96 research outputs found

    The Consistency and Quality of ChatGPT Responses Compared to Clinical Guidelines for Ovarian Cancer: A Delphi Approach

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    Introduction: In recent years, generative Artificial Intelligence models, such as ChatGPT, have increasingly been utilized in healthcare. Despite acknowledging the high potential of AI models in terms of quick access to sources and formulating responses to a clinical question, the results obtained using these models still require validation through comparison with established clinical guidelines. This study compares the responses of the AI model to eight clinical questions with the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM) guidelines for ovarian cancer. Materials and Methods: The authors used the Delphi method to evaluate responses from ChatGPT and the AIOM guidelines. An expert panel of healthcare professionals assessed responses based on clarity, consistency, comprehensiveness, usability, and quality using a five-point Likert scale. The GRADE methodology assessed the evidence quality and the recommendations’ strength. Results: A survey involving 14 physicians revealed that the AIOM guidelines consistently scored higher averages compared to the AI models, with a statistically significant difference. Post hoc tests showed that AIOM guidelines significantly differed from all AI models, with no significant difference among the AI models. Conclusions: While AI models can provide rapid responses, they must match established clinical guidelines regarding clarity, consistency, comprehensiveness, usability, and quality. These findings underscore the importance of relying on expert-developed guidelines in clinical decision-making and highlight potential areas for AI model improvement

    Absence of aromatase protein and mRNA expression in endometriosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Aromatase has been reported to be involved in estrogen biosynthesis and expressed in eutopic and ectopic endometrium of endometriosis patients. The objective of the present study was to investigate its expression and localization in three distinct types of endometriosis. METHODS: Human peritoneal, ovarian and rectovaginal endometriotic lesions and matched eutopic endometrium were collected from patients during laparoscopy. Aromatase protein localization (immunohistochemistry, n = 63) and mRNA expression [quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR), n = 64] were assessed. RESULTS: No aromatase protein was detected by immunohistochemistry in either the glandular or stromal compartment of endometriotic lesions or eutopic endometrium, while it was strong in placental syncytiotrophoblasts, granulosa and internal theca cells from pre-ovulatory follicles, and luteal cells from corpus luteum. By Q-PCR, low but discernible levels of aromatase expression were found in endometriomas, probably due to follicular expression. Transcripts for aromatase were barely detectable in only a few peritoneal and rectovaginal endometriotic lesions, and a few eutopic endometrium samples, probably due to contaminating surrounding tissues (adipose tissue, intact peritoneum). CONCLUSIONS: Unlike previous studies, we observed no aromatase protein in any of the endometriosis types, and barely detectable aromatase mRNA expression, suggesting that locally produced aromatase (within endometriotic lesions) may be less implicated in endometriosis development than previously postulated. Potential factors responsible for these discrepancies are discussed

    The CaMV transactivator/viroplasmin interferes with RDR6-dependent trans-acting and secondary siRNA pathways in Arabidopsis

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    Several RNA silencing pathways in plants restrict viral infections and are suppressed by distinct viral proteins. Here we show that the endogenous trans-acting (ta)siRNA pathway, which depends on Dicer-like (DCL) 4 and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDR) 6, is suppressed by infection of Arabidopsis with Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV). This effect was associated with overaccumulation of unprocessed, RDR6-dependent precursors of tasiRNAs and is due solely to expression of the CaMV transactivator/viroplasmin (TAV) protein. TAV expression also impaired secondary, but not primary, siRNA production from a silenced transgene and increased accumulation of mRNAs normally silenced by the four known tasiRNA families and RDR6-dependent secondary siRNAs. Moreover, TAV expression upregulated DCL4, DRB4 and AGO7 that mediate tasiRNA biogenesis. Our findings suggest that TAV is a general inhibitor of silencing amplification that impairs DCL4-mediated processing of RDR6-dependent double-stranded RNA to siRNAs. The resulting deficiency in tasiRNAs and other RDR6-/DCL4-dependent siRNAs appears to trigger a feedback mechanism that compensates for the inhibitory effects

    Evolution of the B3 DNA Binding Superfamily: New Insights into REM Family Gene Diversification

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    Background: The B3 DNA binding domain includes five families: auxin response factor (ARF), abscisic acid-insensitive3 (ABI3), high level expression of sugar inducible (HSI), related to ABI3/VP1 (RAV) and reproductive meristem (REM). The release of the complete genomes of the angiosperm eudicots Arabidopsis thaliana and Populus trichocarpa, the monocot Orysa sativa, the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens,the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Volvox carteri and the red algae Cyanidioschyzon melorae provided an exceptional opportunity to study the evolution of this superfamily. Methodology: In order to better understand the origin and the diversification of B3 domains in plants, we combined comparative phylogenetic analysis with exon/intron structure and duplication events. In addition, we investigated the conservation and divergence of the B3 domain during the origin and evolution of each family. Conclusions: Our data indicate that showed that the B3 containing genes have undergone extensive duplication events, and that the REM family B3 domain has a highly diverged DNA binding. Our results also indicate that the founding member of the B3 gene family is likely to be similar to the ABI3/HSI genes found in C. reinhardtii and V. carteri. Among the B3 families, ABI3, HSI, RAV and ARF are most structurally conserved, whereas the REM family has experienced a rapid divergence. Thes

    HARMONI at ELT: overview of the capabilities and expected performance of the ELT's first light, adaptive optics assisted integral field spectrograph.

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    High-Throughput Sequencing of RNA Silencing-Associated Small RNAs in Olive (Olea europaea L.)

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    Small RNAs (sRNAs) of 20 to 25 nucleotides (nt) in length maintain genome integrity and control gene expression in a multitude of developmental and physiological processes. Despite RNA silencing has been primarily studied in model plants, the advent of high-throughput sequencing technologies has enabled profiling of the sRNA component of more than 40 plant species. Here, we used deep sequencing and molecular methods to report the first inventory of sRNAs in olive (Olea europaea L.). sRNA libraries prepared from juvenile and adult shoots revealed that the 24-nt class dominates the sRNA transcriptome and atypically accumulates to levels never seen in other plant species, suggesting an active role of heterochromatin silencing in the maintenance and integrity of its large genome. A total of 18 known miRNA families were identified in the libraries. Also, 5 other sRNAs derived from potential hairpin-like precursors remain as plausible miRNA candidates. RNA blots confirmed miRNA expression and suggested tissue- and/or developmental-specific expression patterns. Target mRNAs of conserved miRNAs were computationally predicted among the olive cDNA collection and experimentally validated through endonucleolytic cleavage assays. Finally, we use expression data to uncover genetic components of the miR156, miR172 and miR390/TAS3-derived trans-acting small interfering RNA (tasiRNA) regulatory nodes, suggesting that these interactive networks controlling developmental transitions are fully operational in olive

    Evidence for Antisense Transcription Associated with MicroRNA Target mRNAs in Arabidopsis

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    Antisense transcription is a pervasive phenomenon, but its source and functional significance is largely unknown. We took an expression-based approach to explore microRNA (miRNA)-related antisense transcription by computational analyses of published whole-genome tiling microarray transcriptome and deep sequencing small RNA (smRNA) data. Statistical support for greater abundance of antisense transcription signatures and smRNAs was observed for miRNA targets than for paralogous genes with no miRNA cleavage site. Antisense smRNAs were also found associated with MIRNA genes. This suggests that miRNA-associated “transitivity” (production of small interfering RNAs through antisense transcription) is more common than previously reported. High-resolution (3 nt) custom tiling microarray transcriptome analysis was performed with probes 400 bp 5′ upstream and 3′ downstream of the miRNA cleavage sites (direction relative to the mRNA) for 22 select miRNA target genes. We hybridized RNAs labeled from the smRNA pathway mutants, including hen1-1, dcl1-7, hyl1-2, rdr6-15, and sgs3-14. Results showed that antisense transcripts associated with miRNA targets were mainly elevated in hen1-1 and sgs3-14 to a lesser extent, and somewhat reduced in dcl11-7, hyl11-2, or rdr6-15 mutants. This was corroborated by semi-quantitative reverse transcription PCR; however, a direct correlation of antisense transcript abundance in MIR164 gene knockouts was not observed. Our overall analysis reveals a more widespread role for miRNA-associated transitivity with implications for functions of antisense transcription in gene regulation. HEN1 and SGS3 may be links for miRNA target entry into different RNA processing pathways