21 research outputs found

    Oncogene homologue Sch9 promotes age-dependent mutations by a superoxide and Rev1/Polζ-dependent mechanism

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    Oncogenes contribute to tumorigenesis by promoting growth and inhibiting apoptosis. Here we examine the function of Sch9, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue of the mammalian Akt and S6 kinase, in DNA damage and genomic instability during aging in nondividing cells. Attenuation of age-dependent increases in base substitutions, small DNA insertions/deletions, and gross chromosomal rearrangements (GCRs) in sch9Δ mutants is associated with increased mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) expression, decreased DNA oxidation, reduced REV1 expression and translesion synthesis, and elevated resistance to oxidative stress-induced mutagenesis. Deletion of REV1, the lack of components of the error-prone Polζ, or the overexpression of SOD1 or SOD2 is sufficient to reduce age-dependent point mutations in SCH9 overexpressors, but REV1 deficiency causes a major increase in GCRs. These results suggest that the proto-oncogene homologue Sch9 promotes the accumulation of superoxide-dependent DNA damage in nondividing cells, which induces error-prone DNA repair that generates point mutations to avoid GCRs and cell death during the first round of replication

    Propriedades mecânicas e morfologia de blendas de polipropileno com Tpes Morphology and mechanical properties of polypropylenes/Tpes blends

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    Blendas de polipropileno e elastômeros termoplásticos (TPEs), estireno-b-butadieno-b-estireno (SBS) e estireno-b-etileno-co-butileno-b-estireno(SEBS) foram preparadas com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do tipo e da concentração do elastômero nas propriedades mecânicas e na morfologia das blendas. Foram utilizados dois tipos de polipropileno, um homopolímero de propileno (PP-H) e um copolímero randômico de propileno-etileno (PP-R), sendo avaliado também o efeito das características da matriz termoplástica. O elastômero termoplástico aumentou a resistência ao impacto do PP, e a variação da rigidez das blendas foi dependente somente da quantidade de TPE adicionada, sendo estas comparativamente mais rígidas que aquelas com igual teor de elastômero convencional, tipo EPDM e EPR. A blenda com melhor balanço rigidez-impacto foi aquela de PP-R com 10% de SEBS. As blendas do copolímero de propileno-etileno com os TPEs apresentaram maior deformação do que aquelas com o homopolímero, devido à natureza menos cristalina da matriz do copolímero de propileno. As blendas tanto do homo quanto do copolímero de propileno com SEBS ficaram mais homogêneas em função da maior afinidade do bloco central poliolefínico EB (etileno-co-butileno) do primeiro com a região amorfa da matriz, sendo esta mais significativa no PP-R.<br>Blends of polypropylene and thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) and styrene-ethylene-co-butene-styrene (SEBS) triblock copolymers were prepared to evaluate the effect of the elastomer and its concentration on the material properties. For this purpose, a polypropylene homopolymer (PP-H) and a propylene-ethylene random copolymer (PP-R) were used to evaluate the matrix effect on the tensile properties and morphology of the blends. The addition of TPEs to PP promotes increase on impact resistance and the PP-R/SEBS 10%wt blend showed the best balance in stiffness-impact resistance. The morphology of binary blends was similar to elastomeric domains dispersed into the PP matrix and changed as the TPE type and concentration varied. The size of SEBS domains was more homogeneous than the SBS' in both PP matrices due to the high affinity between the polyolefinic EB (ethylene-butene) middle block of the SEBS with the PP amorphous fraction