636 research outputs found

    Determination of Soluble Phosphorus Content in Black Walnut Husk Compost via Formation of Molybdenum Blue

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    Author Institution: Chemistry Department, University of Rio GrandeWalnut fruit husk compost is a by-product of the commercial processing of walnuts. These outer husks collect into generous size piles and are normally left to decompose. Black walnut (Juglans nigra) husk compost was analyzed for phosphorus content to determine its potential as a phosphorus fertilizer or soil additive. Twenty-two samples of walnut husk compost of varying decomposition times were collected and dried. Soluble phosphate was extracted with distilled water and reacted with ammonium molybdate and stannous chloride to form the brightly blue-colored heteropoly-molybdenum blue which was analyzed spectrophotometrically at 650 nm. Soluble phosphorus (as mass percent of dried samples) decreased by nearly 50 percent in the first year from 0.1708 ± 0.0199 percent in three-week-old compost (n = 7) to 0.0967 ± 0.0099 percent in 52-week-old compost (n = 8). In conclusion, the water soluble phosphorus found in walnut husk compost is within a suitable range for plant usage, but as a fertilizer it would be very mild. Due to the known allelopathic effects of this species, this level of phosphorus might make such compost an acceptable candidate for herbicidal applications with concurrent fertilizing benefits

    In situ aerosol measurements taken during the 2007 COPS field campaign at the Hornisgrinde ground site

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    Copyright @ 2011 Royal Meteorological Society.The Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS) campaign was conducted during the summer of 2007. A suite of instruments housed at the top of the Hornisgrinde Mountain (1156 m) in the Black Forest region of south-west Germany provided datasets that allow an investigation into the physical, chemical and hygroscopic properties of the aerosol particles sampled during COPS. Organic mass loadings were found to dominate the aerosol composition for the majority of the project, exceeding 8 µg m−3 during a period of high pressure, high temperature, and low wind speed. The ratio of organic:sulphate sub-micron mass concentration exceeds 10:1 during the same time period. Back trajectories show air from this time-frame passing slowly over the local forest and not passing over any local anthropogenic sources. Occasional peaks in nitrate mass loadings were associated with changes in the typical wind direction from south-westerly to north-westerly where air had passed over the Stuttgart region. Size distribution data shows a dominant accumulation-mode when the measurement site was free from precipitation events. A sharp increase in ultrafine particle number concentration was seen during most days commencing around noon. The apparent growth of these particles is associated with an increase in organic mass loading, suggesting condensational growth. For the most part, with the exception of the high pressure period, the aerosol properties recorded during COPS were comparable to previous studies of continental aerosol properties.NER

    A microprocessor-based cardiotachometer

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    The development of a highly accurate and reliable cardiotachometer for measuring the heart rate of test subjects is discussed. It measures heart rate over the range of 30 to 250 beats/minute and gives instantaneous (beat to beat) updates on the system output so that occasional noise artifacts or ectopic beats could be more easily identified except that occasional missed beats caused by switching ECG leads should not cause a change in the output. The cardiotachometer uses an improved analog filter and R-wave detector and an Intel 8080A microprocessor to handle all of the logic and arithmetic necessary. By using the microprocessor, future hardware modifications could easily be made if functional changes were needed

    A bin-microphysics parcel model investigation of secondary ice formation in an idealised shallow convective cloud

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    We provide the first systematic study of ice formation in idealised shallow clouds from collisions of supercooled water drops with ice particles (&lsquo;mode 2&rsquo;). Using the University of Manchester bin-microphysics parcel model, we investigated the sensitivity of ice formation due to mode 2 for a wide range of parameters: aerosol particle size distribution, updraft speed, cloud base temperature, cloud depth, ice-nucleating particle concentration and freezing fraction of mode 2. We provide context to our results with other secondary ice production mechanisms as single mechanisms and combinations (rime-splintering, spherical freezing fragmentation of drops [&lsquo;mode 1&rsquo;] and ice-ice collisions). There was a significant sensitivity to aerosol particle size distribution when updraft speeds were low (0.5 m s&minus;1); secondary ice formation did not occur when the aerosol particle size distribution mimicked polluted environments. Where secondary ice formation did occur in simulated clouds, significant ice formation in the shallower clouds (1.3 km deep) was due to mode 2 or a combination which included mode 2. The deeper clouds (2.4 km deep) also had significant contributions from rime-splintering or ice-ice collisions SIP mechanisms. While simulations with cloud base temperatures of 7 &deg;C were relatively insensitive to ice-nucleating particle concentrations, there was a sensitivity in simulations cloud base temperatures of 0 &deg;C. Increasing the ice-nucleating particle concentration delayed ice formation. Our results suggest that collisions of supercooled water drops with ice particles may be a significant ice formation mechanism within shallow convective clouds where rime-splintering is not active.</p

    Inheritance of resistance to white mold disease in Phaseolus coccineus

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    A white-seeded selection of Phaseolus coccineus (P.I. 175829) from Turkey was found to be highly resistant to Whetzelinia screcotiorum. Intraspecilic crosses and backcrosses made with susceptible Phaseolus vulgaris germplasm indicate that a single completely dominant gene governs this high level of resistance. The symbol Ws is proposed for this gene. The inoculation procedure used to evaluate bean germplasm simulated natural disease occurrence in commercial bean fields. Plants at the susceptible blossom stage were sprayed with a suspension of ascospores obtained from aseptically produced apothecia. Immediately after inoculation, plants were placed in a mist chamber at 21-25°C for one week before final evaluatio

    Network and user interface for PAT DOME virtual motion environment system

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    The Device for Orientation and Motion Environments Preflight Adaptation Trainer (DOME PAT) provides astronauts a virtual microgravity sensory environment designed to help alleviate tye symptoms of space motion sickness (SMS). The system consists of four microcomputers networked to provide real time control, and an image generator (IG) driving a wide angle video display inside a dome structure. The spherical display demands distortion correction. The system is currently being modified with a new graphical user interface (GUI) and a new Silicon Graphics IG. This paper will concentrate on the new GUI and the networking scheme. The new GUI eliminates proprietary graphics hardware and software, and instead makes use of standard and low cost PC video (CGA) and off the shelf software (Microsoft's Quick C). Mouse selection for user input is supported. The new Silicon Graphics IG requires an Ethernet interface. The microcomputer known as the Real Time Controller (RTC), which has overall control of the system and is written in Ada, was modified to use the free public domain NCSA Telnet software for Ethernet communications with the Silicon Graphics IG. The RTC also maintains the original ARCNET communications through Novell Netware IPX with the rest of the system. The Telnet TCP/IP protocol was first used for real-time communication, but because of buffering problems the Telnet datagram (UDP) protocol needed to be implemented. Since the Telnet modules are written in C, the Adap pragma 'Interface' was used to interface with the network calls

    Positive regulation of c-Myc by cohesin is direct, and evolutionarily conserved

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    AbstractContact between sister chromatids from S phase to anaphase depends on cohesin, a large multi-subunit protein complex. Mutations in sister chromatid cohesion proteins underlie the human developmental condition, Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Roles for cohesin in regulating gene expression, sometimes in combination with CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF), have emerged. We analyzed zebrafish embryos null for cohesin subunit rad21 using microarrays to determine global effects of cohesin on gene expression during embryogenesis. This identified Rad21-associated gene networks that included myca (zebrafish c-myc), p53 and mdm2. In zebrafish, cohesin binds to the transcription start sites of p53 and mdm2, and depletion of either Rad21 or CTCF increased their transcription. In contrast, myca expression was strongly downregulated upon loss of Rad21 while depletion of CTCF had little effect. Depletion of Rad21 or the cohesin-loading factor Nipped-B in Drosophila cells also reduced expression of myc and Myc target genes. Cohesin bound the transcription start site plus an upstream predicted CTCF binding site at zebrafish myca. Binding and positive regulation of the c-Myc gene by cohesin is conserved through evolution, indicating that this regulation is likely to be direct. The exact mechanism of regulation is unknown, but local changes in histone modification associated with transcription repression at the myca gene were observed in rad21 mutants

    The Importance of the Relevance of the Issue to the Group in Voting Intentions: The Case of the Australian Republic Referendum

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    This is the author's postprint version of an article whose final and definitive form has been published in the Basic and Applied Social Psychology © 2005 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc; Basic and Applied Social Psychology is available online at http://www.informaworld.comA questionnaire was distributed on the Australian republic issue to examine the interplay between norms and relevance of the issue to the group on voting intentions. Supporters of an Australian republic (N = 188) indicated the level of support for a republic within their peer group, the relevance of the republic issue to the group, and measures designed to assess voting intentions and other attitude outcomes. Analysis revealed an interaction between normative support and relevance of the issue to the group. On the measure of intention, increasing normative support was associated with increased intention to vote in an attitude-consistent way at both relevance levels, but the effect was heightened when the issue was highly relevant to the group. On the outcomes of willingness to express opinion and perceived personal importance of the republic issue, normative support had a positive effect only when the issue was highly relevant to the group. Mediation analyses revealed that the impact of normative support and group relevance on intention were mediated through perceived personal importance of the republic issue