693 research outputs found

    Molecular Ecology of Geminivirus C2 protein over the viral insect vector Bemisia tabaci

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    Plant-pathogen-vector systems are characterized by a complex array of direct and indirect interactions, usually not well understood. The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is responsible for extensive losses mainly through the transmission of plant pathogenic viruses, primarily begomoviruses. Begomovirus (Fam. Geminiviridae) genomes encode 6 to 8 small multifunctional proteins. One of these is C2 (also known as TrAP, AC2 or AL2), a small multifunctional protein of about 15 kDa in molecular weight that is mainly localized in the nucleus and may inactivate plant defence responses. Recently, we found that C2 suppresses jasmonate responses when expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana or Nicotiana benthamiana [1]. Jasmonates are essential signalling molecules modulating plant responses to both biotic and abiotic stresses and regulating plant development. It has been reported that nymph development of B. tabaci is slowed or disrupted by jasmonate-induced defences [2]. Thus, it would be possible that begomovirus-mediated suppression of the jasmonate response accelerates the whitefly reproduction efficiency, thereby enhancing virus dispersal. Additionally, the suppression of the jasmonate response could also prevent the synthesis of secondary metabolites interfering with the interaction between plant and insect. Remarkably, this indirect mutualism between B. tabaci and begomoviruses, which occurs via their host plants, has been reported [3]. Whether C2 is the viral protein responsible for this effect remains to be determined. The overall purpose of this work is to investigate if the begomoviral C2 protein exerts an indirect effect, via the host plant, on the viral insect vector, B. tabaci. We will show results of the performance analysis of B. tabaci on: (i) transgenic Arabidopsis lines expressing the begomoviral C2 protein (from different begomovirus species) and (ii) plants infected with the begomovirus Tomato yellow curl virus either wild-type or a mutant lacking C2. Results will help better understand the molecular mechanisms and the ecological implications of how viruses can manipulate plant defense systems to the benefit of their vectoring insects.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. EMBO short-term fellowship ASTF 232 – 201

    Discerning the relationship between geminiviral infection and vesicle trafficking using virus induced gene silencing

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    Tomato yellow leaf curl disease is one of the most important threats to tomato crops worldwide. One of its causal agents, Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinian virus (TYLCSV) is a monopartite member of the genus Begomovirus from the family Geminiviridae. Due to the few proteins encoded by their viral genome, geminiviruses rely heavily on host cellular machineries and interact with a wide range of plant proteins to complete all processes required for infection, such as viral replication, movement and suppression or evasion of plant defence mechanisms. The identification of the host proteins involved in viral infection will be an important step towards the understanding of the mechanisms underlying this process. In our laboratory, transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants containing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression cassette flanked by two direct repeats of the intergenic region of TYLCSV have been constructed (2IR plants). When these plants are infected with TYLCSV, an overexpression of the reporter gene is observed in those cells where the virus is actively replicating. These plants have been used together with virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) in an effort to identify host genes involved in the infection process using a reverse genetics approach. Using this combined technique our group has identified two genes δ-COP and ARF 1, involved in retrograde vesicle trafficking, which are essential for the infectious process. We are currently assaying genes codifying proteins involved in different pathways of the vesicle trafficking system: Sar1b, γ subunit of AP1, Sec24, SYT1 and two that encode the heavy chain of triskelion proteins. Their effect over viral infection will be presented and discussedUniversidad de Málaga. Campues de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Identifying the function of vesicle trafficking in geminiviral infection using virus induced gene silencing

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    Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinian virus (TYLCSV) is one of the causal agent of the tomato yel-low leaf curl disease, one of the most important threats to tomato crops worldwide. TYLCSV is a monopartite member of the genus Begomovirus from the family Geminiviridae. To carry out a full infection, geminiviruses need to move inside the infected cell and from one cell to an-other for which they depend on diverse cellular factors. While cell-to-cell movement has been described to occur through plasmodesmata, the way in which geminiviruses move inside the host cells is yet unknown. The identification of the host proteins involved in viral infection will be an important step to-wards the understanding of the mechanisms underlying this process. In our laboratory, trans-genic Nicotianabenthamiana plants containing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression cassette flanked by two direct repeats of the intergenic region of TYLCSV have been construct-ed (2IR plants). When these plants are infected with TYLCSV, an overexpression of the reporter gene is observed in those cells where the virus replicates. These plants have been used to-gether with virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) in an effort to identify host genes involved in the infection process using a reverse genetics approach. Using this combined technique our group has identified two genes δ-COP and ARF 1, involved in retrograde vesicle trafficking, which are essential for the infectious process. We are current-ly assaying genes codifying proteins involved in different pathways of the vesicle trafficking system: Sar1b, γ subunit of AP1, Sec24, SYT1 and two that encode the heavy chain of triskelion proteins. Their effect over virus infection will be presented and discussed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Impact Evaluation of the Job Youth Training Program Projoven

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    This paper brings new evidence on the impact of The Peruvian Job Youth Training Program (Projoven). Compared with prior evaluations of the program, this one has several advantages. This is the first experimental impact evaluation of Projoven, and also the first to measure impacts over a longer period: almost three years after training. Additionally, the evaluation supplements data from a follow-up survey with administrative data from the country’s Electronic Payroll (Planilla Electrónica), allowing for a more accurate measure of formal employment. It also measures whether socioemotional skills of beneficiaries improved with program participation. The evaluation finds a high long term positive impact of Projoven on formal employment. It also finds certain heterogeneity of program impacts across subpopulations. Impacts on formal employment vary depending on the beneficiaries’ gender and age, with different patterns of statistical significance depending on the data source used to measure employment formality. Finally, it does not find significant impacts on socio-emotional skills

    A viral effector suppresses cell-to-cell spread of silencing by targeting two plasmodesmal receptor-like kinases

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    RNA interference (RNAi) in plants can move from cell to cell, allowing for systemic spread of an anti-viral immune response. How this cell-to-cell spread of silencing is regulated is currently unknown. Here, we describe that the C4 protein from Tomato yellow leaf curl virus can inhibit the intercellular spread of RNAi. Using this viral protein as a probe, we have identified the receptor-like kinase (RLK) BARELY ANY MERISTEM 1 (BAM1) as a positive regulator of the cell-to-cell movement of RNAi, and determined that BAM1 and its closest homologue, BAM2, play a redundant role in this process. C4 interacts with the intracellular domain of BAM1 and BAM2 at the plasma membrane and plasmodesmata, the cytoplasmic connections between plant cells, interfering with the function of these RLKs in the cell-to-cell spread of RNAi. Our results identify BAM1 as an element required for the cell-to-cell spread of RNAi and highlight that signalling components have been co-opted to play multiple functions in plants.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Aplicación del ciclo de deming para mejorar la productividad de ventas de taninos vegetales, de la empresa Silvateam Perú S.A., 2019

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    El presente estudio fue planteado con el objetivo de mejorar la productividad en el proceso de ventas de taninos vegetales de la empresa trasnacional SILVATEAM PERÚ S.A. y describe todos sus elementos en el diagnóstico y la mejora de dicho proceso. Este es un estudio realizado in situ que consta de diagnóstico y propuesta de mejora, además tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, es aplicativo con diseño pre y post experimental. La población está constituida por datos numéricos de ventas desde el mes de enero hasta mayo del 2019. Se aplicaron las técnicas de encuesta, análisis de registros de atención al cliente, observación de campo y cuestionario. Cabe destacar que este estudio tiene fundamentos en metodologías de calidad, gestión y productividad que a la fecha siguen siendo fuentes viables en tanto refiera a la mejora continua de los proceso

    Gender studies and research networks

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    EditorialConseguir una igualdad real y efectiva entre hombres y mujeres constituye uno de los grandes retos de la humanidad en el siglo XXI. Aunque son muchos los avances y los logros alcanzados en este campo, todavía nos encontramos con múltiples contextos donde, a pesar de establecerse a nivel formal la no discriminación por razones de género, la realidad social nos pone de manifiesto lo contrario. Mención aparte merecen aquellos territorios en losque, so pretexto de determinados preceptos religiosos, se sigue discriminando a la mujer y relegándola (en el mejor de los casos) a un papel secundario en la sociedad. Este número especial de la revista JETT presenta una amplia muestra de los trabajos que se vienen realizando dentro de lo que se ha dado en llamar “Estudios de Género”

    Estimación del tiempo de viaje en autopistas

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    El tiempo de viaje (TV) para conducir por carretera es la información más apreciada de tráfico. La medición del TV en tiempo real es también un indicador perfecto del nivel de servicio en una carretera, y por lo tanto es una medida útil para los gestores de tráfico para mejorar las operaciones en la red. Entonces, la medición exacta del TV es uno de los factores clave en los sistemas de gestión del tráfico. Por otro lado, el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de control del tráfico y el creciente interés de los operadores de las carreteras e investigadores en la obtención de mediciones fiables del TV ha llevado al desarrollo de múltiples fuentes de datos de TV y algoritmos de estimación. Esta situación proporciona un contexto perfecto para la aplicación de metodologías de fusión de datos para obtener la máxima precisión de la combinación de los datos disponibles

    Evaluación de la discrepancia en el asentamiento marginal de estructuras metálicas sobre pilares de implantes según geometría del pilar, altura del pilar y tipo de cemento: estudio in vitro

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    El presente estudio in vitro tiene como objetivo evaluar la discrepancia en el asentamiento marginal de estructuras metálicas sobre pilares de implantes según geometría del pilar (hexagonal de paredes paralelas o cilíndrico de paredes convergentes), altura del pilar (4 mm, 5.5mm y 7mm) y tipo de cemento (Oxido de Zinc, Ionómero de Vidrio y Oxifosfato de Zinc).The present in vitro study aims to evaluate the discrepancy in the marginal settlement of metallic structures on implant abutments according to the geometry of the abutment (hexagonal of parallel walls or cylindrical of converging walls), height of the abutment (4 mm, 5.5 mm and 7 mm) And type of cement (Zinc Oxide, Glass Ionomer and Zinc Oxyphosphate

    Importancia de la higiene en el deporte de los adolescentes

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    Este trabajo de investigación denominado “la importancia de la higiene en el deporte de los adolescentes” surge del propósito de mejorar las condiciones de higiene y saludo de los estudiantes del nivel secundario, ya que se presenta mucho descuido en lo que respecto sus adecuados hábitos. Plantea como objetivo, conocer los hábitos de higiene. El método que se ha utilizado en este trabajo, es descriptivo y exploratorio, y se ha utilizado diversas fuentes bibliográficas