168 research outputs found

    Morainal Bank Evolution and Impact on Terminus Dynamics During a Tidewater Glacier Stillstand

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    Sedimentary processes are known to help facilitate tidewater glacier advance, but their role in modulating retreat is uncertain and poorly quantified. In this study we use repeated seafloor bathymetric surveys and satellite‐derived terminus positions from LeConte Glacier, Alaska, to evaluate the evolution of a morainal bank and related changes in terminus dynamics over a 17‐year period. The glacier experienced a rapid retreat between 1994 and 1999, before stabilizing at a constriction in the fjord. Since then, the glacier terminus has remained stabilized while constructing a morainal bank up to 140 m high in water depths of 240–260 m, with rates of sediment delivery of 3.3 Å~ 105 to 3.8 Å~ 105 m3 a−1. Based on repeated interannual surveys between 2016 and 2018, the moraine is a dynamic feature characterized by push ridges, evidence of active gravity flows, and bulldozing by the glacier at rates of up to meters per day. Beginning in 2016, the summertime terminus has become increasingly retracted, revealing a newly emerging basin potentially signaling the onset of renewed retreat. Between 2000 and 2016, the growing moraine reduced the exposed submarine area of the terminus by up to 22%, altered the geometry of the terminus during seasonal advances, and altered the terminus stress balance. These feedbacks for calving, melting, and ice flow likely represent mechanisms whereby moraine growth may delay glacier retreat, in a system where readvance is unlikely.This work was supported by NSF Arctic Natural Sciences Grants OPP—1503910, 1504191, 1504288, and 1504521. National Geographic CP4‐171R‐17 to E. Pettit and J. Nash helped support 2018 cruise logistics.Ye

    Direct observations of submarine melt and subsurface geometry at a tidewater glacier

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    Ice loss from the world’s glaciers and ice sheets contributes to sea level rise, influences ocean circulation, and affects ecosystem productivity. Ongoing changes in glaciers and ice sheets are driven by submarine melting and iceberg calving from tidewater glacier margins.Ice loss from the world’s glaciers and ice sheets contributes to sea level rise, influences ocean circulation, and affects ecosystem productivity. Ongoing changes in glaciers and ice sheets are driven by submarine melting and iceberg calving from tidewater glacier margins. However, predictions of glacier change largely rest on unconstrained theory for submarine melting. Here, we use repeat multibeam sonar surveys to image a subsurface tidewater glacier face and document a time-variable, three-dimensional geometry linked to melting and calving patterns. Submarine melt rates are high across the entire ice face over both seasons surveyed and increase from spring to summer. The observed melt rates are up to two orders of magnitude greater than predicted by theory, challenging current simulations of ice loss from tidewater glaciers.Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA. 2 College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA. 3 Department of Natural Sciences, University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK 99801, USA. 4 Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78758, USA. 5 Department of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA. 6 Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] †Present address: Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA.Ye

    Comparative analysis of multiple inducible phages from Mannheimia haemolytica

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    © 2015 Niu et al. Background: Mannheimia haemolytica is a commensal bacterium that resides in the upper respiratory tract of cattle that can play a role in bovine respiratory disease. Prophages are common in the M. haemolytica genome and contribute significantly to host diversity. The objective of this research was to undertake comparative genomic analysis of phages induced from strains of M. haemolytica serotype A1 (535A and 2256A), A2 (587A and 1127A) and A6 (1152A and 3927A). Results: Overall, four P2-like (535AP1, 587AP1, 1127AP1 and 2256AP1; genomes: 34.9-35.7 kb; G+C content: 41.5-42.1 %; genes: 51-53 coding sequences, CDSs), four λ-like (535AP2, 587AP2, 1152AP2 and 3927AP1; genomes: 48.6-52.1 kb; 41.1-41.4 % mol G+C; genes: 77-83 CDSs and 2 tRNAs) and one Mu-like (3927AP2; genome: 33.8 kb; 43.1 % mol G+C; encoding 50 CDSs) phages were identified. All P2-like phages are collinear with the temperate phage φMhaA1-PHL101 with 535AP1, 2256AP1 and 1152AP1 being most closely related, followed by 587AP1 and 1127AP1. Lambdoid phages are not collinear with any other known λ-type phages, with 587AP2 being distinct from 535AP2, 3927AP1 and 1152AP2. All λ-like phages contain genes encoding a toxin-antitoxin (TA) system and cell-associated haemolysin XhlA. The Mu-like phage induced from 3927A is closely related to the phage remnant φMhaMu2 from M. haemolytica PHL21, with similar Mu-like phages existing in the genomes of M. haemolytica 535A and 587A. Conclusions: This is among the first reports of both λ- and Mu-type phages being induced from M. haemolytica. Compared to phages induced from commensal strains of M. haemolytica serotype A2, those induced from the more virulent A1 and A6 serotypes are more closely related. Moreover, when P2-, λ- and Mu-like phages co-existed in the M. haemolytica genome, only P2- and λ-like phages were detected upon induction, suggesting that Mu-type phages may be more resistant to induction. Toxin-antitoxin gene cassettes in λ-like phages may contribute to their genomic persistence or the establishment of persister subpopulations of M. haemolytica. Further work is required to determine if the cell-associated haemolysin XhlA encoded by λ-like phages contributes to the pathogenicity and ecological fitness of M. haemolytica

    Discharge Estimation From Dense Arrays of Pressure Transducers

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    In situ river discharge estimation is a critical component of studying rivers. A dominant method for establishing discharge monitoring in situ is a temporary gauge, which uses a rating curve to relate stage to discharge. However, this approach is constrained by cost and the time to develop the stage-discharge rating curve, as rating curves rely on numerous flow measurements at high and low stages. Here, we offer a novel alternative approach to traditional temporary gauges: estimating Discharge via Arrays of Pressure Transducers (DAPT). DAPT uses a Bayesian discharge algorithm developed for the upcoming Surface Water Ocean Topography satellite (SWOT) to estimate in situ discharge from automated water surface elevation measurements. We conducted sensitivity tests over 4,954 model runs on five gauged rivers and conclude that the DAPT method can robustly reproduce discharge with an average Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of 0.79 and Kling-Gupta Efficiency of 0.78. Further, we find that the DAPT method estimates discharge similarly to an idealized temporary gauge created from the same input data (NSE differences of less than 0.1), and that results improve significantly with accurate priors. Finally, we test the DAPT method in nine poorly gauged rivers in a realistic and complex field setting in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, and show that the DAPT method largely outperforms a temporary gauge in this time and budget constrained setting. We therefore recommend DAPT as an effective tool for in situ discharge estimation in cases where there is not enough time or resources to develop a temporary gauge
