1,286 research outputs found

    Suprathermal electron isotropy in high-beta solar wind and its role in heat flux dropouts

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    [1] Time variations in plasma beta and a parameter which measures isotropy in suprathermal electron pitch angle distributions show a remarkably close correspondence throughout the solar wind. The finding implies that high-beta plasma, with its multiple magnetic holes and sharp field and plasma gradients, is conducive to electron pitch-angle scattering, which reduces heat flux from the Sun without field-line disconnection. Thus the finding impacts our understanding of signatures we use to determine magnetic topology in the heliosphere

    The chiral and flavour projection of Dirac-Kahler fermions in the geometric discretization

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    It is shown that an exact chiral symmetry can be described for Dirac-Kahler fermions using the two complexes of the geometric discretization. This principle is extended to describe exact flavour projection and it is shown that this necessitates the introduction of a new operator and two new structures of complex. To describe simultaneous chiral and flavour projection, eight complexes are needed in all and it is shown that projection leaves a single flavour of chiral field on each.Comment: v2: 17 pages, Latex. 5 images eps. Added references, reformatted and clarification of some point

    Continuing data analysis of the AS/E grazing incidence X-ray telescope experiment on the OSO-4 satellite

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    The work to correct and extend the calculation of the theoretical solar X-ray spectrum produced during earlier OSO-4 data analysis is reported along with the work to formulate models of active regions, and compare these models with the experimental values. An atlas of solar X-ray photographs is included, and solar X-ray observations are correlated with the solar wind

    Solar source regions of 3HE-rich particle events

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    Hydrogen alpha X-ray, and metric and kilometric radio data to examine the solar sources of energetic 3He-rich particle events observed near earth in association with impulsive 2 to 100 keV electron events were applied. Each 3He/electron event is associated with a kilometric type 3 burst belonging to a family of such bursts characterized by similar interplanetary propagation paths from the same solar active region. The 3He/electron events correlate very well with the interplanetary low frequency radio brightnesses of these events, but progressively worse with signatures from regions closer to the Sun. When H alpha brightnings can be associated with 3He/electron events, they have onsets coinciding to within 1 min of that of the associated metric type 3 burst but are often too small to be reported. The data are consistent with the earlier idea that many type 3 bursts, the 3He/electron events, are due to particle acceleration in the corona, well above the associated H alpha and X-ray flares

    Heliospheric plasma sheets

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    [1] As a high-beta feature on scales of hours or less, the heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS) encasing the heliospheric current sheet shows a high degree of variability. A study of 52 sector boundaries identified in electron pitch angle spectrograms in Wind data from 1995 reveals that only half concur with both high-beta plasma and current sheets, as required for an HPS. The remaining half lack either a plasma sheet or current sheet or both. A complementary study of 37 high-beta events reveals that only 5 contain sector boundaries while nearly all (34) contain local magnetic field reversals, however brief. We conclude that high-beta plasma sheets surround current sheets but that most of these current sheets are associated with fields turned back on themselves. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that high-beta plasma sheets, both at and away from sector boundaries, are the heliospheric counterparts of the small coronal transients observed at the tips of helmet streamers, in which case the proposed mechanism for their release, interchange reconnection, could be responsible for the field inversions

    Testing the Effectiveness of Lecture Capture Technology Using Prior GPA as a Performance Indicator

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    This empirical study examines whether making lecture capture technology available in a face-to-face lecture environment can improve students’ ability to learn the course material. We examine student performance in undergraduate principles courses in computer science and economics. However, rather than simply comparing average course grades between lecture capture and non-lecture capture classes, we use student grade point average (GPA) as a predictor of course grades earned in non-lecture capture classes and lecture capture classes taught by the same professors using the same course materials. Our results imply that making lecture capture technology available in face-to-face lectures does not appear to impact high GPA students’ ability to learn the course material one way or the other. However, low GPA students in one of the lecture capture courses earned significantly lower grades relative to low GPA students in the non-lecture capture class

    Variations of Heavy Ion Abundances Relative to Proton Abundances in Large Solar Energetic (E \u3e 10 MeV) Particle Events

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    The elemental composition of heavy ions (with atomic number Z \u3e 2) (hi-Z) in large gradual E \u3e 10 MeV nuc-1 SEP events has been extensively studied in the 2-15 MeV nuc-1 range to determine the acceleration processes and transport properties of SEPs. These studies invariably are based on abundances relative to those of a single element such as C or O and often neglect H and He, the elements of primary interest for space weather. The total radiation of an SEP event is determined not only by the H and He properties but also by those of hi-Z ions whose abundances and variations relative to H from one event to another are unknown. We report a study to determine those variations in a group of 15 large SEP events over the period 2000 to 2015. Five hi-Z ions (He, C, O, Mg, & Fe) were selected to determine variations of their fluences relative to those of H in the 13.5-50.7 MeV nuc-1 energy range for each SEP event. Our average hi-Z abundance ratios slightly exceed those reported by [1] at lower energies, with the Fe event abundances showing the largest standard deviation of an order of magnitude. The event abundances were weakly correlated with H fluences and strongly correlated with speeds Vcme of associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These correlations may be evidence of streaming limits in the shock regions of H in the largest events

    Streaming flow by oscillating bubbles: Quantitative diagnostics via particle tracking velocimetry

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    Oscillating microbubbles can be used as microscopic agents. Using external acoustic fields they are able to set the surrounding fluid into motion, Erode surfaces and even to carry particles attached to their interfaces. Although the acoustic streaming flow that the bubble generates in its vicinity has been often observed, it has never been measured and quantitatively compared with the available theoretical models. The scarcity of quantitative data is partially due to the strong three-dimensional character of bubble-induced streaming flows, which demands advanced velocimetry techniques. In this work, we present quantitative measurements of the flow generated by single and pairs of acoustically excited sessile microbubbles using a three-dimensional particle tracking technique. Using this novel experimental approach we are able to obtain the bubble's resonant oscillating frequency, study the boundaries of the linear oscillation regime, give predictions on the flow strength and the shear in the surrounding surface and study the flow and the stability of a two-bubble system. Our results show that velocimetry techniques are a suitable tool to make diagnostics on the dynamics of acoustically excited microbubbles
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