6,029 research outputs found

    High-frequency collective excitations in molten and glassy Te studied by inelastic neutron scattering

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    7 págs.; 5 figs.; 1 tab. ; PACS number s : 61.25.Mv, 61.43.Er, 61.20.Lc, 61.12. qhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.73.094201The spectra of collective excitations of liquid and glassy tellurium have been studied by means of inelastic neutron scattering. Here we report on the dynamics of liquid Te as measured at two different temperatures, just above melting (Tm =723 K) and at ∼1000 K as well as the glass that is studied at room temperature. Estimates for the velocity of propagating excitations for both temperatures have been obtained from the experimental data, and a contrasting behavior is found with respect to anomalies shown by the adiabatic sound velocity measured by ultrasound methods. The origin of such differences is finally discussed. © 2006 The American Physical Society.This work was supported in part by Grant No. MAT2002- 04178-C04 SpainPeer Reviewe

    Valor nutricional de los ácidos grasos de los peces de agua dulce neotropicales Prochilodus magdalenae, Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum y Ageneiosus pardalis

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    This study aimed to determine the nutritional value of the fatty acids in the freshwater fish Prochilodus magdalenae, Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum and Ageneiosus pardalis during dry and wet Neotropical seasons with the view to generate useful information for nutrition and sustainable commercial exploitation. The analysis of fatty acids was performed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and the nutritional value was calculated using five estimators: n-6/n-3 ratio, unsaturation index (UI), atherogenicity index (AI), thrombogenicity index (TI) and ratio of hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic (h/H) fatty acids. A different number of fatty acids (P. magdaleniatum = 50, P. magdalenae = 41, and A. pardalis = 32) was identified for each species and the average abundance percentages were different in the two seasons (p < 0.05). Prochilodus magdalenae and P. magdaleniatum showed healthy n-6/n-3 ratios (1.04 and 2.72) in the different seasons. Although the three species showed low values of UI (0.37–0.63), the remaining nutritional indexes were within the healthy range (AI: 0.04–0.70, TI: 0.66–1.07, h/H: 0.80 – 24.40). Multivariate analysis showed similar healthy nutritional values for the species, with exception of P. magdaleniatum.En este estudio se determinó el valor nutricional de ácidos grasos presentes en las especies P. magdaleniatum, P. magdalenae y A. pardalis en los periodos lluvioso y seco, con el fin de generar información útil para una nutrición saludable y una explotación comercial sostenible. El análisis de los ácidos grasos se realizó por CG-EM y el valor nutricional se estimó mediante relación n-6/n-3, índices de insaturación (II), aterogenicidad (IA), trombogenicidad (IT) y relación de ácidos grasos hipocolesterolémicos/hipercolesterolémicos (h/H). Se identificaron números diferentes de ácidos grasos en cada especie (P. magdaleniatum = 50, P. magdalenae = 41 and A. pardalis = 32) y las medias de los porcentajes mayoritarios fueron diferentes en los dos periodos (p < 0,05). Las especies P. magdalenae y P. magdaleniatum mostraron relaciones n-6/n-3 saludables (1,04 y 2,72) en periodos diferentes. Aunque las tres especies mostraron valores II bajos (0,37-0,63), los demás índices IA (0,04-0,70), TI (0,66-1,07) y h/H (0,80 – 24,40) están dentro del rango saludable. El análisis multivariante mostró valores nutricionales similares en dos especies excepto P. magdaleniatum

    Un instrumento de apoyo al emprendedurismo en Argentina: el facilitador de flujos de proyectos

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    Trabajo presentado al XIII Seminario Latino-Iberoamericano de Gestión Tecnológica: "Innovación para el desarrollo sostenible" celebrado en Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) del 25 al 27 de Noviembre 2009.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo caracterizar a un nuevo actor que brinde apoyo a emprendedores con propuestas de generación de empresas de base tecnológicas (EBTs) surgidas desde las instituciones de Ciencia y Tecnología en Argentina. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas a actores calificados provenientes de los distintos entornos del sistema argentino de innovación y de otros países iberoamericanos así como un taller con representantes de organismos de Vinculación Tecnológica de universidades argentinas. Entre los entrevistados se incluyeron especialistas provenientes de oficinas de vinculación de universidades y centros de investigación, incubadoras de empresas, bancos, fondos de inversión de riesgo, consultores privados, y creadores de EBTs. Para sistematizar las entrevistas se estableció un cuestionario con un conjunto de preguntas, algunas cerradas y otras abiertas. Como resultados se presentan los principales condicionantes identificados que frenan el surgimiento de EBTs académicas, una breve caracterización de servicios y/o capacidades disponibles para superarlos en los organismos actuales y las características básicas propuestas para el nuevo actor. Finalmente se incluyen conclusiones sobre las posibilidades de actuación del nuevo actor, su conformación y condicionantes sobre los que podrá actuar con éxito y los que no, así como su pertenencia y/o su relación con los actuales actores del sistema de innovación.Peer reviewe

    Stochastic dynamics in molten potassium explored by polarized quasielastic neutron scattering

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    10 págs.; 8 figs. ; PACS number s : 61.25.Mv, 66.10. x, 66.30.Fq, 65.20. wThe coherent Sc (Q,ω) and single-particle Ss (Q,ω) dynamic structure factors which contribute to the low-energy spectrum of molten potassium are separated by means of neutron polarization analysis. The linewidth and amplitude of the single-particle spectra follow an apparent sub-Fickian behavior, with a diffusion coefficient below the value found by macroscopic means. Once this is accounted for, the results are found to conform with predictions made from kinetic theory. Also, the available theoretical recipes to account for the coherent quasielastic intensity are seen to reproduce the experimental observations within a region of momentum transfers located about the location where the static structure factor shows its main peak. From the measured data as well as from computer simulation results which are validated by comparison to measurement, a clear separation of time scales involving rapid rattling motions within the liquid cages from diffusional processes involving collective or single-particle rearrangements is established. © 2007 The American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Microscopic dynamics in molten Ni: Experimental scrutiny of embedded-atom-potential simulations

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    11 págs.; 10 figs. ; PACS number s : 66.10. x, 66.20. d, 63.20.LsThe stochastic dynamics in molten nickel is studied by neutron scattering. The quasielastic spectrum shows two distinct components having disparate linewidths. The wave-vector dependence of the narrow component is shown to arise from incoherent scattering at low momentum transfers. In turn, the spectral half-width of the wider component shows a modulation with wave vector characteristic of coherent quasielastic scattering. The analysis of both components provides direct experimental estimates for the self-diffusion coefficient, as well as the effective particle diameter. The experimental data are then used to validate computer simulation results which are derived using an embedded-atom potential. Such results are also employed to explore regions in frequency-wave-vector space not easily amenable to experiment. In addition, simulation results are also compared with data pertaining to the collective motions. Such an exercise reveals the need to develop a further level in the memory function expansion of the coherent dynamic structure factor. The implications of such findings for our current understanding of the dynamics of liquid metals are finally assessed. © 2007 The American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Detenninación de humedad en cereales y derivados por calentamiento con microondas y análisis de hidroximetilfurfural (HMF) formado

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    EL horno microondas ha sido usado para evaluar el tiempo y preclslOn en la determinación de humedad de granos de trigo y arroz, harina de trigo, pan blanco y galletas. Los resultados fueron comparados con el metodo estandard de estufa de aire. El tiempo para las muestras de granos de trigo y arroz fue de 40 y 60 minutos respectivamente y de 15 minutos para el resto de los productos. Sin embargo, la precisión obtenida para todas las muestras, fue menor que con estufa de aire. Se determinó HMF en muestras de harina desecadas por ambos métodos y los resultados mostraron valores considerablemente más elevados en la desecación mediante microondas.A study was conducted to evaluate the use and accuracy of domestic microwave oven for quick moisture determination of wheat and rice grains, wheat flour, sliced white bread and biscuits. The results were compared with the standard air-oven method. A decrease in drying time was achieved using the microwave oven. For wheat and rice grains the drying times were 40 and 60 min repectively, and 15 min for the cereal products, although coefficients of variation were lower in the air oven. Hydroxyrnethylfurfural (HMF) was deterrnined in flour samples dried by both methods. The results were considerately higher by microwave oven

    Towards the optimisation of ceramic-based microbial fuel cells: A three-factor three-level response surface analysis design

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    © 2019 The Authors Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are an environment-friendly technology, which addresses two of the most important environmental issues worldwide: fossil fuel depletion and water scarcity. Modelling is a useful tool that allows us to understand the behaviour of MFCs and predict their performance, yet the number of MFC models that could accurately inform a scale-up process, is low. In this work, a three-factor three-level Box–Behnken design is used to evaluate the influence of different operating parameters on the performance of air-breathing ceramic-based MFCs fed with human urine. The statistical analysis of the 45 tests run shows that both anode area and external resistance have more influence on the power output than membrane thickness, in the range studied. The theoretical optimal conditions were found at a membrane thickness of 1.55 mm, an external resistance of 895.59 Ω and an anode area of 165.72 cm2, corresponding to a maximum absolute power generation of 467.63 μW. The accuracy of the second order model obtained is 88.6%. Thus, the three-factor three-level Box–Behnken-based model designed is an effective tool which provides key information for the optimisation of the energy harvesting from MFC technology and saves time in terms of experimental work
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