48 research outputs found

    Les intellectuels burundais face au piège de l’ethnisme

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    Le rôle habituellement attribué à un intellectuel libre et responsable est d’être un producteur d’idées objectives, et d’accepter de discuter avec la même objectivité les travaux scienti3ques de ses pairs. Si cet idéal-type est di4cile à atteindre dans toutes les sociétés, il l’est davantage dans une société ethniquement polarisée comme le Burundi. Piégés par un ethnisme violent qui a été construit et divulgué par les politiques qui ont géré le pays avant, pendant et après la colonisation, les intellectuels qui se sont prononcés sur les violences répétitives au Burundi ont, à quelques exceptions près, oublié leur identité nationale et se sont plutôt présentés comme les défenseurs de leur ethnie. C’est, en partie, ce qui explique le traitement partisan qu’ils ont réservé aux événements cataclysmiques qui ont endeuillé ce pays depuis plus d’un demi-siècle

    OPV strains circulation in HIV infected infants after National Immunisation Days in Bangui, Central African Republic

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Humans are the only host of polioviruses, thus the prospects of global polio eradication look reasonable. However, individuals with immunodeficiencies were shown to excrete vaccine derived poliovirus for long periods of time which led to reluctance to prolong the vaccination campaign for fear of this end result. Therefore, we aimed to assess the duration of excretion of poliovirus after the 2001 National Immunization Days according to Human immunodeficiency virus status.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Fifty three children were enrolled. Sequential stool samples were collected in between National Immunisation Days rounds and then every month during one year. Children were classified into 2 groups: no immunodepression (n = 38), immunodepression (n = 15) according to CD4+ lymphocytes cells count. Thirteen poliovirus strains were isolated from 11 children: 5 Human immunodeficiency virus positive and 6 Human immunodeficiency virus negative. None of the children excreted poliovirus for more than 4 weeks. The restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed that all strains were of Sabin origin including a unique Polio Sabine Vaccine types 2 and 3 (S2/S3) recombinant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From these findings we assume that Human immunodeficiency virus positive children are not a high risk population for long term poliovirus excretion. More powerful studies are needed to confirm our findings.</p

    Preparation and use of maize tassels’ activated carbon for the adsorption of phenolic compounds in environmental waste water samples

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    The determination and remediation of three phenolic compounds bisphenol A (BPA), ortho-nitrophenol (o-NTP), parachlorophenol (PCP) in wastewater is reported. The analysis of these molecules in wastewater was done using gas chromatography (GC) × GC time-of-flight mass spectrometry while activated carbon derived from maize tassel was used as an adsorbent. During the experimental procedures, the effect of various parameters such as initial concentration, pH of sample solution, eluent volume, and sample volume on the removal efficiency with respect to the three phenolic compounds was studied. The results showed that maize tassel produced activated carbon (MTAC) cartridge packed solid-phase extraction (SPE) system was able to remove the phenolic compounds effectively (90.84–98.49 %, 80.75–97.11 %, and 78.27–97.08 % for BPA, o-NTP, and PCP, respectively) . The MTAC cartridge packed SPE sorbent performance was compared to commercially produced C18 SPE cartridges and found to be comparable. All the parameters investigated were found to have a notable influence on the adsorption efficiency of the phenolic compounds from wastewaters at different magnitudes

    Performances de transfert des paquets technologiques en milieu rural: cas des ONGs locales

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    Malgre la dependance du Burundi au sectcur agri cole, I' agriculture ne s 'es! pas encore modernisee et continue it etre majorita irement une agriculture de subsistance, utilisant une technologic rudimentaire. Pour inverser la tendance. il fa ut developper des nouvelles techniques de production. Ainsi Ie Consortium for Improv ing Agric ulture-Based Live lihood in Cent ral Africa (CIALCA), soucieux de promouvoir Ie revenu des exploitants agricoles a mi s en place un paquet tec hnologique pour deve lopper la fIIi ere banane. Ce paquet est essentiellement constitue de la macro propagation de la banane, la lutte contre la BXW, la lutte contrc Ie BBTV, les techniques dc conservation de la fert ilite du sol et les nouvelles varietes de la banane. Ati n de transferer ce paquet vers Ie milieu paysan, Ie ClALCA s'est appuye sur les Organi sations Non Gouvernementales (ONGs). A cet effet, un protocole d'accord a ete signe entre CIALCA et les ONGs AGAKURA, ADIC, ADISCO et FLO REST A. Ce trava il a cte effectue dans les provi nces de Gitega (Communes !taba et Giheta ), Cibitoke (Commune Mugina) et Bubanza (Commune Gihanga), Pour tester Ie niveau d' adoption de ce paquet, une enquete a lite menee sur un echantillon de 92 agriculteurs encadres par ces ONGs. Les resultats de cette etude montrent que les ONGs ont des degres differents d'effi cac ite. respectivement, 36%, 30%, 90%, 33% pour ADIC. ADISCO, AGAKURA et FORESTA. Le taux globa l de I' adoption est de 59%. La regression logistique indique que Ie type d'encadrement, a travers les Champs Ecoles Paysan et la possession d' une activit'; non agricole augmentent la probabil ite d'adoption de la technologic. En revanche, I' approche participative serait incontournable dans I' elaboration des poliliqucs de vulgarisalion. Celte approche devrait eIre generalisee el encouragee en insistant sur I'approche Champs Ecole Paysan

    The Role of Land Records in Support of Post-Conflict Land Administration within overall State Building – the Case of Rwanda

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    An essential component of every land administration system are the land records. These records contain information about ownership, value and use of land. Conflict and post-conflict contexts, both in literature and in practice, have shown that land administration systems are mostly affected by the loss of land records and staff. Post-conflict contexts are characterized with: institutional weaknesses, economic and social problems and serious security problems. Based on a case study conducted in Rwanda, firstly the type, the format and the status of land records are discovered, and then those are related with the process of post-conflict state building. This relation is explored in depth in order to determine and describe the role of land records in support of post-conflict state building. Here specific attention is paid to the role that land records have in land dispute resolution in such contexts. Findings from this paper shows that a strong relation exists and that land records play a positive role in support of the post-conflict state building