9 research outputs found

    Comportamiento de la tintura de propóleo sobre las inmunoglobulinas en pollos parrilleros

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    The present trial was carried out in the community "El Empalme", in the Quero canton, in 240 chickens by means ofnecropsies to obtain the morphometry of the primary lymphoid organs performed at 31 and 51 days of age, the birds,while for the measurement of the level of immunoglobulins, 5 mL of blood was obtained at 51 days of age, from thebrachial vein, then the levels were measured in a laboratory. The objetive was to evaluate the effects of a propylenetincture on immunoglobulins in broiler chickens. Three doses of propolis were extracted, which were 25 mg / kg PV, 50mg / kg PV, and 75 mg / Kg PV. and a witness, as a standard for the measurements of the levels, it was established that adose of 50 mg / Kg PV., of propolis improves the weight of the Bag of Fabricio, in this way helping the immune systemin the chickens, since which is the best option for BIF, this being the treatment that had the greatest measure in all theparameters used, such as the mortality rate of the primary lymphoid cells (Fabric Bag, Spleen), the levels of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM). It should be noted that the immunoglobulins only existed mathematical difference since it did notrise considerably above normal levels in birds at 51 days of age.El presente ensayo se llevó a cabo en la comunidad “El Empalme” ubicada en el cantón Quero, se realizó en 240 pollospor medio de necropsias para obtener la morfometria de los órganos linfoides primarios realizadas a los 31 y 51 días deedad de las aves, mientras que para la medición del nivel de inmunoglobulinas se obtuvo 5 mL de sangre a los 51 días deedad, de la vena braquial, luego se midió sus niveles en un laboratorio. El objetivo fue evaluar los efectos de la tintura depropóleo sobre las inmunoglobulinas en pollos parrilleros. Se utilizó tres dosis de propóleo que fueron 25 mg/Kg PV, 50mg/Kg PV, y 75 mg/Kg PV. y un testigo, como patrón para las mediciones de los niveles, se estableció que una dosis de50 mg/Kg PV., de propóleo mejora el peso de la Bolsa de Fabricio, de esta manera ayudando al sistema inmune en lospollos, ya que al estar funcional durante más tiempo la Bolsa incrementa la secreción de linfocitos B, siendo este eltratamiento que tuvo mayor medición en todos los parámetros usados como fueron índice morfométrico de los órganoslinfoide primarios (Bolsa de Fabricio, Bazo), niveles de inmunoglobulinas (IgG, IgM). Cabe recalcar que en las inmunoglobulinas solo existió diferencia matemática ya que no se elevó considerablemente sobre los niveles normales en aves alos 51 días de eda

    Obesidade em idosos do Município de São Carlos, SP e sua associação com diabetes melito e dor articular

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    Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a prevalência de obesidade e sua associação com diabetes melito (DM) e dores articulares na população idosa residente em São Carlos, SP. Foram avaliadas 227 idosas (média de idade 69,6±6,8 anos) e 172 idosos (69,4±6,7 anos) quanto ao índice de massa corporal (IMC) e questionados quanto à presença de diabetes e dor articular. Os dados foram tratados estatisticamente. Os resultados mostram que 73,6% das idosas e 66,9% dos idosos apresentavam sobrepeso ou eram obesos. As médias de IMC foram maiores nos indivíduos com idade inferior a 75 anos. Entre as mulheres da amostra foi encontrada associação entre a presença de DM, dores no pé, tornozelo e joelho e a condição"obesa". No grupo masculino, a condição obeso só apresentou associação com a presença de DM. Foi pois constatada associação entre obesidade e presença de DM. Mulheres idosas apresentam maior prevalência de obesidade e associação entre dores articulares e excesso de peso corporal.The aim of this study was to assess prevalence of obesity and its association with diabetes mellitus (DM) and joint pain among elderly dwellers in the city of São Carlos, SP, Brazil. A total of 399 aged people - 227 women (mean age 69.6±6.8) and 172 men (mean age 69.4±6.7) - were assessed as to body mass index (BMI) and were questioned whether they had diabetes and joint pain. Data were statistically analysed. Results showed that 73.6% of the women and 66.9% of the men were overweight or obese; BMI values were higher in subjects aged under 75. Among women, associations were found between the obese condition, presence of diabetes, and foot, ankle and knee pain. In the male group, the obese condition presented association only with presence of diabetes. An association was hence found between obesity and DM. Prevalence of obesity was greater in elderly women, who also presented association between joint pain and high BMI values

    Cangas da Amazônia: a vegetação única de Carajás evidenciada pela lista de fanerógamas

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