4,699 research outputs found

    Irreversibility-inversions in 2 dimensional turbulence

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    In this paper we consider a recent theoretical prediction (Bragg \emph{et al.}, Phys. Fluids \textbf{28}, 013305 (2016)) that for inertial particles in 2D turbulence, the nature of the irreversibility of the particle-pair dispersion inverts when the particle inertia exceeds a certain value. In particular, when the particle Stokes number, St{\rm St}, is below a certain value, the forward-in-time (FIT) dispersion should be faster than the backward-in-time (BIT) dispersion, but for St{\rm St} above this value, this should invert so that BIT becomes faster than FIT dispersion. This non-trivial behavior arises because of the competition between two physically distinct irreversibility mechanisms that operate in different regimes of St{\rm St}. In 3D turbulence, both mechanisms act to produce faster BIT than FIT dispersion, but in 2D turbulence, the two mechanisms have opposite effects because of the flux of energy from the small to the large scales. We supplement the qualitative argument given by Bragg \emph{et al.} (Phys. Fluids \textbf{28}, 013305 (2016)) by deriving quantitative predictions of this effect in the short time limit. We confirm the theoretical predictions using results of inertial particle dispersion in a direct numerical simulation of 2D turbulence. A more general finding of this analysis is that in turbulent flows with an inverse energy flux, inertial particles may yet exhibit a net downscale flux of kinetic energy because of their non-local in-time dynamics

    Glacigenic features and Tertiary stratigraphy of the Magellan Strait (Southern Chile)

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    The seismostratigraphic and structural analysis of the whole length of the Magellan Strait, from the Atlantic to the Pacific entrance is for first time illustrated on the basis of multichannel seismic (MCS) profiles. The Strait crosses a geologically complex region that includes different morphotectonic provinces, and has been subdivided into three distinct segments, eastern (Atlantic), central, and western (Pacific), being each segment characterized by peculiar sedimentary and tectonic architectures. The MCS profiles shed light on the subsurface of the region in particular on the Quaternary and Tertiary features. In the foreland basin province, the MCS profiles imaged an almost undeformed structural and stratigraphic frame with very thick Cretaceous to Tertiary package. Seismic evidence of deformation of the foreland units occurs in the fold-and-thrust belt province. Along the Cordillera province, the Magallanes-Fagnano transform fault exerts an important morpho-tectonic control that strongly conditions its bathymetric profile. The seismic profiles also highlighted a number of depositional features linked to the up to 150 m thick sedimentary record of the glacial cycles. Whereas the eastern segment (outer foreland province) is devoid of significant glacial-related deposits, the central segment (inner foreland and fold-and thrust belt provinces) shows evidence of repeated advances and retreats of the Magellan glacier. An important moraine ridge complex, probably corresponding to the glacial advance "D"of Clapperton et al., has been seismically imaged in the central segment, as well as an older, large bank of ice distal sediments that have been interpreted as proglacial lake deposits, which show evident signs of repeated glacial erosions. Ice-contact features in the form of frontal moraine complexes made up of dipping foreset strata are present in the fjord-like, western segment of the Strait (Cordillera province), along with their related ice-proximal and ice-distal facies. Eventually, the occurrence of preglacial sediments tectonized by the Magallanes-Fagnano transform fault has been reported in the same segment. This fact, which is supported by small outcrops reported in the updated geologic map, if substantiated by further investigations (i.e. advanced seismic reprocessing, sea bottom samplings), would prove the relatively young age (Late Miocene?) of the Magallanes-Fagnano transform fault

    A Step Into the Definition of the Seismic Risk for the City of Benevento (Italy)

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    This paper gives a contribution in the definition of the seismic hazard for the city of Benevento in Southern Italy, from a geotechnical engineering viewpoint. To pursue this goal, an extensive geotechnical characterization of the city subsoil was achieved collecting data available at the Department of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Napoli and Benevento municipal technical office. Attention was paid in defining strain dependent shear stiffness and damping ratio for the geomaterials present in the urban area. A new method to correct the Masing criteria was adopted. Numerical analyses were performed considering the subsoil as a continuous one-phase equivalent linear medium. The 1-D analyses were carried out using Shake-like codes. The seismic hazard in the city was evaluated on the basis of two seismic scenarios, respectively characterized by low and high acceleration levels. The final result of the work is a seismic zonation of the city of Benevento. It was found that zonation maps are largely dependent from the chosen seismic scenario

    A Step Into the Definition of the Seismic Risk for the City of Benevento (Italy)

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    This paper gives a contribution in the definition of the seismic hazard for the city of Benevento in Southern Italy, from a geotechnical engineering viewpoint. To pursue this goal, an extensive geotechnical characterization of the city subsoil was achieved collecting data available at the Department of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Napoli and Benevento municipal technical office. Attention was paid in defining strain dependent shear stiffness and damping ratio for the geomaterials present in the urban area. A new method to correct the Masing criteria was adopted. Numerical analyses were performed considering the subsoil as a continuous one-phase equivalent linear medium. The 1-D analyses were carried out using Shake-like codes. The seismic hazard in the city was evaluated on the basis of two seismic scenarios, respectively characterized by low and high acceleration levels. The final result of the work is a seismic zonation of the city of Benevento. It was found that zonation maps are largely dependent from the chosen seismic scenario

    Nod2 Deficiency in mice is Associated with Microbiota Variation Favouring the Expansion of mucosal CD4+ LAP+ Regulatory Cells

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    Nucleotide-binding Oligomerization Domain-2 (NOD2) mutations are associated with an increased risk to develop Crohn's Disease. In previous studies, we have shown that Nod2-/- mice manifest increased proportion of Lamina Propria (LP) CD4+ LAP+ Foxp3- regulatory cells, when compared with Nod2+/+ mice, while CD4+ Foxp3 + regulatory cells were not affected. Here, we investigated the Nod2 gut microbiota, by 16S rRNA pyrosequencing, at steady state and after TNBS-colitis induction in mice reared separately or in cohousing, correlating the microbial profiles with LP regulatory T cells proportion and tissue cytokines content. We found that enrichment of Rikenella and Alistipes (Rikenellaceae) in Nod2-/- mice at 8 weeks of age reared separately was associated with increased proportion of CD4+ LAP+ Foxp3- cells and less severe TNBS-colitis. In co-housed mice the acquisition of Rickenellaceae by Nod2+/+ mice was associated with increased CD4+ LAP+ Foxp3- proportion and less severe colitis. Severe colitis was associated with enrichment of gram-negative pathobionts (Escherichia and Enterococcus), while less severe colitis with protective bacteria (Barnesiella, Odoribacter and Clostridium IV). Environmental factors acting on genetic background with different outcomes according to their impact on microbiota, predispose in different ways to inflammation. These results open a new scenario for therapeutic attempt to re-establish eubiosis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients with NOD2 polymorphisms

    Differential ripple propagation along the hippocampal longitudinal axis

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    Hippocampal ripples are highly synchronous neural events critical for memory consolidation and retrieval. A minority of strong ripples has been shown to be of particular importance in situations of increased memory demands. The propagation dynamics of strong ripples inside the hippocampal formation are, however, still opaque. We analyzed ripple propagation within the hippocampal formation in a large open access dataset comprising 267 Neuropixel recordings in 49 awake, head-fixed mice. Surprisingly, strong ripples (top 10% in ripple strength) propagate differentially depending on their generation point along the hippocampal longitudinal axis. The septal hippocampal pole is able to generate longer ripples that engage more neurons and elicit spiking activity for an extended time even at considerable distances. Accordingly, a substantial portion of the variance in strong ripple duration (R(2) = 0.463) is explained by the ripple generation location on the longitudinal axis. Our results are consistent with a possible distinctive role of the hippocampal septal pole in conditions of high memory demand

    WNT4 deficiency—a clinical phenotype distinct from the classic Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome: A Case Report

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    The pathways leading to female sexual determination in mammals are incompletely defined. Loss-of-function mutations in the WNT4 gene appear to cause developmental abnormalities of sexual differentiation in women and mice. We recruited six patients with different degrees of Müllerian abnormalities, with or without renal aberrations and a normal female 46,XX karyotype. A clear androgen excess was found only in one patient. This 19-year-old woman was affected by primary amenorrhoea, absence of Müllerian ducts derivatives, clinical (acne and hirsutism) and biochemical (repeatedly high levels of testosterone) signs of androgen excess. Direct sequencing of her WNT4 gene followed by functional studies in human ovarian cells (OVCAR3) was performed. This patient carried the novel R83C loss-of-function dominant negative mutation in her WNT4, confirming the role of WNT4 in the development and maintenance of the female phenotype in women. Our study can also help refine the phenotype of WNT4 deficiency in humans. In fact, it appears that at least in this limited casuistic small group of patients, the absence of a uterus (and not other Müllerian abnormalities) and the androgen excess are the pathognomonic signs of WNT4 defects, suggesting that this might be a clinical entity distinct from the classic Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrom

    Engineering fidelity echoes in Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonians

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    We analyze the fidelity decay for a system of interacting bosons described by a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. We find echoes associated with "non-universal" structures that dominate the energy landscape of the perturbation operator. Despite their classical origin, these echoes persist deep into the quantum (perturbative) regime and can be described by an improved random matrix modeling. In the opposite limit of strong perturbations (and high enough energies), classical considerations reveal the importance of self-trapping phenomena in the echo efficiency.Comment: 6 pages, use epl2.cls class, 5 figures Cross reference with nlin, quant-phy
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