559 research outputs found

    Water-resource records of Brevard County, Florida

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    The U. S. Geological Survey made a comprehensive investigation of the water resources of Brevard County from 1954 to 1958. The purposes of this investigation were: (1) to determine the occurrence and chemical quality of water in the streams and lakes, (2) to determine the location and the thickness of aquifers, and (3) to determine the occurrence and chemical quality of the ground water. During the period from 1933 to 1954, water records were collected from a few stream-gaging stations and a few observation wells. The purpose of this report is to present basic data collected during these investigations. (Document has 188 pages.

    New Aquatic Beetle Records for Canada (Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae)

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    Three species of aquatic beetle, Peltodytes simplex (LeConte) (Haliplidae), Agabus oblongulus Fall (Dytiscidae) (both from southern British Columbia) and Ilybius oblitus Sharp (Dytiscidae) (from southern Ontario) are confirmed as members of the Canadian fauna based on specimens deposited in the Spencer Entomological Museum at the University of British Columbia

    Bilingual Learning for Second and Third Generation Children

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    Throughout the English-speaking world, children from bilingual backgrounds are being educated in mainstream classrooms where they have little or no opportunity to use their mother tongue. Second and third generation children, in particular, are assumed to be learning sufficiently through English only. This study investigated how British Bangladeshi children, learning Bengali in after-school classes but mostly more fluent in English than in their mother tongue, responded when able to use their full language repertoire within the mainstream curriculum. Through action research with mainstream and community language class teachers, bilingual literacy and numeracy tasks were devised and carried out with pupils aged seven to eleven in two East London primary schools. The bilingual activities were videorecorded and analysed qualitatively to identify the strategies used. The following cognitive and cultural benefits of bilingual learning discovered by researchers in other contexts were also found to apply in this particular setting: conceptual transfer, enriched understanding through translation, metalinguistic awareness, bicultural knowledge and building bilingual learner identities. The findings suggest that second and third generation children should be enabled to learn bilingually, and appropriate strategies are put forward for use in the mainstream classroom

    Insights into the Pathogenesis of Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma through Genome-wide DNA Methylation Profiling.

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    Aberrant DNA methylation patterns in malignant cells allow insight into tumor evolution and development and can be used for disease classification. Here, we describe the genome-wide DNA methylation signatures of NPM-ALK-positive (ALK+) and NPM-ALK-negative (ALK-) anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALCL). We find that ALK+ and ALK- ALCL share common DNA methylation changes for genes involved in T cell differentiation and immune response, including TCR and CTLA-4, without an ALK-specific impact on tumor DNA methylation in gene promoters. Furthermore, we uncover a close relationship between global ALCL DNA methylation patterns and those in distinct thymic developmental stages and observe tumor-specific DNA hypomethylation in regulatory regions that are enriched for conserved transcription factor binding motifs such as AP1. Our results indicate similarity between ALCL tumor cells and thymic T cell subsets and a direct relationship between ALCL oncogenic signaling and DNA methylation through transcription factor induction and occupancy.G.E. was funded by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) (P 27616 and V 102). M.R.H. was supported by a L’Oréal for Women in Science grant. S.D.T. receives funding from Bloodwise (formerly Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research). L.K. has been funded by the FWF (P 26011 and P 29251), as well as the MSCA-ITN-2015-ETN ALKATRAS (No. 675712). D.J.W. is a paid consultant for Zymo Research Corporation.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier (Cell Press) via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.09.01

    Patient-derived xenograft models of ALK+ ALCL reveal preclinical promise for therapy with brigatinib

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    Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a T-cell malignancy predominantly driven by the oncogenic anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK), accounting for approximately 15% of all paediatric non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Patients with central nervous system (CNS) relapse are particularly difficult to treat with a 3-year overall survival of 49% and a median survival of 23.5 months. The second-generation ALK inhibitor brigatinib shows superior penetration of the blood–brain barrier unlike the first-generation drug crizotinib and has shown promising results in ALK+ non-small-cell lung cancer. However, the benefits of brigatinib in treating aggressive paediatric ALK+ ALCL are largely unknown. We established a patient-derived xenograft (PDX) resource from ALK+ ALCL patients at or before CNS relapse serving as models to facilitate the development of future therapies. We show in vivo that brigatinib is effective in inducing the remission of PDX models of crizotinib-resistant (ALK C1156Y, TP53 loss) ALCL and furthermore that it is superior to crizotinib as a second-line approach to the treatment of a standard chemotherapy relapsed/refractory ALCL PDX pointing to brigatinib as a future therapeutic option.</p

    Comparison of Autoclave and Out-of-Autoclave Composites

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Exploration Systems Mission Directorate initiated an Advanced Composite Technology Project through the Exploration Technology Development Program in order to support the polymer composite needs for future heavy lift launch architectures. As an example, the large composite dry structural applications on Ares V inspired the evaluation of autoclave and out-of-autoclave (OOA) composite materials. A NASA and industry team selected the most appropriate materials based on component requirements for a heavy lift launch vehicle. Autoclaved and OOA composites were fabricated and results will highlight differences in processing conditions, laminate quality, as well as initial room temperature thermal and mechanical performance. Results from this study compare solid laminates that were both fiber-placed and hand-laid. Due to the large size of heavy-lift launch vehicle composite structures, there is significant potential that the uncured composite material or prepreg will experience significant out-life during component fabrication. Therefore, prepreg out-life was a critical factor examined in this comparison. In order to rigorously test material suppliers recommended out-life, the NASA/Industry team extended the out-time of the uncured composite prepreg to values that were approximately 50% beyond the manufacturers out-time limits. Early results indicate that the OOA prepreg composite materials suffered in both composite quality and mechanical property performance from their extended out-time. However, the OOA materials performed similarly to the autoclaved composites when processed within a few days of exposure to ambient "shop" floor handling. Follow on studies evaluating autoclave and OOA aluminum honeycomb core sandwich composites are planned

    From Bengali to English: sequential bilingualism of a second-generation British Bangladeshi

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    The paper discusses sequential language acquisition of the researcher's daughter Safa who transformed from a monolingual Bengali speaker to an almost monolingual English speaker in a few months after moving to the UK. Safa was born in Bangladesh and was a monolingual Bengali speaker until she was three years and nine months when the family moved to the UK. Unlike most research on sequential bilingualism, Safa's transition from Bengali to English went through a period of an invented language, which she developed and used for a few months. Safa then underwent language shift as Bengali became her passive language. Safa's loss of fluency in Bengali was mainly due to the absence of Bengali linguistic environment, because her family lived outside the community. Safa's mother's indifference to Bangladeshi ethnicity and her parents’ positive attitude towards Britishness meant that her decline in Bengali did not cause them much concern. Despite the lack of proficiency in Bengali, Safa still retains a strong ethnic Bangladeshi identity. Tabors and Snow’s four-stage developmental process of sequential second-language acquisition has been applied to find the similarities and differences in Safa's case, while language maintenance and shift theories have contributed to the analysis of the process of her language shift

    Kindlin-3 maintains marginal zone B cells but confines follicular B cell activation and differentiation

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    Integrin-mediated interactions between hematopoietic cells and their microenvironment are important for the development and function of immune cells. Here, the role of the integrin adaptor Kindlin-3 in B cell homeostasis is studied. Comparing the individual steps of B cell development in B cell-specific Kindlin-3 or alpha4 integrin knockout mice, we found in both conditions a phenotype of reduced late immature, mature, and recirculating B cells in the bone marrow. In the spleen, constitutive B cell-specific Kindlin-3 knockout caused a loss of marginal zone B cells and an unexpected expansion of follicular B cells. Alpha4 integrin deficiency did not induce this phenotype. In Kindlin-3 knockout B cells VLA-4 as well as LFA-1-mediated adhesion was abrogated, and short-term homing of these cells in vivo was redirected to the spleen. Upon inducible Kindlin-3 knockout, marginal zone B cells were lost due to defective retention within 2 weeks, while follicular B cell numbers were unaltered. Kindlin-3 deficient follicular B cells displayed higher IgD, CD40, CD44, CXCR5, and EBI2 levels, and elevated PI3K signaling upon CXCR5 stimulation. They also showed transcriptional signatures of spontaneous follicular B cell activation. This activation manifested in scattered germinal centers in situ, early plasmablasts differentiation, and signs of IgG class switch