8 research outputs found

    MOVIMENTO NEGRO NA EDUCAÇÃO: identidade e antirracismo no currículo da EDUCAFRO

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    O principal objetivo deste artigo é realizar uma análise sobre o currículo da EDUCAFRO, uma organização do movimento negro brasileiro criada nos anos 1990 e que, desde então, mantém cursos pré-vestibulares, buscando perceber como ela procura influir na formação de subjetividades dos estudantes e quais os saberes que ela traz para esse processo de formação. A Prova de Cidadania, estratégia curricular elaborada pela EDUCAFRO a partir de um conjunto de textos chamados de Temas de Cidadania, será privilegiada em nossa análise. Este artigo é um dos resultados de uma pesquisa de mestrado e teve como metodologias a observação participante, a história oral e a análise documental.  Palavras-chave: EDUCAFRO; Currículo; Movimento negro; Antirracismo; Identidade BLACK MOVEMENT IN EDUCATION: identity and anti-racism in EDUCAFRO's curriculumAbstractThe main objective of this article is to analyze the curriculum of EDUCAFRO, an organization of the Brazilian black movement created in the 1990s and which has since undergone pre-university courses, seeking to understand how it aims to influence the formation of students' subjectivities and what knowledge it brings to this training process. The Citizenship Test, a curricular strategy elaborated by EDUCAFRO based on a set of texts called Themes of Citizenship, will be privileged in our analysis. This article is one of the results of a master's research and its methodologies were participant observation, oral history and document analysis.Keywords: EDUCAFRO; Curriculum; Black movement; Anti-racism; Identity. MOVIMIENTO NEGRO EN LA EDUCACIÓN: identidad y antirracismo en el currículo de EDUCAFRO ResumenEl principal objetivo de este artículo es realizar un análisis sobre el currículum de EDUCAFRO, una organización del movimiento negro brasileño creada en los años 1990 y que desde entonces, mantiene cursos pre-vestibulares, buscando percibir cómo ella intenta influir en la formación de subjetividades de los estudiantes y que los saberes que ella trae para ese proceso de formación. La Prueba de Ciudadanía, estrategia curricular elaborada por EDUCAFRO a partir de un conjunto de textos llamados de Temas de Ciudadanía, será privilegiada en nuestro análisis. Este artículo es uno de los resultados de una investigación de maestría y sus metodologías fueron la observación participante, la historia oral y el análisis documental.Palabras clave: EDUCAFRO; Currículo; Movimiento negro; Antirracismo; Identidad

    Expression of receptor activator of NFkB (RANK) drives stemness and resistance to therapy in ER+HER2- breast cancer

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    © Gomes et al. Copyright: Gomes et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC BY 3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The role of RANKL-RANK pathway in progesterone-driven mammary carcinogenesis and triple negative breast cancer tumorigenesis has been well characterized. However, and despite evidences of the existence of RANK-positive hormone receptor (HR)-positive breast tumors, the implication of RANK expression in HR-positive breast cancers has not been addressed before. Here, we report that RANK pathway affects the expression of cell cycle regulators and decreases sensitivity to fulvestrant of estrogen receptor (ER)-positive (ER+)/HER2- breast cancer cells, MCF-7 and T47D. Moreover, RANK overexpressing cells had a staminal and mesenchymal phenotype, with decreased proliferation rate and decreased susceptibility to chemotherapy, but were more invasive in vivo. In silico analysis of the transcriptome of human breast tumors, confirmed the association between RANK expression and stem cell and mesenchymal markers in ER+HER2- tumors. Importantly, exposure of ER+HER2- cells to continuous RANK pathway activation by exogenous RANKL, in vitro and in vivo, induced a negative feedback effect, independent of RANK levels, leading to the downregulation of HR and increased resistance to hormone therapy. These results suggest that ER+HER2- RANK-positive cells may constitute an important reservoir of slow cycling, therapy-resistance cancer cells; and that RANK pathway activation is deleterious in all ER+HER2- breast cancer cells, independently of RANK levels.This project was funded by the research project PTDC/MED-ONC/28636/2017 from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) through Fundos do Orçamento de Estado. IG is supported by the FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/139178/2018info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Landscape of Current Targeted Therapies for Advanced Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most frequent and lethal cancer types worldwide. While surgery with chemotherapy and radiotherapy remains the only curative approach for localized CRC, for metastatic disease the therapeutic landscape has significantly evolved over the last years. Development and approval of novel targeted therapies, such as monoclonal antibodies against EGFR and VEGF, have significantly increased the median survival of patients with metastatic disease, with some trials reporting a benefit over 40 months. Increasing accessibility of high throughput sequencing has unraveled several new therapeutic targets. Actionable alterations, such as HER2 overexpression, BRAF mutations, and NTRK fusions, are currently available in metastatic disease, providing significant therapeutic opportunities for these patients, while new emerging agents, as immune checkpoint inhibitors, promise better treatment options in the near future. In this chapter, an overview of established and future CRC targeted therapies in the clinical setting is provided, as well as their mechanism of action, limitations, and future applicability


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    Este artigo busca apresentar as vivências de trabalho do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) ‒ Campus Realengo no programa de assistência estudantil, visando problematizar os principais conceitos dentro da área e o esforço empreendido pela equipe para a construção de diretrizes menos burocráticas na condução da seleção e acompanhamento de estudantes. O trabalho aponta que os processos de trabalho necessitam de contínua revisão e aperfeiçoamento, uma vez que são ressignificados a cada edital mediante as distintas compreensões e experiências vividas pelos estudantes em relação ao pertencimento a classes sociais marginalizadas e vulnerabilizadas. Demonstra-se ainda o trabalho coletivo da equipe na construção de uma proposta que fortaleça a assistência estudantil como direito do estudante, minimizando assim o sentimento de vergonha e constrangimento ao requerer a participação no programa

    Identificação de cadáveres esqueletizados através de ADN extraído de peças ósseas e dentárias

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015A Genética Forense, como área da Medicina Legal, tem experimentado uma grande evolução no último século. Reconhecida inicialmente pelos exames periciais para avaliação de parentesco biológico, apresenta actualmente um papel importante na identificação individual de cadáveres desconhecidos, sobretudo quando a mutilação extrema não permite a identificação pelos métodos tradicionais. Nestas situações, peças ósseas e dentárias são muitas vezes as únicas amostras biológicas disponíveis para análise genética, contendo ADN em elevado estado de degradação e em quantidade reduzida. Nesse âmbito, este trabalho propõe-se a fazer uma revisão sumária da literatura existente relativamente à possibilidade de obtenção de perfis genéticos e identificação positiva de cadáveres esqueletizados através da análise de ADN de amostras de osso e dente, bem como rever os casos de exames periciais realizados no Serviço de Biologia e Genética Forense do INMLCF-Sul entre os anos 2004 e 2014.As a scientific field of Legal Medicine, Forensic Genetics has been experiencing a great development over the last century. First recognized for its role in paternity testing, nowadays it plays an increasing importance on assisting personal identification, particularly when extreme body mutilation or skeletonization make it unable for first line methods to perform successfully. In these cases, teeth and bone may be the only available source of genetic material for forensic analysis, in spite of the small amount and state of DNA degradation. The present paper reviews the current literature concerning the possibility of identification of skeletonized remains through DNA profiling from bone and teeth samples. The final section reports the pericial analysis performed at Serviço de Biologia e Genética Forense, INMLCF-Sul between 2004 and 2014

    Collagen biology making inroads into prognosis and treatment of cancer progression and metastasis

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    © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020Progression through dissemination to tumor-surrounding tissues and metastasis development is a hallmark of cancer that requires continuous cell-to-cell interactions and tissue remodeling. In fact, metastization can be regarded as a tissue disease orchestrated by cancer cells, leading to neoplastic colonization of new organs. Collagen is a major component of the extracellular matrix (ECM), and increasing evidence suggests that it has an important role in cancer progression and metastasis. Desmoplasia and collagen biomarkers have been associated with relapse and death in cancer patients. Despite the increasing interest in ECM and in the desmoplastic process in tumor microenvironment as prognostic factors and therapeutic targets in cancer, further research is required for a better understanding of these aspects of cancer biology. In this review, published evidence correlating collagen with cancer prognosis is retrieved and analyzed, and the role of collagen and its fragments in cancer pathophysiology is discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio