9 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of an intervention for improving drug prescription in primary care patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy:Study protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Multi-PAP project)

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII (Grant Numbers PI15/00276, PI15/00572, PI15/00996), REDISSEC (Project Numbers RD12/0001/0012, RD16/0001/0005), and the European Regional Development Fund ("A way to build Europe").Background: Multimorbidity is associated with negative effects both on people's health and on healthcare systems. A key problem linked to multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which in turn is associated with increased risk of partly preventable adverse effects, including mortality. The Ariadne principles describe a model of care based on a thorough assessment of diseases, treatments (and potential interactions), clinical status, context and preferences of patients with multimorbidity, with the aim of prioritizing and sharing realistic treatment goals that guide an individualized management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention that implements the Ariadne principles in a population of young-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The intervention seeks to improve the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care (PC), as measured by the medication appropriateness index (MAI) score at 6 and 12months, as compared with usual care. Methods/Design: Design:pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. Unit of randomization: family physician (FP). Unit of analysis: patient. Scope: PC health centres in three autonomous communities: Aragon, Madrid, and Andalusia (Spain). Population: patients aged 65-74years with multimorbidity (≄3 chronic diseases) and polypharmacy (≄5 drugs prescribed in ≄3months). Sample size: n=400 (200 per study arm). Intervention: complex intervention based on the implementation of the Ariadne principles with two components: (1) FP training and (2) FP-patient interview. Outcomes: MAI score, health services use, quality of life (Euroqol 5D-5L), pharmacotherapy and adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green, Haynes-Sackett), and clinical and socio-demographic variables. Statistical analysis: primary outcome is the difference in MAI score between T0 and T1 and corresponding 95% confidence interval. Adjustment for confounding factors will be performed by multilevel analysis. All analyses will be carried out in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: It is essential to provide evidence concerning interventions on PC patients with polypharmacy and multimorbidity, conducted in the context of routine clinical practice, and involving young-old patients with significant potential for preventing negative health outcomes. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02866799Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Precariedad, exclusiĂłn social y diversidad funcional (discapacidad): lĂłgicas y efectos subjetivos del sufrimiento social contemporĂĄneo (II). InnovaciĂłn docente en FilosofĂ­a

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    El PIMCD "Precariedad, exclusiĂłn social y diversidad funcional (discapacidad): lĂłgicas y efectos subjetivos del sufrimiento social contemporĂĄneo (II). InnovaciĂłn docente en FilosofĂ­a" se ocupa de conceptos generalmente eludidos por la tradiciĂłn teĂłrica (contando como nĂșcleos aglutinantes los de la precariedad laboral, la exclusiĂłn social y diversidad funcional o discapacidad), cuyo anĂĄlisis propicia nuevas prĂĄcticas en la enseñanza universitaria de filosofĂ­a, adoptando como meta principal el aprendizaje centrado en el estudiantado, el diseño de nuevas herramientas de enseñanza y el fomento de una universidad inclusiva. El proyecto cuenta con 26 docentes de la UCM y otros 28 docentes de otras 17 universidades españolas (UV, UNED, UGR, UNIZAR, UAH, UC3M, UCA, UNIOVI, ULL, EHU/UPV, UA, UAM, Deusto, IFS/CSIC, UCJC, URJC y Univ. Pontificia de Comillas), que permitirĂĄn dotar a las actividades programadas de un alcance idĂłneo para consolidar la adquisiciĂłn de competencias argumentativas y dialĂ©cticas por parte de lxs estudiantes implicados en el marco de los seminarios previstos. Se integrarĂĄn en el PIMCD, aparte de PDI, al menos 26 estudiantes de mĂĄster y doctorado de la Facultad de FilosofĂ­a, a lxs que acompañarĂĄn durante el desarrollo del PIMCD 4 Alumni de la Facultad de FilosofĂ­a de la UCM, actualmente investigadores post-doc y profesorxs de IES, cuya experiencia serĂĄ beneficiosa para su introducciĂłn en la investigaciĂłn. Asimismo, el equipo cuenta con el apoyo de varixs profesorxs asociadxs, que en algunos casos son tambiĂ©n profesores de IES. Varixs docentes externos a la UCM participantes en el PIMCD poseen una dilatada experiencia en la coordinaciĂłn de proyectos de innovaciĂłn de otras universidades, lo que redundarĂĄ en beneficio de las actividades a desarrollar. La coordinadora y otrxs miembros del PIMCD pertenecen a la Red de InnovaciĂłn Docente en Filosofia (RIEF), puesta en marcha desde la Universitat de ValĂšncia (http://rief.blogs.uv.es/encuentros-de-la-rief/), a la que mantendremos informada de las actividades realizadas en el proyecto. Asimismo, lxs 6 miembros del PAS permitirĂĄn difundir debidamente las actividades realizadas en el PIMCD entre lxs estudiantes Erasmus IN del curso 2019/20 en la Facultad de FilosofĂ­a, de la misma manera que orientar en las tareas de maquetaciĂłn y ediciĂłn que puedan ser necesarias de cara a la publicaciĂłn de lxs resultados del PIMCD y en las tareas de pesquisa bibliogrĂĄfica necesarias para el desarrollo de los objetivos propuestos. Han manifestado su interĂ©s en los resultados derivados del PIMCD editoriales especializadas en la difusiĂłn de investigaciones predoctorales como Ápeiron y CTK E-Books

    Improving NNMFPACK with heterogeneous and efficient kernels for beta-divergence metrics

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    NnmfPack is a library for the nonnegative matrix factorization (NNMF) problem. Nowadays NNMF is an essential tool in many fields spanning machine learning, data analysis, image analysis or audio source separation, among others. NnmfPack is an efficient numerical library conceived for shared memory heterogeneous parallel systems, and it supports, from its conception, both conventional multi-core processors and many-core coprocessors. In this article, NnmfPack is extended to handle different metrics options ( ÎČÎČ -divergence), and some other parallel algorithms have been added and tested. The performance of the new functionalities of NnmfPack is tested, and some precision results of the implementations are showed using an example borrowed from the image processing field.This work has been partially supported by "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" from Spain, under the projects TEC2012-38142-C04-01 and TEC2012-38142-C04-04 and by ISIC/2012/006 and PROMETEO FASE II 2014/003 projects of Generalitat Valenciana.DĂ­az-Gracia, N.; Cocaña-FernĂĄndez, A.; Alonso-GonzĂĄlez, M.; MartĂ­nez ZaldĂ­var, FJ.; Cortina, R.; GarcĂ­a MollĂĄ, VM.; Alonso, P.... (2015). Improving NNMFPACK with heterogeneous and efficient kernels for ß-divergence metrics. Journal of Supercomputing. 71(5):1846-1856. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-014-1363-yS18461856715Battenberg E, Freed A, Wessel D (2010) Advances in the parallelization of music and audio applications. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, New YorkWnag J, Zhong W, Zhang J (2006) NNMF-based factorization techniques for high-accuracy privacy protection on non-negative-valued datasets. In: Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Computing and Processing, Data Mining Workshops ICDM Workshops, pp 513–517Rodriguez-Serrano FJ, Carabias-Orti JJ, Vera-Candeas P, Virtanen T, Ruiz-Reyes N (2012) Multiple instrument mixtures source separation evaluation using instrument-dependent NMF models. In: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on latent variable analysis and signal separation, March 12–15, Tel Aviv, Israel. LNCS, vol 7191. Springer, Berlin, pp 380–387Xu W, Liu X, Gong Y (2003) Document clustering based on non-negative matrix factorization. In: Proceedings of the 26th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval, July 28–Aug 1, Toronto, Canada, pp 267–273Berry MW, Browne M, Langville A, Pauca V, Plemmons R (2007) Algorithms and applications for approximate nonnegative matrix factorization. Comput Stat Data Anal 52:155–173Devajaran K (2008) Nonnegative matrix factorization: an analytical and interpretative tool in computational biology. PLoS Comput Biol 4(7):e1000029. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000029Lee DD, Seung HS (2001) Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization., Advances in neural information processing systemsMIT Press, CambridgeKim J, Park H (2008) Nonnegative matrix factorization based on alternating nonnegativity constrained least squares and active set method. SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl 30:713–730Guan N, Tao D, Luo Z, Yuan B (2012) NeNMF: An optimal gradient method for non-negative matrix factorization. IEEE Trans Signal Process 60(6):2882–2898Cichocki A, Phan AH (2009) Fast local algorithms for large scale nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations. In: Proceedings of IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics communications and computer sciences, E92-A, pp 708–721Cichocki A, Zdunek R, Amari SI (2007) Hierarchical ALS algorithms for nonnegative matrix and 3D tensor factorization. In: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on independent component analysis and signal separation, September 9–12, London, UK. LNCS, vol 4666. Springer, Berlin, pp 169–176Alonso P, GarcĂ­a VM, MartĂ­nez-ZaldĂ­var FJ, Salazar A, Vergara L, Vidal AM (2014) Parallel approach to NNMF on multicore architecture. J Supercomput. 70(2):564–576DĂ­az-Gracia N, Cocaña-FernĂĄndez A, Alonso-GonzĂĄlez M, MartĂ­nez-ZaldĂ­var FJ, Cortina R, GarcĂ­a-MollĂĄ VM, Alonso P, Ranilla J, Vidal AM (2014) NNMFPACK: a versatile approach to an NNMF parallel library. In: Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on computational and mathematical methods in science and engineering, CĂĄdiz, 2014, pp 456–465Carabias-Orti JJ, Rodriguez-Serrano FJ, Vera-Candeas P, Cañadas-Quesada FJ, Ruiz-Reyes N (2013) Constrained non-negative sparse coding using learnt instrument templates for real time music transcription. Eng Appl AI 26(7):1671–1680Carabias-Orti JJ, Virtanen T, Vera-Candeas P, Ruiz-Reyes N, Cañadas-Quesada FJ (2011) Musical instrument sound multi-excitation model for non-negative spectrogram factorization. IEEE J Select Topics Signal Process 5(6):1144–1158Minami M, Eguchi S (2002) Robust blind source separation by beta-divergence. Neural Comput 14:1859–1886FĂ©votte C, Bertin N, Durrieu J-L (2009) Nonnegative matrix factorization with the Itakura-Saito divergence: with application to music analysis. Neural Comput 21:793–830Golub GH, Van Loan CF (1996) Matrix Comput. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimorehttp://pirserver.edv.uniovi.e

    INSOCTEA V. Advanced methodologies on social research of work, gender and global chains to teaching in sociology of work and critical economics

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    El proyecto “Intersoc y EconomĂ­a CrĂ­tica. MetodologĂ­as avanzadas sobre investigaciĂłn social del trabajo, gĂ©nero y cadenas globales”, llamado coloquialmente INSOCTEA V, es el resultado de las inquietudes docentes e investigadoras de un grupo de PDI y estudiantes universitarios interesados por el Trabajo y su centralidad. En esta ediciĂłn, se profundizarĂĄ en la reflexiĂłn crĂ­tica de las Nuevas Formas de OrganizaciĂłn del Trabajo (NFOT) y/o cadenas de valor globales (CVG), que comenzĂł en la ediciĂłn anterior, y que conlleva dinĂĄmicas complejas, en cuanto a su reflexiĂłn, para el personal investigador y alumnado. Los modelos productivos actuales, analizados con perspectiva de gĂ©nero, serĂĄn objeto de anĂĄlisis experto y colectivo a travĂ©s de dos seminarios de gran reconocimiento acadĂ©mico - Cadenas Globales de Valor y K. Marx. El Capital- que junto al Aula Laboratorio, promotor originario de este proyecto, pretenden avanzar en la reflexiĂłn crĂ­tica a travĂ©s de saberes diversos. Dicho de otro modo, con este proyecto, se trata de confrontar el saber experto con la subjetividad de otros saberes, en este caso con el del alumnado universitario, con el objetivo de profundizar en el anĂĄlisis de las relaciones sociales asimĂ©tricas y, por ende, opresoras que se encuentran en el sistema econĂłmico actual. En los Ășltimos años, dentro del Aula Laboratorio de Teatro Social de la Facultad de CCPP y SociologĂ­a de la UCM (en adelante Aula Laboratorio), donde se integra este proyecto y los anteriores, se han realizado cuatro investigaciones docentes que ha supuesto un gran avance entorno a la inclusiĂłn de metodologĂ­as participativas a travĂ©s del Teatro Social como arte escĂ©nica que sirve para reflexionar sobre la complejidad social al alumnado. Proyectos docentes como “INSOCTEA. InnovaciĂłn metodolĂłgica del Teatro Social (Teatro IntervenciĂłn SociolĂłgica) para el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales en el aula” (2017-2018) (vĂ©ase: https://eprints.ucm.es/56352/) que planteo dotar de un marco cientĂ­fico a un proceso metodolĂłgico de aprendizaje iniciado en el curso 2016 - 2017 en dicho Aula-Laboratorio, y el proyecto INSOCTEA II “InnovaciĂłn metodolĂłgica para el aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales en el aula. Teatro Foro y SociologĂ­a” (2018-2019) (VĂ©ase: https://eprints.ucm.es/56352/) que cubriĂł las necesidades teĂłricas en torno al teatro y la docencia que habĂ­an surgido en el proyecto anterior y que conllevo un seminario de lectura muy enriquecedoras en torno a la creaciĂłn como autorĂ­a e investigaciĂłn y el espectador o espectadora como sujeto y objeto de investigaciĂłn. INSOCTEA III, “El teatro social como forma de investigaciĂłn acciĂłn participativa y aprendizaje de la sociologĂ­a del trabajo y el gĂ©nero en el Aula” donde se ahondĂł en la multidimensionalidad de la investigaciĂłn-acciĂłn-participaciĂłn (IAP). E INSOCTEA IV “INTERSOC y economĂ­a crĂ­tica. JĂłvenes, trabajo y empleo en modelos productivos perifĂ©ricos en crisis” dedicado a cĂłmo enfrentar los procesos de subjetivaciĂłn individuales y colectivos las transformaciones actuales del trabajo y el empleo, a partir del conocimiento situado del modelo productivo español en el marco de las Cadenas Globales de Valor. Y cuyas evidencias, de todos los proyectos, pueden verse resumidas en los videos subidos al canal del Aula Laboratorio UCM vinculado a los proyectos citados: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLJ7IP1NwgRELQe1WhUILDg. En esta nueva ediciĂłn del proyecto docente, tras los aprendizajes surgidos en las ediciones anteriores, como se ha esbozado anteriormente se pretende aumentar las sinergias entre los diferentes nodos del proyecto para confrontar ese saber experto con el vivencial, con el objeto de fomentar el aprendizaje de conceptos y prĂĄcticas complejas en materia de trabajo y empleo al alumnado. Con ello, el estudiante podrĂĄ desvelar las bases simbĂłlicas, materiales y pre- supuestos que se asientan en el sistema y que legitiman las decisiones del poder a travĂ©s de sus propias vivencias. Unas vivencias cuyo trĂĄnsito a la vida adulta se desarrollan en unos mercados de trabajo cada vez mĂĄs complejos y vulnerables. Es en este sentido, en ese innovar en el aprendizaje de la SociologĂ­a del Trabajo con perspectiva de gĂ©nero dentro del ĂĄmbito de la sociologĂ­a comprensiva, lo que hace que en esta ediciĂłn se siga trabajando lo mĂĄs cerca posible de las vivencias del alumnado de ciencias sociales en la construcciĂłn de los objetos y mĂ©todos de investigaciĂłn, pero aumentando las sinergias entre la experiencia y la teorĂ­a con herramientas como los seminarios y los relatos biogrĂĄficos diseñados por el Aula Laboratorio, con el objeto de profundizar en las trayectorias individuales del alumnado que les permita entender al estudiante las vivencias colectivas insertas en los orĂ­genes sociales, el deseo de sus educadores, su historia colectiva condicionada y condicionante, toda vez que sus deseos, rupturas, etc.The project "Intersoc and Critical Economy. Advanced methodologies on social research of labor, gender and global chains", colloquially called INSOCTEA V, is the result of the teaching and research concerns of a group of PDI and university students interested in Labor and its centrality. In this edition, the critical reflection on the New Forms of Work Organization (NFOT) and / or global value chains (GVC), which began in the previous edition, and which involves complex dynamics, in terms of its reflection, for the research staff and students, will be deepened. The current productive models, analyzed from a gender perspective, will be the subject of expert and collective analysis through two seminars of great academic recognition - Global Value Chains and K. Marx. Capital - which, together with the Aula Laboratorio, the original promoter of this project, aim to advance critical reflection through diverse knowledge. In other words, with this project, the aim is to confront expert knowledge with the subjectivity of other knowledge, in this case with that of university students, in order to deepen the analysis of the asymmetrical and therefore oppressive social relations found in the current economic system. In recent years, within the Aula Laboratorio de Teatro Social de la Facultad de CCPP y SociologĂ­a de la UCM (hereinafter Aula Laboratorio), where this project and the previous ones are integrated, four teaching researches have been carried out, which have meant a great advance in the inclusion of participatory methodologies through Social Theater as a performing art that serves to reflect on social complexity to students. Teaching projects such as "INSOCTEA. Methodological innovation of Social Theater (Sociological Intervention Theater) for the learning of Social Sciences in the classroom" (2017-2018) (see: https://eprints.ucm.es/56352/) that proposed to provide a scientific framework to a methodological learning process initiated in the course 2016 - 2017 in said Classroom-Laboratory, and the INSOCTEA II project "Methodological innovation for the learning of social sciences in the classroom. Forum Theater and Sociology" (2018-2019) (See: https://eprints.ucm.es/56352/) which covered the theoretical needs around theater and teaching that had arisen in the previous project and which entailed a very enriching reading seminar around creation as authorship and research and the spectator as subject and object of research. INSOCTEA III, "Social theater as a form of participatory action research and learning the sociology of work and gender in the classroom" where the multidimensionality of participatory action research (PAR) was explored in depth. And INSOCTEA IV "INTERSOC and critical economy. Young people, work and employment in peripheral productive models in crisis" dedicated to how to confront the processes of individual and collective subjectivation of the current transformations of work and employment, based on the situated knowledge of the Spanish productive model within the framework of the Spanish productive models in crisis. Spanish productive model in the framework of Global Value Chains. And whose evidence, of all the projects, can be seen summarized in the videos uploaded to the UCM Classroom Laboratory channel linked to the above mentioned projects: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLJ7IP1NwgRELQe1WhUILDg. In this new edition of the teaching project, after the lessons learned in previous editions, as outlined above, the aim is to increase the synergies between the different nodes of the project to confront this expert knowledge with the experiential, in order to promote the learning of complex concepts and practices in the field of labor and employment to students. With this, the student will be able to unveil the symbolic, material and pre-assumptions bases that are based on the system and that legitimize the decisions of power through their own experiences. Experiences whose transition to adulthood takes place in increasingly complex and vulnerable labor markets. It is in this sense, innovating in the learning of the Sociology of Work with a gender perspective within the scope of comprehensive sociology, that makes this edition continue working as close as possible to the experiences of students of social sciences in the construction of objects and methods of research, but increasing the synergies between experience and theory with tools such as seminars and biographical stories designed by the Laboratory Classroom, in order to deepen the individual trajectories of students that allow them to understand the collective experiences embedded in social origins, the desire of their educators, their collective history conditioned and conditioning, as long as their desires, ruptures, etc.Fac. de Ciencias EconĂłmicas y EmpresarialesFALSEVicerrectorado de Calidadsubmitte

    La lectura como medio de socializaciĂłn

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    Se realiza un proyecto de innovación educativa sobre la lectura como medio de socialización en el C.R.A. Valdelavía de Navalperal de Pinares, en Ávila. Se pretende mejorar la biblioteca del centro y las bibliotecas de aula, creando un marco óptimo para el fomento de la lectura. Para ello se programan actividades para el fomento de la lectura y el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora con el fin de mejorar los procesos de socialización entre el alumnado de diferentes orígenes socio-culturales. Dentro de las actividades propuestas en el proyecto de innovación estån: la creación de bibliotecas en los diferentes centros que componen el C.R.A.; la creación de 'maletas viajeras' con libros para las diferentes localidades se localice el centro; la actividad llamada 'mis historias' en la el alumnado elabora un libro en el que cuenta una historia que acompaña de dibujos en la se quiere mejorar la expresión oral, escrita y enriquecer el vocabulario; se realiza un concurso de relatos del día de la paz; cuando llega el carnaval o la navidad se lee un cuento y sobre él gira la temåtica en torno a la cual se tienen que disfrazar; en la semana cultural se relaciona una actividad con alguna temåtica de la lectura; se realizan actividades basadas en el juego como un ålbum de personajes, un Twister de cuentos o revuelto de historias. La experiencia ha sido muy positiva en el alumnado, puesto que se ha mejorado la imagen de la biblioteca, se ha iniciado la lectura de libros infantiles y se ha comenzado a animar y a desarrollar el gusto por la lectura desde pequeños.Castilla y LeónConsejería de Educación. Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación; Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Prado, Autovía Puente Colgante s. n.; 47071 Valladolid; +34983411881; +34983411939ES

    La vivienda cueva en el Altiplano de Granada. Proyecto “La Herradura”, HuĂ©scar. Universidad y Patrimonio

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    Epidemiology of surgery associated acute kidney injury (EPIS-AKI): a prospective international observational multi-center clinical study

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    Purpose: The incidence, patient features, risk factors and outcomes of surgery-associated postoperative acute kidney injury (PO-AKI) across different countries and health care systems is unclear. Methods: We conducted an international prospective, observational, multi-center study in 30 countries in patients undergoing major surgery (> 2-h duration and postoperative intensive care unit (ICU) or high dependency unit admission). The primary endpoint was the occurrence of PO-AKI within 72 h of surgery defined by the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. Secondary endpoints included PO-AKI severity and duration, use of renal replacement therapy (RRT), mortality, and ICU and hospital length of stay. Results: We studied 10,568 patients and 1945 (18.4%) developed PO-AKI (1236 (63.5%) KDIGO stage 1500 (25.7%) KDIGO stage 2209 (10.7%) KDIGO stage 3). In 33.8% PO-AKI was persistent, and 170/1945 (8.7%) of patients with PO-AKI received RRT in the ICU. Patients with PO-AKI had greater ICU (6.3% vs. 0.7%) and hospital (8.6% vs. 1.4%) mortality, and longer ICU (median 2 (Q1-Q3, 1-3) days vs. 3 (Q1-Q3, 1-6) days) and hospital length of stay (median 14 (Q1-Q3, 9-24) days vs. 10 (Q1-Q3, 7-17) days). Risk factors for PO-AKI included older age, comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease), type, duration and urgency of surgery as well as intraoperative vasopressors, and aminoglycosides administration. Conclusion: In a comprehensive multinational study, approximately one in five patients develop PO-AKI after major surgery. Increasing severity of PO-AKI is associated with a progressive increase in adverse outcomes. Our findings indicate that PO-AKI represents a significant burden for health care worldwide

    Evaluation of a quality improvement intervention to reduce anastomotic leak following right colectomy (EAGLE): pragmatic, batched stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized trial in 64 countries

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    Background Anastomotic leak affects 8 per cent of patients after right colectomy with a 10-fold increased risk of postoperative death. The EAGLE study aimed to develop and test whether an international, standardized quality improvement intervention could reduce anastomotic leaks. Methods The internationally intended protocol, iteratively co-developed by a multistage Delphi process, comprised an online educational module introducing risk stratification, an intraoperative checklist, and harmonized surgical techniques. Clusters (hospital teams) were randomized to one of three arms with varied sequences of intervention/data collection by a derived stepped-wedge batch design (at least 18 hospital teams per batch). Patients were blinded to the study allocation. Low- and middle-income country enrolment was encouraged. The primary outcome (assessed by intention to treat) was anastomotic leak rate, and subgroup analyses by module completion (at least 80 per cent of surgeons, high engagement; less than 50 per cent, low engagement) were preplanned. Results A total 355 hospital teams registered, with 332 from 64 countries (39.2 per cent low and middle income) included in the final analysis. The online modules were completed by half of the surgeons (2143 of 4411). The primary analysis included 3039 of the 3268 patients recruited (206 patients had no anastomosis and 23 were lost to follow-up), with anastomotic leaks arising before and after the intervention in 10.1 and 9.6 per cent respectively (adjusted OR 0.87, 95 per cent c.i. 0.59 to 1.30; P = 0.498). The proportion of surgeons completing the educational modules was an influence: the leak rate decreased from 12.2 per cent (61 of 500) before intervention to 5.1 per cent (24 of 473) after intervention in high-engagement centres (adjusted OR 0.36, 0.20 to 0.64; P < 0.001), but this was not observed in low-engagement hospitals (8.3 per cent (59 of 714) and 13.8 per cent (61 of 443) respectively; adjusted OR 2.09, 1.31 to 3.31). Conclusion Completion of globally available digital training by engaged teams can alter anastomotic leak rates. Registration number: NCT04270721 (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov)