75 research outputs found

    Colicin N and its thermolytic fragment induce phospholipid vesicle fusion

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    AbstractColicin N, a bacteriocin encoded on a plasmid belonging to the pore-forming class of colicins, induces phospholipid vesicle fusion at acidic pH as demonstrated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Its C-terminal thermolytic fragment has properties very similar to the native molecule. The fusion is protein concentration-dependent and is regulated by (a) group(s) with a pK of approximately 4.6. The physiological relevance of this characteristic common to all colicins tested so far is discussed

    Heteromerization Modulates mu Opioid Receptor Functional Properties in vivo.

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    Mu opioid receptors modulate a large number of physiological functions. They are in particular involved in the control of pain perception and reward properties. They are also the primary molecular target of opioid drugs and mediate their beneficial analgesic effects, euphoric properties as well as negative side effects such as tolerance and physical dependence. Importantly, mu opioid receptors can physically associate with another receptor to form a novel entity called heteromer that exhibits specific ligand binding, signaling, and trafficking properties. As reviewed here, in vivo physical proximity has now been evidenced for several receptor pairs, subsequent impact of heteromerization on native mu opioid receptor signaling and trafficking identified and a link to behavioral changes established. Selective targeting of heteromers as a tool to modulate mu opioid receptor activity is therefore attracting growing interest and raises hopes for innovative therapeutic strategies.journal articlereview20182018 11 13importe

    Double fluorescent knock-in mice to investigate endogenous mu-delta opioid heteromer subscellular distribution.

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    The heteromerization of Mu (MOP) and delta (DOP) opioid receptors has been extensively studied in heterologous systems. These studies demonstrated significant functional interaction of MOP and DOP evidenced by new pharmacological properties and intracellular signalling in transfected cells co-expressing the receptors. Due to the lack of appropriate tools for receptor visualization, such as specific antibodies, the pharmacological and functional properties of MOP-DOP heteromers in cells naturally expressing these receptors remains poorly understood. To address endogenous MOP-DOP heteromer trafficking and signalling in vivo and in primary neuronal cultures, we generated a double knock-in mouse line expressing functional fluorescent versions of DOP and MOP receptors. This mouse model has successfully been used to map the neuroanatomic distribution of the receptors and to identify brain regions in which the MOP-DOP heteromers are expressed. Here, we describe a method to quantitatively and automatically analyze changes in the subcellular distribution of MOP-DOP heteromers in primary hippocampal culture from this mouse model. This approach provides a unique tool to address specificities of endogenous MOP-DOP heteromer trafficking

    Fluorescent knock-in mice to decipher the physiopathological role of G protein-coupled receptors.

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) modulate most physiological functions but are also critically involved in numerous pathological states. Approximately a third of marketed drugs target GPCRs, which places this family of receptors in the main arena of pharmacological pre-clinical and clinical research. The complexity of GPCR function demands comprehensive appraisal in native environment to collect in-depth knowledge of receptor physiopathological roles and assess the potential of therapeutic molecules. Identifying neurons expressing endogenous GPCRs is therefore essential to locate them within functional circuits whereas GPCR visualization with subcellular resolution is required to get insight into agonist-induced trafficking. Both remain frequently poorly investigated because direct visualization of endogenous receptors is often hampered by the lack of appropriate tools. Also, monitoring intracellular trafficking requires real-time visualization to gather in-depth knowledge. In this context, knock-in mice expressing a fluorescent protein or a fluorescent version of a GPCR under the control of the endogenous promoter not only help to decipher neuroanatomical circuits but also enable real-time monitoring with subcellular resolution thus providing invaluable information on their trafficking in response to a physiological or a pharmacological challenge. This review will present the animal models and discuss their contribution to the understanding of the physiopathological role of GPCRs. We will also address the drawbacks associated with this methodological approach and browse future directions.journal articlereview20142015 01 06importe

    Associations entre récepteurs opioïdes : vers de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour la douleur et l’addiction

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    Opioid receptors modulate numerous physiological functions. These receptors can associate each other to form a new functional entity named heteromer, which possesses specific functional properties. In vivo data suggest a crucial role for opioid heteromers in acute or chronic pain as well as addiction, pointing them as a new therapeutic target for the treatment of these pathologies

    Delta opioid receptors regulate temporoammonic-activated feedforward inhibition to the mouse CA1 hippocampus

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    The opioid system influences learning and memory processes. However, neural mechanisms underlying the modulation of hippocampal activity by opioid receptors remain largely unknown. Here, we compared how mu and delta receptors operate within the mouse CA1 network, and used knock-in mice expressing functional delta opioid receptors fused to the green fluorescent protein (DOR-eGFP) to determine how delta opioid receptor-expressing interneurons integrate within the hippocampal circuitry. Through whole cell patch-clamp recording of CA1 pyramidal neurons from wild-type and DOR-eGFP mice, we found that mu and delta receptors both modulate spontaneous GABAergic inhibition received by these cells. Interestingly, mu but not delta receptor activation decreased the feed-forward inhibitory input evoked by Schaffer collateral stimulation. However, mu and delta agonists modulated GABAergic feed-forward inhibition when evoked upon stimulation of the temporoammonic pathway. In addition, anterograde tracing using biotinylated dextran amine injected into the entorhinal cortex of DOR-eGFP mice suggests the existence of synaptic contacts between temporoammonic afferents and delta receptor-expressing interneurons processes in CA1. Altogether, our data demonstrate a distinct modulatory role of the hippocampal network activity by mu and delta opioid receptors, and show for the first time that delta receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA1 are recruited by the temporoammonic pathway rather than the Schaffer collateral.Funding: The authors thank their funding sources including the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, the Université de Strasbourg, The Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (IMOP), the National Institutes of Health (NIDA DA-05010) and the Stefan and Shirley Hatos Center for europharmacology. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Peripheral Delta Opioid Receptors Mediate Formoterol Anti-allodynic Effect in a Mouse Model of Neuropathic Pain.

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    Neuropathic pain is a challenging condition for which current therapies often remain unsatisfactory. Chronic administration of β2 adrenergic agonists, including formoterol currently used to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, alleviates mechanical allodynia in the sciatic nerve cuff model of neuropathic pain. The limited clinical data currently available also suggest that formoterol would be a suitable candidate for drug repurposing. The antiallodynic action of β2 adrenergic agonists is known to require activation of the delta-opioid (DOP) receptor but better knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved is necessary. Using a mouse line in which DOP receptors were selectively ablated in neurons expressing Nav1.8 sodium channels (DOP cKO), we showed that these DOP peripheral receptors were necessary for the antiallodynic action of the β2 adrenergic agonist formoterol in the cuff model. Using a knock-in mouse line expressing a fluorescent version of the DOP receptor fused with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (DOPeGFP), we established in a previous study, that mechanical allodynia is associated with a smaller percentage of DOPeGFP positive small peptidergic sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia (DRG), with a reduced density of DOPeGFP positive free nerve endings in the skin and with increased DOPeGFP expression at the cell surface. Here, we showed that the density of DOPeGFP positive free nerve endings in the skin is partially restored and no increase in DOPeGFP translocation to the plasma membrane is observed in mice in which mechanical pain is alleviated upon chronic oral administration of formoterol. This study, therefore, extends our previous results by confirming that changes in the mechanical threshold are associated with changes in peripheral DOP profile. It also highlights the common impact on DOP receptors between serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors such as duloxetine and the β2 mimetic formoterol.journal article20192020 02 14importe

    Brain Struct Funct

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    Opioid receptors are G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that modulate brain function at all levels of neural integration, including autonomic, sensory, emotional and cognitive processing. Mu (MOR) and delta (DOR) opioid receptors functionally interact in vivo, but whether interactions occur at circuitry, cellular or molecular levels remains unsolved. To challenge the hypothesis of MOR/DOR heteromerization in the brain, we generated redMOR/greenDOR double knock-in mice and report dual receptor mapping throughout the nervous system. Data are organized as an interactive database offering an opioid receptor atlas with concomitant MOR/DOR visualization at subcellular resolution, accessible online. We also provide co-immunoprecipitation-based evidence for receptor heteromerization in these mice. In the forebrain, MOR and DOR are mainly detected in separate neurons, suggesting system-level interactions in high-order processing. In contrast, neuronal co-localization is detected in subcortical networks essential for survival involved in eating and sexual behaviors or perception and response to aversive stimuli. In addition, potential MOR/DOR intracellular interactions within the nociceptive pathway offer novel therapeutic perspectives

    Silkworm expression system as a platform technology in life science

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    Many recombinant proteins have been successfully produced in silkworm larvae or pupae and used for academic and industrial purposes. Several recombinant proteins produced by silkworms have already been commercialized. However, construction of a recombinant baculovirus containing a gene of interest requires tedious and troublesome steps and takes a long time (3–6 months). The recent development of a bacmid, Escherichia coli and Bombyx mori shuttle vector, has eliminated the conventional tedious procedures required to identify and isolate recombinant viruses. Several technical improvements, including a cysteine protease or chitinase deletion bacmid and chaperone-assisted expression and coexpression, have led to significantly increased protein yields and reduced costs for large-scale production. Terminal N-acetyl glucosamine and galactose residues were found in the N-glycan structures produced by silkworms, which are different from those generated by insect cells. Genomic elucidation of silkworm has opened a new chapter in utilization of silkworm. Transgenic silkworm technology provides a stable production of recombinant protein. Baculovirus surface display expression is one of the low-cost approaches toward silkworm larvae-derived recombinant subunit vaccines. The expression of pharmaceutically relevant proteins, including cell/viral surface proteins, membrane proteins, and guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein) coupled receptors, using silkworm larvae or cocoons has become very attractive. Silkworm biotechnology is an innovative and easy approach to achieve high protein expression levels and is a very promising platform technology in the field of life science. Like the “Silkroad,” we expect that the “Bioroad” from Asia to Europe will be established by the silkworm expression system

    A Novel G Protein-Coupled Receptor of Schistosoma mansoni (SmGPR-3) Is Activated by Dopamine and Is Widely Expressed in the Nervous System

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    Schistosomes have a well developed nervous system that coordinates virtually every activity of the parasite and therefore is considered to be a promising target for chemotherapeutic intervention. Neurotransmitter receptors, in particular those involved in neuromuscular control, are proven drug targets in other helminths but very few of these receptors have been identified in schistosomes and little is known about their roles in the biology of the worm. Here we describe a novel Schistosoma mansoni G protein-coupled receptor (named SmGPR-3) that was cloned, expressed heterologously and shown to be activated by dopamine, a well established neurotransmitter of the schistosome nervous system. SmGPR-3 belongs to a new clade of “orphan” amine-like receptors that exist in schistosomes but not the mammalian host. Further analysis of the recombinant protein showed that SmGPR-3 can also be activated by other catecholamines, including the dopamine metabolite, epinine, and it has an unusual antagonist profile when compared to mammalian receptors. Confocal immunofluorescence experiments using a specific peptide antibody showed that SmGPR-3 is abundantly expressed in the nervous system of schistosomes, particularly in the main nerve cords and the peripheral innervation of the body wall muscles. In addition, we show that dopamine, epinine and other dopaminergic agents have strong effects on the motility of larval schistosomes in culture. Together, the results suggest that SmGPR-3 is an important neuronal receptor and is probably involved in the control of motor activity in schistosomes. We have conducted a first analysis of the structure of SmGPR-3 by means of homology modeling and virtual ligand-docking simulations. This investigation has identified potentially important differences between SmGPR-3 and host dopamine receptors that could be exploited to develop new, parasite-selective anti-schistosomal drugs