181 research outputs found

    At Short Telomeres Tel1 Directs Early Replication and Phosphorylates Rif1

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    Funding AS was supported by a Cancer Research UK PhD studentship and ORSAS. SK is supported by a Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance PhD studentship. This work was supported by Cancer Research UK grant A13356 to ADD (http://www.cancerresearchuk.org). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The Doctrine of the King's Charity based on the Purananooru

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    Scholars call a theory a concept (ideology). The theory is the nature of the principle. The principle that we have accepted in practical life. Its standard of living is that of one for one. Therefore, it is said that chastity is the life in which only a man and a woman live together through the ritual of marriage, which is a social event. Thus, principles are formed by the clarity of thought of each principle, by acceptance, and by the social standpoint. Wikipedia lists 21 categories as theoretical categories. Among the distinct theories of Tamil, there are four theories, namely: 1. The Theory of Consciousness, 2. The Theory of Equality, 3. The Theory of Proposition, and 4. The Theory of Epistemology. One of them is the fly theory. One of them is the doctrine of charity. Charity is a small help that is unexpectedly given to the poor in return. The people of the Sangam age believed that the only way the poor could accumulate wealth was to satisfy their hunger. Charity is different from a gift because it is an endowment. All other gifts have a tendency to expect benefits. The society of the Sangam age was changing from a tribal society to a property society. In Sangam literature, it can be seen that the chieftains of small lands associated with the hunting business enjoyed providing food mixed with meat, toddy, and clothing to the Panars, Koothars, Porunars, and Viraliyars who came to them. The kings of smaller lands and chieftains considered this kind of hospitality to be great. Among them, this article examines the way in which the charity trait occurs in the Puranananooru

    Terrorism From Within: An Economic Model of Terrorism

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    In this paper, we develop and explore the implications of an economic model that links the incidence of terrorism in a country to the economic circumstances facing that country. We briefly sketch out a theory, in the spirit of Tornell (1998), that describes terrorist activities as being initiated by groups that are unhappy with the current economic status quo, yet unable to bring about drastic political and institutional changes that can improve their situation. Such groups with limited access to opportunity may find it rational to engage in terrorist activities. The result is then a pattern of reduced economic activity and increased terrorism. In contrast, an alternative environment can emerge where access to economic resources is more abundant and terrorism is reduced. Our empirical results are consistent with the theory. We find that for democratic, high income countries, economic contractions (i.e. recessions) can provide the spark for increased probabilities of terrorist activities.Growth; Terrorism; Political Economy

    Physiological parameters response to the Influence of traditional Badaga dance on school students

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    This study was designed to investigate the influence of traditional badaga dance on physiological parameters of school students. To achieve the purpose of the study 30 school students were selected from The Nilgiris district. The subjects was randomly assigned to two equal groups (n=15). Group- I underwent traditional badaga dance (TBDG) and group - II was acted as control group (CG). The traditional badaga dance was given to the experimental group for 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) for the period of eight weeks. The control group was not given any sort of training except their regular routine work. The physiological parameters vital capacity (tested by wet spirometer) and resting pulse rate (tested at radial pulse) were assessed before and after the training period. The data collected from the subjects were statistically analyzed using‘t’ test to find out whether significant mean difference existed at 0.05 level of confidence. The result of vital capacity and resting pulse rate speculated significant improvement due to traditional badaga dance with the limitations of diet, climate, life style status and previous training. The results of the present study are in confirmatory with the findings of. Thus it is concluded that traditional Badaga dance significantly improves vital capacity and resting pulse rate of school students

    Effect of Bio sulphur granules (BSG) as fertilizer ingredient on different fractions of sulphur in calcareous soil cultivated with blackgram (Var.VBN-8)

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the various sulphur (S) fractions in experimental pot calcareous soil treated with Bio sulphur granules (BSG) in order to assess the impact of granular sulphur fertilization in S deficient calcareous soil using blackgram (Var. VBN-8) as a test crop.Factorial randomized block design with ten treatments (T1- Absolute control;T2-Recommended dose of NPK and S (Control);T3-Soil test based NPK; T4-T3 + S as Elemental Sulphur @ 40 kg S/ha; T5-T3 + S as BSGI@ 40 kg S/ha; T6-T3 + S as BSGII@ 40 kg S/ha;T7-T3 + Vermicompost @ 4 t ha-1; T8-T4  + Vermicompost @ 4 t ha-1;T9- T5 + Vermicompost @ 4 t ha-1; T10- T6+ Vermicompost @ 4 t ha-1 ) replicated thrice and 5 pots were maintained for each replication. The results of this study revealed that there was an upward trend in all S fractions in every treatment (T1 to T10), in the following order: organic > inorganic > water soluble > exchangeable S. The pot that received vermicompost coupled with BSG II (T10) (ES@ 40 kg ha-1 and MethylobacteriumthiocyanatumVRI7-A4 as S source) was found to have the greatest S-fraction and was higher than other treatments. Therefore, using BSG II in conjunction with vermicompost is necessary to preserve the availability of S nutrients in calcareous soil and increase the solubility of nutrients through S-oxidation

    Impact of environmental law and physical planning law to the construction projects in Sri Lanka

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    The construction industry plays a major role in the economy of a country. Therefore, the development of the construction industry mainly depends on the effect of the legal system of the country as well. The Environmental and Physical Planning Laws are the main two types of legal areas that affect the construction industry. Further, the problems or conflicts in the aforementioned law areas had become a reason to create disputes in the construction industry. Accordingly, the main aim of this research is to evaluate the applicability of the specific Laws and Regulations which are considered under Environmental Law and Physical Planning Law relating to the Construction Industry of Sri Lanka. To attain the aim, an extensive literature synthesis was conducted to identify the problematic and conflicting areas in the existing Environmental and Physical Planning Law. Moreover, literature sources related to the international Environmental and Physical Planning Law context were brought into the picture to recognize the potential solutions and the recommendations for the proper implementation of said Laws. Accordingly, problematic areas in the construction project licensing process, review of the power factor of the UDA regulations were identified as critical factors for a successful legal implementation. Conclusions had presented the impression that how the existing said law areas would affect the construction issues related to the Sri Lankan context

    Modulation of TRPV4 protects against degeneration induced by sustained loading and promotes matrix synthesis in the intervertebral disc

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    While it is well known that mechanical signals can either promote or disrupt intervertebral disc (IVD) homeostasis, the molecular mechanisms for transducing mechanical stimuli are not fully understood. The transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) ion channel activated in isolated IVD cells initiates extracellular matrix (ECM) gene expression, while TRPV4 ablation reduces cytokine production in response to circumferential stretching. However, the role of TRPV4 on ECM maintenance during tissue-level mechanical loading remains unknown. Using an organ culture model, we modulated TRPV4 function over both short- (hours) and long-term (days) and evaluated the IVDs\u27 response. Activating TRPV4 with the agonist GSK101 resulted in a C