159 research outputs found

    Etnografia longitudinale di un insediamento industriale. Organizzazione e riorganizzazione dell’esistenza nelle trasformazioni della Fiat Sata di Melfi

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    L’etnografia cui faccio riferimento in questo scritto è il risultato di un lavoro di ricerca longitudinale effettuato a Melfi, comune della Basilicata settentrionale di circa 16.000 abitanti, che dal 1993 ospita lo stabilimento Fiat-Sat

    Conflitti del lavoro, lavoro in conflitto. Trasformazioni aziendali globali e nuove forme di fragilità e precarizzazione

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    The paper focuses on the issue of conflict in contemporary metal-mechanic work and inside the traditional site of blucollars conflict, the factory. Based on an ethnographic research on the Fiat-Sata factory of Melfi (founded in 1993), it shows the progressive change of the line of conflict between workers and owners towards a more subjective and existential conflict between time of work and private and familiar life.As some scholars think, the ‘old fashioned’ conflict has not totally disappeared, rather it has changed its sense and value, flowing towards a different configuration. The work reduction, started in Melfi from 2011, when the factory began the decline of its production and resorting to layoffs, has radically changed the work condition and the perception of the future. The sense of the recruitment in FIAT, for the lucky ones who were hired in 1993 and 1994, was such as an existential turnabout, compared to a very contrary past; more recently, the long period of CIG (Cassa Integrazione Guadagni, from the end of 2011 to 2014), and then the new configuration of the multi-national enterprise FCA,  has increased uncertainty, precariousness, fear to loss the job. In this scenario, the conflict should appear as already exceeded, or simply we have to rethink our idea of class conflict, in the current era of manufacturing production, as a new win of the upper classes.

    Carlo Capello, Ai margini del lavoro: Un’antropologia della disoccupazione a Torino, Verona, Ombre Corte, 2020, pp. 182

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    Book review of Carlo Capello, Ai margini del lavoro: Un’antropologia della disoccupazione a Torino, Verona, Ombre Corte, 2020, pp. 182.Recensione di Carlo Capello, Ai margini del lavoro: Un’antropologia della disoccupazione a Torino, Verona, Ombre Corte, 2020, pp. 182

    La escuela secundaria en los recorridos biográficos de jóvenes urbanos escolarizados: evaluaciones, referencias ideales, soportes y proyecciones al porvenir. / The secondary school in youth urban scholar’s biographical paths: evaluations, ideal ...

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    Presentamos un recorte de una tesis doctoral finalizada sobre los sentidos que adquiere la secundaria para jóvenes de Córdoba (Argentina) en desiguales condiciones de vida y escolaridad. En clave biográfica, analizamos cómo dichos sentidos se inscriben en particulares trayectorias familiares y en una trayectoria virtual de cara al porvenir que los jóvenes anticipan. Mostraremos cómo la permanencia y continuidad en la secundaria se nutre de referencias ideales y de prácticas relacionales afectivas que operan como sostenes de las escolaridades juveniles. In this article we present part of a finished doctoral thesis above the meanings that secondary school has for young people in Cordoba (Argentina) who inhabit unequal living conditions andeducational access. In a biographical approach, we analyze how these meanings are inscribed in particular family trajectories and in a virtual trajectory toward the future that they anticipate. Likewise, we will show how permanence and continuity in the secondary school is nourished by ideal references and affective relational practices that operate supporting youth’s schooling

    Triaxial strong-lensing analysis of the z > 0.5 MACS clusters: the mass-concentration relation

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    The high concentrations derived for several strong-lensing clusters present a major inconsistency between theoretical LambdaCDM expectations and measurements. Triaxiality and orientation biases might be at the origin of this disagreement, as clusters elongated along the line-of-sight would have a relatively higher projected mass density, boosting the resulting lensing properties. Analyses of statistical samples can probe further these effects and crucially reduce biases. In this work we perform a fully triaxial strong-lensing analysis of the 12 MACS clusters at z > 0.5, a complete X-ray selected sample, and fully account for the impact of the intrinsic 3D shapes on their strong lensing properties. We first construct strong-lensing mass models for each cluster based on multiple-images, and fit projected ellipsoidal Navarro-Frenk-White halos with arbitrary orientations to each mass distribution. We then invert the measured surface mass densities using Bayesian statistics. Although the Einstein radii of this sample are significantly larger than predicted by LambdaCDM, here we find that the mass-concentration relation is in full agreement with results from N-body simulations. The z > 0.5 MACS clusters suffer from a moderate form of orientation bias as may be expected for X-ray selected samples. Being mostly unrelaxed, at a relatively high redshift, with high X-ray luminosity and noticeable substructures, these clusters may lie outside the standard concentration-Einstein radius relation. Our results remark the importance of triaxiality and properly selected samples for understanding galaxy clusters properties, and suggest that higher-z, unrelaxed low-concentration clusters form a different class of prominent strong gravitational lenses. Arc redshift confirmation and weak lensing data in the outer region are needed to further refine our analysis.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures; in press on MNRA

    Galaxy cluster strong lensing: image deflections from density fluctuations along the line of sight

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    A standard method to study the mass distribution in galaxy clusters is through strong lensing of background galaxies in which the positions of multiple images of the same source constrain the surface mass distribution of the cluster. However, current parametrized mass models can often only reproduce the observed positions to within one or a few arcsec which is worse than the positional measurement uncertainty. One suggested explanation for this discrepancy is the additional perturbations of the path of the light ray caused by matter density fluctuations along the line of sight. We investigate this by calculating the statistical expectation value for the angular deflections caused by density fluctuations, which can be done given the matter power spectrum. We find that density fluctuations can, indeed, produce deflections of a few arcsec. We also find that the deflection angle of a particular image is expected to increase with source redshift and with the angular distance on the sky to the lens. Since the light rays of neighbouring images pass through much the same density fluctuations, it turns out that the images' expected deflection angles can be highly correlated. This implies that line-of-sight density fluctuations are a significant and possibly dominant systematic for strong lensing mass modeling and set a lower limit to how well a cluster mass model can be expected to replicate the observed image positions. We discuss how the deflections and correlations should explicitly be taken into account in the mass model fitting procedure.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, MNL accepted. Matches accepted versio

    Virialization of high redshift dark matter haloes

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    We present results of a study of the virial state of high redshift dark matter haloes in an N-body simulation. We find that the majority of collapsed, bound haloes are not virialized at any redshift slice in our study (z=15−6z=15-6) and have excess kinetic energy. At these redshifts, merging is still rampant and the haloes cannot strictly be treated as isolated systems. To assess if this excess kinetic energy arises from the environment, we include the surface pressure term in the virial equation explicitly and relax the assumption that the density at the halo boundary is zero. Upon inclusion of the surface term, we find that the haloes are much closer to virialization, however, they still have some excess kinetic energy. We report trends of the virial ratio including the extra surface term with three key halo properties: spin, environment, and concentration. We find that haloes with closer neighbors depart more from virialization, and that haloes with larger spin parameters do as well. We conclude that except at the lowest masses (M < 10^6 \Msun), dark matter haloes at high redshift are not fully virialized. This finding has interesting implications for galaxy formation at these high redshifts, as the excess kinetic energy will impact the subsequent collapse of baryons and the formation of the first disks and/or baryonic structures.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted to MNRA

    Halo statistics in non-Gaussian cosmologies: the collapsed fraction, conditional mass function, and halo bias from the path-integral excursion set method

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    Characterizing the level of primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) in the initial conditions for structure formation is one of the most promising ways to test inflation and differentiate among different scenarios. The scale-dependent imprint of PNG on the large-scale clustering of galaxies and quasars has already been used to place significant constraints on the level of PNG in our observed Universe. Such measurements depend upon an accurate and robust theory of how PNG affects the bias of galactic halos relative to the underlying matter density field. We improve upon previous work by employing a more general analytical method - the path-integral extension of the excursion set formalism - which is able to account for the non-Markovianity caused by PNG in the random-walk model used to identify halos in the initial density field. This non-Markovianity encodes information about environmental effects on halo formation which have so far not been taken into account in analytical bias calculations. We compute both scale-dependent and -independent corrections to the halo bias, along the way presenting an expression for the conditional collapsed fraction for the first time, and a new expression for the conditional halo mass function. To leading order in our perturbative calculation, we recover the halo bias results of Desjacques et. al. (2011), including the new scale-dependent correction reported there. However, we show that the non-Markovian dynamics from PNG can lead to marked differences in halo bias when next-to-leading order terms are included. We quantify these differences here. [abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Includes minor revisions recommended by referee, slightly revised notation for clarity, and corrected typo
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