268 research outputs found

    Coordinating the digital transformation of inter-organizational public services - The case of e-invoicing in Belgium

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    Digital transformation has the potential to profoundly change the way public administrations deliver public services to its users. One of the challenges involved in the inter-organizational networks that often govern integrated digital services is to identify what coordination instruments are effective. In this paper we examine this issue through a case study that deals with the transformation of invoicing services in Belgian public administrations at the federal and Flemish (regional) level. We review the coordination instruments and study how they evolved over time. Our findings suggest that transformation (1) might in part depend on the choice of instruments and multiple mechanisms. The mix of appropriate coordination instruments is likely to change as digital transformation objectives and governance challenges evolve over time. (2) Digital transformation might be a step-by-step process involving multiple rounds of digitalization and its specific implementation contingent on the service itself.Die digitale Transformation hat das Potenzial, die Erbringung von Verwaltungsleistungen tiefgreifend zu verändern. Eine der Herausforderungen in organisationsübergreifenden Netzwerken, die integrierte digitale Dienstleistungen steuern, ist die Identifizierung effektiver Koordinationsinstrumente. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir diese Frage anhand einer Fallstudie zur Transformation der Rechnungsstellung in der belgischen öffentlichen Verwaltung. Wir untersuchen die Koordinationsinstrumente und ihre Entwicklung. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse deuten zum einen darauf hin, dass Transformation zum Teil von der Wahl der Koordinationsinstrumente und verschiedener Koordinationsmechanismen abhängt. Je nachdem, welche Ziele und Governance-Herausforderungen mit der digitalen Transformation in einem konkreten Fall verbunden sind und wie sie sich über Zeit entwickeln, ist ein unterschiedlicher Mix an Koordinationsinstrumenten geeignet. Zum anderen zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die digitale Transformation der Verwaltung ein schrittweiser Prozess ist, dessen konkrete Umsetzung von der jeweiligen Dienstleistung abhängt

    A characterization of Volunteered Geographic Information

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    This paper characterizes the Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) phenomenon and explores comprehensively its relation with SDI. The SDI component view is used as common framework for describing the main characteristics of VGI and as framework for exploring VGI and SDI relation. Openstreetmap, Wikiloc, 360.org, Wikimapia and Eye on earth are evaluated to indentify general characteristics of VGI initiatives and discuss differences and similarities between VGI and SDI. Despite differences between VGI and SDI similarities can be identified. Characteristics of all SDI components have been identified in the VGI case studies. Despite differences between VGI and SDI similarities can be identified. Characteristics of all SDI components have been identified in the VGI case studies

    Assessment of the integration of geographic information in e-government policy in Europe

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    Ponencias, comunicaciones y pósters presentados en el 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place", celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.The integration of geographic information and services in a broader e-government context can be considered as a necessary condition for realising the full potential of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). In recent years, many European countries have started taking actions and initiatives to integrate geographic information in e-government policy. This paper provides an analysis of these actions and initiatives, focusing on the non-technological aspects, such as the development of strategies, the establishment of coordination structures and the implementation of data policies. The analysis shows that several European countries are aware of the need to integrate geographic information in e-government and are taking different types of actions towards a coordinated and integrated ‘information’ policy. However, in none of the European countries that were examined is geographic information fully integrated in e-government policy, and in some countries the integration of location information in e-government is even not considered as a priority

    Reexamining E-participation : Systematic Literature Review on Citizen Participation in E-government Service Delivery

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    E-government is becoming a mature research field thanks to the proliferation of papers about this changing paradigm. Among this research, the participation of citizens in e-government is a topic that has particularly stimulated numerous discussions. This participation (referred to as “e-participation”) is often reduced to the democratic participation of citizens in decision-making and policy design (or “e-democracy”). However, this paper aims at reexamining the scope of e-participation by considering the under-investigated field of citizen participation in e-government service delivery. This participation can take place as the co-design and co-execution of these services. In order to examine the existing body of knowledge of the field, we conduct a Systematic Literature Review followed by a template analysis of the selected papers. This analysis allows us determining avenues for further research in this area about the following research themes: stakeholders involved, organizational and motivational pre-conditions, participation methods and outcomes of participation

    The Influence of Public Values on User Participation in e-Government: An Exploratory Study

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    In the last three decades, governments have strongly increased their use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve the service delivery towards their users. However, this development of ICT solutions must be performed in close collaboration with the users so that the e-government services are aligned with their requirement and needs. Gathering the input from the users can be performed through the use of different participation methods. The choice of the method is context-specific and public servants tend to lack proper guidance about the appropriate method(s) to use. Public values are at the core of the strategy of the organization and constitute an essential context factor to consider. Therefore, in this paper, we analyze how public values impact practitioners in their selection of development methods of e-government services. Via the analysis of four e-government projects, we examine the relevance of public values as key drivers behind user participation decisions. Furthermore, we formulate recommendations for practitioners to provide guidance in their choice depending on the values they are seeking

    Implementing a WebGIS Solution in the City of Sinj in Accordance with the Needs of the City Stakeholders

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    U radu je opisana uspostava pilot projekta webGIS rješenja u gradu Sinju bazirana na istraživanju razvoja lokalne infrastrukture prostornih podataka (LIPP) u doktorskom radu (Marasović 2020). Na uspostavljenom je pilot projektu testiran skup indikatora razvoja za daljnji razvoj LIPP-a. Indikatori koje je trebalo testirati otkriveni su u navedenom doktorskom radu koristeći statističku regresiju, statističku korelaciju i fokus grupe. To su: 1) financiranje s lokalne razine, 2) svijest o LIPP-u, 3) podrška razvoju od donositelja odluka i 4) administracija i građani prepoznati kao glavne grupe korisnika LIPP-a. Većina glavnih dionika grada Sinja intervjuirana je i shematski prikazana prema mogućnostima, radnim procesima, vrsti i intenzitetu interakcije između glavnih dionika. Svi su identificirani indikatori potvrđeni. Pilot projekt potvrdio je da je odluka o ulaganju u LIPP od donositelja odluka na lokalnoj razini bitna za provedbu. Za takvu je odluku ključno podizanje svijesti donositelja odluka i građana o prednostima LIPP-a. Građani i gradska uprava prikazani su na shemi kao dva dionika koja od svih dionika najviše komuniciraju. Odabir zaposlenika odgovornog za uspostavu sustava i podrška donositelja odluka tijekom procesa uspostave ključni su za uspjeh. Aktivnosti upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima i odnosima s javnošću prepoznate su kao vrlo važne u procesu podizanja svijesti o LIPP-u.The paper describes the establishment of a webGIS pilot project in the city of Sinj, based on the research of the development of local spatial data infrastructure (LSDI) as described in the doctoral thesis (Marasović 2020). A set of LSDI development indicatorswere tested in the pilot project. The indicators to be tested were discovered in the mentioned doctoral thesis using statistical regression, statistical correlation and focus groups. The following key indicators have been identified: 1) funding from the local level, 2) awareness, 3) support for development from the decision makers, and 4) administration and citizens recognized as the main LSDI user groups. As an example of LSDI, most main stakeholders of the city of Sinj were interviewed and mapped according to their relevant capabilities, working processes and interaction between the main stakeholders. All the identified indicators were confirmed. The pilot project confirmed that the decision on investment in LSDI from the local level decision makers is essential for its implementation. For such a decision, raising the awareness of the decision makers and citizens about the benefits of LSDI is vital. Citizens and city administration were mapped as two stakeholders which interact most among the stakeholders. Delegating an employee responsible for the implementation and support from the decision makers during the implementation process are essential for success. Human Resources and Public Relationships management activities were recognized as very important in the process of raising awareness of LSDI. decision-maker

    Value of spatial data: networked performance beyond economic rhetoric

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    Assessing the economic value of spatial data is problematic for various reasons – conceptual as well as operational. The paper argues that understanding the value of spatial data will benefit from the market discourse and salient conditions can be identified when viewed in terms of market transactions rather than in terms of neoclassical economic rhetoric. Therefore, spatial data markets can best be understood as socio-technical actor networks. Moreover, spatial data are multifaceted and are likely understood differently by different people. Space matters but differently at different spatial levels, and different decision-making contexts and styles may require different types of data and information. Hence, the paper argues that the value of spatial data is added through a complex value network rather than a sequential value chain. Consequently, the SDI-assessment discourse is of particular relevance for assessing the value of spatial data when understood as networked performance; specifically, the multi-view approach. In conclusion, the paper recommends a deliberative, pragmatic and actor-network focus on spatial data and transdisciplinary framing of assessing their value