142 research outputs found

    Rational Lagrangian fibrations on punctual Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces

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    A rational Lagrangian fibration f on an irreducible symplecitc variety V is a rational map which is birationally equivalent to a regular surjective morphism with Lagrangian fibers. By analogy with K3 surfaces, it is natural to expect that a rational Lagrangian fibration exists if and only if V has a divisor D with Bogomolov--Beauville square 0. This conjecture is proved in the case when V is the punctual Hilbert scheme of a generic algebraic K3 surface S. The construction of f uses a twisted Fourier--Mukai transform which induces a birational isomorphism of V with a certain moduli space of twisted sheaves on another K3 surface M, obtained from S as its Fourier--Mukai partner.Comment: Final version; minor change

    The Abel-Jacobi map for a cubic threefold and periods of Fano threefolds of degree 14

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    The Abel-Jacobi maps of the families of elliptic quintics and rational quartics lying on a smooth cubic threefold are studied. It is proved that their generic fiber is the 5-dimensional projective space for quintics, and a smooth 3-dimensional variety birational to the cubic itself for quartics. The paper is a continuation of the recent work of Markushevich-Tikhomirov, who showed that the first Abel-Jacobi map factors through the moduli component of stable rank 2 vector bundles on the cubic threefold with Chern numbers c1=0,c2=2c_1=0, c_2=2 obtained by Serre's construction from elliptic quintics, and that the factorizing map from the moduli space to the intermediate Jacobian is \'etale. The above result implies that the degree of the \'etale map is 1, hence the moduli component of vector bundles is birational to the intermediate Jacobian. As an applicaton, it is shown that the generic fiber of the period map of Fano varieties of degree 14 is birational to the intermediate Jacobian of the associated cubic threefold.Comment: Latex, 28 page

    New symplectic V-manifolds of dimension four via the relative compactified Prymian

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    Three new examples of 4-dimensional irreducible symplectic V-manifolds are constructed. Two of them are relative compactified Prymians of a family of genus-3 curves with involution, and the third one is obtained from a Prymian by Mukai's flop. They have the same singularities as two of Fujiki's examples, namely, 28 isolated singular points analytically equivalent to the Veronese cone of degree 8, but a different Euler number. The family of curves used in this construction forms a linear system on a K3 surface with involution. The structure morphism of both Prymians to the base of the family is a Lagrangian fibration in abelian surfaces with polarization of type (1,2). No example of such fibration is known on nonsingular irreducible symplectic varieties.Comment: 28 page
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