sense of void probabilities and moment measures, negative association or dcx-ordering.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figure

    Limit laws for k-coverage of paths by a Markov-Poisson-Boolean model

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    Let P := {X_i,i >= 1} be a stationary Poisson point process in R^d, {C_i,i >= 1} be a sequence of i.i.d. random sets in R^d, and {Y_i^t; t \geq 0, i >= 1} be i.i.d. {0,1}-valued continuous time stationary Markov chains. We define the Markov-Poisson-Boolean model C_t := {Y_i^t(X_i + C_i), i >= 1}. C_t represents the coverage process at time t. We first obtain limit laws for k-coverage of an area at an arbitrary instant. We then obtain the limit laws for the k-coverage seen by a particle as it moves along a one-dimensional path.Comment: 1 figure. 24 Pages. Accepted at Stochastic Models. Theorems 6 and 7 corrected. Theorem 9 and Appendix adde

    Limit theory for geometric statistics of point processes having fast decay of correlations

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    Let PP be a simple,stationary point process having fast decay of correlations, i.e., its correlation functions factorize up to an additive error decaying faster than any power of the separation distance. Let Pn:=PWnP_n:= P \cap W_n be its restriction to windows Wn:=[12n1/d,12n1/d]dRdW_n:= [-{1 \over 2}n^{1/d},{1 \over 2}n^{1/d}]^d \subset \mathbb{R}^d. We consider the statistic Hnξ:=xPnξ(x,Pn)H_n^\xi:= \sum_{x \in P_n}\xi(x,P_n) where ξ(x,Pn)\xi(x,P_n) denotes a score function representing the interaction of xx with respect to PnP_n. When ξ\xi depends on local data in the sense that its radius of stabilization has an exponential tail, we establish expectation asymptotics, variance asymptotics, and CLT for HnξH_n^{\xi} and, more generally, for statistics of the re-scaled, possibly signed, ξ\xi-weighted point measures μnξ:=xPnξ(x,Pn)δn1/dx\mu_n^{\xi} := \sum_{x \in P_n} \xi(x,P_n) \delta_{n^{-1/d}x}, as WnRdW_n \uparrow \mathbb{R}^d. This gives the limit theory for non-linear geometric statistics (such as clique counts, intrinsic volumes of the Boolean model, and total edge length of the kk-nearest neighbors graph) of α\alpha-determinantal point processes having fast decreasing kernels extending the CLTs of Soshnikov (2002) to non-linear statistics. It also gives the limit theory for geometric U-statistics of α\alpha-permanental point processes and the zero set of Gaussian entire functions, extending the CLTs of Nazarov and Sodin (2012) and Shirai and Takahashi (2003), which are also confined to linear statistics. The proof of the central limit theorem relies on a factorial moment expansion originating in Blaszczyszyn (1995), Blaszczyszyn, Merzbach, Schmidt (1997) to show the fast decay of the correlations of ξ\xi-weighted point measures. The latter property is shown to imply a condition equivalent to Brillinger mixing and consequently yields the CLT for μnξ\mu_n^\xi via an extension of the cumulant method.Comment: 62 pages. Fundamental changes to the terminology including the title. The earlier 'clustering' condition is now introduced as a notion of mixing and its connection to Brillinger mixing is remarked. Newer results for superposition of independent point processes have been adde

    Central limit theorem for exponentially quasi-local statistics of spin models on Cayley graphs

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    Central limit theorems for linear statistics of lattice random fields (including spin models) are usually proven under suitable mixing conditions or quasi-associativity. Many interesting examples of spin models do not satisfy mixing conditions, and on the other hand, it does not seem easy to show central limit theorem for local statistics via quasi-associativity. In this work, we prove general central limit theorems for local statistics and exponentially quasi-local statistics of spin models on discrete Cayley graphs with polynomial growth. Further, we supplement these results by proving similar central limit theorems for random fields on discrete Cayley graphs and taking values in a countable space but under the stronger assumptions of {\alpha}-mixing (for local statistics) and exponential {\alpha}-mixing (for exponentially quasi-local statistics). All our central limit theorems assume a suitable variance lower bound like many others in the literature. We illustrate our general central limit theorem with specific examples of lattice spin models and statistics arising in computational topology, statistical physics and random networks. Examples of clustering spin models include quasi-associated spin models with fast decaying covariances like the off-critical Ising model, level sets of Gaussian random fields with fast decaying covariances like the massive Gaussian free field and determinantal point processes with fast decaying kernels. Examples of local statistics include intrinsic volumes, face counts, component counts of random cubical complexes while exponentially quasi-local statistics include nearest neighbour distances in spin models and Betti numbers of sub-critical random cubical complexes.Comment: Minor changes incorporated based on suggestions by referee