1,872 research outputs found

    Truncated K-moment problems in several variables

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    Let β≡β(2n)\beta\equiv\beta^{(2n)} be an N-dimensional real multi-sequence of degree 2n, with associated moment matrix M(n)≡M(n)(β)\mathcal{M}(n)\equiv \mathcal{M}(n)(\beta), and let r:=rankM(n)r:=rank \mathcal{M}(n). We prove that if M(n)\mathcal{M}(n) is positive semidefinite and admits a rank-preserving moment matrix extension M(n+1)\mathcal{M}(n+1), then M(n+1)\mathcal{M}(n+1) has a unique representing measure \mu, which is r-atomic, with supp \muequalto equal to \mathcal{V}(\mathcal{M}(n+1)),thealgebraicvarietyof, the algebraic variety of \mathcal{M}(n+1).Further,βhasanr−atomic(minimal)representingmeasuresupportedinasemi−algebraicset. Further, \beta has an r-atomic (minimal) representing measure supported in a semi-algebraic set K_{\mathcal{Q}}subordinatetoafamily subordinate to a family \mathcal{Q}% \equiv\{q_{i}\}_{i=1}^{m}\subseteq\mathbb{R}[t_{1},...,t_{N}]ifandonlyif if and only if \mathcal{M}(n)ispositivesemidefiniteandadmitsarank−preservingextension is positive semidefinite and admits a rank-preserving extension \mathcal{M}(n+1)forwhichtheassociatedlocalizingmatrices for which the associated localizing matrices \mathcal{M}_{q_{i}}(n+[\frac{1+\deg q_{i}}{2}])arepositivesemidefinite are positive semidefinite (1\leq i\leq m);inthiscase,μ(asabove)satisfiessuppμ⊆KQ; in this case, \mu (as above) satisfies supp \mu\subseteq K_{\mathcal{Q}}, and \mu has precisely rank \mathcal{M}(n)-rank \mathcal{M}_{q_{i}}(n+[\frac{1+\deg q_{i}}{2}])atomsin atoms in \mathcal{Z}(q_{i})\equiv {t\in\mathbb{R}^{N}:q_{i}(t)=0},, 1\leq i\leq m$.Comment: 33 pages; to appear in J. Operator Theor

    Quartically hyponormal weighted shifts need not be 3-hyponormal

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    We give the first example of a quartically hyponormal unilateral weighted shift which is not 3-hyponormal
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