524 research outputs found

    Determining the galactic mass distribution using tidal streams from globular clusters

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    We discuss how to use tidal streams from globular clusters to measure the mass distribution of the Milky Way. Recent proper motion determinations for globular clusters from plate measurements and Hipparcos astrometry provide several good candidates for Galactic mass determinations in the intermediate halo, far above the Galactic disk, including Pal 5, NGC 4147, NGC 5024 (M53) and NGC 5466; the remaining Hipparcos clusters provide candidates for measurements several kpc above and below the disk. These clusters will help determine the profile and shape of the inner halo. To aid this effort, we present two methods of mass determination: one, a generalization of rotation-curve mass measurements, which gives the mass and potential from complete position-velocity observations for stream stars; and another using a simple chi^2 estimator, which can be used when only projected positions and radial velocities are known for stream stars. We illustrate the use of the latter method using simulated tidal streams from Pal 5 and find that fairly accurate mass determinations are possible even for relatively poor data sets. Follow-up observations of clusters with proper motion determinations may reveal tidal streams; obtaining radial velocity measurements would enable accurate measurements of the mass distribution in the inner Galaxy.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, published in A

    Intrinsic Shapes of Molecular Cloud Cores

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    We conduct an analysis of the shapes of molecular cloud cores using recently compiled catalogs of observed axis ratios of individual cores mapped in ammonia or through optical selection. We apply both analytical and statistical techniques to deproject the observed axis ratios in order to determine the true distribution of cloud core shapes. We find that neither pure oblate nor pure prolate cores can account for the observed distribution of core shapes. Intrinsically triaxial cores produce distributions which agree with observations. The best-fit triaxial distribution contains cores which are more nearly oblate than prolate.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. To appear in ApJ (2001 April 1). Color figures available at http://www.astro.uwo.ca/~cjones/ or http://www.astro.uwo.ca/~basu/pub.htm

    Substructure around M31 : Evolution and Effects

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    We investigate the evolution of a population of 100 dark matter satellites orbiting in the gravitational potential of a realistic model of M31. We find that after 10 Gyr, seven subhalos are completely disrupted by the tidal field of the host galaxy. The remaining satellites suffer heavy mass loss and overall, 75% of the mass initially in the subhalo system is tidally stripped. Not surprisingly, satellites with pericentric radius less than 30 kpc suffer the greatest stripping and leave a complex structure of tails and streams of debris around the host galaxy. Assuming that the most bound particles in each subhalo are kinematic tracers of stars, we find that the halo stellar population resulting from the tidal debris follows an r^{-3.5} density profile at large radii. We construct B-band photometric maps of stars coming from disrupted satellites and find conspicuous features similar both in morphology and brightness to the observed Giant Stream around Andromeda. An assumed star formation efficiency of 5-10% in the simulated satellite galaxies results in good agreement with the number of M31 satellites, the V-band surface brightness distribution, and the brightness of the Giant Stream. During the first 5 Gyr, the bombardment of the satellites heats and thickens the disk by a small amount. At about 5 Gyr, satellite interations induce the formation of a strong bar which, in turn, leads to a significant increase in the velocity dispersion of the disk.Comment: 45 pages, 18 figures. To be submitted to the Astrophysical Journal, version 2.0 : scale height value corrected, references added, and some figures have been modifie

    The Origin of the Brightest Cluster Galaxies

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    Most clusters and groups of galaxies contain a giant elliptical galaxy in their centres which far outshines and outweighs normal ellipticals. The origin of these brightest cluster galaxies is intimately related to the collapse and formation of the cluster. Using an N-body simulation of a cluster of galaxies in a hierarchical cosmological model, we show that galaxy merging naturally produces a massive, central galaxy with surface brightness and velocity dispersion profiles similar to observed BCG's. To enhance the resolution of the simulation, 100 dark halos at z=2z=2 are replaced with self-consistent disk+bulge+halo galaxy models following a Tully-Fisher relation using 100000 particles for the 20 largest galaxies and 10000 particles for the remaining ones. This technique allows us to analyze the stellar and dark matter components independently. The central galaxy forms through the merger of several massive galaxies along a filament early in the cluster's history. Galactic cannibalism of smaller galaxies through dynamical friction over a Hubble time only accounts for a small fraction of the accreted mass. The galaxy is a flattened, triaxial object whose long axis aligns with the primordial filament and the long axis of the cluster galaxy distribution agreeing with observed trends for galaxy-cluster alignment.Comment: Revised and accepted in ApJ, 25 pages, 10 figures, online version available at http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~dubinski/bcg

    Stellar Disks in Aquarius Dark Matter Haloes

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    We investigate the gravitational interactions between live stellar disks and their dark matter halos, using LCDM haloes similar in mass to that of the Milky Way taken from the Aquarius Project. We introduce the stellar disks by first allowing the haloes to respond to the influence of a growing rigid disk potential from z = 1.3 to z = 1.0. The rigid potential is then replaced with star particles which evolve self-consistently with the dark matter particles until z = 0.0. Regardless of the initial orientation of the disk, the inner parts of the haloes contract and change from prolate to oblate as the disk grows to its full size. When the disk normal is initially aligned with the major axis of the halo at z=1.3, the length of the major axis contracts and becomes the minor axis by z=1.0. Six out of the eight disks in our main set of simulations form bars, and five of the six bars experience a buckling instability that results in a sudden jump in the vertical stellar velocity dispersion and an accompanying drop in the m=2 Fourier amplitude of the disk surface density. The bars are not destroyed by the buckling but continue to grow until the present day. Bars are largely absent when the disk mass is reduced by a factor of two or more; the relative disk-to-halo mass is therefore a primary factor in bar formation and evolution. A subset of the disks is warped at the outskirts and contains prominent non-coplanar material with a ring-like structure. Many disks reorient by large angles between z=1 and z=0, following a coherent reorientation of their inner haloes. Larger reorientations produce more strongly warped disks, suggesting a tight link between the two phenomena. The origins of bars and warps appear independent: some disks with strong bars show no disturbances at the outskirts, while the disks with the weakest bars show severe warps.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, accepted MNRAS; fixed compatibility problem in figures 8,

    Periodic orbits in warped disk

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    It is often assumed that a warped galaxy can be modeled by a set of rings. This paper verifies numerically the validity of this assumption by the study of periodic orbits populating a heavy self-gravitating warped disk. The phase space structure of a warped model reveals that the circular periodic orbits of a flat disk are transformed in quasi annular periodic orbits which conserve their stability. This lets us also explore the problem of the persistence of a large outer warp. In particular, the consistency of its orbits with the density distribution is checked as a function of the pattern speed.Comment: 9 pages, including 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Searching for Machos (and other Dark Matter Candidates) in a Simulated Galaxy

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    We conduct gravitational microlensing experiments in a galaxy taken from a cosmological N-body simulation. Hypothetical observers measure the optical depth and event rate toward hypothetical LMCs and compare their results with model predictions. Since we control the accuracy and sophistication of the model, we can determine how good it has to be for statistical errors to dominate over systematic ones. Several thousand independent microlensing experiments are performed. When the ``best-fit'' triaxial model for the mass distribution of the halo is used, the agreement between the measured and predicted optical depths is quite good: by and large the discrepancies are consistent with statistical fluctuations. If, on the other hand, a spherical model is used, systematic errors dominate. Even with our ``best-fit'' model, there are a few rare experiments where the deviation between the measured and predicted optical depths cannot be understood in terms of statistical fluctuations. In these experiments there is typically a clump of particles crossing the line of sight to the hypothetical LMC. These clumps can be either gravitationally bound systems or transient phenomena in a galaxy that is still undergoing phase mixing. Substructure of this type, if present in the Galactic distribution of Machos, can lead to large systematic errors in the analysis of microlensing experiments. We also describe how hypothetical WIMP and axion detection experiments might be conducted in a simulated N-body galaxy.Comment: 18 pages of text (LaTeX, AASTeX) with 12 figures. submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Parallel TREE code for two-component ultracold plasma analysis

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    The TREE method has been widely used for long-range interaction {\it N}-body problems. We have developed a parallel TREE code for two-component classical plasmas with open boundary conditions and highly non-uniform charge distributions. The program efficiently handles millions of particles evolved over long relaxation times requiring millions of time steps. Appropriate domain decomposition and dynamic data management were employed, and large-scale parallel processing was achieved using an intermediate level of granularity of domain decomposition and ghost TREE communication. Even though the computational load is not fully distributed in fine grains, high parallel efficiency was achieved for ultracold plasma systems of charged particles. As an application, we performed simulations of an ultracold neutral plasma with a half million particles and a half million time steps. For the long temporal trajectories of relaxation between heavy ions and light electrons, large configurations of ultracold plasmas can now be investigated, which was not possible in past studies

    Dark matter response to galaxy formation

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    We have resimulated the six galaxy-sized haloes of the Aquarius Project including metal-dependent cooling, star formation and supernova feedback. This allows us to study not only how dark matter haloes respond to galaxy formation, but also how this response is affected by details of halo assembly history. In agreement with previous work, we find baryon condensation to lead to increased dark matter concentration. Dark matter density profiles differ substantially in shape from halo to halo when baryons are included, but in all cases the velocity dispersion decreases monotonically with radius. Some haloes show an approximately constant dark matter velocity anisotropy with ÎČ≈0.1−02 \beta \approx 0.1-02, while others retain the anisotropy structure of their baryon-free versions. Most of our haloes become approximately oblate in their inner regions, although a few retain the shape of their dissipationless counterparts. Pseudo-phase-space densities are described by a power law in radius of altered slope when baryons are included. The shape and concentration of the dark matter density profiles are not well reproduced by published adiabatic contraction models. The significant spread we find in the density and kinematic structure of our haloes appears related to differences in their formation histories. Such differences already affect the final structure in baryon-free simulations, but they are reinforced by the inclusion of baryons, and new features are produced. The details of galaxy formation need to be better understood before the inner dark matter structure of galaxies can be used to constrain cosmological models or the nature of dark matter.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Accepted MNRAS. Revised version includes discussion on resolution effects and minor changes

    XMMU J100750.5+125818: A strong lensing cluster at z=1.082

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    We report on the discovery of the X-ray luminous cluster XMMU J100750.5+125818 at redshift 1.082 based on 19 spectroscopic members, which displays several strong lensing features. SED modeling of the lensed arc features from multicolor imaging with the VLT and the LBT reveals likely redshifts ~2.7 for the most prominent of the lensed background galaxies. Mass estimates are derived for different radii from the velocity dispersion of the cluster members, M_200 ~ 1.8 10^{14} Msun, from the X-ray spectral parameters, M_500 ~ 1.0 10^{14} Msun, and the largest lensing arc, M_SL ~ 2.3 10^{13} Msun. The projected spatial distribution of cluster galaxies appears to be elongated, and the brightest galaxy lies off center with respect to the X-ray emission indicating a not yet relaxed structure. XMMU J100750.5+125818 offers excellent diagnostics of the inner mass distribution of a distant cluster with a combination of strong and weak lensing, optical and X-ray spectroscopy.Comment: A&A, accepted for publicatio
