103 research outputs found
During 2020, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Nis conducted extensive research in the part of the municipality of Dimitrovgrad in order to record buildings, sites or entities with monumental properties. On that occasion, among other things, a larger number of city villas was recorded. The paper presents three selected representative examples of this type of house. An architectural analysis of each of the observed buildings is presented, as well as ortho-photo attachments. The entire procedure of documenting the building is listed and explained, from field drawings, through the elaboration of documentation to the development of 3d models. One of the goals of the entire research procedure, in addition to preparing documentation for further legal protection of buildings, was to educate students in the field of protection of architectural heritage, on specific tasks
Hemodynamic stability achievement with infusion solutions by application of goal directed fluid therapy in colorectal surgery
Ciljevi istraživanja su procena uticaj primene kristaloidnih rastvora ili
kombinacije koloidnih i kristaloidnih rastvora i njihovih volumena na vrednosti udarnog
i minutnog volumena srca tokom kolorektalne operacija kao i utvrđivanje razlika u:
količini neophodne tečnosti, vremenu do uspostavljanja intraoperativne hemodinamske
stabilnosti, bilansu tečnosti, učestolasti primene vazopresora i inotropa, pojavi
komplikacija, ukupnoj dužini hospitalizacije u ispitivanoj grupi.
Metodologija: Ova randomizovana prospektivna studija obuhvata 80 pacijenata koji su
se podvrgli elektivnoj hirurgiji zbog kolorektalnog karcinoma, na Klinici za onkološku
hirurgiju Instituta za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije. U kontrolnoj grupi koja je primala
kristaloidni rastvor i u ispitivanoj grupi, koja je primala kombinaciju koloida i
kristaloida, nadoknada je vršena hemodinamskim algoritmom. Merene su
hemodinamske varijable i praćene su komplikacije i dužina boravka u bolnici.
Rezultati: Pacijenti obe grupe bili su homogeni po osnovnim osobinama i pretećim
oboljenjima. U kristaloidno-koloidnoj grupi postignute su više vrednosti udarnog
volumena srca nakon sat vremena, do kraja operacije i nakon 24 sata. Vrednost
minutnog volumena srca bila je značajno veća u ovoj grupi na kraju anestezije.
Komlikacije su bile učestalije u kristaloidnoj grupi.
Zaključak: Kombinacija rastvora daje veće vrednosti udarnog i minutnog volumena
srca, brži oporavak i kraći ostanak u bolnici.Study aim is to estimate impact of crystalloids or colloids and crystalloids
and their volumes on stroke volume and cardiac output during colorectal surgery and to
estimate difference in volumes of these solutions, time till achieved hemodynamic stability,
fluid balance, incidence of vasoactive drugs use, appearance of complications, duration of
hospital stay.
Methods: This is a randomized prospective study with 80 patients who underwent elective
colorectal surgery on Clinic for oncological surgery of Institute for oncology and radiology
of Serbia. In a control group, patients who received crystalloids and in the research group,
patients who received colloids and crystalloids, we used hemodynamic algorithm for goaldirected
fluid therapy. We measured hemodynamic variables such as stroke volume, cardiac
output, cardiac index, mean arterial pressure, oxygen delivery. We recorded complications
and duration of hospitalization.
Results: Patients in both groups were homogenous according to baseline characteristics and
comorbidity. Crystalloid-colloid group achieved higher values of stroke volume one hour
from anesthesia induction till the end of surgeru, and after 24 hours. Also values of stroke
volume and cardiac output were higher after 24 hours. Incidence of complications were
higher in crystalloid group according to Clavien-Dindo clasiffication and also these patients
had a longer period of hopitalisation. Both groups had a good hemodynamics.
Conclusion: Combination of solutions provide higher values of stroke volume and cardiac
output, faster postoperative recovery and faster hospital discharge
Modelling and optimizing physical-chemical characteristics and UV spectra of water extracts of lavander and melissa
Hrana koju konzumiramo sastoji se od velikog broja poznatih i nepoznatih biološki aktivnih sastojaka koji su prisutni u malim količinama, ali imaju povoljan utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje. Danas se sve više pozornosti pridaje samoniklom bilju, bilo u formi čajeva, ulja ili začina, koje je od davnina prisutno u ljudskoj upotrebi. U ovom radu istraživani su vodeni ekstrakti lavande i melise. Za svaku biljku provedene su ekstrakcije pri temperaturama 40 °C, 60 °C, 80 °C sa izuzimanjem uzoraka u pravilnim vremenskim intervalima. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos fizikalnih parametara u vodenim biljnim ekstraktima s obzirom na temperature i vrijeme trajanja ekstrakcije i odrediti koncentraciju ukupnih polifenola u ekstraktima te im izmjeriti antioksidacijsku aktivnost primjenom ABTS metode. Primjenom jednostavnih linearnih regresijskih modela utvrđena je postojanost veze između fizikalnih i kemijskih parametara vodenih ekstrakata istraživanih biljaka. Provela se i UV-VIS spektroskopska analiza uzoraka čiji spektri su korišteni u modelima parcijalne linearne regresije metodom najmanjih kvadrata, tzv. PLS regresija. Primjenom PLS regresije može se zaključiti kako se UV spektroskopija pokazala kao potencijalno uspješna metoda u predikciji fizikalnih i kemijskih karakteristika istraživanih biljnih ekstrakata. Značajna odstupanja između eksperimentalnih rezultata i rezultata dobivenih primjenom PLS modela primjećena su za antioksidacijsku aktivnost određenu ABTS metodom.The food we consume consists of a large number of known and unknown bioactive compounds present in small quantities, which have positive effects on human health. Today, increased attention has been given to medicinal plants in the form of teas, oils or spices, which people have been using since ancient times. In this research, aqueous extracts of lavender and melissa were investigated. For each medicinal plant, extractions were performed at 40 °C, 60 °C, and 80 °C with sampling at regular time intervals. The aim of this study was to investigate the relations between physical parameters in aqueous plant extracts with regard to the temperature and duration of extraction, determine the total polyphenolic content in aqueous extracts and measure their antioxidative activity by ABTS method. Using simple linear regression models, strong correlations between physical and chemical parameters of aqueous plant extracts were determined. UV-VIS spectroscopic analysis of samples was also conducted and spectra were used in the partial linear regression modelling (Partial Least Squares, PLS). Applying the modelling using partial linear regression, it can be concluded that UV spectroscopy turned out to be a potentially successful method for predicting physical and chemical characteristics of the investigated aqueous plant extracts. Significant differences between the experimental results and the results obtained applying the PLS model were detected for the antioxidative activity determined by ABTS method
Veštačka inteligencija i Sveti Oci: Svetootački vodič kroz izazove veštačke inteligencije i superinteligencije
Članak ima za cilj da istraži mogućnost primene učenja koje su razvili Oci Crkve u rešavanju niza savremenih pitanja u razvoju veštačke inteligencije. U članku se prvo ukazuje na načine upotrebe veštačke inteligencije u razvoju sistema nadzora i bezbednosti, autonomnog oružja, kao što su dronovi i roboti ubice, i javne uprave. Zatim se razmatra pitanje da li je uprkos etički problematičnom korišćenju veštačke inteligencije, ipak moguće da veštačka inteligencija stekne neka pozitivna znanja o čovečanstvu, koja su u skladu sa principima hrišćanske, a posebno svetootačke antropologije. Tvrdi se dalje da upotrebom, odnosno zloupotrebom veštačke inteligencije u ova tri društvena sektora, veštačka inteligencija može steći znanje o glavnim dogmama hrišćanske Crkve, naime o Božijem ovaploćenju u ljudskom obličju, Božijoj smrti na krstu i njegovom vaskrsenju iz mrtvih i o jednakosti ljudskog roda pred Bogom. Кonačno, u radu se pomera fokus na četiri pitanja koja se tiču: a) posledica brze eksplozije veštačke inteligencije, b) ontološkog statusa kiborga i „uploads“, c) budućeg odnosa veštačke superinteligencije i čovečanstva, i g) načina usklađivanja ciljeva super inteligentnih mašina i čovečanstva. U rešavanju ovih pitanja koristi se svetootačko učenje o Bogu kao Tvorcu koji stvara čovečanstvo po svom liku i podobiju, učenje o odnosu duše i tela razvijeno tokom origenističkih sporova, halkidonsko učenje o dve neslivene i nerazdeljive prirode Hristove, poznato i kao diofizitstvo, i diotelitsko učenje o volji kao prirodnom, ali ličnom svojstvu
Application of artificial neural networks for lithofacies determination based on limited well data
Lithofacies definition in the subsurface is an important factor in modeling, regardless of the scale being at reservoir or basin level. In areas with low exploration level, modeling of lithofacies distribution presents a complicated task as very few inputs are available. For this purpose, a case study in the Požega Valley was selected with only one existing well and several seismic sections within an area covering roughly 850 km2. For the task of expanding the input data set for lithofacies modeling, neural network analysis was performed that incorporated interpreted lithofacies (sandstone, siltite, marl, and breccia-conglomerate) in a single well and attribute data gathered from a seismic section. Three types of different neural networks were used for the analysis: multilayer perceptron, radial-basis function, and probabilistic neural network. As a result, three lithofacies models were built alongside a seismic section based upon predictions acquired from the neural networks. Three lithofacies were successfully predicted on the section while the breccia-conglomerate was either missing or underpredicted and mostly positioned in a geologically invalid interval. Results obtained by single networks differed from one another, which indicated that a result from a single network should not be treated as representative; thus, the facies distribution for modeling should be acquired from either an ensemble of neural networks or several neural networks. Analysis showed the initial potential of the usability of neural networks and seismic attribute analysis on vintage seismic sections with possible drawbacks of the applications being pointed out
Bioactivity of Juniperus communis essential oil and post-distillation waste: Assessment of selective toxicity against food contaminants
Previously chemically characterized Juniperus communis essential oil (EO) and post-distillation waste (PDW) were tested for cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity against food contaminants. Microdilution assay showed that PDW induced moderate antifungal (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) values, ranging between 0.118-0.900 mg mL-1), and an antibacterial effect against Listeria monocytogenes (MIC and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were 0.39 and 0.74 mg mL-1, respectively). Combinations of EO/PDW with selected antibiotics induced synergistic antilisterial activity in the checkerboard assay. The MTT assay determined that cytotoxicity against colon cancer cells was high for the EO but negligible for PDW (IC50 values were 0.087-0.106 and 1.450-6.840 mg mL-1, respectively). The selectivity indices indicated high selectivity of PDW against tested fungi and L. monocytogenes. In the adhesion-inhibition assay, PDW reduced in vitro adhesion of L. monocytogenes to colon cells (29-62% of inhibition). In conclusion, PDW exhibited an antimicrobial effect against important food spoilage and poisoning fungi and L. monocytogenes, and also reduced in vitro adhesion of L. monocytogenes to colon cells. The results indicate that J. communis PDW could be considered as natural preservative against food spoilage and poisonous fungi, and as an adjuvant to conventional therapy of listeriosi
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