29 research outputs found

    Linear optics schemes for entanglement distribution with realistic single-photon sources

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    We study the operation of linear optics schemes for entanglement distribution based on nonlocal photon subtraction when input states, produced by imperfect single-photon sources, exhibit both vacuum and multiphoton contributions. Two models for realistic photon statistics with radically different properties of the multiphoton "tail" are considered. The first model assumes occasional emission of double photons and linear attenuation, while the second one is motivated by heralded sources utilizing spontaneous parametric down-conversion. We find conditions for the photon statistics that guarantee generation of entanglement in the relevant qubit subspaces and compare it with classicality criteria. We also quantify the amount of entanglement that can be produced with imperfect single-photon sources, optimized over setup parameters, using as a measure entanglement of formation. Finally, we discuss verification of the generated entanglement by testing Bell's inequalities. The analysis is carried out for two schemes. The first one is the well-established one-photon scheme, which produces a photon in a delocalized superposition state between two nodes, each of them fed with one single photon at the input. As the second scheme, we introduce and analyze a linear-optics analog of the robust scheme based on interfering two Stokes photons emitted by atomic ensembles, which does not require phase stability between the nodes.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, title change, minor corrections in the tex

    High-visibility nonclassical interference of photon pairs generated in a multimode nonlinear waveguide

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    We report measurements of two-photon interference using a cw-pumped type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion source based on a multimode perodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate waveguide. We have used the recently demonstrated technique of controlling the spatial characteristics of the down-conversion process via intermodal dispersion to generate photon pairs in fundamental transverse modes, thus ensuring their spatial indistinguishability. Good spatial overlap of photon modes within pairs has been verified using the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer and the preparation of polarization entanglement in the Shih-Alley configuration, yielding visibilities consistently above 90%.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    How good is the generalized Langevin equation to describe the dynamics of photo-induced electron transfer in fluid solution?

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    The dynamics of unimolecular photo-triggered reactions can be strongly affected by the surrounding medium. An accurate description of these reactions requires knowing the free energy surface (FES) and the friction felt by the reactants. Most of theories start from the Langevin equation to derive the dynamics, but there are few examples comparing it with experiments. Here we explore the applicability of a Generalized Langevin Equation (GLE) with an arbitrary potential and a non-markovian friction. To this end we have performed broadband fluorescence measurements with sub-picosecond time resolution of a covalently linked organic electron donor-acceptor system in solvents of changing viscosity and dielectric permittivity. In order to establish the FES of the reaction we resort to stationary electronic spectroscopy. On the other hand, the dynamics of a non-reacting substance, Coumarin 153, provide the calibrating tool for the friction over the FES, which is assumed to be solute independent. A simpler and computationally faster approach uses the Generalized Smoluchowski Equation (GSE), which can be derived from the GLE for pure harmonic potentials. Both approaches reproduce the measurements in most of the solvents reasonably well. At long times, some differences arise from the errors inherited from the analysis of the stationary solvatochromism and at short times from the excess excitation energy. However, whenever the dynamics become slow the GSE shows larger deviations than the GLE, the results of which always agree qualitatively with the measured dynamics, regardless of the solvent viscosity or dielectric properties. The here applied method can be used to predict the dynamics of any other reacting system, given the FES parameters and solvent dynamics are provided. Thus no fitting parameters enter the GLE simulations, within the applicability limits found for the model in this work.Comment: 30 pages, 22 figures, 5 tables, 97 reference

    Experimental demonstration of entanglement-enhanced classical communication over a quantum channel with correlated noise

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    We present an experiment demonstrating entanglement-enhanced classical communication capacity of a quantum channel with correlated noise. The channel is modelled by a fiber optic link exhibiting random birefringence that fluctuates on a time scale much longer than the temporal separation between consecutive uses of the channel. In this setting, introducing entanglement between two photons travelling down the fiber allows one to encode reliably up to one bit of information into their joint polarization degree of freedom. When no quantum correlations between two separate uses of the channel are allowed, this capacity is reduced by a factor of more than three. We demonstrated this effect using a fiber-coupled source of entagled photon pairs based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion, and a linear-optics Bell state measurement.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, REVTe

    Statistics of multiphoton events in spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    We present an experimental characterization of the statistics of multiple photon pairs produced by spontaneous parametric down-conversion realized in a nonlinear medium pumped by high-energy ultrashort pulses from a regenerative amplifier. The photon number resolved measurement has been implemented with the help of a fiber loop detector. We introduce an effective theoretical description of the observed statistics based on parameters that can be assigned direct physical nterpretation. These parameters, determined for our source from the collected experimental data, characterize the usefulness of down-conversion sources in multiphoton interference schemes that underlie protocols for quantum information processing and communication

    Characterization of Dimethylsulfoxide / Glycerol Mixtures: A Binary Solvent System for the Study of "Friction-Dependent" Chemical Reactivity

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    The properties of binary mixtures of dimethylsulfoxide and glycerol, measured by several techniques, are reported. Special attention is given to those properties contributing or affecting chemical reactions. In this respect the investigated mixture behaves as a relatively simple solvent and it is especially well suited for studies on the influence of viscosity in chemical reactivity. This is due to the relative invariance of the dielectric properties of the mixture. However, special caution must be taken with specific solvation, as the hydrogen-bonding properties of the solvent changes with the molar fraction of glycerol.Comment: 49 pages including appendix, 20 figures and 89 reference

    Time-frequency Domain Analogues of Phase Space Sub-Planck Structures

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    We present experimental data of the frequency resolved optical gating (FROG) measurements of light pulses revealing interference features corresponding to sub-Planck structures in phase space. For superpositions of pulses a small, sub-Fourier shift in the carrier frequency leads to a state orthogonal to the initial one, although in the representation of standard time-frequency distributions these states seem to have a nonvanishing overlap.Comment: New title, minor change

    Pulsed squeezed light: simultaneous squeezing of multiple modes

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    We analyze the spectral properties of squeezed light produced by means of pulsed, single-pass degenerate parametric down-conversion. The multimode output of this process can be decomposed into characteristic modes undergoing independent squeezing evolution akin to the Schmidt decomposition of the biphoton spectrum. The main features of this decomposition can be understood using a simple analytical model developed in the perturbative regime. In the strong pumping regime, for which the perturbative approach is not valid, we present a numerical analysis, specializing to the case of one-dimensional propagation in a beta-barium borate waveguide. Characterization of the squeezing modes provides us with an insight necessary for optimizing homodyne detection of squeezing. For a weak parametric process, efficient squeezing is found in a broad range of local oscillator modes, whereas the intense generation regime places much more stringent conditions on the local oscillator. We point out that without meeting these conditions, the detected squeezing can actually diminish with the increasing pumping strength, and we expose physical reasons behind this inefficiency

    Absolute measurement of the ^{1}S_{0} − ^{3}P_{0} clock transition in neutral ^{88}Sr over the 330 km-long stabilized fibre optic link

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    We report a stability below 7×10177\times 10{}^{-17} of two independent optical lattice clocks operating with bosonic 88{}^{88}Sr isotope. The value (429228066418008.3(1.9)syst{}_{syst}(0.9)stat{}_{stat}~Hz) of the absolute frequency of the 1S0{}^{1}S_{0} - 3P0{}^{3}P_{0} transition was measured with an optical frequency comb referenced to the local representation of the UTC by the 330 km-long stabilized fibre optical link. The result was verified by series of measurements on two independent optical lattice clocks and agrees with recommendation of Bureau International des Poids et Mesures

    Quantum and semiclassical polarization correlations

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    We analyze the strength of polarization correlations between two light beams that can be achieved in the semiclassical regime using statistical mixtures of coherent states and binary on/off detectors. Under certain symmetry assumptions, the visibility of polarization correlations is shown to be bounded by 1/3, which is in a striking contrast with perfect 100% correlations exhibited by photon pairs prepared in the singlet state. The semiclassical limit is demonstrated in a measurement performed on a pair of laser beams undergoing correlated depolarization. This result illustrates the dramatic difference between predictions of quantum mechanics and the semiclassical theory of electromagnetic radiation for the polarization degree of freedom.Comment: 7 pages, contribution to the special issue of Optics Communications in memory of Krzysztof Wodkiewic