296 research outputs found

    Exposing Real World Philanthropy to the Next Generation of Social Work Leaders

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    · This article describes a method for instructing social work students in the art of enhanced collaboration with foundations, shifting the focus from “writing a winning proposal” and “finding alternative funding sources” to “developing collaborative partnerships for sustainable community development and social change.” · The program consists of four major steps: charitable foundation review and case presentation, self-guided review of real-world proposals, mock grant proposal development, and side-by-side proposal review. · Student proposals were rated similarly by the instructor and the foundation program officer, even though different criteria were used, suggesting that well-written proposals are also likely to clearly address foundation information needs. · The instructional approach helped give students a real sense of what is going on in the human services, health care, and mental health care fields, as well as how to work effectively in partnership with foundations to address needs

    UA77/3 Margaret Munday Oral History

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    An interview in 1996 with Margaret Munday first African American undergraduate to attend Western Kentucky University conducted by Gene Crume

    Letter from Moses Crume to James B. Finley

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    Because his wife is ill, Crume thinks it wise for Finley not to send the Indian student until she is ready to resume housekeeping. Perhaps the student can board with another family. Finley is to decide. Abstract Number - 743https://digitalcommons.owu.edu/finley-letters/2251/thumbnail.jp

    A Comparison of Traditional Grass-Twist Backstops to One of Corrugated Cardboard Design Use on Indoor Ranges

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    This study presents the results of a comparison of traditional grass-twist backstops frequently used on indoor ranges with one of corrugated cardboard design. The findings indicate that the corrugated cardboard design is substantially superior. The four factors selected for testing were: Arrow pass-through levels and subsequent arrow repair costs Arrow penetration levels, tested over several distances and using several bow weights Arrow-stopping potential with beginning and inexperienced archers Storage Testing showed the first three factors supporting the corrugated cardboard design. The last factor, storage, was found to be about equally supportive of both designs. Several recommendations are made. These recommendations include the adoption of the corrugated cardboard backstop design for use on indoor ranges and the use of shorter distances in the instruction of beginning and inexperienced archery students

    Letter from Moses Crume to James B. Finley

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    Crume has received the promise of free tuition at Oxford College (Miami University, Oxford, Ohio) for one young Indian. Finley is to send the most likely candidate and instructions as to his guardianship. Abstract Number - 736https://digitalcommons.owu.edu/finley-letters/2246/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from George C. Crume to James B. Finley

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    Crume writes to suggest that the Western Christian Advocate is too large and bulky for long term preservation. He would like to see the newspaper published in a quarto form (like the Pittsburgh Christian Advocate) which would be more convenient to have and keep. Crume would like Finley and the Ohio delegation to propose this change at General Conference. On another topic, Crume argues that there should be uniformity in the way churches do benedictions. -- Let the congregations be dismissed kneeling at the close of the last prayer as on our sacramental occasions and the good impressions made during the service will be fostered & much disorder prevented. He reports good conditions at the prison. Abstract Number - 552https://digitalcommons.owu.edu/finley-letters/1848/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from George C. Crume to James B. Finley

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    Crume encloses two deeds belonging to Finley. He is pleased to hear of Finley\u27s new position at the penitentiary and knows he will do well in it. He speaks about the possibility of redemption for the prisoners -- I have no doubt much may be done, perhaps more than the most sanguine anticipate, to restore those lost ones to society and bring them to the knowledge of the Saviour. For he who died for all will not cast away the penitent convict who seeks his mercy. Conditions are not good in Zanesville ( spiritual famine ), although folks are pleased with the new preacher, Bro. Jameson. Abstract Number - 303https://digitalcommons.owu.edu/finley-letters/1300/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from George C. Crume to James B. Finley

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    Crume gives the plan adopted on Dec. 8 at Dr. Hoge\u27s for meeting the Resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives in relation to morning services. Monday -- Mr. Randall and Sehman; Tuesday -- Mr. Finley and Hitchcock; Wednesday -- Dr. Hoges and Cheney; Thursday -- Mr. Richards and Crume; Friday -- Mr. Brooks and Lyng; Saturday -- Mr. Hubbard and Freese. Mr. Finley is to alternate between the Senate and House. Abstract Number - 349https://digitalcommons.owu.edu/finley-letters/1547/thumbnail.jp

    A Competency Analysis of Waterpark Aquatic Professionals

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    The purpose of this study was to further the knowledge base in the aquatics field and assist in the development of universal standards to ensure that competent managers are employed at waterpark type venues. Until recently, thanks in part to the establishment of the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC 2014), universal standards did not exist in aquatics. The development of standards in the field will help to ensure continuity in policies among all facility types, properly trained professionals, and ultimately safer environments for participants. Using a pair of five-point Likert scales to sample 600 aquatic professionals, this study sought to discover what key competencies were needed by waterpark professionals and which competencies needed further development specifically for waterpark professionals. Extrapolated from the results, we observed risk management was crucial to operations of waterparks and that programming was an area to examine further

    The National Student Exchange Program at the University of Kentucky, 2009 – 2012: A Review sponsored by the Division of Undergraduate Education for the Associate Deans of Curriculum and Instruction in the Undergraduate Colleges at the University of Kentucky, May 15, 2012

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    This white paper describes the origins of the University joining this international consortium and the overall goals for the program in terms of UK student success. The Program\u27s review by the University\u27s faculty leadership in the undergraduate colleges revealed that not only is this student exchange program useful for UK\u27s upper division students seeking quicker time to degree, but it is also a conduit for the UK community to be enriched by the contributions from high quality students from other institutions
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