6 research outputs found

    Détresse psychologique et sentiment de solitude : quels impacts du confinement lié à la Covid-19 dans la population française ?

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    International audienceThe COVID-19 pandemic created a worldwide health crisis. This crisis resulted in an almost two-month lockdown in France — lockdown that has serious impacts on physical and mental health. This unprecedented situation resulted in an important reflection about the mental health of the persons experiencing this crisis. The aim of our study was to apprehend the emotional state of the persons experiencing this lockdown, taking into account day-to-day life and feelings of loneliness. In order to develop a good comprehension of the impact of this situation on mental health, we recruited 4689 persons through an online survey between March 17th and May 11th of 2020 in France. We used several psychometric tools that gave us access to various data, such as socio-biographical information, situational variables — place of living, work context, etc. — and psychological state — depressive symptoms, anxiety, loneliness, etc. This paper focuses mostly on the UCLA loneliness scale, and the French Canadian version of the Psychiatric Symptoms Index (PSI), which measures psychological distress, as well as depressive symptoms, anxiety and cognitive impairment. Results show a moderate psychological distress for 27.5% of our sample, with depressive symptomatology, irritability or cognitive impairment. There is also a high loneliness feeling in 21.8% of the sample. Psychological distress is explained by sociodemographic variables — such as gender and age — but also by situational information — type of housing and persistence of income — and the loneliness feeling. If this pandemic and this lockdown show a clear impact on the emotional life of the French population, these results need to be taken into account with a broader range of situational and psychological variables. These additional data would help us have a more thorough understanding of the underlying factors explaining this difficult experience of the crisis. This comprehension also needs to go further in time and think about the repercussions beyond the end of the lockdown, in order to observe the evolution of these emotions and the potential persistence of psychological distress.La pandĂ©mie du Covid-19 a provoquĂ© une crise sanitaire internationale, impliquant un confinement durant pratiquement 2 mois, pour la France, confinement dont nous connaissons les impacts sur la santĂ© mentale et somatique. De cette situation inĂ©dite dĂ©coule une multitude de questions quant Ă  la santĂ© mentale des personnes la subissant. L’objectif de notre Ă©tude sera donc de comprendre l’état Ă©motionnel des personnes durant le confinement, au regard d’élĂ©ments du quotidien et du sentiment de solitude. Pour cela, une recherche a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Au total, 4689 personnes ont Ă©tĂ© recrutĂ©es en ligne du 17 mars au 11 mai 2020, en France. L’ensemble des outils psychomĂ©triques ont permis de recueillir de multiples donnĂ©es, aussi bien socio-biographiques que contextuelles, ou encore psychologiques. Concernant cet article, nous nous appuierons seulement sur l’IDPESQ, mesurant la dĂ©tresse psychologique et l’UCLA Ă©valuant le sentiment de solitude. Les rĂ©sultats montrent une dĂ©tresse psychologique modĂ©rĂ©e pour 27,5 % des personnes, accompagnĂ©e de troubles anxieux, de symptĂŽmes dĂ©pressifs, d’irritabilitĂ© ou encore de troubles cognitifs. Cette dĂ©tresse est expliquĂ©e par des variables socio-biographiques (Ăąge, sexe), mais aussi par des variables contextuelles (type de logement, rĂ©munĂ©ration) et par le sentiment de solitude. Si le confinement et la pandĂ©mie montrent clairement un impact sur le vĂ©cu Ă©motionnel des personnes, ces rĂ©sultats demandent Ă  ĂȘtre croisĂ©s avec d’autres variables contextuelles mais aussi psychologiques afin de montrer davantage l’imbrication expliquant ce vĂ©cu. Cette comprĂ©hension demande aussi Ă  aller plus loin dans le temps, au sortir du confinement et au-delĂ , afin d’en constater l’évolution

    Les déterminants psychosociaux de participation à l'ETP en amont d'une chirurgie bariatrique

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    Introduction : L'Ă©ducation thĂ©rapeutique du patient (ETP) a prouvĂ© son efficacitĂ© dans la prise en charge de plusieurs pathologies. Peu d'Ă©tudes Ă©valuent les freins ou les dĂ©terminants de la participation Ă  une ETP. Comprendre les raisons de cette participation permettrait de mieux adapter les programmes aux besoins des patients. Cette Ă©tude vise l'identification d'un profil psychosocial des patients acceptant l'ETP en amont d'une chirurgie bariatrique, l'hypothĂšse Ă©tant que des dĂ©terminants psychosociaux influencent la participation. MĂ©thode : La mĂ©thode mixte intĂšgre l'approche quantitative mesurant la qualitĂ© de vie liĂ©e Ă  la santĂ© (MOS SF-36, Ware, 1994), l'anxiĂ©té–dĂ©pression (HADS, Zigmond & Snaith, 1983) et de personnalitĂ© (TCI-226, Cloninger, Przybeck, Svrakic, & Wetzel, 1994) Ă  la perspective qualitative focalisant sur l'expĂ©rience du sujet. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont permis de recueillir le contexte de la demande de chirurgie, les Ă©vĂšnements associĂ©s Ă  la prise de poids, la perception de l'obĂ©sitĂ©, les habitudes alimentaires, les attentes concernant la chirurgie et les raisons donnĂ©es Ă  participer au programme. RĂ©sultats : Les rĂ©gressions logistiques multiples et les analyses textuelles mettent en avant le rĂŽle des tendances comportementales et des perceptions des patients dans l'acceptabilitĂ© du programme. Un profil de patients « adhĂ©rents » Ă  l'ETP se distingue par des schĂ©mas cognitifs d'instabilitĂ© Ă©motionnelle (recherche de soutien social, besoin de liens affectifs et dĂ©pendance Ă  la rĂ©compense), une internalisation de la maladie et des Ă©vĂšnements de vie associĂ©s ainsi que des stratĂ©gies de coping actives. Ils recherchent de l'information supplĂ©mentaire, ont besoin d'Ă©changes avec des professionnels et leurs pairs pour prendre des dĂ©cisions pour leur santĂ©. Discussion : L'adhĂ©sion Ă  un programme d'ETP dĂ©pend de multiples facteurs intrinsĂšques Ă  l'individu. Il convient d'adapter les programmes aux besoins des patients

    La personnalitĂ© impacte l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© de vie des patients parkinsoniens aprĂšs stimulation cĂ©rĂ©brale profonde

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    International audienceContexte : La maladie de Parkinson altĂšre fortement la QualitĂ© de Vie (QdV) des patientsparticuliĂšrement au stade des fluctuations motrices1 oĂč un traitement chirurgical parStimulation CĂ©rĂ©brale Profonde des Noyaux Sous-Thalamiques (SCP-NST) peut ĂȘtre proposĂ©.Face Ă  l’incomplĂšte satisfaction de certains patients3, l’objectif de notre Ă©tude est d’évaluerl’association entre les dimensions de personnalitĂ© et l’amĂ©lioration de la QdV de patientsparkinsoniens aprĂšs un an de SCP-NST.MĂ©thode : Les donnĂ©es proviennent de la cohorte française PREDI-STIM incluant des patientsparkinsoniens traitĂ©s par SCP-NST. Tous les participants (n=303) ont rĂ©pondu auxquestionnaires suivants : le Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI)4 uniquement avant lastimulation, et le PDQ- 39 (Parkinson Disease Questionnaire-39) avant et un an aprĂšs la SCP.Les analyses ont Ă©tĂ© faites en utilisant des modĂšles de rĂ©gression linĂ©aire univariĂ©s ajustĂ©spour Ă©valuer une potentielle association entre les dimensions de personnalitĂ© du TCI et lespourcentages d’évolution des scores de QdV duPDQ-39.RĂ©sultats attendus : Les dimensions de Recherche de la NouveautĂ©, de FatigabilitĂ© (une sousdimension de l’Evitement du Danger) et de CoopĂ©rativitĂ© Ă©taient associĂ©s Ă  une meilleureĂ©volution de la QdV des patients aprĂšs la SCP-NST (p<0.01).Discussion : La Recherche de la NouveautĂ©, la FatigabilitĂ© et la CoopĂ©rativitĂ© sont associĂ©esĂ  une plus forte amĂ©lioration de QdV chez les patients parkinsoniens aprĂšs un an de SCPNST. Desprogrammes spĂ©cifiques d’éducation thĂ©rapeutique travaillant sur ces dimensionsde personnalitĂ© (acceptation de la nouveautĂ©, Ă©coute de l’entourage etc.) pourraient alorsĂȘtre proposĂ©s aux patientsen amont de la SCP pour amĂ©liorer leur satisfaction postopĂ©ratoire

    Personality Related to Quality-of-Life Improvement After Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease (PSYCHO-STIM II)

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Deep brain stimulation of the sub-thalamic nucleus (DBS-STN) reduces symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients with motor fluctuations. However, some patients may not feel ameliorated afterwards, despite an objective motor improvement. It is thus important to find new predictors of patients’ quality of life (QoL) amelioration after DBS-STN. We hypothesized that personality dimensions might affect QoL after DBS-STN. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate associations between personality dimensions and QoL improvement one year after DBS-STN. METHODS: DBS-STN-PD patients (n = 303) having answered the "Temperament and Character Inventory" (TCI) before surgery and the PDQ-39 before and one year after surgery were included, from the cohort study PREDI-STIM. Linear regression models were used to evaluate associations between TCI dimensions and change in PDQ-39 scores after DBS-STN. RESULTS: Novelty Seeking and Cooperativeness scores before surgery were positively associated with PDQ-39 scores improvement after DBS-STN (FDR-adjusted p <  0.01). Moreover, paradoxically unimproved patients with deterioration of their PDQ-39 scores after DBS-STN despite improvement of their MDS-UPDRS-IV scores had lower Cooperativeness scores, while paradoxically improved patients with amelioration of their PDQ-39 scores despite deterioration of their MDS-UPDRS-IV scores had higher Reward Dependence scores. CONCLUSION: Some presurgical personality dimensions were significantly associated with QoL amelioration and discrepancy between motor state and QoL changes after DBS-STN in PD. Educational programs before DBS-STN should take in account patient personality dimensions to better deal with their expectations

    Personality dimensions of patients can change during the course of parkinson’s disease

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    International audienceBackground - Studies assessing personality dimensions by the "Temperament and Character Inventory" (TCI) have previously found an association between Parkinson's disease (PD) and lower Novelty Seeking and higher Harm Avoidance scores. Here, we aimed to describe personality dimensions of PD patients with motor fluctuations and compare them to a normative population and other PD populations. Methods - All PD patients awaiting Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) answered the TCI before neurosurgery. Their results were compared to those of historical cohorts (a French normative population, a de novo PD population, and a PD population with motor fluctuations). Results - Most personality dimensions of our 333 included PD patients with motor fluctuations who are candidates for DBS were different from those of the normative population and some were also different from those of the De Novo PD population, whereas they were similar to those of another population of PD patients with motor fluctuations. Conclusions - During the course of PD, personality dimensions can change in parallel with the development of motor fluctuations, either due to the evolution of the disease and/or dopaminergic treatments