462 research outputs found

    Automorphisms of the affine SU(3) fusion rules

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    We classify the automorphisms of the (chiral) level-k affine SU(3) fusion rules, for any value of k, by looking for all permutations that commute with the modular matrices S and T. This can be done by using the arithmetic of the cyclotomic extensions where the problem is naturally posed. When k is divisible by 3, the automorphism group (Z_2) is generated by the charge conjugation C. If k is not divisible by 3, the automorphism group (Z_2 x Z_2) is generated by C and the Altsch\"uler--Lacki--Zaugg automorphism. Although the combinatorial analysis can become more involved, the techniques used here for SU(3) can be applied to other algebras.Comment: 21 pages, plain TeX, DIAS-STP-92-4

    Symmetries of the Kac-Peterson Modular Matrices of Affine Algebras

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    The characters χμ\chi_\mu of nontwisted affine algebras at fixed level define in a natural way a representation RR of the modular group SL2(Z)SL_2(Z). The matrices in the image R(SL2(Z))R(SL_2(Z)) are called the Kac-Peterson modular matrices, and describe the modular behaviour of the characters. In this paper we consider all levels of (Ar1⊕⋯⊕Ars)(1)(A_{r_1}\oplus\cdots\oplus A_{r_s})^{(1)}, and for each of these find all permutations of the highest weights which commute with the corresponding Kac-Peterson matrices. This problem is equivalent to the classification of automorphism invariants of conformal field theories, and its solution, especially considering its simplicity, is a major step toward the classification of all Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theories.Comment: 16 pp, plain te

    Tolerance and safety evaluation of N, N-dimethylglycine, a naturally occurring organic compound, as a feed additive in broiler diets

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    N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG) is a tertiary amino acid that naturally occurs as an intermediate metabolite in choline-to-glycine metabolism. The objective of the present trial was to evaluate tolerance, safety and bioaccumulation of dietary DMG in broilers when supplemented at 1 g and 10 g Na-DMG/kg. A feeding trial was conducted using 480 1-d-old broiler chicks that were randomly allocated to twenty-four pens and fed one of three test diets added with 0, 1 or 10 g Na-DMG/kg during a 39 d growth period. Production performance was recorded to assess tolerance and efficacy of the supplement. At the end of the trial, toxicity was evaluated by means of haematology, plasma biochemistry and histopathology of liver, kidney and heart (n 12), whereas bioaccumulation was assessed on breast meat, liver, blood, kidney and adipose tissue (n 8). Carcass traits were similar between the control and 1 g Na-DMG/kg feed groups (P.0·05), but the feed:gain ratio was significantly improved at 1 g Na-DMG/kg feed compared with the control or the 10-fold dose (P¼0·008). Histological examinations showed no pathological effects and results of haematology and plasma biochemistry revealed similar values between the test groups (P.0·05). Bioaccumulation occurred at the 10-fold dose, but the resulting DMG content in breast meat was comparable with, for instance, wheat bran and much lower than uncooked spinach. In conclusion, DMG at 1 g Na-DMG/kg improved the feed:gain ratio in broilers without DMG being accumulated in consumer parts. Furthermore, dietary supplementation with DMG up to 10 g Na-DMG/kg did not induce toxicity or impaired performance in broilers

    One Spin Trace Formalism for BK B_K

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    It has been known for some time that there are two methods to calculate BK B_K with staggered fermions: one is the two spin trace formalism and the other is the one spin trace formalism. Until now, the two spin trace formalism has been exclusively used for weak matrix element calculations with staggered fermions. Here, the one spin trace formalism to calculate BK B_K with staggered fermions is explained. It is shown that the one spin trace operators require additional chiral partner operators in order to keep the continuum chiral behavior. The renormalization of the one spin trace operators is described and compared with the two spin trace formalism.Comment: 47 pages, latex, 4 figures are available on reques

    Partial Flavor Symmetry Restoration for Chiral Staggered Fermions

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    We study the leading discretization errors for staggered fermions by first constructing the continuum effective Lagrangian including terms of O(a^2), and then constructing the corresponding effective chiral Lagrangian. The terms of O(a^2) in the continuum effective Lagrangian completely break the SU(4) flavor symmetry down to the discrete subgroup respected by the lattice theory. We find, however, that the O(a^2) terms in the potential of the chiral Lagrangian maintain an SO(4) subgroup of SU(4). It follows that the leading discretization errors in the pion masses are SO(4) symmetric, implying three degeneracies within the seven lattice irreducible representations. These predictions hold also for perturbatively improved versions of the action. These degeneracies are observed, to a surprising degree of accuracy, in existing data. We argue that the SO(4) symmetry does not extend to the masses and interactions of other hadrons (vector mesons, baryons, etc), nor to higher order in a^2. We show how it is possible that, for physical quark masses of O(a^2), the new SO(4) symmetry can be spontaneously broken, leading to a staggered analogue of the Aoki-phase of Wilson fermions. This does not, however, appear to happen for presently studied versions of the staggered action.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures (using psfig). Version to appear in PRD (clarifications added to introduction and section 6; typos corrected; references updated

    Automorphism Modular Invariants of Current Algebras

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    We consider those two-dimensional rational conformal field theories (RCFTs) whose chiral algebras, when maximally extended, are isomorphic to the current algebra formed from some affine non-twisted Kac--Moody algebra at fixed level. In this case the partition function is specified by an automorphism of the fusion ring and corresponding symmetry of the Kac--Peterson modular matrices. We classify all such partition functions when the underlying finite-dimensional Lie algebra is simple. This gives all possible spectra for this class of RCFTs. While accomplishing this, we also find the primary fields with second smallest quantum dimension.Comment: 32 pages, plain Te

    In vitro assessment of gastrointestinal tract (GIT) fermentation in pigs: Fermentable substrates and microbial activity

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    Recently, it has become apparent that GIT fermentation is not only of interest for ruminant animals, but also for monogastrics. While it is now widely accepted that the fermentation process and its resultant end-products can have important influences on animal health, little is known about the microbiological and immunological processes involved. In terms of animal health, most interest at the moment is focussed on those moments in animals’ lives when they are faced with sudden changes resulting in stress. The period of weaning in piglets is a typical example of this. The most easily accomplished and appropriate way to influence GIT fermentation processes is that of dietary intervention. This is reflected by the widespread interest in so-called pre- and pro-biotics. Given the complexities of the interactions occurring in the animal itself, it is hardly surprising that in vitro techniques are being widely used: firstly to examine potential substrates for their fermentability and possible inclusion in diets, and secondly, to assess changes in the microbial populations in response to these substrates. This paper will review the techniques currently in use for these two aspects of monogastric fermentation, and provide examples of their use
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