84 research outputs found

    Spike Afterpotentials Shape the In Vivo Burst Activity of Principal Cells in Medial Entorhinal Cortex

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    Principal neurons in rodent medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) generate high-frequency bursts during natural behavior. While in vitro studies point to potential mechanisms that could support such burst sequences, it remains unclear whether these mechanisms are effective under in vivo conditions. In this study, we focused on the membrane-potential dynamics immediately following action potentials (APs), as measured in whole-cell recordings from male mice running in virtual corridors (Domnisoru et al., 2013). These afterpotentials consisted either of a hyperpolarization, an extended ramp-like shoulder, or a depolarization reminiscent of depolarizing afterpotentials (DAPs) recorded in vitro in MEC principal neurons. Next, we correlated the afterpotentials with the cells' propensity to fire bursts. All DAP cells with known location resided in Layer II, generated bursts, and their interspike intervals (ISIs) were typically between 5 and 15 ms. The ISI distributions of Layer-II cells without DAPs peaked sharply at around 4 ms and varied only minimally across that group. This dichotomy in burst behavior is explained by cell-group-specific DAP dynamics. The same two groups of bursting neurons also emerged when we clustered extracellular spike-train autocorrelations measured in real 2D arenas (Latuske et al., 2015). Apart from slight variations in grid spacing, no difference in the spatial coding properties of the grid cells across all three groups was discernible. Layer III neurons were only sparsely bursting (SB) and had no DAPs. As various mechanisms for modulating ion-channels underlying DAPs exist, our results suggest that temporal features of MEC activity can be altered while maintaining the cells' overall spatial tuning characteristics. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Depolarizing afterpotentials (DAPs) are frequently observed in principal neurons from slice preparations of rodent medial entorhinal cortex (MEC), but their functional role in vivo is unknown. Analyzing whole-cell data from mice running on virtual tracks, we show that DAPs do occur during behavior. Cells with prominent DAPs are found in Layer II; their interspike intervals (ISIs) reflect DAP time-scales. In contrast, neither the rarely bursting cells in Layer III, nor the high-frequency bursters in Layer II, have a DAP. Extracellular recordings from mice exploring real 2D arenas demonstrate that grid cells within these three groups have similar spatial coding properties. We conclude that DAPs shape the temporal response characteristics of principal neurons in MEC with little effect on spatial properties

    IP3 receptor isoforms differently regulate ER-mitochondrial contacts and local calcium transfer

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    Contact sites of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria locally convey calcium signals between the IP3 receptors (IP3R) and the mitochondrial calcium uniporter, and are central to cell survival. It remains unclear whether IP3Rs also have a structural role in contact formation and whether the different IP3R isoforms have redundant functions. Using an IP3R-deficient cell model rescued with each of the three IP3R isoforms and an array of super-resolution and ultrastructural approaches we demonstrate that IP3Rs are required for maintaining ER-mitochondrial contacts. This role is independent of calcium fluxes. We also show that, while each isoform can support contacts, type 2 IP3R is the most effective in delivering calcium to the mitochondria. Thus, these studies reveal a non-canonical, structural role for the IP3Rs and direct attention towards the type 2 IP3R that was previously neglected in the context of ER-mitochondrial calcium signaling

    Classical quasi-particle dynamics in trapped Bose condensates

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    The dynamics of quasi-particles in repulsive Bose condensates in a harmonic trap is studied in the classical limit. In isotropic traps the classical motion is integrable and separable in spherical coordinates. In anisotropic traps the classical dynamics is found, in general, to be nonintegrable. For quasi-particle energies E much smaller than thechemical potential, besides the conserved quasi-particle energy, we identify two additional nearly conserved phase-space functions. These render the dynamics inside the condensate (collective dynamics) integrable asymptotically for E/chemical potential very small. However, there coexists at the same energy a dynamics confined to the surface of the condensate, which is governed by a classical Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian. We find that also this dynamics becomes integrable for E/chemical potential very small, because of the appearance of an adiabatic invariant. For E/chemical potential of order 1 a large portion of the phase-space supports chaotic motion, both, for the Bogoliubov Hamiltonian and its Hartree-Fock approximant. To exemplify this we exhibit Poincar\'e surface of sections for harmonic traps with the cylindrical symmetry and anisotropy found in TOP traps. For E/chemical potential very large the dynamics is again governed by the Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian. In the case with cylindrical symmetry it becomes quasi-integrable because the remaining small chaotic components in phase space are tightly confined by tori.Comment: 13 pages Latex, 6 eps.gz-figure

    Bose-Einstein condensation in shallow traps

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    In this paper we study the properties of Bose-Einstein condensates in shallow traps. We discuss the case of a Gaussian potential, but many of our results apply also to the traps having a small quadratic anharmonicity. We show the errors introduced when a Gaussian potential is approximated with a parabolic potential, these errors can be quite large for realistic optical trap parameter values. We study the behavior of the condensate fraction as a function of trap depth and temperature and calculate the chemical potential of the condensate in a Gaussian trap. Finally we calculate the frequencies of the collective excitations in shallow spherically symmetric and 1D traps.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Ψ=We±Φ\rm \Psi= W e^{\pm \Phi} quantum cosmological solutions for Class A Bianchi Models

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    We find solutions for quantum Class A Bianchi models of the form Ψ=We±Φ\rm \Psi=W e^{\pm \Phi} generalizing the results obtained by Moncrief and Ryan in standard quantum cosmology. For the II and IX Bianchi models there are other solutions Φ~2\rm \tilde\Phi_2, Φ~9\rm \tilde\Phi_9 to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for which Ψ\rm \Psi is necessarely zero, in contrast with solutions found in supersymmetric quantum cosmology.Comment: 15 pages, Late

    Hydrodynamic excitations of Bose condensates in anisotropic traps

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    The collective excitations of Bose condensates in anisotropic axially symmetric harmonic traps are investigated in the hydrodynamic and Thomas-Fermi limit. We identify an additional conserved quantity, besides the axial angular momentum and the total energy, and separate the wave equation in elliptic coordinates. The solution is reduced to the algebraic problem of diagonalizing finite dimensional matrices. The classical quasi-particle dynamics in the local density approximation for energies of the order of the chemical potential is shown to be chaotic.Comment: 4 pages revtex including 1 table, and 1 figure in postscrip

    A New Method for Computing Topological Pressure

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    The topological pressure introduced by Ruelle and similar quantities describe dynamical multifractal properties of dynamical systems. These are important characteristics of mesoscopic systems in the classical regime. Original definition of these quantities are based on the symbolic description of the dynamics. It is hard or impossible to find symbolic description and generating partition to a general dynamical system, therefore these quantities are often not accessible for further studies. Here we present a new method by which the symbolic description can be omitted. We apply the method for a mixing and an intermittent system.Comment: 8 pages LaTeX with revtex.sty, the 4 postscript figures are included using psfig.tex to appear in PR

    Shifts and widths of collective excitations in trapped Bose gases by the dielectric formalism

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    We present predictions for the temperature dependent shifts and damping rates. They are obtained by applying the dielectric formalism to a simple model of a trapped Bose gas. Within the framework of the model we use lowest order perturbation theory to determine the first order correction to the results of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov-Popov theory for the complex collective excitation frequencies, and present numerical results for the temperature dependence of the damping rates and the frequency shifts. Good agreement with the experimental values measured at JILA are found for the m=2 mode, while we find disagreements in the shifts for m=0. The latter point to the necessity of a non-perturbative treatment for an explanation of the temperature-dependence of the m=0 shifts.Comment: 10 pages revtex, 3 figures in postscrip

    1S-2S Spectrum of a Hydrogen Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We calculate the two-photon 1S-2S spectrum of an atomic hydrogen Bose-Einstein condensate in the regime where the cold collision frequency shift dominates the lineshape. WKB and static phase approximations are made to find the intensities for transitions from the condensate to motional eigenstates for 2S atoms. The excited state wave functions are found using a mean field potential which includes the effects of collisions with condensate atoms. Results agree well with experimental data. This formalism can be used to find condensate spectra for a wide range of excitation schemes.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Point-Contact Conductances at the Quantum Hall Transition

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    On the basis of the Chalker-Coddington network model, a numerical and analytical study is made of the statistics of point-contact conductances for systems in the integer quantum Hall regime. In the Hall plateau region the point-contact conductances reflect strong localization of the electrons, while near the plateau transition they exhibit strong mesoscopic fluctuations. By mapping the network model on a supersymmetric vertex model with GL(2|2) symmetry, and postulating a two-point correlator in keeping with the rules of conformal field theory, we derive an explicit expression for the distribution of conductances at criticality. There is only one free parameter, the power law exponent of the typical conductance. Its value is computed numerically to be X_t = 0.640 +/- 0.009. The predicted conductance distribution agrees well with the numerical data. For large distances between the two contacts, the distribution can be described by a multifractal spectrum solely determined by X_t. Our results demonstrate that multifractality can show up in appropriate transport experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures included, revised versio
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