22 research outputs found

    Robot aplicado a la medición de áreas usando gps

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    The geo-referencing and measurement of land areas is the first obstacle to overcome for the farmer, as having no certainty of the place and the extent to which a particular crop began its current state and generates high costs of equipment and personnel movement specialized for this task identification, referencing, and field calculations. One solution to this problem is investigated and described in this article, which comprises software and hardware. In the case of software, this article covers two parts: the first on mobile devices, consisting of 9 classes (GeograficasPlanas, GamePad, Archives, SerieLinux, AreaPoligono, StringMejorado, DatosGPS, VisionArtificial, Xbee) and the second is embedded in the Arduino UNO using 5 classes (SoftwareSerial, PololuQik, Servo, TinyGPS, SD). In the case of hardware worked with the Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD vehicle, stayed in this battery, Arduino, 2s12v10 Pololu Qik, the Xbee, GPS A2100A, sensor pan / tilt and optical sensor.la georreferenciación y medición de áreas de terreno es el primer obstáculo a vencer para el agricultor colombiano quien por no tener certeza del lugar y la extensión en el cual se iniciará un determinado cultivo y su estado genera altos costos en desplazamiento de equipos y personal especializado para realizar labores de identificación, referenciación y cálculos del terreno. El presente artículo describe la investigación que desarrolló una solución a este problema, integrada por software y hardware; el software en dos partes: la primera en el dispositivo móvil, conformada por 9 clases (GeograficasPlanas, GamePad, Archivos, SerieLinux, AreaPoligono, StringMejorado, DatosGPS, VisionArtificial, Xbee), y la segunda embebida en el Arduino UNO usando 5 clases (SoftwareSerial, PololuQik, Servo, TinyGPS, SD). En el caso del hardware se trabajó con el vehículo Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD, en este se alojaron las baterías, Arduino, Pololu Qik 2s12v10, el Xbee, GPS A2100A, sensor pan/tilt y sensor óptic

    The synovial and blood monocyte DNA methylomes mirror prognosis, evolution, and treatment in early arthritis

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    Identifying predictive biomarkers at early stages of inflammatory arthritis is crucial for starting appropriate therapies to avoid poor outcomes. Monocytes (MOs) and macrophages, largely associated with arthritis, are contributors and sensors of inflammation through epigenetic modifications. In this study, we investigated associations between clinical features and DNA methylation in blood and synovial fluid (SF) MOs in a prospective cohort of patients with early inflammatory arthritis. DNA methylation profiles of undifferentiated arthritis (UA) blood MOs exhibited marked alterations in comparison with those from healthy donors. We identified additional differences both in blood and SF MOs after comparing patients with UA grouped by their future outcomes, i.e., good versus poor. Patient profiles in subsequent visits revealed a reversion toward a healthy level in both groups, those requiring disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and those who remitted spontaneously. Changes in disease activity between visits also affected DNA methylation, which was partially concomitant in the SF of UA and in blood MOs of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Epigenetic similarities between arthritis types allow a common prediction of disease activity. Our results constitute a resource of DNA methylation-based biomarkers of poor prognosis, disease activity, and treatment efficacy for the personalized clinical management of early inflammatory arthritis.We thank CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya and the Josep Carreras Foundation for institutional support. The authors thank all the patients who graciously donated their time and samples to further arthritis research. We are also thankful to Núria Sapena, Marta Bassas, and Cristina González, nurses from the outpatient clinic of the Department of Rheumatology, for their help in the management of biologic samples. This research was funded by Fondo de Investigación en Salud (FIS) grant PI17/00993 from the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) (to JDC); by grants SAF2017-88086-R and PID2020-117212RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13038/501100011033) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) (to EB); and by the Thematic Networks for Cooperative Research (RETICS) grant provided by ISCII, Research Network for Inflammation and Rheumatic Diseases (RIER) RD16/0012/0013, cofinanced by the European Fund for Regional Development’s (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa program (to JDC and EB).Peer reviewe

    Navegación de robot móvil usando Kinect, OpenCV y Arduino

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    This paper presents the research results of the artificial vision that support navigation through depth images and recognition of objects by their primary channels. The device used for RGB and depth image capture is Microsoft´s kinect sensor, which has a RGB camera and an infrared transmitter that projects an irregular beam pattern with a variable intensity. This depth sensor reconstructs an image from the distortion pattern. The next step is to find all the red points of the scene, count them, calculate the center point, diameter, position and its distance from the kinect. Finally, process these results, take the movement decision to be sent to the Arduino, which controls the motors. The results obtained in the research indicate that the depth images captured by the kinect require controlled illumination scenarios; this aspect is compensated with the creation of the navigation algorithm with digital image processing. The results indicate that research showed the depth images captured by the Kinect require controlled lighting scenarios, for this reason we created the navigation algorithm with digital image processing which serves to support the navigation depth images.Este artículo presenta los resultados de investigación de la visión artificial que sirve de apoyo a la navegación por medio de imágenes de profundidad y el reconocimiento de objetos por sus canales primarios. El dispositivo utilizado para la captura de la imagen RGB y la imagen de profundidad es el sensor Kinect de Microsoft, este consta de una cámara RGB y un emisor de infrarrojos que proyecta un patrón irregular de haces con una intensidad variable. El sensor de profundidad reconstruye una imagen a partir de la distorsión del patrón, el siguiente paso es buscar todos los puntos rojos de la escena, contarlos, calcular el centroide, diámetro, posición y distancia al Kinect. Por último procesar estos resultados, tomar la decisión de movimiento para ser enviada al Arduino, el cual controla los motores. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación indican que las imágenes de profundidad capturadas por el Kinect requieren de escenarios con iluminación controlada; este aspecto es compensado con la creación del algoritmo de navegación con procesamiento digital de imágenes

    Robot used in measuring areas using gps

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    The geo-referencing and measurement of land areas is the first obstacle to overcome for the farmer, as having no certainty of the place and the extent to which a particular crop began its current state and generates high costs of equipment and personnel movement specialized for this task identification, referencing, and field calculations. One solution to this problem is investigated and described in this article, which comprises software and hardware. In the case of software, this article covers two parts: the first on mobile devices, consisting of 9 classes (GeograficasPlanas, GamePad, Archives, SerieLinux, AreaPoligono, StringMejorado, DatosGPS, VisionArtificial, Xbee) and the second is embedded in the Arduino UNO using 5 classes (SoftwareSerial, PololuQik, Servo, TinyGPS, SD). In the case of hardware worked with the Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD vehicle, stayed in this battery, Arduino, 2s12v10 Pololu Qik, the Xbee, GPS A2100A, sensor pan / tilt and optical sensor.la georreferenciación y medición de áreas de terreno es el primer obstáculo a vencer para el agricultor colombiano quien por no tener certeza del lugar y la extensión en el cual se iniciará un determinado cultivo y su estado genera altos costos en desplazamiento de equipos y personal especializado para realizar labores de identificación, referenciación y cálculos del terreno. El presente artículo describe la investigación que desarrolló una solución a este problema, integrada por software y hardware; el software en dos partes: la primera en el dispositivo móvil, conformada por 9 clases (GeograficasPlanas, GamePad, Archivos, SerieLinux, AreaPoligono, StringMejorado, DatosGPS, VisionArtificial, Xbee), y la segunda embebida en el Arduino UNO usando 5 clases (SoftwareSerial, PololuQik, Servo, TinyGPS, SD). En el caso del hardware se trabajó con el vehículo Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD, en este se alojaron las baterías, Arduino, Pololu Qik 2s12v10, el Xbee, GPS A2100A, sensor pan/tilt y sensor óptic

    Robot aplicado a la medición de áreas usando gps

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    The geo-referencing and measurement of land areas is the first obstacle to overcome for the farmer, as having no certainty of the place and the extent to which a particular crop began its current state and generates high costs of equipment and personnel movement specialized for this task identification, referencing, and field calculations. One solution to this problem is investigated and described in this article, which comprises software and hardware. In the case of software, this article covers two parts: the first on mobile devices, consisting of 9 classes (GeograficasPlanas, GamePad, Archives, SerieLinux, AreaPoligono, StringMejorado, DatosGPS, VisionArtificial, Xbee) and the second is embedded in the Arduino UNO using 5 classes (SoftwareSerial, PololuQik, Servo, TinyGPS, SD). In the case of hardware worked with the Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD vehicle, stayed in this battery, Arduino, 2s12v10 Pololu Qik, the Xbee, GPS A2100A, sensor pan / tilt and optical sensor.la georreferenciación y medición de áreas de terreno es el primer obstáculo a vencer para el agricultor colombiano quien por no tener certeza del lugar y la extensión en el cual se iniciará un determinado cultivo y su estado genera altos costos en desplazamiento de equipos y personal especializado para realizar labores de identificación, referenciación y cálculos del terreno. El presente artículo describe la investigación que desarrolló una solución a este problema, integrada por software y hardware; el software en dos partes: la primera en el dispositivo móvil, conformada por 9 clases (GeograficasPlanas, GamePad, Archivos, SerieLinux, AreaPoligono, StringMejorado, DatosGPS, VisionArtificial, Xbee), y la segunda embebida en el Arduino UNO usando 5 clases (SoftwareSerial, PololuQik, Servo, TinyGPS, SD). En el caso del hardware se trabajó con el vehículo Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD, en este se alojaron las baterías, Arduino, Pololu Qik 2s12v10, el Xbee, GPS A2100A, sensor pan/tilt y sensor óptic

    Plataforma TI de vigilancia entomológica del Aedes aegypti con colaboración colectiva, Web GIS y mHealth

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    The Aedes aegypti mosquito is an anthropophilic species that has adapted to urban environments and is the main vector of diseases such as dengue, Zika fever, Chikungunya fever and yellow fever, representing a major burden on the health system, especially in tropical countries where it is endemic. Appropriate public health surveillance is fundamental for the prevention of these diseases through information systems. The purpose of this work is to provide an information technology (IT) platform integrating open Web GIS and mHealth technologies for vector entomological surveillance based on distributed open collaboration for the generation of infestation maps. A pilot was conducted with a focus group of 23 nursing students registering 120 elements in 55 reports at the San Antonio campus of the Universidad de los Llanos for the automatic generation of 21 heat maps of symptoms, mosquitoes and breeding sites, and a global infestation map. This work suggests a novel perspective of collaborative community interaction and participation with health authorities supported by IT.El mosquito Aedes aegypti es una especie antropofílica que se ha adaptado a entornos urbanos y es el principal vector de enfermedades como el dengue, la fiebre del Zika, la fiebre del Chikunguña y la fiebre amarilla, representado una importante carga al sistema de salud en especial en países tropicales donde es endémico. Ejercer apropiadamente la vigilancia en salud pública es fundamental para la prevención de estas enfermedades por medio de sistemas de información. El propósito de este trabajo es proporcionar una plataforma de tecnologías de la información (TI) integrando tecnologías abiertas Web GIS y mHealth para la vigilancia entomológica del vector a partir de colaboración abierta distribuida para la generación de mapas de infestación. Se realizó un piloto con un grupo focal de 23 estudiantes de enfermería registrando 120 elementos en 55 reportes en la Sede San Antonio de la Universidad de los Llanos para la generación automática de 21 mapas de calor de síntomas, zancudos y criaderos, y un mapa global de infestación. Este trabajo sugiere una perspectiva novedosa de interacción y participación colaborativa de la comunidad con las autoridades de salud soportado por las TI.O mosquito Aedes aegypti é uma espécie antropófila que se adaptou ao ambiente urbano e é o principal vetor de doenças como dengue, febre Zika, febre Chikungunya e febre amarela, representando um grande fardo para o sistema de saúde, especialmente em países tropicais onde é endêmico. Uma vigilância adequada da saúde pública é fundamental para a prevenção dessas doenças através de sistemas de informação. O objetivo deste trabalho é fornecer uma plataforma de tecnologia da informação (TI) integrando tecnologias Web abertas GIS e mHealth para vigilância entomológica vetorial baseada em colaboração aberta distribuída para a geração de mapas de infestação. Um piloto foi conduzido com um grupo focal de 23 estudantes de enfermagem registrando 120 elementos em 55 relatórios no campus de San Antonio da Universidad de los Llanos para a geração automática de 21 mapas de calor de sintomas, mosquitos e locais de reprodução, e um mapa de infestação global. Este trabalho sugere uma nova perspectiva de interação e participação da comunidade colaborativa com as autoridades de saúde apoiadas por TI

    Angle between DNA linker and nucleosome core particle regulates array compaction revealed by individual-particle cryo-electron tomography.

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    The conformational dynamics of nucleosome arrays generate a diverse spectrum of microscopic states, posing challenges to their structural determination. Leveraging cryogenic electron tomography (cryo-ET), we determine the three-dimensional (3D) structures of individual mononucleosomes and arrays comprising di-, tri-, and tetranucleosomes. By slowing the rate of condensation through a reduction in ionic strength, we probe the intra-array structural transitions that precede inter-array interactions and liquid droplet formation. Under these conditions, the arrays exhibite irregular zig-zag conformations with loose packing. Increasing the ionic strength promoted intra-array compaction, yet we do not observe the previously reported regular 30-nanometer fibers. Interestingly, the presence of H1 do not induce array compaction; instead, one-third of the arrays display nucleosomes invaded by foreign DNA, suggesting an alternative role for H1 in chromatin network construction. We also find that the crucial parameter determining the structure adopted by chromatin arrays is the angle between the entry and exit of the DNA and the corresponding tangents to the nucleosomal disc. Our results provide insights into the initial stages of intra-array compaction, a critical precursor to condensation in the regulation of chromatin organization

    The Zebrafish Perivitelline Fluid Provides Maternally-Inherited Defensive Immunity

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    In the teleost egg, the embryo is immersed in an extraembryonic fluid that fills the space between the embryo and the chorion and partially isolates it from the external environment, called the perivitelline fluid (PVF). The exact composition of the PVF remains unknown in vertebrate animals. The PVF allows the embryo to avoid dehydration, to maintain a safe osmotic balance and provides mechanical protection; however, its potential defensive properties against bacterial pathogens has not been reported. In this work, we determined the global proteomic profile of PVF in zebrafish eggs and embryos, and the maternal or zygotic origin of the identified proteins was studied. In silico analysis of PVF protein composition revealed an enrichment of protein classes associated with non-specific humoral innate immunity. We found lectins, protease inhibitors, transferrin, and glucosidases present from early embryogenesis until hatching. Finally, in vitro and in vivo experiments done with this fluid demonstrated that the PVF possessed a strong agglutinating capacity on bacterial cells and protected the embryos when challenged with the pathogenic bacteria Edwardsiella tarda. Our results suggest that the PVF is a primitive inherited immune extraembryonic system that protects the embryos from external biological threats prior to hatching