35 research outputs found

    Sterile Neutrino Shortcuts in Asymmetrically Warped Extra Dimensions

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    Light sterile neutrinos are a popular extension of the Standard Model and are being discussed as a possible explanation for various neutrino oscillation anomalies, including the LSND, MiniBooNE, Reactor and Gallium anomalies. In order to avoid inconsistencies with constraints derived from disappearance experiments and cosmology, altered dispersion relations - which may originate from extra dimensions - have been proposed as a possible solution, dubbed as "neutrino shortcuts in the extra dimension". In this paper we develop a neutrino mass model with an asymmetrically warped extra dimension and two additional gauge singlet neutrinos, one being responsible for neutrino mass generation, while the other one is allowed to propagate in the extra dimension, giving rise to the desired change of the dispersion relation on the brane. By compactifying the extra-dimensional theory on an S1/Z2S^1/\mathbb{Z}_2 orbifold, deriving the shape of the Kaluza-Klein tower and identifying the effective sterile neutrino dispersion relation on the brane, we can demonstrate that the earlier, phenomenological models are recovered as the 4-dimensional effective field theory limit of the model discussed here.Comment: 15 page

    Sterile Neutrinos with Altered Dispersion Relations as an Explanation for the MiniBooNE, LSND, Gallium and Reactor Anomalies

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    Recently the MiniBooNE Collaboration has reported an anomalous excess in muon to electron (anti-)neutrino oscillation data. Combined with long-standing results from the LSND experiment this amounts to a 6.1 sigma evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model. In this paper we develop a framework with 3 active and 3 sterile neutrinos with altered dispersion relations that can explain these anomalies without being in conflict with the absence of anomalous neutrino disappearance in other neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    swmmr - an R package to interface SWMM

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    The stormwater management model SWMM of the US EPA is widely used to analyse, design or optimise urban drainage systems. To perform advanced analysis and visualisations of model data this technical note introduces the R package swmmr. It contains functions to read and write SWMM files, initiate simulations from the R console and to convert SWMM model files to and from GIS data. Additionally, model data can be transformed to produce high quality visualisations. In accordance with SWMM’s open source policy the package can be obtained through github.com or the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)

    New loci for body fat percentage reveal link between adiposity and cardiometabolic disease risk

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    To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of adiposity and its links to cardiometabolic disease risk, we conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of body fat percentage (BF%) in up to 100,716 individuals. Twelve loci reached genome-wide significance (P<5 × 10−8), of which eight were previously associated with increased overall adiposity (BMI, BF%) and four (in or near COBLL1/GRB14, IGF2BP1, PLA2G6, CRTC1) were novel associations with BF%. Seven loci showed a larger effect on BF% than on BMI, suggestive of a primary association with adiposity, while five loci showed larger effects on BMI than on BF%, suggesting association with both fat and lean mass. In particular, the loci more strongly associated with BF% showed distinct cross-phenotype association signatures with a range of cardiometabolic traits revealing new insights in the link between adiposity and disease risk

    Shortage of skilled workers in the hospitality industry – leadings out of the crisis

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    Durch innere und Ă€ußere EinflĂŒsse steht die Hotellerie vor großen personellen Herausforderungen. Die Arbeit untersucht, welche GrĂŒnde es fĂŒr den FachkrĂ€ftemangel gibt und zeigt auf, welche Chancen das Personalmanagement und -marketing bietet, um diesem Problem nachhaltig zu begegnen

    Standard Model extensions with neutral leptons

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    In this thesis, we study two different Standard Model extensions involving neutral leptons aiming to explain current anomalies in the neutrino sector, as well as to explain the flavor anomalies in combination with the dark matter abundance in the universe. At first, we develop a model that introduces additional sterile neutrino states featuring altered dispersion relations in order to explain the longstanding short baseline neutrino oscillation anomalies and the gallium/reactor anomalies, while also staying in accordance with high energy data from atmospheric and long baseline accelerator experiments. Furthermore, we systematically analyze a model class of one-loop solutions to the B-anomalies in the context of fermionic singlet dark matter candidates. We study the dark matter phenomenology for both Dirac and Majorana fermions in all five models that contain a fermionic singlet. In our analysis, we include different hierarchies between the new Yukawa couplings to Standard Model quarks and also examine different mass ratios in the dark sector. Our study shows that especially direct detection limits can probe such solutions of the B-anomalies.In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir zwei verschiedene Standardmodellerweiterungen mit neutralen Leptonen, die darauf abzielen, die Anomalien im Neutrinosektor zu erklĂ€ren, sowie eine ErklĂ€rung der Flavoranomalien mit der Existenz Dunkler Materie im Universum zu verknĂŒpfen. ZunĂ€chst entwickeln wir ein Modell, das zusĂ€tzliche sterile Neutrinos mit verĂ€nderten Dispersionsrelationen einfĂŒhrt, um die Neutrino-Oszillationsanomalien, sowie die Gallium- und Reaktoranomalien zu erklĂ€ren, wĂ€hrend es gleichzeitig mit den Hochenergie-Daten aus atmosphĂ€rischen aus Beschleuniger-Experimenten in Übereinstimmung steht. DarĂŒberhinaus prĂ€sentieren wir eine systematische Analyse einer Modellklasse von Ein-Schleifen-Lösungen fĂŒr die B-Anomalien im Kontext von fermionischen Dunkle-Materie-Kandidaten in der Eich-Singulett-Darstellung. Wir untersuchen die Dunkle-Materie-PhĂ€nomenologie sowohl fĂŒr Dirac- als auch fĂŒr Majorana-Fermionen in allen fĂŒnf Modellen, die ein fermionisches Eich-Singulett enthalten. In unserer Analyse prĂŒfen wir unterschiedliche Hierarchien zwischen den neuen Yukawa-Kopplungen an die Standardmodell-Quarks und analysieren zudem verschiedene MassenverhĂ€ltnisse im dunklen Sektor. Unsere Studie zeigt, dass besonders direkte Detektionsexperimente solche Lösungen der B-Anomalien testen können

    Vogel, Döring, Sievert (2023): Motivational signals in public sector job advertisements and how they relate to attracting and hiring candidates

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    This study examines how motivational signals in job advertisements relate to public employers’ recruitment success, testing hypotheses derived from signaling theory and person–environment fit theory. We combine job advertisements collected via web crawling with matched survey data on the recruitment process (1,863 recruiters), capturing Germany’s public sector job market. Using quantitative text analysis, we identify motivational signals in the job advertisements and analyze their relationship with recruitment success. Results show that prosocial signals positively relate to a higher quality of applications and a more qualified selected candidate. By contrast, extrinsic and intrinsic motivational signals did not exhibit statistically significant effects