35 research outputs found

    Relationship between Market Structure and Bank Performance: Empirical Evidence for Central and Eastern Europe

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    This study aims to assess the role of market structure in the pricing behaviour and profitability of Central and Eastern European banks. In order to determine the most important variables related to the banks' pricing behaviour and profitability, we create a simple Cournot model. Then using these exogenous variables we build non-formal equations for testing the SCP (structure-conduct-performance) and the RMP (relative market power) hypotheses. Using the data of individual banks of eight Central and Eastern European countries in the period of 1998-2001 the tests reject the SCP hypothesis, but confirm the RMP hypothesis. In addition, we show that other factors, such as costs, risks, reserve ratio as well as the depth of bank intermediation also play an important role in banks' performance.bank performance, market structure, market power.

    Competition in the Hungarian Banking Market

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    This paper investigates the degree of bank competition in Hungary on various submarkets. An overview of stylised facts on the market structure, pricing behaviour and entry barriers suggests that the degree of competition may be rather different in the individual submarkets. Looking at the pricing practice of Hungarian banks, a possible use of market power may be conjectured in consumer lending. By contrast, it may be presumed that competitive pricing prevails in the corporate lending market. We prove our assumption by using the Bresnahan model, which belongs to the non-structural approaches of measuring competition. We conducted our empirical investigation using different measures of output, i.e. interest-bearing assets, loans, interest-bearing liabilities and deposits, for the period between December 1996 and September 2003. In respect of consumer loans, we analysed a panel sample for a shorter time horizon, i.e. the period between March 2001 and September 2003. Based on our results, it is safe to assume that the degree of competition in the loan and deposit markets falls between perfect competition and the Cournot equilibrium. In contrast, the consumer credit market is characterised by a much lower degree of competition, i.e. between Cournot equilibrium and perfect collusion. In addition to measuring competition, we attempted to determine losses in consumer surplus caused by banks, as well as the degree of the market power (measured by the Lerner index).market structure, degree of competition and market power.

    How resilient are Hungarian banks to liquidity shocks?

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    For central banks, monitoring banks’ liquidity risk is of great importance from a financial stability perspective. One essential gauge for assessing liquidity risk exposure is whether banks have sufficient liquidity buffers to survive a potential unexpected funding crisis. In this article, we aim to assess the resilience of Hungarian banks to liquidity shocks by using a liquidity stress test. The test is based on a hypothetical stress scenario involving a bank-specific liquidity shock, triggered by a confidence crisis,for example. The shock absorbing capacity of a bank is measured by the maximum degree of liquidity shock the bank can withstand over the short run on the strength of its liquid assets. On the basis of the results of the stress test it is believed that the current liquidity risks essentially do not pose a threat to financial stability. As for large banks, with the overwhelming part of customer deposits, the current liquidity buffers would typically enable the maintenance of liquidity even under extreme circumstances. It should be noted, however, that Hungarian banks are increasingly exposed to fluctuations in global liquidity and that intra-group financing relations may represent a contagion channel. Therefore, in the future, the study of these risk scenarios may be important in further developing stress testing practices for both the central bank and commercial banks.bank liquidity, liquidity risk, stress testing.

    A munkavĂĄllalĂłi tudĂĄs hasznosĂ­tĂĄsĂĄnak Ășj lehetƑsĂ©ge felsƑoktatĂĄsi keretek között

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    A szerzƑk tanulmĂĄnyukban ĂĄttekintĂ©st kĂ­vĂĄnnak adni az elƑzetes tudĂĄs, a munkahelyi tanulĂĄs Ă©s a tudĂĄs felsƑoktatĂĄsi keretekben valĂł elismerĂ©sĂ©rƑl. CĂ©ljuk az, hogy rĂĄirĂĄnyĂ­tsĂĄk a szervezetek figyelmĂ©t egy olyan törvĂ©ny ĂĄltal biztosĂ­tott lehetƑsĂ©gre, amelynek bevezetĂ©se Ă©rdeke a munkaerƑ-piaci szereplƑknek is. HazĂĄnkban az egyetemek/fƑiskolĂĄk mĂ©g csak ismerkednek az elƑzetes tudĂĄs elismerĂ©sĂ©nek elveivel, de a kutatĂĄsok szerint nagyon gyenge az Ă©rdekeltsĂ©gĂŒk. Ez a megközelĂ­tĂ©s vĂĄltozhat, ha a szervezetek, a szakmai kamarĂĄk megfogalmazzĂĄk a tudĂĄselismerĂ©s irĂĄnti igĂ©nyĂŒket, s ezzel felgyorsĂ­tjĂĄk a törvĂ©ny ĂĄltal mĂĄr biztosĂ­tott validĂĄciĂł szĂ©les körƱ elterjedĂ©sĂ©t

    Intézményi menedzsment : az egyetemi vezetés sajåtossågai

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    This paper aim to expound the international literature,the Hungarian law came into effect after the democratic revolution and the management structures for higher education system. This article also seeks to find ways through managerial tasks are changed and assignments are delegated and shared. The authors analyze the professional structures at universities and feature the indicators and indexes of proficiency. In the authors’ opinion universities are professional organizations which mean their autonomy cannot regulate by the law. The restriction of professional independence may cause operational problems. Finally authors try to find new aspects and perspectives the definition of institutional management

    Financial stability challenges in candidate countries - managing the transition to deeper and more market-oriented financial systems.

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    This paper reviews financial stability challenges in the EU candidate countries Croatia, Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. It examines the fi nancial sectors in these three economies, which, while at very different stages of development and embedded in quite diverse economic settings, are all in a process of rapid financial deepening. This manifests itself most clearly in the rapid pace of growth in credit to the private sector. This process of financial deepening is largely a natural and welcome catching-up phenomenon, but it has also increased the credit risks borne by the banking sectors in the three economies. These credit risks are compounded by the widespread use of foreign currency-denominated or -indexed loans, leaving unhedged bank customers exposed to potential swings in exchange rates or foreign interest rates. Moreover, these financial risks form part of a broader nexus of vulnerabilities in the economies concerned, in particular the external vulnerabilities arising from increasing private sector external indebtedness. That said, the paper also fi nds that the authorities in the three countries have taken several policy actions to reduce these fi nancial and external vulnerabilities and to strengthen the resilience of the financial sectors. JEL Classification: F32, F41, G21, G28.Europe, banking sector, vulnerability indicators, capital inflows, emerging markets.

    TotĂĄlis laparoszkĂłpos hysterectomia az arteria uterinĂĄk eredĂ©sĂŒknĂ©l törtĂ©nƑ ellĂĄtĂĄsĂĄval | Total laparoscopic hysterectomy with the coagulation of the uterine arteries at their origin

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    Absztrakt: BevezetĂ©s: A mĂ©heltĂĄvolĂ­tĂĄs vilĂĄgszerte az egyik leggyakrabban vĂ©gzett nƑgyĂłgyĂĄszati mƱtĂ©t. A technikai fejlƑdĂ©snek köszönhetƑen a laparoszkĂłpos mĂ©heltĂĄvolĂ­tĂĄs egyre elterjedtebbĂ© vĂĄlik. A laparoszkĂłpos mƱtĂ©tek nĂłmenklatĂșrĂĄja nem egysĂ©ges, de a totĂĄlis laparoszkĂłpos hysterectomia, amelynek lĂ©nyege a teljes mƱtĂ©t endoszkĂłpos Ășton törtĂ©nƑ elvĂ©gzĂ©se, kiemelkedik elƑnyeivel a többi mƱtĂ©ttĂ­pus közĂŒl. Amennyiben a totĂĄlis laparoszkĂłpos hysterectomiĂĄt az arteria uterinĂĄk eredĂ©sĂ©nĂ©l törtĂ©nƑ ellĂĄtĂĄsĂĄval egyĂŒtt vĂ©gezzĂŒk standardizĂĄlt mĂłdszerrel, Ășgy a mƱtĂ©t biztonsĂĄgossĂĄga, elƑnyei tovĂĄbb növelhetƑk. CĂ©lkitƱzĂ©s: CĂ©lunk volt sajĂĄt eredmĂ©nyeink feldolgozĂĄsa a szakirodalmi adatok ismertetĂ©sĂ©nek fĂ©nyĂ©ben. MĂłdszer: MƱtĂ©teinket az arteria uterinĂĄk eredĂ©sĂŒknĂ©l törtĂ©nƑ ellĂĄtĂĄsĂĄval vĂ©geztĂŒk. BevĂĄlogatĂĄsi kritĂ©riumok voltak a standardizĂĄlt mĂłdszer alkalmazĂĄsa, mƱtĂ©ti videofelvĂ©tel, pre- Ă©s posztoperatĂ­v vĂ©rkĂ©peredmĂ©nyek. EredmĂ©nyek: EredmĂ©nyeink igazoljĂĄk az elfogadhatĂł mƱtĂ©ti idƑt, a minimĂĄlis mƱtĂ©t alatti vĂ©rvesztesĂ©get, hospitalizĂĄciĂłt Ă©s szövƑdmĂ©nyrĂĄtĂĄt. KövetkeztetĂ©s: A totĂĄlis laparoszkĂłpos hysterectomia standardizĂĄlt mĂłdszerĂ©nek alkalmazĂĄsa az arteria uterinĂĄk eredĂ©sĂŒknĂ©l törtĂ©nƑ ellĂĄtĂĄsĂĄval gyakorlott kezekben, megfelelƑ anatĂłmiai ismeretek birtokĂĄban egy kifejezetten biztonsĂĄgos, reprodukĂĄlhatĂł technika, ami a laparoszkĂłpos mƱtĂ©tek nyĂșjtotta elƑnyöket maximĂĄlisan kihasznĂĄlja. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(8), 298–303. | Abstract: Introduction: Hysterectomy is one of the most frequently performed gynecological operations worldwide. Due to patient perceived advantages of technical development laparoscopic hysterectomy has become a widely used method. The attitude of patients, surgeons and service providers to laparoscopic procedures is not uniform, but total laparoscopic hysterectomy has prevailed due to its advantages from other types of laparoscopic hysterectomies. Coagulation of the uterine arteries at their origin during the standardized method of total laparoscopic hysterectomy provides further benefits for this procedure. Aim: Our aim was the presentation of our experience together with a review of the relevant literature. Method: Operations were performed with the coagulation of the uterine arteries at their origin right at the beginning of the procedure. Inclusion criteria were the use of the standardized method, video documentation of the surgery, and pre- and postoperative haemostatus results. Results: Our results confirm that the procedure involves an acceptable operating time that is comparable to that of open abdominal and vaginal hysterectomies, minimal blood loss that is far less than that in open procedures, a much shorter duration of hospitalization and a low complication rate. Conclusion: In skilled hands with proper knowledge of the anatomy the standardized method of total laparoscopic hysterectomy with the coagulation of the uterine arteries at their origin is a safe and reproducible technique which suitably utilizes the advantages of minimally invasive surgery. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(8), 298–303