182 research outputs found

    Modelling the thermal effluent of a near coast power plant (Sines, Portugal)

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    ABSTRACT The present work is focused on the dispersion of a thermal effluent, produced by the Sines power plant, Portugal, along coastal waters. This facility intakes a yearly average around 40 m 3 /s of seawater, for the required cooling process, which is subsequently discharged back to the ocean at a 10 ºC increase in temperature. A three-dimensional hydrodynamic local model was nested into a regional model and set up to simulate the transport of the thermal effluent during two distinct periods, August and October 2013, respectively featuring dominant north and south wind. The simulations were performed for both situations, with and without the thermal discharge, where the later provides baseline scenarios. Obtained model results closely followed the existing field data. The temperature increase is shown to decay from 10 ºC near the outlet vicinity to 2 ºC at a distance of 2 km from the outlet for both scenarios. Even though the main driving force of this phenomenon is the wind, tidal conditions also have additional influence on thermal plume dispersion near the discharge area. In the north wind scenario the plume extends away from the coast while under south wind dominance the plume is contained near the coast, extending towards the inlet. As a consequence there is a positive feedback under south wind dominance, which is caused by the intake of already warm water from the thermal plume itself. Consequently, south wind dominance is the most unfavorable scenario for both coastal environment and the operational efficiency of the power plant. Keywords: Thermal discharge; Three-dimensional model; Coastal hydrodynamics; Water temperature Submission: 8 JAN 2015; Peer review: 1 MAR 2015; Revised: 20 MAY 2015; Accepted: 26 JUN 2015; Available on-line: 29 JUN 2015 This article contains supporting information online at http://www.aprh.pt/rgci/pdf/rgci-577_Salgueiro_Supporting-Information.pdf Salgueiro et al. (2015) 534 RESUMO Modelação de um efluente térmico numa zona costeira (central termoelétrica de Sines, Portugal) Este artigo tem como objetivo estudar a dispersão do efluente térmico da central termoelétrica de Sines (Portuga

    Magnetic phase transitions in Gd64Sc36 studied using non-contact ultrasonics

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    The speed and attenuation of ultrasound propagation can be used to determine material properties and identify phase transitions. Standard ultrasonic contact techniques are not always convenient due to the necessity of using couplant; however, recently reliable non-contact ultrasonic techniques involving electromagnetic generation and detection of ultrasound with electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) have been developed for use on electrically conducting and/or magnetic materials. We present a detailed study of magnetic phase transitions in a single crystal sample of Gd64Sc36 magnetic alloy using contact and non-contact ultrasonic techniques for two orientations of external magnetic field. Phase diagrams are constructed based on measurements of elastic constant C33, the attenuation and the efficiency of generation when using an EMAT. The EMATs are shown to provide additional information related to the magnetic phase transitions in the studied sample, and results identify a conical helix phase in Gd64Sc36 in the magnetic field orientation

    Stabilized vortex solitons in layered Kerr media

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    In this letter we demonstrate the possibility of stabilizing beams with angular momentum propagating in Kerr media. Large propagation distances without filamentation can be achieved in layered media with alternating focusing and defocusing nonlinearities. Stronger stabilization can be obtained with the addition of an incoherent beam.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. We have removed the sentence "Thus, they erroneously point out to the existence of fully stabilized vortex solitons" in page 2, column 2, line 7-8, because it might be confusin

    Time Evolution of tunneling and decoherence: soluble model

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    Decoherence effects associated to the damping of a tunneling two-level system are shown to dominate the tunneling probability at short times in strong coupling regimes in the context of a soluble model. A general decomposition of tunneling rates in dissipative and unitary parts is implemented. Master equation treatments fail to describe the model system correctly when more than a single relaxation time is involved

    Short-term variability in the activity and composition of the diazotroph community in a coastal upwelling system

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    Today we know that diazotrophs are common and active in nitrogen (N) replete regions, however the factors controlling their distribution remain elusive. Previous studies in upwelling regions revealed that the composition of diazotrophs responded to changes in hydrodynamic forcing over seasonal scales. Here we used high-frequency observations collected during a 3-week cruise in the upwelling region off NW Iberia to describe changes in the activity and composition of diazotrophs over shorter temporal scales. The cruise started after a strong upwelling event followed by a few days of relaxation-downwelling, and soon after another upwelling pulse. Higher N2 fixation rates (2.2 ± 0.7 µmol m-3 d-1) were measured during relaxation-downwelling, when surface nitrate concentration was low. During the fertilization associated with the upwelling, N2 fixation dramatically decreased to 0.10 ± 0.09 µmol m-3 d-1. The comparison with nitrate consumption and diffusion confirmed the minor role of N2 fixation (<1%) as a source of new N for primary production. The unicellular cyanobacterium UCYN-A2 was the dominant diazotroph during the cruise. UCYN-A2 abundance was four times higher during relaxation-downwelling (4x104 copies L-1) compared to upwelling conditions (0.2x104 copies L-1), when the unusual Epsilonproteobacteria increased their relative abundance. These results indicate that diazotrophs can respond rapidly to changes in the environment, and point out to the availability of N as a key factor controlling the activity, composition and distribution of diazotrophs in eutrophic regions

    Counteracting gradients of light and soil nutrients in the understorey of Mediterranean oak forests.

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    The forest canopy modifies the availability of resources (light, water, and soil nutrients) in the understorey. In this paper we analyze the relationships between woody canopy density, litter accumulation, and topsoil N and P availability in the understorey of two oak forests: one in southern Portugal and the other in southern Spain. Both forests persist on low-nutrient soils, particularly poor in P. We hypothesize that direct and indirect effects of the canopy overstorey cause opposite gradients in the availability of essential resources (light and key soil nutrients) in the understorey. In both studied forests we found significant relationships between the overall canopy density, light availability, topsoil litter accumulation, and the availability of N and P, which frequently limit plant growth. Path analysis (by Shipley’s d-sep method) showed that the available data were consistent with the proposed causal model. The average values of soil variables at the end quartiles of the light-availability gradient were compared. Results showed large differences in litter accumulation (~30×) and available-N and -P topsoil concentrations (~3×) in the Spanish forest (with the wider environmental gradient). Furthermore, P increased from the ‘very low’ range to the ‘low’ or even the ‘optimum’ range of availability (according to standard plant growth criteria), which suggests potential effects on the growth of the understorey plant species. We conclude that the counteracting gradients of the essential resources -light and nutrients- in the forest understorey resulted from direct and indirect effects of the canopy overstorey, respectively. We suggest that these counteracting effects of the woody canopy on essential resources of different nature must be considered when interpreting the patterns of understorey plant populations and communities.The spanish MEC (CGL2005-05830-C03-01-BOS, DINAMED project) and the Portuguese FCT(SFRH/BD/8322/2002 grant to SMM)supported the research.Peer reviewe

    Improved high-temperature expansion and critical equation of state of three-dimensional Ising-like systems

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    High-temperature series are computed for a generalized 3d3d Ising model with arbitrary potential. Two specific ``improved'' potentials (suppressing leading scaling corrections) are selected by Monte Carlo computation. Critical exponents are extracted from high-temperature series specialized to improved potentials, achieving high accuracy; our best estimates are: γ=1.2371(4)\gamma=1.2371(4), ν=0.63002(23)\nu=0.63002(23), α=0.1099(7)\alpha=0.1099(7), η=0.0364(4)\eta=0.0364(4), β=0.32648(18)\beta=0.32648(18). By the same technique, the coefficients of the small-field expansion for the effective potential (Helmholtz free energy) are computed. These results are applied to the construction of parametric representations of the critical equation of state. A systematic approximation scheme, based on a global stationarity condition, is introduced (the lowest-order approximation reproduces the linear parametric model). This scheme is used for an accurate determination of universal ratios of amplitudes. A comparison with other theoretical and experimental determinations of universal quantities is presented.Comment: 65 pages, 1 figure, revtex. New Monte Carlo data by Hasenbusch enabled us to improve the determination of the critical exponents and of the equation of state. The discussion of several topics was improved and the bibliography was update

    Compuestos orgánicos en aguas del estuario del Río Miño. Proyecto "TEAM-Miño"

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    Comunicación presentada al II Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Civil y Territorio. Agua, Cultura y Sociedad. Vigo, 20 y 21 de Mayo de 2013.Los resultados de este trabajo se engloban en el Marco del proyecto TEAM-Miño “Transferencia de herramientas para la Evaluación, Ordenación, Gestión y Educación Ambiental en Estuarios” financiado por la Unión Europea (POCTEP 2007-2013), que pretende desarrollar herramientas comunes para la tipificación y clasificación del estado ecológico de las masas de agua de transición del sur de Galicia y norte de Portugal, con la finalidad de colaborar en la implantación de la Directiva Marco del Agua. Se han analizado 19 muestras de agua recogidas a lo largo del río Miño y sus afluentes. En ellas se han determinado diferentes contaminantes de amplio interés industrial y ambiental, como hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP), compuestos organoestánnicos, alquilfenoles y bisfenol A. Salvo excepciones, los niveles encontrados en las muestras no son elevados (<0,1 μg/L). La mayoría de los HAPs se encuentran por debajo de los límites de cuantificación del método analítico (MQL), siendo el compuesto mayoritario el naftaleno. Los compuestos organoestánnicos tampoco han sido detectados. Los alquilfenoles están presentes en todos los puntos muestreados (<MQL-1 μg/L), mientras que el bisfenol A se ha encontrado únicamente en dos de ellos, pero a altas concentraciones (>3 μg/L). En ningún caso las concentraciones medidas superan los límites establecidos en la Directiva 2008/105/CE

    Ground/space, passive/active remote sensing observations coupled with particle dispersion modelling to understand the inter-continental transport of wildfire smoke plumes

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    During the 2017 record-breaking burning season in Canada/United States, intense wild fires raged during the first week of September in the Pacific northwestern region (British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and northern California) burning mostly temperate coniferous forests. The heavy loads of smoke particles emitted in the atmosphere reached the Iberian Peninsula (IP) a few days later on 7 and 8 September. Satellite imagery allows to identify two main smoke clouds emitted during two different periods that were injected and transported in the atmosphere at several altitude levels. Columnar properties on 7 and 8 September at two Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) mid-altitude, background sites in northern and southern Spain are: aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 440 nm up to 0.62, Ångström exponent of 1.6–1.7, large dominance of small particles (fine mode fraction >0.88), low absorption AOD at 440 nm (0.98). Profiles from the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) show the presence of smoke particles in the stratosphere during the transport, whereas the smoke is only observed in the troposphere at its arrival over the IP. Portuguese and Spanish ground lidar stations from the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network/Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network (EARLINET/ACTRIS) and the Micro-Pulse Lidar NETwork (MPLNET) reveal smoke plumes with different properties: particle depolarization ratio and color ratio, respectively, of 0.05 and 2.5 in the mid troposphere (5–9 km) and of 0.10 and 3.0 in the upper troposphere (10–13 km). In the mid troposphere the particle depolarization ratio does not seem time-dependent during the transport whereas the color ratio seems to increase (larger particles sediment first). To analyze the horizontal and vertical transport of the smoke from its origin to the IP, particle dispersion modelling is performed with the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) parameterized with satellite-derived biomass burning emission estimates from the Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS) of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). Three compounds are simulated: carbon monoxide, black carbon and organic carbon. The results show that the first smoke plume which travels slowly reaches rapidly (~1 day) the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) but also shows evidence of large scale horizontal dispersion, while the second plume, entrained by strong subtropical jets, reaches the upper troposphere much slower (~2.5 days). Observations and dispersion modelling all together suggest that particle depolarization properties are enhanced during their vertical transport from the mid to the upper troposphere.Spanish groups acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) (ref. CGL2013-45410-R, CGL2014-52877-R, CGL2014-55230-R, TEC2015-63832-P, CGL2015-73250-JIN, CGL2016-81092-R and CGL2017-85344-R)European Union through H2020 programme ACTRIS-2, grant 654109European Union through H2020 programme EUNADICS-AV, grant 723986European Union through H2020 programme GRASP-ACE, grant 77834