171 research outputs found

    Introduction to the special issue “Robotica 2016”

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    Autonomous robotics has seen its popularity and application in distinct fields, namely in services and industry, increase significantly in the last two decades. Several areas related with robotics have been addressed by the academic community and thus journals and conferences emerged to broadly disseminate the developed knowledge. The IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC) gathers participants from academia and industry, working in the field of autonomous robot systems and related areas. It is organized since 2001 in parallel to the Portuguese Robotics Open, and aims at exploring and discussing the latest trends in research and technology in the fields of robotics and related areas. The authors of the best papers presented at ICARSC 2016 were invited to submit extended and improved versions of their manuscripts to this “Robotica 2016” special issue.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A emissão de cinema português na televisão pública (1957-1974)

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    Este artigo analisa a emissão de cinema português na televisão pública portuguesa desde o início das suas emissões regulares em 1957 até à Revolução de 1974. Se, como defendo, a televisão foi progressivamente ocupando o lugar do cinema na estratégia de propaganda ideológica do regime, interessa-me apurar quais foram os filmes portugueses emitidos pela televisão pública durante esse período e quais terão sido as razões dessa selecção.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um sistema de monitorização da corrosão electroquímica no betão armado

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia de MateriaisO presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo desenvolver e avaliar o desempenho de um sistema de monitorização da corrosão no betão armado. Para tal foram construídos dois provetes de classe 20/25, e outros dois de classe 30/35. Dentro desses quatro provetes foram instalados sensores de corrosão designados por Monicorr. Para cada classe de betão utilizaram-se dois tipos diferentes de contaminação, designadas por A e B. A contaminação do tipo A é feita adicionando durante a amassadura do betão uma solução aquosa de cloreto de cálcio a 4% em massa de cimento e sujeitando esses provetes a ciclos de condensação de 50h, durante um período de 1000h. A contaminação do tipo B é feita sujeitando os outros dois provetes de classes diferentes a ciclos de 100h de nevoeiro salino a 3% em massa de água, durante um período de 2000h. Para avaliar o desempenho do sistema de monitorização Monicorr foram comparados os valores da velocidade de corrosão instantânea por LPR, a resistividade do betão e o potencial de corrosão da armadura, obtidos pelo sistema Monicorr, com os obtidos por aparelhos utilizados para o mesmo efeito em laboratório. Paralelamente, estudou-se também a variação do potencial de corrosão da armadura em função da área oxidada. Para além disso desenvolveu-se um conjunto de pseudo referências de grafite dopada com diferentes percentagens de cimento e avaliou-se a sua estabilidade relativamente ao eléctrodo de calomelanos e óxido de managanês manganês em soluções de hidróxido de cálcio saturada e de betão armado contaminado com sais cloreto. Finalmente foram ainda desenvolvidas duas tarefas, a primeira relacionada com os resultados obtidos na medição da resistividade do betão armado pelas técnicas de dois pinos e quatro pinos, e a segunda com o desenvolvimento de um método rápido de contaminação do betão armado com dióxido de enxofre. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que: - o sistema de monitorização Monicorr apresenta um comportamento muito semelhante aos utilizados em laboratório para medir grandezas como o potencial de corrosão da armadura, resistividade do betão e velocidade de corrosão instantânea por LPR; - a monitorização das três grandezas atrás referidas pode ser uma ferramenta importante para permitir saber qual é o desenvolvimento corrosivo de uma estrutura de betão armado; os eléctrodos de grafite dopada com cimento apresentam uma elevada estabilidade nos meios testados tendo um desempenho muito semelhante à referência de manganês óxido de manganês para os mesmos meios. Relativamente à influência da área oxidada no potencial de corrosão da armadura não foi possível tirar conclusões. Foi possível, também, concluir que existe uma clara concordância entre as medições da resistividade do betão utilizando o método dos dois pinos e o método dos quatro pinos. Finalmente pode-se concluir que a metodologia desenvolvida para contaminar provetes de betão com iões sulfato obtém bons resultados ao fim de, apenas, 48h de contaminação.The main goal presiding over this work was to develop and assess the performance of a corrosion monitoring system in concrete. For this purpose two 20/25 concrete class samples were built as well as two other 30/35 concrete class. Corrosion sensors designated as Monicorr were installed inside these four samples. For each class of concrete two different kinds of contamination were used, referred to as A and B. Type A contamination is achieved by adding a calcium chloride water solution of 4% in cement mass during the concrete mixing and subjecting those samples to condensation cycles of 50h for a period of 1000h. Type B contamination is achieved subjecting the other two different class samples to cycles of 100h of salt fog of 3% in water mass for a period of 2000h. In order to assess the performance of the Monicorr monitoring system the values obtained through the Monicorr system of instantaneous corrosion speed by LPR concrete resistivity and corrosion potential were compared with those obtained by devices used in laboratory for similar purposes. Simultaneously, the variation of corrosion potential according to the oxidized area were studied as well. Apart from that a set of pseudo graphite references was developed, mixing the graphite with different percentages of cement and its stability was assessed in relation to the SCE and the manganese manganese oxide, in saturated calcium hydroxide solutions as well in concrete contaminated with chloride salts. Finally two other tasks were full filled: the first related with the results obtained through the measurement of concrete resistivity by the 2 pin and four pin techniques, and the second with the development of a quick sulphur dioxide concrete contamination method. The results obtained allow us to conclude that: -the Monicorr monitoring system presents a very similar behaviour to those used in laboratory to measure corrosion potential, concrete resistivity and instantaneous corrosion speed by LPR; -the monitorization of the three units just referred can be an important tool to allow us to know the corrosive development of a concrete structure; -the cement dopated graphite electrodes present a high stability in the tested environments, its performance being very similar to the manganese manganese oxide reference to the same environments. Although it was not possible to draw conclusions with reference to the influence of the oxidized area on corrosion potential It was also possible to conclude that a very good numeric relation is established between the concrete resistivity measurements using the 2 pin and the 4 pin method. It was finally possible to conclude that good results can be obtained through the methodology developed to contaminate concrete samples with sulphate ions after only 48h contamination

    Impressão 3D de estruturas híbridas

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de PolímerosNos dias de hoje, é indiscutível o impacto e a forma como a impressão 3D está presente no nosso dia-a-dia. Munida de uma infinita liberdade de design, com capacidade de produzir objetos usando diversos materiais, despoletou um enorme interesse em diversas áreas industriais. Com o seu surgimento, tornou-se possível manipular e imitar estruturas multi-escala, multimateriais e multifuncionais encontradas na natureza – biomimetismo. Pelo facto de o biomimetismo ser uma tecnologia centrada na ideia de que não existe melhor modelo do que a natureza para desenvolver algo novo, conjugando-a com a utilização de ferramentas de manufatura aditiva poderá abrir caminho para a produção de materiais bioinspirados, que superem os materiais sintéticos dos dias de hoje. A impressão 3D de filamento fundido (FFF), apresenta um grande potencial em replicar estruturas bioinspiradas, tendo levado diversos investigadores a desenvolver estruturas compósitas multimaterial fruto da forte procura por novos paradigmas de design e desenvolvimento de materiais estruturais avançados de alto desempenho. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação, teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial do processo FFF multi-material, para a produção de estruturas técnicas híbridas, que poderão ou não ser incorporadas em laminados compósitos. O primeiro passo foi dado através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o processo de impressão 3D FFF multi-material, e a possibilidade de utilizar materiais compósitos na impressão de estruturas híbridas. Posteriormente, recorrendo ao uso do processo de soldadura topo-a-topo, foram pré-selecionados três pares híbridos a serem replicados pelo processo de impressão 3D dando posteriormente origem a uma estrutura híbrida. Após a seleção do melhor par híbrido, Nylon-Ninjaflex, foram desenhados e impressos cinco provetes híbridos e cinco provetes contendo unicamente uma componente rígida, por forma a permitir obter um termo de comparação e possíveis conclusões acerca do desempenho mecânico destas estruturas. Realizadas as impressões, com sucesso, os provetes foram submetidos a ensaios de flexão e impacto, demonstrando uma excelente adesão e coesão entre camadas. Face aos resultados obtidos, foi possível comprovar a eficácia do método adotado na seleção de pares de materiais e no estudo de resolução do equipamento.In the present day, the impact of 3D printing and the way in which it is present in everyday life is indisputable. Provided with an infinite freedom of design, with the capacity of producing objects using diverse materials, it has garnered an enormous amount of interest from various areas of industry. With such a rise, it has become possible to manipulate and imitate the multi-scale, multi-material and multi-functional structures of nature – biomimicry. Due to biomimicry being a technology centred on the concept that there exists no better model than nature for developing a new product, combining it with the use of additive manufacturing tools will pave the way towards the production of bioinspired materials which improve upon the synthetic materials of today. Fused filament fabrication 3D printing (FFF) presents great potential for replicating bioinspired structures, having brought various researchers to developing multimaterial composite structures, the product of the tireless search for new paradigms of design and the development of high-performance advanced structural materials. In this context, the present dissertation has as its main objective to evaluate the potential of the multimaterial FFF process for the production of hybrid technical structures, which may or may not be incorporated into laminate composites. The first step was a bibliographic investigation into the process of multimaterial FFF 3D printing, and the possibility of utilizing composite materials in the printing of hybrid structures. Subsequently, implementing the use of hot plate welding, three hybrid pairs were preselected to be replicated by the 3D printing process, subsequently giving rise to a hybrid structure. After selecting the best hybrid pair, Nylon-Ninjaflex, five hybrid test pieces and five test pieces containing solely a rigid component were designed and printed, to provide a basis for comparison and possible conclusions about the mechanical performance of these structures. After printing, the specimens were successfully subjected to bending and impact tests, demonstrating excellent adhesion and cohesion between layers. Given the results obtained, it was possible to prove the effectiveness of the adopted method in the selection of pairs of material and in the study of equipment resolution

    Portugal e Moçambique: cooperação e co-produção cinematográfica no pós-independência

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    Nas tentativas de internacionalização, o cinema português tem tentado pertencer a vários espaços de circulação cinematográfica. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promoting heritage through a pervasive and mobile computing approach: the case of the portuguese city of Mirandela

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    Promoting heritage is a challenge for all generations. The heritage is a legacy that we inherit from our ancestors and that we should deliver to our decedents. In this sense, the first steep that we should take, after preserve the heritage, is to develop solutions that enable effective and democratic ways to promote it. This promotion starts with the ability that of those who visit this heritage be able to know and enjoy it. Information and Communication Technologies and specifically Pervasive and Mobile Computing represents nowadays a big opportunity to develop innovative solutions capable to inform tourists about heritage and even enable them to experience past realities related to immaterial heritage like ancestral legends, past events and even no longer existing physical patrimony. This paper starts to make a reflection and the evolution the Information and Communication Technologies role on tourism and present a technological architecture to respond to the challenge of promote heritage and inform tourist in their travel experiences. After that, the paper presents also a developed prototype created to the Portuguese City of Mirandela capable to promote its historical and gastronomic heritage and also support the tours of the tourists through its territory. Finally, there are made some remarks about the future growing and directions for technology applied to tourism.UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT - Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. UID/GES/4752/2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A pervasive and mobile computing approach to promote heritage of a city

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    Cultural heritage is an extremely valuable set of materiality, traditions and knowledge from the Past that should be used to better understand the Past itself. However, even nowadays, there are still some difficulties to manage, preserve and disseminate cultural heritage. In this sense, the first step that we should take after preserving the heritage is to develop solutions that enable effective and democratic ways to promote it. This promotion starts with the ability of those who visit this heritage to be able to know and enjoy it. Information and Communication Technologies and specifically Pervasive and Mobile Computing ones represent nowadays a big opportunity to develop innovative solutions capable to inform tourists about heritage and even enable them to experience past realities related to immaterial heritage like ancestral legends and past events even with no longer existing physical patrimony. This paper starts to make a reflection of the evolution, the Information and Communication Technologies role on tourism and present a technological architecture to respond to the challenge of promoting heritage and informing tourists in their travel experiences. After that, the paper presents also a developed prototype created to the Portuguese City of Mirandela which was capable to promote its historical and gastronomic heritage and also support the tours of the tourists through its territory. Finally, some remarks about the future growing and directions for technology applied to tourism are made.UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. UID/GES/4752/2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A crítica dos cineclubes em Portugal: o caso do Boletim do Cineclube de Guimarães (1959-60) - 103

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    Durante a ditadura do Estado Novo, em forte articulação com os movimentos neo-realismo e cineclubista, a crítica cultural e cinematográfica constituiu um importante núcleo de ação na oposição à política cultural oficial.N/

    An experimental evaluation of tools for grading concurrent programming exercises

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    Automatic grading based on unit tests is a key feature of massive open online courses (MOOC) on programming, as it allows instant feedback to students and enables courses to scale up. This technique works well for sequential programs, by checking outputs against a sample of inputs, but unfortunately it is not adequate for detecting races and deadlocks, which precludes its use for concurrent programming, a key subject in parallel and distributed computing courses. In this paper we provide a hands-on evaluation of verification and testing tools for concurrent programs, collecting a precise set of requirements, and describing to what extent they can or can not be used for this purpose. Our conclusion is that automatic grading of concurrent programming exercises remains an open challenge.This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project LA/P/0063/2020

    Circular economy in companies from the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula: survey under the Circular Labs POCTEP Project

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    Circular Economy (CE) is a strategic concept based on a deep change in contemporary societies, moving from a linear economy to a circular model. The CircularLabs POCTEP* project aims at promoting the integration of the CE in business models and includes the participation of 11 partners from the three Regions of: the North of Portugal, Galicia and Castilla y León, both in Spain. This project Among its initial actions, this project launched an online survey for companies located in this Iberian Northwest Regions. A total of 294 companies answered this survey. On this sample, SMEs from services and industry were the most represented groups. The survey focused on multiple aspects, including the recognition of CE concepts, the integration of CE strategies, reasons for CE implementation, main obstacles and barriers, among others. Results show a dispersion in the interpretation of the CE concept, as it is mostly recognised as part of a strategical vision or policy in these companies. Moreover, CE is mostly considered for its environmental benefits. The most relevant difficulties found in EC implementation related to the lack of information and advice and insufficient financial support. The fact that only a fraction of the companies had implemented environmental management systems, may be seen as a reason for the lack of internal structure for CE technical support. This research will outline some of the necessary steps towards CE implementation in these North-western Iberian Regions.This study was part of the Trans-National Project CircularLabs. The authors would like to thank the Spain-Portugal Transnational Program (POCTEP), with the Financial Support from the European Union under Program FEDER (European Regional Development Fund). This Program is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors. Some of the authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio