2,362 research outputs found

    Estimating Infection Risks and the Global Burden of Diarrheal Disease Attributable to Intermittent Water Supply Using QMRA.

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    : Intermittent water supply (IWS) is prevalent throughout low and middle-income countries. IWS is associated with increased microbial contamination and potentially elevated risk of waterborne illness. We used existing data sets to estimate the population exposed to IWS, assess the probability of infection using quantitative microbial risk assessment, and calculate the subsequent burden of diarrheal disease attributable to consuming fecally contaminated tap water from an IWS. We used reference pathogens Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, and rotavirus as conservative risk proxies for infections via bacteria, protozoa, and viruses, respectively. Results indicate that the median daily risk of infection is an estimated 1 in 23 500 for Campylobacter, 1 in 5 050 000 for Cryptosporidium, and 1 in 118 000 for rotavirus. Based on these risks, IWS may account for 17.2 million infections causing 4.52 million cases of diarrhea, 109 000 diarrheal DALYs, and 1560 deaths each year. The burden of diarrheal disease associated with IWS likely exceeds the WHO health-based normative guideline for drinking water of 10-6 DALYs per person per year. Our results underscore the importance water safety management in water supplies and the potential benefits of point-of-use treatment to mitigate risks.<br/

    Models of Type I X-Ray Bursts in 4U 1820-30

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    I present ignition models for Type I X-ray bursts and superbursts from the ultracompact binary 4U 1820-30. A pure helium secondary is usually assumed for this system, although some evolutionary models predict a small amount of hydrogen (around 10% by mass). I show that even this small amount of hydrogen significantly affects the expected Type I burst properties. Using the 2-4 hour recurrence times observed during periods of regular bursting, I determine the accretion rate onto the star for different compositions, a new constraint on evolutionary models. I show that models with hydrogen predict 10% variations in burst fluence with recurrence time, which should in future allow the accreted composition to be determined. For superbursts, I show that the expected recurrence times are 1-2 years for pure He accretion, and 5-10 years if hydrogen is present. These results emphasise that a combined analysis of normal Type I X-ray bursts and superbursts is a promising way to probe the thermal structure and composition of the neutron star's outer layers.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal (13 pages; 4 figures

    Terahertz oscillations in an In<sub>0.53</sub>Ga<sub>0.47</sub>As submicron planar gunn diode

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    The length of the transit region of a Gunn diode determines the natural frequency at which it operates in fundamental mode – the shorter the device, the higher the frequency of operation. The long-held view on Gunn diode design is that for a functioning device the minimum length of the transit region is about 1.5μm, limiting the devices to fundamental mode operation at frequencies of roughly 60 GHz. Study of these devices by more advanced Monte Carlo techniques that simulate the ballistic transport and electron-phonon interactions that govern device behaviour, offers a new lower bound of 0.5μm, which is already being approached by the experimental evidence that has shown planar and vertical devices exhibiting Gunn operation at 600nm and 700nm, respectively. The paper presents results of the first ever THz submicron planar Gunn diode fabricated in In&lt;sub&gt;0.53&lt;/sub&gt;Ga&lt;sub&gt;0.47&lt;/sub&gt;A on an InP substrate, operating at a fundamental frequency above 300 GHz. Experimentally measured rf power of 28 µW was obtained from a 600 nm long ×120 µm wide device. At this new length, operation in fundamental mode at much higher frequencies becomes possible – the Monte Carlo model used predicts power output at frequencies over 300 GHz

    Invited Article: CO_2 laser production of fused silica fibers for use in interferometric gravitational wave detector mirror suspensions

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    In 2000 the first mirror suspensions to use a quasi-monolithic final stage were installed at the GEO600 detector site outside Hannover, pioneering the use of fused silica suspension fibers in long baseline interferometric detectors to reduce suspension thermal noise. Since that time, development of the production methods of fused silica fibers has continued. We present here a review of a novel CO_2 laser-based fiber pulling machine developed for the production of fused silica suspensions for the next generation of interferometric gravitational wave detectors and for use in experiments requiring low thermal noise suspensions. We discuss tolerances, strengths, and thermal noise performance requirements for the next generation of gravitational wave detectors. Measurements made on fibers produced using this machine show a 0.8% variation in vertical stiffness and 0.05% tolerance on length, with average strengths exceeding 4 GPa, and mechanical dissipation which meets the requirements for Advanced LIGO thermal noise performance

    Investigation of mechanical losses of thin silicon flexures at low temperatures

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    The investigation of the mechanical loss of different silicon flexures in a temperature region from 5 to 300 K is presented. The flexures have been prepared by different fabrication techniques. A lowest mechanical loss of 3×1083\times10^{-8} was observed for a 130 μ\mum thick flexure at around 10 K. While the mechanical loss follows the thermoelastic predictions down to 50 K a difference can be observed at lower temperatures for different surface treatments. This surface loss will be limiting for all applications using silicon based oscillators at low temperatures. The extraction of a surface loss parameter using different results from our measurements and other references is presented. We focused on structures that are relevant for gravitational wave detectors. The surface loss parameter αs\alpha_s = 0.5 pm was obtained. This reveals that the surface loss of silicon is significantly lower than the surface loss of fused silica.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Circumstellar Na I and Ca II lines of type Ia supernovae in symbiotic scenario

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    Formation of circumstellar lines of Na I and Ca II in type Ia supernovae is studied for the case, when supernova explodes in a binary system with a red giant. The model suggests a spherically-symmetric wind and takes into account ionization and heating of the wind by X-rays from the shock wave and by gamma-quanta of ^{56}Ni radioactive decay. For the wind density typical of the red giant the expected optical depth of the wind in Na I lines turnes out too low (\tau<0.001}) to detect the absorption. For the same wind densities the predicted optical depth of Ca II 3934 \AA is sufficient for the detection (\tau>0.1). I conclude that the absorption lines detected in SN 2006X cannot form in the red giant wind; they are rather related to clouds at distances larger than the dust evaporation radius (r>10^{17} cm). From the absence in SN 2006X of Ca II absorption lines not related with the similar Na I components I derive the upper limit of the mass loss rate by the wind with velocity u: \dot{M}<10^{-8}(u/10 km/s) M_{\odot} yr^{-1}.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Astronomy Letters (accepted

    Precise radial velocities of giant stars. IV. A correlation between surface gravity and radial velocity variation and a statistical investigation of companion properties

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    Since 1999, we have been conducting a radial velocity survey of 179 K giants using the CAT at UCO/Lick observatory. At present ~20-100 measurements have been collected per star with a precision of 5 to 8 m/s. Of the stars monitored, 145 (80%) show radial velocity (RV) variations at a level >20 m/s, of which 43 exhibit significant periodicities. Our aim is to investigate possible mechanism(s) that cause these observed RV variations. We intend to test whether these variations are intrinsic in nature, or possibly induced by companions, or both. In addition, we aim to characterise the parameters of these companions. A relation between log g and the amplitude of the RV variations is investigated for all stars in the sample. Furthermore, the hypothesis that all periodic RV variations are caused by companions is investigated by comparing their inferred orbital statistics with the statistics of companions around main sequence stars. A strong relation is found between the amplitude of the RV variations and log g in K giant stars, as suggested earlier by Hatzes & Cochran (1998). However, most of the stars exhibiting periodic variations are located above this relation. These RV variations can be split in a periodic component which is not correlated with log g and a random residual part which does correlate with log g. Compared to main-sequence stars, K giants frequently exhibit periodic RV variations. Interpreting these RV variations as being caused by companions, the orbital param eters are different from the companions orbiting dwarfs. Intrinsic mechanisms play an important role in producing RV variations in K giants stars, as suggested by their dependence on log g. However, it appears that periodic RV variations are additional to these intrinsic variations, consistent with them being caused by companions.Comment: 10 pages, accepted by A&