397 research outputs found

    Multifractality of the quantum Hall wave functions in higher Landau levels

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    To probe the universality class of the quantum Hall system at the metal-insulator critical point, the multifractality of the wave function ψ\psi is studied for higher Landau levels, N=1,2N=1,2, for various range (σ)(\sigma ) of random potential. We have found that, while the multifractal spectrum f(α)f(\alpha) (and consequently the fractal dimension) does vary with NN, the parabolic form for f(α)f(\alpha) indicative of a log-normal distribution of ψ\psi persists in higher Landau levels. If we relate the multifractality with the scaling of localization via the conformal theory, an asymptotic recovery of the single-parameter scaling with increasing σ\sigma is seen, in agreement with Huckestein's irrelevant scaling field argument.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, 5 figures available on request from [email protected]

    Metal-insulator transitions in anisotropic 2d systems

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    Several phenomena related to the critical behaviour of non-interacting electrons in a disordered 2d tight-binding system with a magnetic field are studied. Localization lengths, critical exponents and density of states are computed using transfer matrix techniques. Scaling functions of isotropic systems are recovered once the dimension of the system in each direction is chosen proportional to the localization length. It is also found that the critical point is independent of the propagation direction, and that the critical exponents for the localization length for both propagating directions are equal to that of the isotropic system (approximately 7/3). We also calculate the critical value of the scaling function for both the isotropic and the anisotropic system. It is found that the isotropic value equals the geometric mean of the two anisotropic values. Detailed numerical studies of the density of states for the isotropic system reveals that for an appreciable amount of disorder the critical energy is off the band center.Comment: 6 pages RevTeX, 6 figures included, submitted to Physical Review

    Energy-level statistics at the metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems

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    We study the three-dimensional Anderson model of localization with anisotropic hopping, i.e. weakly coupled chains and weakly coupled planes. In our extensive numerical study we identify and characterize the metal-insulator transition using energy-level statistics. The values of the critical disorder WcW_c are consistent with results of previous studies, including the transfer-matrix method and multifractal analysis of the wave functions. WcW_c decreases from its isotropic value with a power law as a function of anisotropy. Using high accuracy data for large system sizes we estimate the critical exponent ν=1.45±0.2\nu=1.45\pm0.2. This is in agreement with its value in the isotropic case and in other models of the orthogonal universality class. The critical level statistics which is independent of the system size at the transition changes from its isotropic form towards the Poisson statistics with increasing anisotropy.Comment: 22 pages, including 8 figures, revtex few typos corrected, added journal referenc

    Spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Antiferromagnet on the Kagome Lattice: High Temperature Expansion and Exact Diagonalisation Studies

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    For the spin-12\frac{1}{2} Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the Kagom\'e lattice we calculate the high temperature series for the specific heat and the structure factor. A comparison of the series with exact diagonalisation studies shows that the specific heat has further structure at lower temperature in addition to a high temperature peak at T2/3T\approx 2/3. At T=0.25T=0.25 the structure factor agrees quite well with results for the ground state of a finite cluster with 36 sites. At this temperature the structure factor is less than two times its T=T=\infty value and depends only weakly on the wavevector q\bf q, indicating the absence of magnetic order and a correlation length of less than one lattice spacing. The uniform susceptibility has a maximum at T1/6T\approx 1/6 and vanishes exponentially for lower temperatures.Comment: 15 pages + 5 figures, revtex, 26.04.9

    Multifractal analysis of the metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems

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    We study the Anderson model of localization with anisotropic hopping in three dimensions for weakly coupled chains and weakly coupled planes. The eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, as computed by Lanczos diagonalization for systems of sizes up to 48348^3, show multifractal behavior at the metal-insulator transition even for strong anisotropy. The critical disorder strength WcW_c determined from the system size dependence of the singularity spectra is in a reasonable agreement with a recent study using transfer matrix methods. But the respective spectrum at WcW_c deviates from the ``characteristic spectrum'' determined for the isotropic system. This indicates a quantitative difference of the multifractal properties of states of the anisotropic as compared to the isotropic system. Further, we calculate the Kubo conductivity for given anisotropies by exact diagonalization. Already for small system sizes of only 12312^3 sites we observe a rapidly decreasing conductivity in the directions with reduced hopping if the coupling becomes weaker.Comment: 25 RevTeX pages with 10 PS-figures include

    White matter changes and confrontation naming in retired aging national football league athletes

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    Using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), we assessed the relationship of white matter integrity and performance on the Boston Naming Test (BNT) in a group of retired professional football players and a control group. We examined correlations between fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) with BNT T-scores in an unbiased voxelwise analysis processed with tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS). We also analyzed the DTI data by grouping voxels together as white matter tracts and testing each tract's association with BNT T-scores. Significant voxelwise correlations between FA and BNT performance were only seen in the retired football players (p < 0.02). Two tracts had mean FA values that significantly correlated with BNT performance: forceps minor and forceps major. White matter integrity is important for distributed cognitive processes, and disruption correlates with diminished performance in athletes exposed to concussive and subconcussive brain injuries, but not in controls without such exposure

    Growth of Bio Sensor Materials by Physical Vapor Transport Method

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    Recently there is a big thrust on bio-inspired sensors and there has been a large rise in the investment and expectations for nanotechnology to meet these goals. For in situ sensor development materials deposition on substrate is essential part of device development. Physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and molecular organic vapor deposition methods have developed for growth of semiconductor bulk and thin film growth with some modifications have been used for these materials. Oxides and other elements of the VI group such as sulfides and selenides are key components in the skins of many species. Growth of ordered structures containing these elements have been achieved by using PVD method. This paper describes effect of growth parameters during PVD growth on the quality of materials. Growth kinetics and mechanism will be discussed for the vertical and horizontal growth reactors. Since most of the efficient materials systems are multinary and in many cases non-congruent, PVD provides a pathway to grow materials below melting temperature

    Strongly Correlated Electrons on a Silicon Surface: Theory of a Mott Insulator

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    We demonstrate theoretically that the electronic ground state of the potassium-covered Si(111)-B surface is a Mott insulator, explicitly contradicting band theory but in good agreement with recent experiments. We determine the physical structure by standard density-functional methods, and obtain the electronic ground state by exact diagonalization of a many-body Hamiltonian. The many-body conductivity reveals a Brinkman-Rice metal-insulator transition at a critical interaction strength; the calculated interaction strength is well above this critical value.Comment: 4 pages; 4 figures included in text; Revte

    Smoothed universal correlations in the two-dimensional Anderson model

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    We report on calculations of smoothed spectral correlations in the two-dimensional Anderson model for weak disorder. As pointed out in (M. Wilkinson, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 21, 1173 (1988)), an analysis of the smoothing dependence of the correlation functions provides a sensitive means of establishing consistency with random matrix theory. We use a semiclassical approach to describe these fluctuations and offer a detailed comparison between numerical and analytical calculations for an exhaustive set of two-point correlation functions. We consider parametric correlation functions with an external Aharonov-Bohm flux as a parameter and discuss two cases, namely broken time-reversal invariance and partial breaking of time-reversal invariance. Three types of correlation functions are considered: density-of-states, velocity and matrix element correlation functions. For the values of smoothing parameter close to the mean level spacing the semiclassical expressions and the numerical results agree quite well in the whole range of the magnetic flux.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Critical spectral statistics in two-dimensional interacting disordered systems

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    The effect of Coulomb and short-range interactions on the spectral properties of two-dimensional disordered systems with two spinless fermions is investigated by numerical scaling techniques. The size independent universality of the critical nearest level-spacing distribution P(s)P(s) allows one to find a delocalization transition at a critical disorder WcW_{\rm c} for any non-zero value of the interaction strength. At the critical point the spacings distribution has a small-ss behavior Pc(s)sP_c(s)\propto s, and a Poisson-like decay at large spacings.Comment: 4 two-column pages, 3 eps figures, RevTeX, new results adde