113 research outputs found

    In vivo cytotoxic T-lymphocyte induction may take place via CD8 T helper lymphocytes

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    Immunization of mice with peptide constructs, consisting of a determinant recognized by T cytotoxic cells colinearly linked to a determinant recognized by T helper cells (TDc-TDh) was able to induce cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo. Interestingly, this induction could be achieved in the absence of adjuvant in non-depleted as well as in CD4(+)-cell-depleted BALB/c mice. In the latter case, induction took place simultaneously with the activation of CD8+ T helper cells specific for a TDh contained within the sequence of the TDc RIQRGPGRAFVTIGK from the immunodominant V3 loop of HIV1 gp120. The possible implications of these findings in HIV infection and AIDS disease are discussed

    Induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes in mice against the principal neutralizing domain of HIV-1 by immunization with an engineered T-cytotoxic-T-helper synthetic peptide construct

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    Peptide constructs were engineered by colinear synthesis of two short synthetic peptide determinants; a determinant recognized by T helper cells (TDh) and a determinant recognized by T cytotoxic cells (TDc). Three types of constructs were synthesized: TDc-TDh, TDh-TDc, and TDh-KK-TDc, where KK are two lysine residues. In vivo immunization with free construct induced cytolytic lymphocytes (CTL) only in the case of TDc-TDh. However, immunization with spleen cells to which these constructs had been internalized by hypertonic shock, induced CTL activity in all three cases. No CTL could be induced after immunization with free TDc in either protocol. These results indicate that cell internalization of the construct might be essential for CTL induction, and also, that "help" from the TDh seems to be required

    Enhancement of peptide immunogenicity by insertion of a cathepsin B cleavage site between determinants recognized by B and T cells

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    The insertion of two lysine residues (cleavage sites of cathepsin B) at the boundary of a peptide recognized by B cells (BD) and a class-II- presentable sequence (TDh) enhanced the anti-BD antibody induction capacity of this type of peptide construct, as well as production of IL2. It is postulated that these lysines generate a neoprocessable site which helps in release of the TDh moiety from the construct, enabling its presentation to class II molecules, an essential step in clonal expansion of the antibody-producing B cell after internalization of the construct via the BD moiety

    Overcoming class II-linked non-responsiveness to hepatitis B vaccine

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    This work shows that class II-linked humoral lack of response to an antigen can be overcome by joint immunization with the antigen and a T-helper cell determinant (TDh) well recognized by class II molecules of a non-responder individual. Thus, SJL/J mice (H-2s), which are non-responders to the S region of hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg), were rendered responders by joint immunization with a recombinant surface antigen, only composed of the S region, and a short synthetic TDh peptide well recognized by the H-2s restriction. By contrast, when this peptide is not recognized as TDh, as in B10M mice (H-2f restricted and also non-responders to the S region), no humoral response could be induced against the S region. These results have important implications for therapy and vaccination against hepatitis B virus as well as in enhancing the immunogenicity of other antigens

    Therapeutic vaccination of woodchucks against chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus infection

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Therapeutic vaccination is a new approach to treat patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. We have used the woodchuck model to examine the efficacy and safety of this approach. METHODS: Seven woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus were immunized with surface antigen from this virus, purified from plasma, in conjunction with a peptide named FIS (encompassing amino acids 106-118: FISEAIIHVLHSR from sperm whale myoglobin), which is recognized by T helper lymphocytes. As controls, two woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus were immunized: one with FIS only and the other with surface antigen only. RESULTS: Co-immunization with surface antigen and FIS, but not with FIS or surface antigen alone, induced anti-surface antibodies in 7/7 immunized woodchucks. In the two woodchucks in which the highest titer of anti-surface antibody was elicited, severe liver damage was observed: one died of fulminant hepatitis and the other became seriously ill with hepatic injury and had to be sacrificed. CONCLUSIONS: Co-immunization of chronically infected woodchucks with surface antigen and a peptide recognized by T helper cells produces a good anti-surface antibody response. However, this strategy needs to be optimized before its implementation in humans. Although our experiments are not strictly comparable to vaccination of chronically hepatitis B virus-infected patients with recombinant or plasma-derived vaccines, we believe that precautions should be taken to avoid the risk of severe liver injury when immunizing hepatitis B virus carriers

    Characterization of an immunologically conserved epitope from hepatitis C virus E2 glycoprotein recognized by HLA-A2 restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Identification of epitopes recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins is of importance because they can be used for vaccination, treatment of infection or monitoring of immune responses. Our purpose was to characterize new CTL epitopes in HCV structural proteins. METHODS: Peptides were synthesized and tested in HLA-A2 binding assays. Binder peptides were used to stimulate peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HCV+ patients and controls, and activity measured in chromium release and ELISPOT assays. RESULTS: Twenty binder peptides were found, and stimulation of HCV+ patient cells with nine peptides showing high binding ability led to the growth of CD8+ CTL recognizing peptide E2(614-622) in association with HLA-A2. Peptide E2(614-622) was recognized by 30% of HLA-A2+ patients with chronic HCV infection, but no responses were observed in control groups. Five peptides derived from region E2(614-622) from 26 different viral isolates bound to HLA-A2 molecules, and all of them but one, containing Phe at position 622, were recognized by E2(614-622) specific CTL. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that peptide E2(614-622) belongs to a highly conserved region of HCV E2, and might be a good candidate to induce anti-HCV CTL responses in HLA-A2+ subjects

    Production of interleukin-2 in response to synthetic peptides from hepatitis C virus E1 protein in patients with chronic hepatitis C: relationship with the response to interferon treatment

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The role of cellular immunity in the clearance of hepatitis C virus after interferon therapy has not yet been elucidated. Here, we analyzed the T cell response to peptides from hepatitis C virus E1 protein in untreated and interferon-treated patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. METHODS: We used thirty-six 15-mer synthetic peptides from hepatitis C virus E1 protein (genotype 1a) in a sensitive interleukin-2 production assay in two groups of controls (healthy seronegative individuals and patients with liver diseases unrelated to hepatitis C virus), and three groups of patients with chronic hepatitis C: nine patients who cleared the virus after interferon treatment (group 1), nine patients who failed to respond to the therapy (group 2) and nine previously untreated patients (group 3). RESULTS: None of the controls responded to any of the peptides tested, whereas 8/9 (88%) of patients from group 1 responded positively. In contrast, only 2/9 (22%) of patients from group 2 showed peptide recognition. In group 3, 5/9 patients (55%) displayed positive response against E1 peptides. When E1 peptides from the sequence corresponding to genotype 1b (the commonest in patients who were non-responders to interferon) were tested in nine additional interferon-resistant patients (group 2*) a positive response was detected in only three of them (33%). CONCLUSIONS: T cell recognition of hepatitis C virus E1 peptides in patients with chronic hepatitis C who exhibit sustained response to interferon therapy is increased as compared with interferon-resistant cases, suggesting that T cell immunity to hepatitis C virus structural proteins may play a role in the clearance of this viral infection

    Cognitive reserve is associated with the functional organization of brain networks in healthy aging: a MEG study

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    The proportion of elderly people in the population has increased rapidly in the last century and consequently "healthy aging" is expected to become a critical area of research in neuroscience. Evidence reveals how healthy aging depends on three main behavioral factors: social lifestyle, cognitive activity and physical activity. In this study, we focused on the role of cognitive activity, concentrating specifically on educational and occupational attainment factors, which were considered two of the main pillars of cognitive reserve. 21 subjects with similar rates of social lifestyle, physical and cognitive activity were selected from a sample of 55 healthy adults. These subjects were divided into two groups according to their level of cognitive reserve; one group comprised subjects with high cognitive reserve (9 members) and the other contained those with low cognitive reserve (12 members). To evaluate the cortical brain connectivity network, all participants were recorded by Magnetoencephalography (MEG) while they performed a memory task (modified version of the Sternberg¿s Task). We then applied two algorithms (Phase Locking Value & Phase-Lag Index) to study the dynamics of functional connectivity. In response to the same task, the subjects with lower cognitive reserve presented higher functional connectivity than those with higher cognitive reserve. These results may indicate that participants with low cognitive reserve needed a greater 'effort' than those with high cognitive reserve to achieve the same level of cognitive performance. Therefore, we conclude that cognitive reserve contributes to the modulation of the functional connectivity patterns of the aging brain

    Immunization with a tumor-associated CTL epitope plus a tumor-related or unrelated Th1 helper peptide elicits protective CTL immunity

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    Immunization with cytotoxic T cell epitope SPSYVYHQF (AH1), derived from MuLV gp70 envelope protein expressed by CT26 tumor cells, does not protect BALB/c mice against challenge with CT26 tumor cells. By contrast, immunization with AH1 plus T helper peptides OVA(323-337) or SWM(106-118) eliciting Th1 and Th0 profiles, protected 83% and 33% of mice, respectively. Interestingly, immunization with AH1 plus both helper peptides reverted the efficacy to 33%. We identified the endogenous T helper peptide p(320-333) from gp70 which elicits a Th1 profile and is naturally processed. As for OVA(323-337), immunization with p(320-333) alone did not protect against tumor challenge. However, p(320-333) plus AH1 protected 89% of mice at day 10 after vaccination. Only 20% of mice vaccinated with AH1 + OVA(323-337) or AH1 + p(320-333) were protected when challenged 80 days after immunization. Treatment with OVA(323-337) or with p(320-333) around established tumors delayed tumor growth. Our results show that tumor-related as well as tumor-unrelated but strong Th1 peptides may be useful for inducing CTL responses in tumor immunotherapy
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