19 research outputs found

    Dynamic trees: Learning to model outdoor scenes

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    Abstract. This paper considers the dynamic tree (DT) model, first introduced in [1]. A dynamic tree specifies a prior over structures of trees, each of which is a forest of one or more tree-structured belief networks (TSBN). In the literature standard tree-structured belief network models have been found to produce “blocky ” segmentations when naturally occurring boundaries within an image did not coincide with those of the subtrees in the fixed structure of the network. Dynamic trees have a flexible architecture which allows the structure to vary to create configurations where the subtree and image boundaries align, and experimentation with the model has shown significant improvements. Here we derive an EM-style update based upon mean field inference for learning the parameters of the dynamic tree model and apply it to a database of images of outdoor scenes where all of its parameters are learned. DTs are seen to offer significant improvement in performance over the fixed-architecture TSBN and in a coding comparison the DT achieves 0.294 bits per pixel (bpp) compression compared to 0.378 bpp for lossless JPEG on images of 7 colours.

    Indirect adjustment for multiple missing variables applicable to environmental epidemiology

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    Objectives: Develop statistical methods for survival models to indirectly adjust hazard ratios of environmental exposures for missing risk factors. Methods: A partitioned regression approach for linear models is applied to time to event survival analyses of cohort study data. Information on the correlation between observed and missing risk factors is obtained from ancillary data sources such as national health surveys. The relationship between the missing risk factors and survival is obtained from previously published studies. We first evaluated the methodology using simulations, by considering the Weibull survival distribution for a proportional hazards regression model with varied baseline functions, correlations between an adjusted variable and an adjustment variable as well as selected censoring rates. Then we illustrate the method in a large, representative Canadian cohort of the association between concentrations of ambient fine particulate matter and mortality from ischemic heart disease. Results: Indirect adjustment for cigarette smoking habits and obesity increased the fine particulate matter-ischemic heart disease association by 3%-123%, depending on the number of variables considered in the adjustment model due to the negative correlation between these two risk factors and ambient air pollution concentrations in Canada. The simulations suggested that the method yielded small relative bias (<40%) for most cohort designs encountered in environmental epidemiology. Conclusions: This method can accommodate adjustment for multiple missing risk factors simultaneously while accounting for the associations between observed and missing risk factors and between missing risk factors and health endpoints

    Efeitos da seleção para peso pós-desmame sobre características de carcaça e rendimento de cortes cárneos comerciais de bovinos Effects of selection for post weaning weight on carcass traits and meat cut yields of beef cattle

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    Foram avaliados os efeitos da seleção para peso pós-desmame sobre características de carcaça e rendimento de cortes cárneos comerciais de 44 bovinos machos não-castrados selecionados ou não para peso aos 378 dias, nascidos em 1999, Foram utilizados animais dos grupos genéticos Nelore Seleção (NeS), Nelore Controle (NeC) e Caracu Seleção (Ca). Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em duas categorias experimentais: grupo de alimentação restrita (AR) e grupo de alimentação ad libitum (AL). Em ambas as categorias, foram alocados oito animais dos grupos genéticos NeS e Ca e seis animais do grupo NeC. O período experimental foi determinado pelo tempo de acabamento dos animais, ou seja, quando atingiram, no mínimo, 4 mm de espessura de gordura subcutânea, avaliada por ultra-som, sobre o músculo Longissimus dorsi, na posição entre a 12ª e 13ª costelas. Em cada grupo genético, à medida que o acabamento preconizado para cada animal da categoria AL foi atingido, o animal da categoria AR mais semelhante quanto ao peso e à condição corporal no início do experimento foi também abatido. O efeito do grupo genético foi significativo para a maioria das características estudadas, porém, não houve interação significativa entre grupos genéticos e regimes alimentares. Os animais Ca e NeS tiveram maiores pesos de abate, sendo que animais Ca necessitaram de mais tempo de confinamento para atingirem o ponto de acabamento preconizado. O maior peso de abate desses animais também influenciou outras características correlacionadas, como pesos de carcaça, traseiro, dianteiro e ponta-de-agulha. A seleção para peso aumentou os pesos de abate, de carcaça e dos cortes primários. Os animais NeS apresentaram carne menos macia, mas ainda dentro dos padrões de maciez considerados satisfatórios (força de cisalhamento abaixo de 5 kgf).<br>Data from 44 bulls of the genetic groups Selection Nellore (NeS), Control Nellore (NeC) and Caracu (Ca) herds born in 1999 were used to evaluate the effects of selection for post weaning weight on carcass traits and meat cuts yields at 378 days of age (P 378). The animals were randomly distributed into two experimental classes: restricted feeding (AR) and ad libitum feeding (AL) including 8 animals from the NeS and Ca groups and 6 animals from the NeC group. Animals of each class were slaughtered in pairs when the animals AL group reached 4 mm of ultrasonic fat thickness on Longissimus dorsi muscle, between the 12th and 13th ribs. The interaction between genetic group and feeding class was not significant for most of the traits evaluated. The genetic group effect was significant. Animals of the Ca and NeS groups were heavier at slaughter and Ca animals required longer feedlot period to reach the desired fat thickness. Higher slaughter weights of these animals changed their carcass, hindquarter, forequarter and spare ribs weights. The selection for P 378 in the Nellore group resulted in heavier weights at slaughter, heavier carcasses and primary cuts, but lower meat tenderness, although within reasonable values of shear force (below 5.0 kgf)