51 research outputs found

    Effects of weak surface fields on the density profiles and adsorption of a confined fluid near bulk criticality

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    The density profile and Gibbs adsorption of a near-critical fluid confined between two identical planar walls is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulation and by density functional theory for a Lennard-Jones fluid. By reducing the strength of wall-fluid interactions relative to fluid-fluid interactions we observe a crossover from behaviour characteristic of the normal surface universality class, strong critical adsorption, to behaviour characteristic of a 'neutral' wall. The crossover is reminiscent of that which occurs near the ordinary surface transition in Ising films subject to vanishing surface fields. For the 'neutral' wall the density profile, away from the walls, is almost constant throughout the slit capillary and gives rise to an adsorption that is constant along the critical isochore. The same 'neutral' wall yields a line of capillary coexistence that is almost identical to the bulk coexistence line. In the crossover regime we observe features in the density profile similar to those found in the magnetisation profile of the critical Ising film subject to weak surface fields, namely two smooth maxima, located away from the walls, which merge into a single maximum at midpoint as the strength of the wall-fluid interaction is reduced or as the distance between walls is decreased. We discuss similarities and differences between the surface critical behaviour of fluids and of Ising magnets.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, submitted to the Journ. Chem. Phy

    Surface Incommensurate Structure in an Anisotropic Model with competing interactions on Semiinfinite Triangular Lattice

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    An anisotropic spin model on a triangular semiinfinite lattice with ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour interactions and one antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour interaction is investigated by the cluster transfer-matrix method. A phase diagram with antiphase, ferromagnetic, incommensurate, and disordered phase is obtained. The bulk uniaxial incommensurate structure modulated in the direction of the competing interactions is found between the antiphase and the disordered phase. The incommensurate structure near the surface with free and boundary condition is studied at different temperatures. Paramagnetic damping at the surface and enhancement of the incommensurate structure in the subsurface region at high temperatures and a new subsurface incommensurate structure modulated in two directions at low temperatures are found.Comment: 13 pages, plainTex, 11 figures, paper submitted to J. Phys.

    X-Ray Scattering at FeCo(001) Surfaces and the Crossover between Ordinary and Normal Transitions

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    In a recent experiment by Krimmel et al. [PRL 78, 3880 (1997)], the critical behavior of FeCo near a (001) surface was studied by x-ray scattering. Here the experimental data are reanalyzed, taking into account recent theoretical results on order-parameter profiles in the crossover regime between ordinary and normal transitions. Excellent agreement between theoretical expectations and the experimental results is found.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, 1 PostScript figure, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Microscopic Non-Universality versus Macroscopic Universality in Algorithms for Critical Dynamics

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    We study relaxation processes in spin systems near criticality after a quench from a high-temperature initial state. Special attention is paid to the stage where universal behavior, with increasing order parameter emerges from an early non-universal period. We compare various algorithms, lattice types, and updating schemes and find in each case the same universal behavior at macroscopic times, despite of surprising differences during the early non-universal stages.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    An assessment of the potential of continuous-wave ranging for measuring the distance to a highly reflective, infinite sheet

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    The feasibility of a continuous-wave, distance-measuring technique for measuring the distance from a spacecraft antenna to a highly ionized plasma surface is examined. The reflection coefficient angle is computed for several aperture models. It is concluded that aperture size and the presence of a nonablating dielectric cover over the antenna are critical factors

    Dynamic SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory at Finite Temperature

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    The dynamic relaxation process for the (2+1)--dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory at critical temperature is investigated with Monte Carlo methods. The critical initial increase of the Polyakov loop is observed. The dynamic exponents θ\theta and zz as well as the static critical exponent β/ν\beta/\nu are determined from the power law behaviour of the Polyakov loop, the auto-correlation and the second moment at the early stage of the time evolution. The results are well consistent and universal short-time scaling behaviour of the dynamic system is confirmed. The values of the exponents show that the dynamic SU(2) lattice gauge theory is in the same dynamic universality class as the dynamic Ising model.Comment: 10 pages with 2 figure