4,418 research outputs found

    Continuous Time Models of Interest Rate: Testing the Mexican Data (1998-2006)

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    Distinct parametric models in continuous time for the interest rates are tested by means of a comparative analysis of the implied parametric and nonparametric densities. In this research the statistic developed by Ait-Sahalia (1996a) has been applied to the Mexican CETES (28 days) interest rate in the period 1998-2006. With this technique, the discrete approximation to the continuous model is unnecessary even when the data are discrete. The results allow to affirm that the models of interest rate shown in this paper are unable to describe the data of the Mexican CETES.

    Tuning dynamical properties of nanoscale systems via atomic-level modifications: insights from all-atom Molecular Dynamics simulations

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia condensada. Fecha de lectura: 14-01-202

    Analysis and comparison of competitive balance in the Spanish ACB basketball league : a preliminary study

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    Regardless its relevance in sports economics, competitive balance has not been studied neither in Spanish nor in European professional basketball. In this preliminary study we measured the competitive balance in the Spanish ACB League from seasons 1983/1984 to 2003/2004 using the well-known winning percentage standard deviation index. Results showed great difference between seasons and a general low competitive balance index. In addition, tournament designing did not seem to affect the competitive balance in ACB

    Phase-Shifting Interferometry by Amplitude Modulation

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    A prototype tool for the automatic generation of adaptive websites

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    This paper presents AWAC, a prototype CAWE tool for the automatic generation of adaptive Web applications based on the A-OOH methodology. A-OOH (Adaptive OO-H) is an extension of the OO-H approach to support the modeling of personalized Websites. A-OOH allows modeling the content, structure, presentation and personalization of a Web Application. The AWAC tool takes the A-OOH design models of the adaptive Website to generate as an input. Once generated, the adaptive Website also contains two modules for managing the personalization which, at runtime, analyze the user browsing events and adapt the Website according to the personalization rule(s) triggered. These personalization rules are specified in an independent file so they can be updated without modifying the rest of the application logic

    Divinidades y lugares de culto vetones y romanos en el noreste de la provincia de Cáceres

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    Dentro de la religiosidad lusitana es novedoso el estudio de los lugares que pudieron desempeñar una función sacra y las divinidades veneradas en ellos. Se presenta una panorámica de los lugares de culto y santuarios a fuerzas divinas de especial veneración entre los pueblos del norte cacereño; una zona con especiales condiciones geográficas y estratégicas y una continuada ocupación lusitano-vetona y romana.Within the field of Lusitanian Religiosity, is original the study of those places that could have played a sacrect function related with the deities revered on them. We present an overview of places of worship and shrines to divine forces of special veneration among the peoples of northern Cáceres, a special area with strategic and geographic conditions and a continued Lusitanian-Roman occupation.peerReviewe

    Contributing and Hindering Factors of Learner s Persistence in a Free Basic Education

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    [EN] Access to free basic education is a critical cornerstone for the development of individuals and societies. However, despite efforts to provide free education, learner persistence remains a challenge in many regions. Hence, the study was conducted to discuss contributing and hindering factors affecting learner s persistence. A survey was conducted among 79 pupils from Kinder to Grade IV. Key informants consisting of the teachers, parents, and three former students also formed part of the respondents. The findings showed that contributing factors were mostly teacher and school related. While hindering factors were student and  classroom related. By understanding these factors, policymakers and educators can design targeted interventions to enhance the effectiveness of education initiatives. Thus, stakeholders must collaborate to create an environment where learners are empowered to overcome barriers and pursue their educational aspirations.[ES] El acceso a la educación básica gratuita es un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo de las personas y las sociedades. Sin embargo, a pesar de los esfuerzos por brindar educación gratuita, la persistencia del alumno sigue siendo un desafío en muchas regiones. Por lo tanto, el estudio se realizó para discutir los factores que contribuyen y obstaculizan que afectan la persistencia del alumno. Se realizó una encuesta entre 79 alumnos desde Kinder hasta Grado IV. También formaron parte de los encuestados informantes clave consistentes en los docentes, padres de familia y tres exalumnos. Los hallazgos mostraron que los factores contribuyentes estaban en su mayoría relacionados con el maestro y la escuela. Mientras que los factores obstaculizadores estaban relacionados con el estudiante y el salón de clases. Al comprender estos factores, los formuladores de políticas y los educadores pueden diseñar intervenciones específicas para mejorar la eficacia de las iniciativas educativas. Por lo tanto, las partes interesadas deben colaborar para crear un entorno en el que los alumnos estén capacitados para superar las barreras y perseguir sus aspiraciones educativas.Hyoduk, K.; Ortega-Dela Cruz, RA. (2024). Contributing and Hindering Factors of Learner s Persistence in a Free Basic Education. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 11(1):20-40. https://doi.org/10.4995/muse.2024.20173204011

    Diseño de un modelo de gestión del conocimiento en la empresa Protécnica Ingeniería s.a.

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    80 páginas :ilustraciones, gráficosThe main purpose was to Design a model of Knowledge Management for Protecnica lngenieria S.A, looking for improve the performance of processes and an Optical Technical Assistance for the customers, as a different factor that provides competitive advantages in the sector. The information of interviews, documentary review and observations of the corporate environment was structured by the cataloged ones, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the key elements regarding the current situation of knowledge management. The design is based on the principle of concurrence of elements of the QMS quality management system and its convergence and transversally with the knowledge management system for innovation, this is in the planning of strategies and joint actions that at various levels Company has designed as well as use of the common resources so that the SGC sea one of the vehicles to build the management of the Knowledge according to the needs and the present and future challenges. This design focuses on robust training schemes conducive to the concept of "corporate university", incorporating principles of "learning companies", managing JCT use that supports databases and computer resources in particular focused on strengthening the differential factor as a company of chemical specialtiesSe planteó diseñar un modelo de Gestión del Conocimiento para Protécnica ingeniería S.A, buscando mejorar desempeño de procesos y una óptima asistencia técnica hacia los clientes, como factor diferenciador que brinde ventajas competitivas frente a su sector. La información de entrevistas, revisión documental y observaciones del entorno corporativo, fue estructurada según aspectos previamente catalogados, identificando fortalezas y debilidades de los elementos claves respecto de la situación actual de la gestión del conocimiento. El diseño se sustenta en el principio de concurrencia de elementos del sistema de gestión de calidad SGC y su convergencia y transversalidad con el sistema de gestión del conocimiento para la innovación, esto consiste en la planeación de estrategias y acciones conjuntas que desde los distintos niveles de la compañía se diseñen, así como uso de recursos comunes para que el SGC sea uno de los vehículos para construir gestión del conocimiento acorde a las necesidades y desafíos actuales y futuros. Este diseño se focaliza en esquemas robustos de capacitación conducentes al concepto de "universidad corporativa", incorporando principios de las "empresas que aprenden", gestionando uso de TIC que soporten bases de datos e instrumentos informáticos en especial enfocados a fortalecer el factor diferenciador como empresa de especialidades químicasMagíster en Gerencia de la Innovación EmpresarialMaestrí