986 research outputs found

    Modeling the Void H I Column Density Spectrum

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    The equivalent width distribution function (EWDF) of \hone absorbers specific to the void environment has been recently derived (Manning 2002), revealing a large line density of clouds (dN/dz ~500 per unit z for Log (N_HI)> 12.4). I show that the void absorbers cannot be diffuse (or so-called filamentary) clouds, expanding with the Hubble flow, as suggested by N-body/hydro simulations. Absorbers are here modeled as the baryonic remnants of sub-galactic perturbations that have expanded away from their dark halos in response to reionization at z ~ 6.5. A 1-D Lagrangian hydro/gravity code is used to follow the dynamic evolution and ionization structure of the baryonic clouds for a range of halo circular velocities. The simulation products at z=0 can be combined according to various models of the halo velocity distribution function to form a column density spectrum that can be compared with the observed. I find that such clouds may explain the observed EWDF if the halo velocity distribution function is as steep as that advanced by Klypin (1999), and the halo mass distribution is closer to isothermal than to NFW.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures. Paper in press; ApJ 591, n

    A Serendipitous Search for High-Redshift Lyman alpha Emission: Two Primeval Galaxy Candidates at z~3

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    In the course of our ongoing search for serendipitous high-redshift Lyman alpha (LyA) Emissionin deep archival Keck spectra, we discovered two very high equivalent width (W_{obs} ~ 450A, 2-sigma) LyA emission line candidates at z ~3 in a moderate dispersion (R~1200) spectrogram. Both lines have low velocity dispersions (sigma_v ~ 60 km/s) and deconvolved radii r ~ 1 kpc (h = 0.5). We argue that the lines are LyA, and are powered by stellar ionization. The surface density of robust, high equivalent width LyA candidates is estimated to be ~3 \pm 2 per arcmin^2 per unit redshift at z ~ 3, consistent with the estimate of Cowie etal (1998). The LyA emission line source characteristics are consistent with the galaxies undergoing their first burst of star formation, ie, with being primeval. Source sizes and velocity dispersions are comparable to the theoretical primeval galaxy model of Lin and Murray (1992) based on the inside-out, self-similar collapse of an isothermal sphere. In this model, star formation among field galaxies is a protracted process. Galaxies are thought to be able to display high equivalent widths for only the first few x 10 Myr. This time is short in relation to the difference in look back times between z=3 and z=4, and implies that a substantial fraction of strong line-emitting galaxies at z=3 were formed at redshifts z < 4. We discuss the significance of high-equivalent width LyA-emitting galaxies in terms of the emerging picture of the environment, and the specific characteristics of primeval galaxy formation at high redshift.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, one table. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Nature and Origin of the Non-Void Lyman alpha Cloud Population

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    I continue my study of the low-z Lyman alpha cloud population. Previously I showed how galaxy catalogs are used to attribute relative degrees of isolation to those clouds found in HST/GHRS spectra. I find that there exist two distinct populations corresponding to two distinct environments, variously characterized as void (unshocked) and non-void (shocked). Void clouds have a steep equivalent width distribution (i.e., many smaller absorbers) while non-void clouds have a flat distribution. These environment-specific observations of LyA clouds show that the predictions from N-body/hydro simulations are incorrect. Simulations fail to predict the existence of significant numbers of detectable void clouds. They incorrectly predict the characteristics of non-void clouds. Implicated in this failure is the so-called fluctuating Gunn-Peterson Approximation (FGPA) which envisions that LyA absorbers are formed in the large-scale structures of coalescing matter. I recently modeled the void cloud population as sub-galactic perturbations that have expanded in response to reionization. However, the success in this modeling was contingent upon using the more massive isothermal halo in place of the standard Navarro, Frenk & White. Here, I extend my modeling to non-void LyA clouds using the same basic cloud model. Nonvoid clouds were once unshocked, but when entering nonvoid space, they are shock stripped. By analytically stripping model void clouds, a good fit of the model CDS to observations is found if cloud velocities are ~100 km/s. Nonvoid clouds show strong concentration around galaxies, suggesting that the compact HVC population are members of this population.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, ApJ 595 n1, in pres

    Contrastive Learning of Medical Visual Representations from Paired Images and Text

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    Learning visual representations of medical images is core to medical image understanding but its progress has been held back by the small size of hand-labeled datasets. Existing work commonly relies on transferring weights from ImageNet pretraining, which is suboptimal due to drastically different image characteristics, or rule-based label extraction from the textual report data paired with medical images, which is inaccurate and hard to generalize. We propose an alternative unsupervised strategy to learn medical visual representations directly from the naturally occurring pairing of images and textual data. Our method of pretraining medical image encoders with the paired text data via a bidirectional contrastive objective between the two modalities is domain-agnostic, and requires no additional expert input. We test our method by transferring our pretrained weights to 4 medical image classification tasks and 2 zero-shot retrieval tasks, and show that our method leads to image representations that considerably outperform strong baselines in most settings. Notably, in all 4 classification tasks, our method requires only 10% as much labeled training data as an ImageNet initialized counterpart to achieve better or comparable performance, demonstrating superior data efficiency

    Fabrication Infrastructure to Enable Efficient Exploration and Utilization of Space

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    Unlike past one-at-a-time mission approaches, system-of-systems infrastructures will be needed to enable ambitious scenarios for sustainable future space exploration and utilization. Fabrication infrastructure will be needed to support habitat structure development, tools and mechanical part fabrication, as well as repair and replacement of ground support and space mission hardware such as life support items, vehicle components and crew systems. The fabrication infrastructure will need the In Situ Fabrication and Repair (ISFR) element, which is working in conjunction with the In Situ Resources Utilization (ISRU) element, to live off the land. The ISFR Element supports the entire life cycle of Exploration by: reducing downtime due to failed components; decreasing risk to crew by recovering quickly from degraded operation of equipment; improving system functionality with advanced geometry capabilities; and enhancing mission safety by reducing assembly part counts of original designs where possible. This paper addresses the fabrication infrastructures that support efficient, affordable, reliable infrastructures for both space exploration systems and logistics; these infrastructures allow sustained, affordable and highly effective operations on the Moon, Mars and beyond