4,448 research outputs found

    Dynamical effects of a one-dimensional multibarrier potential of finite range

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    We discuss the properties of a large number N of one-dimensional (bounded) locally periodic potential barriers in a finite interval. We show that the transmission coefficient, the scattering cross section σ\sigma, and the resonances of σ\sigma depend sensitively upon the ratio of the total spacing to the total barrier width. We also show that a time dependent wave packet passing through the system of potential barriers rapidly spreads and deforms, a criterion suggested by Zaslavsky for chaotic behaviour. Computing the spectrum by imposing (large) periodic boundary conditions we find a Wigner type distribution. We investigate also the S-matrix poles; many resonances occur for certain values of the relative spacing between the barriers in the potential

    Generalized Boltzmann Equation in a Manifestly Covariant Relativistic Statistical Mechanics

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    We consider the relativistic statistical mechanics of an ensemble of NN events with motion in space-time parametrized by an invariant ``historical time'' τ.\tau . We generalize the approach of Yang and Yao, based on the Wigner distribution functions and the Bogoliubov hypotheses, to find the approximate dynamical equation for the kinetic state of any nonequilibrium system to the relativistic case, and obtain a manifestly covariant Boltzmann-type equation which is a relativistic generalization of the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) equation for indistinguishable particles. This equation is then used to prove the HH-theorem for evolution in τ.\tau . In the equilibrium limit, the covariant forms of the standard statistical mechanical distributions are obtained. We introduce two-body interactions by means of the direct action potential V(q),V(q), where qq is an invariant distance in the Minkowski space-time. The two-body correlations are taken to have the support in a relative O(2,1)O( 2,1)-invariant subregion of the full spacelike region. The expressions for the energy density and pressure are obtained and shown to have the same forms (in terms of an invariant distance parameter) as those of the nonrelativistic theory and to provide the correct nonrelativistic limit

    Gravitational Repulsion within a Black-Hole using the Stueckelberg Quantum Formalism

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    We wish to study an application of Stueckelberg's relativistic quantum theory in the framework of general relativity. We study the form of the wave equation of a massive body in the presence of a Schwarzschild gravitational field. We treat the mathematical behavior of the wavefunction also around and beyond the horizon (r=2M). Classically, within the horizon, the time component of the metric becomes spacelike and distance from the origin singularity becomes timelike, suggesting an inevitable propagation of all matter within the horizon to a total collapse at r=0. However, the quantum description of the wave function provides a different understanding of the behavior of matter within the horizon. We find that a test particle can almost never be found at the origin and is more probable to be found at the horizon. Matter outside the horizon has a very small wave length and therefore interference effects can be found only on a very small atomic scale. However, within the horizon, matter becomes totally "tachionic" and is potentially "spread" over all space. Small location uncertainties on the atomic scale become large around the horizon, and different mass components of the wave function can therefore interfere on a stellar scale. This interference phenomenon, where the probability of finding matter decreases as a function of the distance from the horizon, appears as an effective gravitational repulsion.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Hypercomplex quantum mechanics

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    The fundamental axioms of the quantum theory do not explicitly identify the algebraic structure of the linear space for which orthogonal subspaces correspond to the propositions (equivalence classes of physical questions). The projective geometry of the weakly modular orthocomplemented lattice of propositions may be imbedded in a complex Hilbert space; this is the structure which has traditionally been used. This paper reviews some work which has been devoted to generalizing the target space of this imbedding to Hilbert modules of a more general type. In particular, detailed discussion is given of the simplest generalization of the complex Hilbert space, that of the quaternion Hilbert module.Comment: Plain Tex, 11 page

    Towards a Realistic Equation of State of Strongly Interacting Matter

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    We consider a relativistic strongly interacting Bose gas. The interaction is manifested in the off-shellness of the equilibrium distribution. The equation of state that we obtain for such a gas has the properties of a realistic equation of state of strongly interacting matter, i.e., at low temperature it agrees with the one suggested by Shuryak for hadronic matter, while at high temperature it represents the equation of state of an ideal ultrarelativistic Stefan-Boltzmann gas, implying a phase transition to an effectively weakly interacting phase.Comment: LaTeX, figures not include

    Measurement Theory in Lax-Phillips Formalism

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    It is shown that the application of Lax-Phillips scattering theory to quantum mechanics provides a natural framework for the realization of the ideas of the Many-Hilbert-Space theory of Machida and Namiki to describe the development of decoherence in the process of measurement. We show that if the quantum mechanical evolution is pointwise in time, then decoherence occurs only if the Hamiltonian is time-dependent. If the evolution is not pointwise in time (as in Liouville space), then the decoherence may occur even for closed systems. These conclusions apply as well to the general problem of mixing of states.Comment: 14 pages, IASSNS-HEP 93/6

    Equilibrium Relativistic Mass Distribution for Indistinguishable Events

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    A manifestly covariant relativistic statistical mechanics of the system of NN indistinguishable events with motion in space-time parametrized by an invariant ``historical time'' τ\tau is considered. The relativistic mass distribution for such a system is obtained from the equilibrium solution of the generalized relativistic Boltzmann equation by integration over angular and hyperbolic angular variables. All the characteristic averages are calculated. Expressions for the pressure and the density of events are found and the relativistic equation of state is obtained. The Galilean limit is considered; the theory is shown to pass over to the usual nonrelativistic statistical mechanics of indistinguishable particles.Comment: TAUP-2115-9

    Schwinger Algebra for Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics

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    It is shown that the measurement algebra of Schwinger, a characterization of the properties of Pauli measurements of the first and second kinds, forming the foundation of his formulation of quantum mechanics over the complex field, has a quaternionic generalization. In this quaternionic measurement algebra some of the notions of quaternionic quantum mechanics are clarified. The conditions imposed on the form of the corresponding quantum field theory are studied, and the quantum fields are constructed. It is shown that the resulting quantum fields coincide with the fermion or boson annihilation-creation operators obtained by Razon and Horwitz in the limit in which the number of particles in physical states NN \to \infty.Comment: 20 pages, Plain Te

    Approximate resonance states in the semigroup decomposition of resonance evolution

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    The semigroup decomposition formalism makes use of the functional model for C.0C_{.0} class contractive semigroups for the description of the time evolution of resonances. For a given scattering problem the formalism allows for the association of a definite Hilbert space state with a scattering resonance. This state defines a decomposition of matrix elements of the evolution into a term evolving according to a semigroup law and a background term. We discuss the case of multiple resonances and give a bound on the size of the background term. As an example we treat a simple problem of scattering from a square barrier potential on the half-line.Comment: LaTex 22 pages 3 figure