6 research outputs found

    Stanja Jπ = 2+ i 0+, T = 0 8Be na energijama pobuđenja oko 20 MeV

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    The 7Li(d, αα)n reaction induced by deuterons of an incident energy of 7 MeV has been used to excite the 8Be nucleus in the region of excitation energy Ex of about 20 MeV. Each of the obtained αα coincidence spectra was fitted by an incoherent sum of the Jπ=2+ and 0+, T=0 8Be levels at Ex=20.1 and 20.2 MeV, respectively. The results show that the experimental data are well fitted when the G values deduced for these levels are 0.90 and 0.70 MeV, respectively.Reakcija 7Li (d, αα) n inducirana deuteronima energije 7 MeV je iskorištena za proučavanje jezgre 8Be na energijama pobuđenja Ex oko 20 MeV. Koincidentni αα spektri poravnani su nekoherentnim zbrojem stanja Jπ = 2 + na Ex = 20, 1 MeV i Jπ = 0+ na Ex = 20,2 MeV. Rezultati pokazuju da su eksperimentalni podaci najbolje opisani ako se za širine navedenih stanja uzmu vrijednosti 0,90 MeV odnosno 0, 70 Me V

    Cooking system

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    This disclosure describes a cooking hob, particularly an induction cooking hob

    MOTIVATional intErviewing to Improve Self-Care in Heart Failure Patients (MOTIVATE-HF): Study Protocol of a Three-Arm Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Aims Heart Failure (HF) self-care improves patient outcomes but trials designed to improve HF self-care have shown inconsistent results. Interventions may be more effective in improving self-care if they mobilize support from providers, promote self-efficacy, increase understanding of HF, increase the family involvement, and are individualized. All of these elements are emphasized in motivational interviewing (MI); few trials have been conducted using MI in HF patients and rarely have caregivers been involved in MI interventions. The aim of this study will be to evaluate if MI improves self-care maintenance in HF patients, and to determine if MI improves the following secondary outcomes: a) in HF patients: self-care management, self-care confidence, symptom perception, quality of life, anxiety/depression, cognition, sleep quality, mutuality with caregiver, hospitalizations, use of emergency services, and mortality; b) in caregivers: caregiver contribution to self-care, quality of life, anxiety/depression, sleep, mutuality with patient, preparedness, and social support. Methods A three-arm randomized controlled trial will be conducted in a sample of 240 HF patients and caregivers. Patients and caregivers will be randomized to the following arms: 1) MI intervention to patients only; 2) MI intervention to patients and caregivers; 3) standard of care to patients and caregivers. The primary outcome will be measured in patients 3 months after enrollment. Primary and secondary outcomes also will be evaluated 6, 9 and 12 months after enrollment. Conclusion This study will contribute to understand if MI provided to patients and caregivers can improve self-care. Because HF is rising in prevalence, findings can be useful to reduce the burden of the disease

    DRIHM - An Infrastructure To Advance Hydro-Meteorological Research

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    One of the main challenges in hydro-meteorological research (HMR) is predicting the impact of weather and climate changes on the environment, society and economy, including local severe hazards such as floods and landslides. At the heart of this challenge lies the ability to have easy access to hydro-meteorological data and models, and facilitate the collaboration across discipline boundaries. Within the DRIHM project (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology, www.drihm.eu, EC funded FP7 project 2011-2015) we develop a prototype e-Science environment to facilitate this collaboration and provide end-to-end HMR services (models, datasets, and post-processing tools) at the European level, with the ability to expand to global scale. The objectives of DRIHM are to lead the definition of a common long-term strategy, to foster the development of new HMR models, workflows and observational archives for the study of severe hydro-meteorological events, to promote the execution and analysis of high-end simulations, and to support the dissemination of predictive models as decision analysis tools. For this we implement a service portal to construct heterogeneous simulation workflows that can include deterministic and ensemble runs on a heterogeneous infrastructure consisting of HPC, grid and Windows cloud resources. Via another FP7 project called DRIHM2US (www.drihm2us.eu) we collaborate with the NSF funded SCIHM project (www.scihm.org) to build a wider international collaborative network. This contribution will provide a sketch of the DRIHM architecture and show some use cases such as the November 2011 Genoa flooding

    Prolyl endopeptidase-deficient mice have reduced synaptic spine density in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, impaired LTP, and spatial learning and memory

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    Prolyl endopeptidase (PREP) is a phylogenetically conserved serine protease and, in humans and rodents, is highly expressed in the brain. Several neuropeptides associated with learning and memory and neurodegenerative disorders have been proposed to be the substrates for PREP, suggesting a possible role for PREP in these processes. However, its physiological function remains elusive. Combining genetic, anatomical, electrophysiological, and behavioral approaches, we show that PREP genetrap mice have decreased synaptic spine density in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, reduced hippocampal long-term potentiation, impaired hippocampal-mediated learning and memory, and reduced growth-associated protein-43 levels when compared with wild-type controls. These observations reveal a role for PREP in mediating hippocampal plasticity and spatial memory formation, with implications for its pharmacological manipulation in diseases related to cognitive impairment. © 2012 © The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved