6 research outputs found

    Lead Level, Enamel Defects And Dental Caries In Deciduous Teeth [concentração De Chumbo, Defeitos De Esmalte E Cárie Em Dentes Decíduos]

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    Objective. To verify the relationship between lead concentration in the enamel of deciduous teeth and the presence of enamel defects and, consequently, with dental caries among preschool children. Methods. The sample consisted of 329 preschool children in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo: 132 attending municipal kindergartens close to industrial plants and 197 attending kindergartens in non-industrial areas. This sample belonged to an initial study made between 2000 and 2001, in which the lead concentration was obtained by means of enamel biopsy. Oral clinical examination of the children from both regions was performed to verify the prevalence of enamel defects, using the Developmental Defects of Enamel (DDE) Index of the World Dental Federation (FDI), and of dental caries, using the decayed, missing and filled surfaces (dmfs) index of the World Health Organization. The chi-squared test and relative risk calculation were utilized in relation to a significance level of 5%, considering each region separately. Results. Among the children from the non-industrial area, there was a higher proportion with dental caries among those with higher lead concentrations in deciduous teeth (P=0.02). This was not, however observed among the children from the industrial area (P=0.89). There was an increased relative risk (RR) of caries among the children from the non-industrial area, but this was not seen among the children from the industrial area. No relationship was observed between the presence of lead and enamel defects. Conclusions. No data was found that would give evidence of a relationship between lead concentration and enamel defects in either of the areas studied. 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