649 research outputs found

    Classical and quantum capacities of a fully correlated amplitude damping channel

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    We study information transmission over a fully correlated amplitude damping channel acting on two qubits. We derive the single-shot classical channel capacity and show that entanglement is needed to achieve the channel best performance. We discuss the degradability properties of the channel and evaluate the quantum capacity for any value of the noise parameter. We finally compute the entanglement-assisted classical channel capacity.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Information transmission over an amplitude damping channel with an arbitrary degree of memory

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    We study the performance of a partially correlated amplitude damping channel acting on two qubits. We derive lower bounds for the single-shot classical capacity by studying two kinds of quantum ensembles, one which allows to maximize the Holevo quantity for the memoryless channel and the other allowing the same task but for the full-memory channel. In these two cases, we also show the amount of entanglement which is involved in achieving the maximum of the Holevo quantity. For the single-shot quantum capacity we discuss both a lower and an upper bound, achieving a good estimate for high values of the channel transmissivity. We finally compute the entanglement-assisted classical channel capacity.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    The climate of Myanmar: evidence for effects of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation

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    We show evidence for the influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) on Myanmar's monsoonal hydroclimate using both instrumental and 20th century reanalysis data, and a tree-ring width chronology from Myanmar's central Dry Zone. The ‘regime shifts’ identified in the instrumental PDO for the past century are clearly evident in the Myanmar teak. The teak record and PDO index correlate most significantly and positively during December–May, at r = 0.41 (0.002, n = 109). We generated composite climate anomalies for southern Asia and adjacent ocean areas during negative and positive PDO phases and above/below average teak growth for the May–September wet monsoon season. They show that negative (positive) PDO phases correspond to dry (wet) conditions, due to reduced (enhanced) moisture flux into central Myanmar. Multitaper Method (MTM) and Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) spectral analyses reveal considerable multidecadal variability over the past several centuries of the teak chronology, consistent with the PDO

    Broadband noise decoherence in solid-state complex architectures

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    Broadband noise represents a severe limitation towards the implementation of a solid-state quantum information processor. Considering common spectral forms, we propose a classification of noise sources based on the effects produced instead of on their microscopic origin. We illustrate a multi-stage approach to broadband noise which systematically includes only the relevant information on the environment, out of the huge parametrization needed for a microscopic description. We apply this technique to a solid-state two-qubit gate in a fixed coupling implementation scheme.Comment: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 141: Qubits for Future Quantum Informatio

    Modeling North Pacific temperature and pressure changes from coastal tree-ring chronologies

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    Climate modeling using coastal tree-ring chronologies has yielded the first summer temperature reconstructions for coastal stations along the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. These land temperature reconstructions are strongly correlated with nearby sea surface temperatures, indicating large-scale ocean-atmospheric influences. Significant progress has also been made in modeling winter land temperatures and sea surface temperatures from coastal and shipboard stations. In addition to temperature, the pressure variability center over the central North Pacific Ocean (PAC), which is related to the strength and location of the Aleutian Low pressure system, could be extended using coastal tree rings

    Effects of low-frequency noise cross-correlations in coupled superconducting qubits

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    We study the effects of correlated low frequency noise sources acting on a two qubit gate in a fixed coupling scheme. A phenomenological model for the spatial and cross-talk correlations is introduced. The decoherence inside the SWAP subspace is analysed by combining analytic results based on the adiabatic approximation and numerical simulations. Results critically depend on amplitude of the low frequency noise with respect to the qubits coupling strength. Correlations between noise sources induce qualitative different behaviors depending on the values of the above parameters. The possibility to reduce dephasing due to correlated low frequency noise by a recalibration protocol is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Tropical–North Pacific Climate Linkages over the Past Four Centuries

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    Analyses of instrumental data demonstrate robust linkages between decadal-scale North Pacific and tropical Indo-Pacific climatic variability. These linkages encompass common regime shifts, including the noteworthy 1976 transition in Pacific climate. However, information on Pacific decadal variability and the tropical high-latitude climate connection is limited prior to the twentieth century. Herein tree-ring analysis is employed to extend the understanding of North Pacific climatic variability and related tropical linkages over the past four centuries. To this end, a tree-ring reconstruction of the December-May North Pacific index (NPI)-an index of the atmospheric circulation related to the Aleutian low pressure cell-is presented (1600-1983). The NPI reconstruction shows evidence for the three regime shifts seen in the instrumental NPI data, and for seven events in prior centuries. It correlates significantly with both instrumental tropical climate indices and a coral-based reconstruction of an optimal tropical Indo-Pacific climate index, supporting evidence for a tropical-North Pacific link extending as far west as the western Indian Ocean. The coral-based reconstruction (1781-1993) shows the twentieth-century regime shifts evident in the instrumental NPI and instrumental tropical Indo-Pacific climate index, and three previous shifts. Changes in the strength of correlation between the reconstructions over time, and the different identified shifts in both series prior to the twentieth century, suggest a varying tropical influence on North Pacific climate, with greater influence in the twentieth century. One likely mechanism is the low-frequency variability of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and its varying impact on Indo-Pacific climate.</p

    Decoherence times of universal two-qubit gates in the presence of broad-band noise

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    The controlled generation of entangled states of two quantum bits is a fundamental step toward the implementation of a quantum information processor. In nano-devices this operation is counteracted by the solid-state environment, characterized by a broadband and non-monotonic power spectrum, often 1/f at low frequencies. For single-qubit gates, incoherent processes due to fluctuations acting on different time scales result in peculiar short- and long-time behavior. Markovian noise gives rise to exponential decay with relaxation and decoherence times, T1 and T2, simply related to the symmetry of the qubit-environment coupling Hamiltonian. Noise with the 1/f power spectrum at low frequencies is instead responsible for defocusing processes and algebraic short-time behavior. In this paper, we identify the relevant decoherence times of an entangling operation due to the different decoherence channels originating from solid-state noise. Entanglement is quantified by concurrence, which we evaluate in an analytic form employing a multi-stage approach. The 'optimal' operating conditions of reduced sensitivity to noise sources are identified. We apply this analysis to a superconducting \sqrt{i-SWAP} gate for experimental noise spectra.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figure

    Long-Term Effect of Physical Exercise on the Risk for Hospitalization and Death in Dialysis Patients. A Post-Trial Long-Term Observational Study

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    Background and objectives In the EXerCise Introduction to Enhance Performance in Dialysis (EXCITE) trial, a simple, personalized 6-month walking exercise program at home during the day off of dialysis improved the functional status and the risk for hospitalization in patients with kidney failure. In this post-trial observational study, we tested whether the same intervention was associated with a lower long-term risk of death or hospitalization (combined end point) during a follow-up extended up to 36 months. Design, setting, participants, &amp; measurements In total, 227 patients (exercise, n5104; control, n5123) completed the 6-month trial and entered the post-trial observational study. Data were analyzed by unadjusted and adjusted Cox regression analyses and Bayesian analysis. Results In the long-term observation (up to 36 months), 134 events were recorded (eight deaths not preceded by hospitalization and 126 hospitalizations, which were followed by death in 38 cases). The long-term risk for hospitalization or death was 29% lower (hazard ratio, 0.71; 95% confidence interval, 0.50 to 1.00), and in an analysis stratified by adherence to the walking exercise program during the 6-month trial, the subgroup with high adherence (.60% of prescribed sessions) had a 45% lower risk as compared with the control group (hazard ratio, 0.55; 95% confidence interval, 0.35 to 0.87). A Bayesian analysis showed that the posterior probability of a hazard ratio of 0.71 (95% confidence interval, 0.50 to 1.00) for the risk of the composite outcome observed in the post-trial observational study was 93% under the conservative prior and 97% under the optimistic prior. Sensitivity analyses restricted to the risk of hospitalization only or censoring patients at the time of transplantation fully confirmed these findings. Conclusions A simple, personalized, home-based, low-intensity exercise program was associated with a lower risk of hospitalization
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