4,732 research outputs found
Can insider power affect employment?.
Do firms reduce employment when their insiders (established, incumbent employees) claim higher wages? The conventional answer in the theoretical literature is that insider power has no influence on employment, provided that the newly hired employees (entrants) receive their reservation wages. The reason given is that an increase in insider wages gives rise to a countervailing fall in reservation wages, leaving the present value of wage costs unchanged. Our analysis contradicts this conventional answer. We show that, in the context of a stochastic model of the labor market, an increase in insider wages promotes firing in recessions, while leaving hiring in booms unchanged. Thereby insider power reduces average employment.Lohnstruktur; Insider-Outsider-Modell; Arbeitsuche; Anspruchslohn; Marktmacht; Theorie;Employment; Wage determination; market power; insiders;
Novel active-compensated weighted summer
A summer amplifier with extended bandwidth is proposed. Compensation of the frequency characteristics is achieved by employing two operational amplifiers instead of external reactive components
On the Active Compensation of Operational Amplifier Based VCVS
A unified treatment of the active compensation for VCVS realized by operational amplifiers is presented. It is a summary of low-sensitivity circuit structures which can be either magnitude or phase compensated. The performance of such a circuits is discussed in detail. Experimental data for some of them are also included
Plan de cuidados de enfermería en el postoperatorio inmediato de un paciente sometido a trasplante hepático: a propósito de un caso
[Resumen] Introducción: Las causas que dañan el hígado de forma irreversible son
múltiples, impidiendo que realice sus funciones con normalidad. En
muchos casos la única opción es el trasplante.
El trasplante hepático consiste en la exéresis de un hígado enfermo
seguido de la colocación en el mismo lugar anatómico de un hígado
donado. Es uno de los trasplantes más complejos, necesitando de la
intervención de un equipo multidisciplinario.
En España la técnica comienza en 1984 y hasta el año 2014 se han
producido 20,568 primeros trasplantes gracias en gran medida al avance
de las técnicas y la farmacología así como a la creación de la ONT, la
cual se encarga de organizar el sistema de donación.
Objetivo: Establecer un plan de cuidados de enfermería en el
postoperatorio inmediato de un paciente trasplantado hepático ingresado
en la unidad de Reanimación de la 5ª planta del HUAC; así como verificar
su utilidad y eficacia.
Desarrollo: Se realizó un plan de cuidados individualizado empleando las
taxonomías enfermeras (NANDA-NOC-NIC) para identificar los
diagnósticos y establecer los objetivos e intervenciones. Se llevó a cabo
un seguimiento activo del paciente hasta el momento del alta.
Discusión y conclusión: Lo planes de cuidados son herramientas
eficaces como se puede observar en la puntuación final de los indicadores
de los NOC. Las actividades enfermeras reflejadas en las NIC han sido
efectivas mejorando la puntuación en la escala Linkert.[Resumo] Introdución: Son moitas as causas que dañan o fígado de maneira
irreversible, impedindo que realice a súas funcións con normalidade. En
moitos casos a única opción é o trasplante.
O trasplante de fígado consiste na exéresis dun fígado enfermo seguido
da colocación no mesmo lugar anatómico dun fígado doado. É un dos
trasplantes máis complexos, necesitando da intervención dun equipo
En España a técnica comeza en 1984 e ata o ano 2014 leváronse a cabo
20,568 primeiros trasplantes grazas en gran medida ao avance das
técnicas e á farmacoloxía así como á creación da ONT, a cal encárgase
de organizar o sistema de doazón.
Obxectivo: Establecer un plan de cuidados de enfermaría no
postoperatorio inmediato dun paciente trasplantado de fígado ingresado
na unidad de Reanimación da 5ª planta do HUAC; así como verificar a
súa utilidade e eficacia.
Desenvolvemento: Realizouse un plan de coidados individualizado
empregando as taxonomías enfermeiras (NANDA-NOC-NIC) para
identificar os diagnósticos e establecer os obxectivos e intervencións.
Levouse a cabo un seguimento activo do paciente ata o momento do alta.
Discusión e conclusión: Os planes de coidados son herramientas
eficaces como se pode observar na puntuación final dos indicadores dos
NOC. As actividades enfermeiras reflexadas nas NIC foron efectivas
mellorando a puntuación na Escala Linkert.[Abstract] Introduction: There are many causes that damage the liver irreversibly,
preventing perform their duties normally. In many cases the only option is
Liver transplantation involves the excision of a diseased liver followed by
placing in the same anatomical site of a donated liver. It is one of the most
complex transplants, requiring the intervention of a multidisciplinary team.
In Spain the technique begins in 1984 and until 2014 occurred first 20.568
transplants thanks largely to the advancement of techniques and
pharmacology as well as the creation of the ONT, which is responsible for
organizing the donation system.
Objective: Establish a care plan in the inmediate postoperative period of
liver trasplantation patient admitted to the reanimation unit of the 5th floor
of the HUAC; and verify its usefulness and effectiveness.
Development: it was conducted an individualized care plan using nurses
taxonomies (NANDA-NOC-NIC) to identify diagnoses, objectives and
nursing interventions. it was carried out an active patient monitoring.
Discussion and conclusions: care plans are effective as we can see in
the final score of the indicators of the NOC. Nurse activities, reflected in
the NIC, have been effective in improving the score on the scale Linkert.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ENFC). Enfermaría. Curso 2015/2016
Resonance box. Th e courtyard in the MMI House by Sostres
[Resumen] Buscando el distanciamiento radical de la tradición, el patio de la casa MMI se despoja de todo elemento orgánico y renuncia a establecer relaciones visuales tanto con el espacio exterior como entre ámbitos interiores de la casa. Este drástico ensimismamiento resulta aún enigmático para algunos críticos. A través del análisis espacial y perceptivo, en este artículo se exploran los resultados de este hermetismo: alcanzar las máximas cotas de abstracción y preservar la percepción de los fenómenos estéticos más sutiles. [Abstract] The courtyard of the MMI House is deprived of vegetation. Any visual relationship, both between the inside and outside and among diff erent interior areas is avoided. Its confi guration is radically and deliberately distanced from the traditional. Th is drastic closure remains baffl ing for some critics. Using spatial and perceptual analysis, this paper explores the outcomes of the courtyard isolation: achieving the maximum degree of abstraction and allowing us to perceive the subtlest aesthetic phenomena
Chaos in a Switched-Capacitor Circuit
We report chaotic phenomena observed from a simple nonlinear switched-capacitor circuit. The experimentally measured bifurcation tree diagram reveals a period-doubling route to chaos. This circuit is described by a first-order discrete equation which can be transformed into the logistic map whose chaotic dynamics is well known.National Science Foundation ECS-8542885Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología 0245/81Office of Naval Research under Contract NOOO14-76-C-057
A new nonlinear time-domain op-amp macromodel using threshold functions and digitally controlled network elements
A general-purpose nonlinear macromodel for the time-domain simulation of integrated circuit operational amplifiers (op amps), either bipolar or MOS, is presented. Three main differences exist between the macromodel and those previously reported in the literature for the time domain. First, all the op-amp nonlinearities are simulated using threshold elements and digital components, thus making them well suited for a mixed electrical/logical simulator. Secondly, the macromodel exhibits a superior performance in those cases where the op amp is driven by a large signal. Finally, the macromodel is advantageous in terms of CPU time. Several examples are included illustrating all of these advantages. The main application of this macromodel is for the accurate simulation of the analog part of a combined analog/digital integrated circui
Design of RC-active oscillators using composite amplifiers
The design of composite opamp Wien-Bridge oscillators is systematically approached by using a general model including amplitude control issues. Two different design criteria are presented and their main features summarized. A general composite opamp topology from which a catalog of structures can be obtained in a systematic way is presented. Experimental data are included illustrating the performance of the proposed design criteria
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