408 research outputs found

    Solar UAV for long endurance flights

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    The project have been done during the four months stay in Lithuania by Marc Olmo and LLibert Chamizo. The aim of the project was to obtain an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle powered by solar energy that was able to flight for as long as possible it within the limitations which are the budget, the time and the technological limitations. During the limited time, the team have been working in all the necessary phases to build a real scale and fully functional Solar UAV. This phases were the following; Theoretical Calculations, Design, Simulation, Building, Tests of the Airframe, Solar Energy Circuit Design and Building 2nd phase tests and Conclusion Obtaining. Through all the process several technical and engineering decisions have been made leading the team to obtain a fully functional 4,4m wingspan fixed wing UAV with a TOW of 5,5 Kg which is perfectly pilotable The final achievements have been a UAV capable of long endurance flight within daytime. The model achieved was able to maintain level, climb and turn perfectly using just the power gathered by the solar cells in its wing. During the development of the project the possibility of the multiday flight have been discussed leading to the conclusion that it's viable but not within the frame of this project. There have been done several tests under actual mission parameters loading the plane with the weight it would be carried during the missions that are most likely solar uav related such as mapping or surveillance. The final result have been correct and lead to an optimistic opinion about the whole Solar UAV paradigm and about the prototype modification and improvement in the near future to achieve even better results (which have been overviewed and planned in the actual report). A fatal error drove the airplane to a nosedive fall with disastrous consequences, the whole project feels and success though it's undoubtable

    A Platinum molecular complex immobilised on the surface of graphene as active catalyst in alkyne hydrosilylation

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    Abstract A platinum complex bearing a N‐heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligand functionalised with a pyrene‐tag is immobilised onto the surface of reduced graphene oxide (rGO). The hybrid material composed of an organometallic complex and a graphene derivative is ready available in a single‐step process under mild reaction conditions. This methodology preserves the inherent properties of the active catalytic centre and the support. The platinum hybrid material is an efficient catalyst in hydrosilylation of alkynes and can be recycled and reused for ten runs without significant loss of activity due to its high stability. Interestingly, the catalytic properties of the platinum complex are enhanced after immobilisation onto graphene. The influence of graphene in hydrosilylation of alkynes is discussed

    Pathogen-dependent role of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) interferon-gamma

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    11 páginas, 7 figurasInterferon-gamma has been typically described as a pro-inflammatory cytokine playing an important role in the resolution of both viral and bacterial diseases. Nevertheless, some anti-inflammatory functions are also attributed to this molecule. In this work we have characterized for the first time the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) interferon-gamma gene (ifng) and its expression pattern under basal conditions, after type I IFNs administration, and viral and bacterial infection. The intramuscular injection of an expression plasmid encoding turbot Ifng (pMCV1.4-ifng) was not able to affect the transcription of numerous immune genes directly related to the activity of IFN-gamma, with the exception of macrophage-colony stimulating factor (csf1). It was also unable to reduce the mortality caused by a Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV) or Aeromonas salmonicida challenge. Interestingly, at 24 h post-infection, turbot previously inoculated with pMCV1.4-ifng and infected with VHSV showed an increase in the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and type I IFNs compared to those fish not receiving expression plasmid, indicating a synergic effect of Ifng and VHSV. On the other hand, some macrophage markers, such as the macrophage receptor with collagenous structure (marco), were down-regulated by Ifng during the viral infection. Ifng had the opposite effect in those turbot infected with the bacteria, showing a reduction in the transcription of pro-inflammatory and type I IFNs genes, and an increase in the expression of genes related to the activity of macrophagesThis work has been funded by the projects CSD2007-00002 “Aquagenomics”, 201230E057 (CSIC) and AGL2014-51773-C3 from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. P. Pereiro received a predoctoral grant from the gs3:Ministerio de Educación [F.P.U. fellowship AP2010-2408]Peer reviewe

    Investigating above ground biomass in old-growth and secondary montane forests of the Cameroon Highlands

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    Tropical montane forests can store and sequester substantial amounts of carbon in above ground biomass (AGB), but variations in this storage related to location or degradation have not been quantified in the Cameroon Highlands. We established 25 permanent plots (20m x 40m) and sampled all trees ≥ 10 cm diameter following standard RAINFOR protocols. We estimated AGB, and investigated variations related to taxonomic and structural forest attributes, including the height-diameter allometry in five forest types (four old-growth dominated by different species and one secondary forest). Secondary forests had significantly lower AGB than old-growth forests (49.4 ± 2.5 vs > 476.3 ± 168.7 Mg ha-1, respectively), mostly related to lower basal area and tree height. Significant differences in species composition but not in forest structure or AGB were found between the four types of old-growth forests studied, located at different altitudes and mountains. We discuss the importance of these montane forests for carbon storage and, considering their high diversity and current threats, their potential for carbon finance mechanisms related to both avoided deforestation and forest restoration

    Climate change and hunter-gatherers in montane eastern DR Congo

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    Mountain environments experience more rapid changes in temperature than lower elevations. However, little is known about the climatic changes already observed in African mountains, or the adaptation strategies used by hunter-gatherer communities. Semi-structured interviews were administered to 100 Twa hunter-gatherers living around Mt Kahuzi in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo). We also organized 10 focus-group discussions with Tembo farmers living in the same area and we gathered historical from Kamembe meteorological station. Twa respondents perceived reduced rainfall and fog, and increased temperatures. They also reported reduced crop yields and abundance of forest products (caterpillars, mushrooms, honey). Tembo perceptions of climatic changes and impacts agreed with the Twa. Meteorological data available shows reduced rainfall and increased temperatures – but there are no records on fog. Despite being aware of climatic changes and impacts, Twa are not using any adaptation strategy, while Tembo farmers are using some (as they own land for farming or animal rearing, and are more business minded). For the Twa, their socioeconomic condition create high sensitivity to climate change and constrain adaptive capacity. To help the Twa, we recommend the use of “science with society” (SWS) participatory approach

    The importance of livelihood strategy and ethnicity in forest ecosystem services’ perceptions by local communities in north-western Cameroon

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    Human culture has an important influence on how forests are utilised, yet its influence on ecosystem service (ES) use and valuation remains underexplored. We address this gap by investigating how livelihood strategy and ethnicity affect local peoples’ perceptions of forest ES in Cameroon. Data were collected through 20 focus-group discussions in villages of farmers (Oku and Banso) and pastoralists (Fulani) in two mountains. Pastoralists identified fewer ES than farmers, and used some ES differently (e.g. wildlife was only valued for aesthetics instead of as food). Some differences were also observed between farmer groups (e.g. identity link with the forest unique to Oku farmers). While water availability was perceived as the most important forest ES for all groups, the second most important was fodder for pastoralists and medicine resources for farmers. Pastoralists also identified fewer useful forest species, most likely related to their origin in the lowlands. Our findings help highlight trade-offs in important ES for different groups (fodder vs. medicine resources), and in access to certain ES (e.g. Fulani pastoralists’ unequitable access to tourism and forest income). We show that locals dependent on provisioning ES are not a homogenous group and that the wider socio-cultural context has to be taken into account for conservation and development projects to be successful

    Conserved gene regulation during acute inflammation between zebrafish and mammals

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    9 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 tabla.-- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseZebrafish (Danio rerio), largely used as a model for studying developmental processes, has also emerged as a valuable system for modelling human inflammatory diseases. However, in a context where even mice have been questioned as a valid model for these analysis, a systematic study evaluating the reproducibility of human and mammalian inflammatory diseases in zebrafish is still lacking. In this report, we characterize the transcriptomic regulation to lipopolysaccharide in adult zebrafish kidney, liver, and muscle tissues using microarrays and demonstrate how the zebrafish genomic responses can effectively reproduce the mammalian inflammatory process induced by acute endotoxin stress. We provide evidence that immune signaling pathways and single gene expression is well conserved throughout evolution and that the zebrafish and mammal acute genomic responses after lipopolysaccharide stimulation are highly correlated despite the differential susceptibility between species to that compound. Therefore, we formally confirm that zebrafish inflammatory models are suited to study the basic mechanisms of inflammation in human inflammatory diseases, with great translational impact potentialThis work was funded by the projects CSD2007–00002 “Aquagenomics” and AGL2014-51773-C3 from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, and 201230E057 “Proyecto Intramural Especial, PIE”, Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). P. Pereiro and M. Varela received predoctoral grants from the Ministerio de Educación (F.P.U. fellowship AP2010-2408) and the JAE Program (funded though the CSIC and European Social Funds), respectivelyPeer reviewe

    Relación entre la didáctica de la comunicación y la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes del primer ciclo Escuela Municipal Rómulo Peña Maturana de la ciudad de Arica, según percepción de los docentes y apoderados, 2018

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar relación entre la didáctica de la comunicación y la comprensión lectora desde la percepción de los apoderados y docentes, del primer ciclo básico de la Escuela Municipal Rómulo Peña Maturana de Arica, 2018 fundamentado en los históricos bajos rendimientos pedagógicos de los estudiantes. La investigación es básica, de tipo cuantitativa, correlacional con diseño descriptivo. La recopilación de la información se realizó a través de la aplicación de una encuesta. El resultado demostró que existe una relación positiva y directamente proporcional entre la didáctica de la comunicación y la comprensión lectora, (r= 0.763). Existe relación positiva y directamente proporcional entre las variables didáctica de la comunicación basada en el conocimiento de la metodología y comprensión lectora (r= 0.727). Existe relación positiva y directamente proporcional entre las variables didáctica de la comunicación basada en la valorización de la metodología (r= 0.745). Existe relación positiva y directamente proporcional entre las variables didáctica de la comunicación basada en las prácticas de aula y comprensión lectora (r= 0.737). Se concluye la importancia de continuar con estudios de investigación de esta variable, mientras se mantengan rendimientos deficitarios en comprensión lectora e ineficiente dominio técnico-práctico de parte de los docentes. Cambiar o mejorar la didáctica de la comunicación e incorporar a prácticas de aula aspectos como: retroalimentación, motivación, planes remediales pertinentes, diferencias de aprendizajes, complementado con la capacitación docente en metodologías de comprensión lectora

    Reduced graphene oxides as carbocatalysts in acceptorless dehydrogenation of N-heterocycles

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    The catalytic properties of graphene-derived materials are evaluated in acceptorless dehydrogenation of N-heterocycles. Among them, reduced graphene oxides (rGOs) are active (quantitative yields in 23 h) under mild conditions (130 °C) and act as efficient heterogeneous carbocatalysts. rGO exhibits reusability and stability at least during eight consecutive runs. Mechanistic investigations supported by experimental evidence (i.e., organic molecules as model compounds, purposely addition of metal impurities and selective functional group masking experiments) suggest a preferential contribution of ketone carbonyl groups as active sites for this transformation.