4,947 research outputs found

    Study of active vibration isolation systems for severe ground transportation environments

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    Active vibration isolation systems for severe ground transportation loading environment

    Combining historical and geological data for the assessment of the landslide hazard: a case study from Campania, Italy

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    International audiencePast slope instabilities at Quindici (one of the five towns of Campania that was hit by catastrophic landslides on 5 May 1998) and in the Lauro Valley are investigated to improve the understanding of the landslide history in the area, as a mandatory step for the evaluation of the landslide hazard. The research was performed by combining information on past slope instabilities from both historical and geological data. From numerous historical sources an archive consisting of 45 landsliding and flooding events for the period 1632?1998 was compiled. Landslide activity was also investigated by means of interpretation of multi-year sets of aerial photos, production of Landslide Activity Maps, and excavation of trenches on the alluvial fans at the mountain foothills. Detailed stratigraphic analysis of the sections exposed in the trenches identified landslide events as the main geomorphic process responsible for building up the fans in the study area. Integration of historical and geological approaches provides significant insight into past and recent instability at Quindici. This is particularly valuable in view of the limitations of individual sources of information. Application of such an approach offers potential for improved hazard assessment and risk mitigation

    Cloud resource orchestration in the multi-cloud landscape: a systematic review of existing frameworks

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    The number of both service providers operating in the cloud market and customers consuming cloud-based services is constantly increasing, proving that the cloud computing paradigm has successfully delivered its potential. Nevertheless, the unceasing growth of the cloud market is posing hard challenges on its participants. On the provider side, the capability of orchestrating resources in order to maximise profits without failing customers’ expectations is a matter of concern. On the customer side, the efficient resource selection from a plethora of similar services advertised by a multitude of providers is an open question. In such a multi-cloud landscape, several research initiatives advocate the employment of software frameworks (namely, cloud resource orchestration frameworks - CROFs) capable of orchestrating the heterogeneous resources offered by a multitude of cloud providers in a way that best suits the customer’s need. The objective of this paper is to provide the reader with a systematic review and comparison of the most relevant CROFs found in the literature, as well as to highlight the multi-cloud computing open issues that need to be addressed by the research community in the near future


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    This paper reports on a study that investigated the increase in food prices in South Africa. It is set against the scenario of an increasing inflation rate since September 2001. The June 2002 STATSSA figures estimated the annual inflation rate (CPIX) at 8.8% with food inflation being the major contributor with an annual increase of 14%. The high unemployment and poverty rate in South Africa has already lead to concerns about the negative impact of these increases on the cost of living for the poorest. In this paper we show that the sharp depreciation of the exchange rate towards the end of 2001 had a major impact on the producer price of maize one of the key agricultural commodities because of its role as a staple food and as an input in the production of white and red meat and other animal products.Demand and Price Analysis, Political Economy,

    Hydrological control of soil thickness spatial variability on the initiation of rainfall-induced shallow landslides using a three-dimensional model

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    Thickness and stratigraphic settings of soils covering slopes potentially control susceptibility to initiation of rainfall-induced shallow landslides due to their local effect on slope hydrological response. Notwithstanding the relevance of the assessment of hazard to shallow landsliding at a distributed scale by approaches based on a coupled modelling of slope hydrological response and slope stability, the spatial variability of soil thickness and stratigraphic settings are factors poorly considered in the literature. Under these premises, this paper advances the well-known case study of rainfall-induced shallow landslides involving ash-fall pyroclastic soils covering the peri-Vesuvian mountains (Campania, southern Italy). In such a unique geomorphological setting, the soil covering is formed by alternating loose ash-fall pyroclastic deposits and paleosols, with high contrasts in hydraulic conductivity and total thickness decreasing as the slope angle increases, thus leading to the establishment of lateral flow and an increase of pore water pressure in localised sectors of the slope where soil horizon thickness is less. In particular, we investigate the effects, on hillslope hydrological regime and slope stability, of irregular bedrock topography, spatial variability of soil thickness and vertical hydraulic heterogeneity of soil horizons, by using a coupled three-dimensional hydrological and a probabilistic infinite slope stability model. The modelling is applied on a sample mountain catchment, located on Sarno Mountains (Campania, southern Italy), and calibrated using physics-based rainfall thresholds derived from the literature. The results obtained under five simulated constant rainfall intensities (2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mm h−1) show an increase of soil pressure head and major failure probability corresponding to stratigraphic and morphological discontinuities, where a soil thickness reduction occurs. The outcomes obtained from modelling match the hypothesis of the formation of lateral throughflow due to the effect of intense rainfall, which leads to the increase of soil water pressure head and water content, up to values of near-saturation, in narrow zones of the slope, such as those of downslope reduction of total soil thickness and pinching out of soil horizons. The approach proposed can be conceived as a further advance in the comprehension of slope hydrological processes at a detailed scale and their effects on slope stability under given rainfall and antecedent soil hydrological conditions, therefore in predicting the most susceptible areas to initiation of rainfall-induced shallow landslides and the related I-D rainfall thresholds. Results obtained demonstrate the occurrence of a slope hydrological response depending on the spatial variability of soil thickness and leading to focus slope instability in specific slope sectors. The approach proposed is conceived to be potentially exportable to other slope environments for which a spatial modelling of soil thickness would be possible


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    Abstract. Around the world, the occurrence of landslides has become one of the greatest threats to human life, property, infrastructure, and natural environments. Despite extensive research and discussions on the spatiotemporal dependence of landslide displacements, there is still a lack of understanding concerning the factors that appear to control displacement distribution in landslides because of their significant variations. This paper implements a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) to predict displacement following the Moio della Civitella landslide in southern Italy and identify factors that may affect the distribution of movement following the landslide. An interferometric technique, known as permanent scatter interferometry (PSI), has been developed based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite imagery to derive permanent scatter points that can be used to represent the deformation of landslides. This study utilized the GCN regression model applied to PSs points and data reflecting geological and geomorphological factors to extract the interdependency between paired data points, resulting in an adjacency matrix of the interval [0, 0,8). The proposed model outperforms conventional machine learning and deep learning algorithms such as linear regression (LR), K-nearest neighbors (KNN), Support vector regression (SVR), Decision tree, lasso, and artificial neural network (ANN). The absolute error between the actual and predicted deformation is used to evaluate the proposed model, which is less than 2 millimeters for most test set points

    Landslide hazard and land management in high-density urban areas of Campania region, Italy

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    Abstract. Results deriving from a research focused on the interplay between landslides and urban development are presented here, with reference to two densely populated settings located in the Campania region, Italy: the city of Naples and the island of Ischia. Both areas suffer adverse consequences from various types of landslides since at least 2000 yr. Our study evidences that, despite the long history of slope instabilities, the urban evolution, often illegal, disregarded the high landslide propensity of the hillsides; thus, unsafe lands have been occupied, even in recent years, when proper and strict rules have been enacted to downgrade the landslide risk. It is finally argued that future guidelines should not be entirely based upon physical countermeasures against mass movements. On the contrary, national and local authorities should enforce the territorial control, obliging citizens to respect the existing regulations and emphasizing the role of alternative, non-structural solutions

    Bright expression of CD91 identifies highly activated human dendritic cells that can be expanded by defensins

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    CD91 is a scavenger receptor expressed by different immune cells and its ligands defensins have been demonstrated to contribute to immune responses against infections and tumors. We previously demonstrated that CD91 is expressed on human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) and that human defensins stimulate in vitro the activation of these cells. In this study, we observed that CD91 is expressed at different levels on two distinct moDC subsets: CD91dim and CD91bright moDCs. Although CD91bright moDCs represented a small proportion of total moDCs, this subset showed higher levels of activation and maturation markers compared to CD91dim moDCs. The frequency of CD91bright moDCs increased by ~50% after in vitro stimulation with recombinant Human Neutrophil Peptide-1 (rHNP-1) and recombinant Human Beta Defensin-1 (rHBD-1), while lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation decreased it by ~35%. Both defensins up-regulated moDC expression of CD80, CD40, CD83 and HLA-DR, although to a lower extent compared with LPS. Notably, upon culture with rHNP-1 and rHBD-1, CD91bright moDCs maintained their higher activation/maturation status, while this was lost upon culture with LPS. Our findings suggest that defensins promote the differentiation into activated CD91bright DCs and may encourage the exploitation of the CD91/defensins axis as a novel therapeutic strategy to potentiate antimicrobial and antitumor immune response

    SAR data and field surveys combination to update rainfall-induced shallow landslide inventory

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    The Campania region has been recurrently hit by severe landslides in volcanoclastic deposits. The city of Naples, and in particular the Camaldoli and Agnano hills (Phlegraean Fields), also suffered several landslide crises in weathered volcanoclastic rocks as a consequence of intense rainfalls or wildfires. To identify slope failures phenomena occurred in the winter season 2019–2020 an innovative procedure has been proposed. The purpose of this procedure is to highlight areas where major land cover changes occurred within our area of study, which can be potentially related to mass movements. The amplitude of spaceborne SAR images has been exploited for the change detection analysis and the output derived from the segmentation procedure has been compared with field observations. The amplitude-based method has been already applied in the detection of landslides, but never on the event with limited extensions, such as for this application. The achieved outcomes allowed the mapping of 62 new landslides that have been used to update the current landslide inventory database. This type of information is expected to help decision-makers with land planning and risk assessment

    Anthropogenic sinkholes of the city of Naples, Italy: an update

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    In recent years, the study of anthropogenic sinkholes in densely urbanized areas has attracted the attention of both researchers and land management entities. The city of Naples (Italy) has been frequently affected by processes generating such landforms in the last decades: for this reason, an update of the sinkhole inventory and a preliminary susceptibility estimation are proposed in this work. Starting from previous data, not modified since 2010, a total of 270 new events occurred in the period February 2010–June 2021 were collected through the examination of online newspapers, local daily reports, council chronicle news and field surveys. The final consistence of the updated inventory is of 458 events occurred between 1880 and 2021, distributed through time with an increasing trend in frequency. Spatial analysis of sinkholes indicates a concentration in the central sector of the city, corresponding to its ancient and historic centre, crossed by a dense network of underground tunnels and cavities. Cavity-roof collapse is confirmed as one of the potential genetic types, along with processes related to rainfall events and service lines damage. A clear correlation between monthly rainfall and the number of triggered sinkholes was identified. Finally, a preliminary sinkhole susceptibility assessment, carried out by Frequency Ratio method, confirms the central sector of city as that most susceptible to sinkholes and emphasizes the predisposing role of service lines, mostly in the outermost areas of the city
