2,441 research outputs found

    Water-resource records of Brevard County, Florida

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    The U. S. Geological Survey made a comprehensive investigation of the water resources of Brevard County from 1954 to 1958. The purposes of this investigation were: (1) to determine the occurrence and chemical quality of water in the streams and lakes, (2) to determine the location and the thickness of aquifers, and (3) to determine the occurrence and chemical quality of the ground water. During the period from 1933 to 1954, water records were collected from a few stream-gaging stations and a few observation wells. The purpose of this report is to present basic data collected during these investigations. (Document has 188 pages.

    On the Quantum Jarzynski Identity

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    In this note, we will discuss how to compactly express and prove the Jarzynski identity for an open quantum system with dissipative dynamics. We will avoid explicitly measuring the work directly, which is tantamount to continuously monitoring the system, and instead measure the heat flow from the environment. We represent the measurement of heat flow with Hermitian map superoperators that act on the system density matrix. Hermitian maps provide a convenient and compact representation of sequential measurement and correlation functions.Comment: 4 page

    Angular and Energy Distribution of Cross Sections for Electron Production by 50-300-keV-Proton Impacts on N\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e, O\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e, Ne, and Ar

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    Cross sections differential in angle and ejection energy for electron production by proton impact on nitrogen, oxygen, neon, and argon have been measured using electrostatic analysis and counting of individual electrons. The range of proton energies was 50-300 keV, the angles ranged from 10° to 160°, and the electron energies were measured from 1.5 to 1057 eV. Integrations over angle and/or electron energy yielded singly differential and total electron production cross sections. Our total cross sections for oxygen fall halfway between previous data of deHeer et al. and Hooper et al., but our argon cross sections agree better with deHeer et al. Cross sections for electron ejection in the backward hemisphere are much greater for these multishell targets than for hydrogen and helium. The momentum-energy conservation hump which was prominent in hydrogen is less conspicuous for these gases

    Angular and Energy Distribution of Cross Sections for Electron Production by 50-300-keV-Proton Impacts on N\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e, O\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e, Ne, and Ar

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    Cross sections differential in angle and ejection energy for electron production by proton impact on nitrogen, oxygen, neon, and argon have been measured using electrostatic analysis and counting of individual electrons. The range of proton energies was 50-300 keV, the angles ranged from 10° to 160°, and the electron energies were measured from 1.5 to 1057 eV. Integrations over angle and/or electron energy yielded singly differential and total electron production cross sections. Our total cross sections for oxygen fall halfway between previous data of deHeer et al. and Hooper et al., but our argon cross sections agree better with deHeer et al. Cross sections for electron ejection in the backward hemisphere are much greater for these multishell targets than for hydrogen and helium. The momentum-energy conservation hump which was prominent in hydrogen is less conspicuous for these gases

    Nonequilibrium candidate Monte Carlo: A new tool for efficient equilibrium simulation

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    Metropolis Monte Carlo simulation is a powerful tool for studying the equilibrium properties of matter. In complex condensed-phase systems, however, it is difficult to design Monte Carlo moves with high acceptance probabilities that also rapidly sample uncorrelated configurations. Here, we introduce a new class of moves based on nonequilibrium dynamics: candidate configurations are generated through a finite-time process in which a system is actively driven out of equilibrium, and accepted with criteria that preserve the equilibrium distribution. The acceptance rule is similar to the Metropolis acceptance probability, but related to the nonequilibrium work rather than the instantaneous energy difference. Our method is applicable to sampling from both a single thermodynamic state or a mixture of thermodynamic states, and allows both coordinates and thermodynamic parameters to be driven in nonequilibrium proposals. While generating finite-time switching trajectories incurs an additional cost, driving some degrees of freedom while allowing others to evolve naturally can lead to large enhancements in acceptance probabilities, greatly reducing structural correlation times. Using nonequilibrium driven processes vastly expands the repertoire of useful Monte Carlo proposals in simulations of dense solvated systems

    Single molecule experiments in biophysics: exploring the thermal behavior of nonequilibrium small systems

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    Biomolecules carry out very specialized tasks inside the cell where energies involved are few tens of k_BT, small enough for thermal fluctuations to be relevant in many biomolecular processes. In this paper I discuss a few concepts and present some experimental results that show how the study of fluctuation theorems applied to biomolecules contributes to our understanding of the nonequilibrium thermal behavior of small systems.Comment: Proceedings of the 22nd Statphys Conference 2004 (Bangalore,India). Invited contributio

    Measurements of a low temperature mechanical dissipation peak in a single layer of Ta2O5 doped with TiO2

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    Thermal noise arising from mechanical dissipation in oxide coatings is a major limitation to many precision measurement systems, including optical frequency standards, high resolution optical spectroscopy and interferometric gravity wave detectors. Presented here are measurements of dissipation as a function of temperature between 7 K and 290 K in ion-beam sputtered Ta2O5 doped with TiO2, showing a loss peak at 20 K. Analysis of the peak provides the first evidence of the source of dissipation in doped Ta2O5 coatings, leading to possibilities for the reduction of thermal noise effects

    Vegetation Type and Decomposition Priming Mediate Brackish Marsh Carbon Accumulation Under Interacting Facets of Global Change

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    Coastal wetland carbon pools are globally important, but their response to interacting facets of global change remain unclear. Numerical models neglect species-specific vegetation responses to sea level rise (SLR) and elevated CO2 (eCO2) that are observed in field experiments, while field experiments cannot address the long-term feedbacks between flooding and soil growth that models show are important. Here, we present a novel numerical model of marsh carbon accumulation parameterized with empirical observations from a long-running eCO2 experiment in an organic rich, brackish marsh. Model results indicate that eCO2 and SLR interact synergistically to increase soil carbon burial, driven by shifts in plant community composition and soil volume expansion. However, newly parameterized interactions between plant biomass and decomposition (i.e. soil priming) reduce the impact of eCO2 on marsh survival, and by inference, the impact of eCO2 on soil carbon accumulation

    Thermal noise in interferometric gravitational wave detectors due to dielectric optical coatings

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    We report on thermal noise from the internal friction of dielectric coatings made from alternating layers of Ta2O5 and SiO2 deposited on fused silica substrates. We present calculations of the thermal noise in gravitational wave interferometers due to optical coatings, when the material properties of the coating are different from those of the substrate and the mechanical loss angle in the coating is anisotropic. The loss angle in the coatings for strains parallel to the substrate surface was determined from ringdown experiments. We measured the mechanical quality factor of three fused silica samples with coatings deposited on them. The loss angle of the coating material for strains parallel to the coated surface was found to be (4.2 +- 0.3)*10^(-4) for coatings deposited on commercially polished slides and (1.0 +- 0.3)*10^{-4} for a coating deposited on a superpolished disk. Using these numbers, we estimate the effect of coatings on thermal noise in the initial LIGO and advanced LIGO interferometers. We also find that the corresponding prediction for thermal noise in the 40 m LIGO prototype at Caltech is consistent with the noise data. These results are complemented by results for a different type of coating, presented in a companion paper.Comment: Submitted to LSC (internal) review Sept. 20, 2001. To be submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Steady State Thermodynamics of Langevin Systems

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    We study Langevin dynamics describing nonequilibirum steady states. Employing the phenomenological framework of steady state thermodynamics constructed by Oono and Paniconi [Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. {\bf130}, 29 (1998)], we find that the extended form of the second law which they proposed holds for transitions between steady states and that the Shannon entropy difference is related to the excess heat produced in an infinitely slow operation. A generalized version of the Jarzynski work relation plays an important role in our theory.Comment: 4 page
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