636 research outputs found

    A study to compare the efficacy of methotrexate alone vs. methotrexate plus pioglitazone in the management of plaque-type psoriasis

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    Background: Psoriasis is a common skin condition affecting a huge segment of global population. So far, the treatment has been confined to drugs like methotrexate, cyclosporine and oral retinoids which are highly toxic for long term usage and requires a novel drug that is safer.Methods: Cases of plaque type psoriasis are divided into two arms and treated with methotrexate monotherapy in group A and methotrexate plus pioglitazone combination therapy in group B. The outcome of the study is analyzed using PASI score and DLQI scoring systems.Results: Group A and Group B showed significant reduction in the PASI and DLQI scores. Group B was better in terms of efficacy (p<0.05) when compared to Group A. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of DLQI scoring. Both groups had similar side effect profile.Conclusions: Pioglitazone which acts by sensitizing the cells to insulin poses no risk of hypoglycemia. It is more specific for the treatment of psoriasis as it targets the keratinocytes. Present study suggests a possible role as an adjuvant in the treatment of psoriasis, and could pave way for low dose methotrexate and thereby reducing the potential side effects

    A prospective study to evaluate oral iron preparations in antenatal women at a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia in pregnancy worldwide. It can be mild, moderate or severe. Severe anemia can have very serious consequences for mothers and babies. Pregnant women requiring medication represent a challenge to healthcare providers to avoid any teratogenic risk to foetus. The purpose of this study was to provide information about the most effective iron preparations prescribed to pregnant women and to evaluate the haemoglobin status before and after oral iron therapy.Methods: This was a Prospective observational study conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, between October 2013 and March 2014.This study was conducted by reviewing the antenatal care Outpatient department case papers of 200 pregnant women who were anaemic.Results: Demographic profile, detailed medical history and drug intake in current pregnancy was noted. The prescription pattern was assessed. Of the three common iron preparations prescribed, Ferrous sulphate was the most common preparation. Findings of our study showed that all pregnant anaemic women included in the study were provided with iron and folic acid therapy and the most effective oral iron preparation was Ferrous sulphate.Conclusions: Present study shows that ferrous sulphate is the most common iron preparation prescribed. Ferrous sulphate and ferrous fumarate preparations showed better improvement in Hb levels. Anaemia is common among all pregnant women and therefore it raises the concern about high morbidity and mortality associated with pregnancy outcome. This can be minimized by educating pregnant women about importance of balanced diet and utilization of antenatal facilities even during early pregnancy.

    Complete genome sequences of seven Vibrio cholerae phages isolated in China

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    The complete genome sequences of seven closely related Vibrio cholerae phages isolated from environmental sites in southeastern China are reported here. Phages QH, CJY, H1, H2, H3, J2, and J3 are members of the Podoviridae family and are highly similar to the previously sequenced Vibrio phages VP2, VP5, and phiVC8

    Predicting cell types and genetic variations contributing to disease by combining GWAS and epigenetic data

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are enriched in individuals suffering from a given disease. Most disease-associated SNPs fall into non-coding regions, so that it is not straightforward to infer phenotype or function; moreover, many SNPs are in tight genetic linkage, so that a SNP identified as associated with a particular disease may not itself be causal, but rather signify the presence of a linked SNP that is functionally relevant to disease pathogenesis. Here, we present an analysis method that takes advantage of the recent rapid accumulation of epigenomics data to address these problems for some SNPs. Using asthma as a prototypic example; we show that non-coding disease-associated SNPs are enriched in genomic regions that function as regulators of transcription, such as enhancers and promoters. Identifying enhancers based on the presence of the histone modification marks such as H3K4me1 in different cell types, we show that the location of enhancers is highly cell-type specific. We use these findings to predict which SNPs are likely to be directly contributing to disease based on their presence in regulatory regions, and in which cell types their effect is expected to be detectable. Moreover, we can also predict which cell types contribute to a disease based on overlap of the disease-associated SNPs with the locations of enhancers present in a given cell type. Finally, we suggest that it will be possible to re-analyze GWAS studies with much higher power by limiting the SNPs considered to those in coding or regulatory regions of cell types relevant to a given disease
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