518 research outputs found

    Equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in a molecular layer of azopolymer floating on water studied by Interfacial Shear Rheology

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    We report the details of the construction and calibration of an ultra sensitive surface rheometer, inspired by the setup described in [C.F. Brooks et al Langmuir 15, 2450 (1999)], which makes use of high resolution video tracking of the motion of a floating magnetized needle and is capable of measuring the viscoelastic response of a Langmuir monolayer with an accuracy of 10^-5 N/m. This instrument is then employed for the rheological characterization of a Langmuir monolayer of a photosensitive azobenzene polymer, which can be brought out of equilibrium by a suitable photoperturbation. The complex dynamic shear modulus G= G' + i G" is measured as a function of temperature and illumination power and wavelength. The reversible rheological ch anges induced in the film by photo-perturbation are monitored during time, observing a transition from a predominantly elastic (G' > G'') to a viscoelastic (G' \approx G'') regime. These results are confirmed by comparison with independent measurements performed by us using other rheological techniques. Finally a discussion is made, taking into account the results of a recent x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy experiment on the same polymer in equilibrium and out of equilibrium.Comment: Proceedings of the International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems, Rome, 2009 12 pages, 7 figure

    Critical Review of the State-of-the-Art on Lumbar Percutaneous Cement Discoplasty

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    Interbody fusion is the gold standard surgery to treat lumbar disc degeneration disease but can be a high-risk procedure in elderly and polymorbid patients. Percutaneous Cement Discoplasty (PCD) is a minimally invasive technique developed to treat advanced stage of disc degeneration exhibiting a vacuum phenomenon. A patient-specificstand-alone spacer is created by filling the disc with polymethylmethacrylate cement, allowing to recover the disc height and improve the patient’s conditions. As it has recently been introduced in the lumbar spine, this review aims to present a transversal state-of-the-art of the surgery from its clinical practice and outcome to biomechanical and engineering topics. The literature was searched across multiple databases using predefined keywords over no limited period of time. Papers about vertebroplasty were excluded. Among 466 identified papers, the relevant ones included twelve clinical papers reporting the variations of the surgical technique, follow-up and complications, four papers reporting biomechanical ex vivo and numerical tests, and four letters related to published clinical papers. Papers presenting the operative practice are reported, as well as follow-ups up to four years. The papers found, consistently reported that PCD significantly improved the clinical status of the patients and maintained it after two years. Spine alignment was impacted by PCD: the sacral slope was significantly reduced, and disc height increased. The foramen opening correlated to the volume of injected cement. Substitutes to the acrylic cement exhibited better osteointegration and mechanical properties closer to bone tissue. Finally, limitations and risks of the surgery are discussed as well as potential improvements such as the development of new filling materials with better mechanical properties and biological integration or the investigation of the inner disc

    Reliability and inter-observer agreement of dermoscopic diagnosis of melanoma and melanocytic naevi

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the reliability and the inter- observer agreement of dermoscopy in the diagnosis of melanocytic skin lesions. Nine dermatologists, with a different training experience and who routinely used dermoscopy in different hospitals in Italy, evaluated clinical and dermoscopy photographs of 15 melanocytic lesions (four invasive melanomas, four histologically common naevi, and seven naevi with histological atypia). A further series of dermoscopic photographs of 40 melanocytic lesions was evaluated to quantify inter-observer concordance in recognizing dermoscopic criteria. Compared to the true (histological) diagnosis, clinical diagnosis (categories: melanoma, common naevus, atypical naevus) was correct in 40% of cases (range, 27-53%). The percentage raised to 55% (40-73%) by the use of dermoscopy, with an average improvement of 15.6%. Concerning melanoma, clinical diagnosis resulted in a sensitivity of 41.9%, specificity of 77.8%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 36.1%, negative predictive value (NPV) of 81.8%. By using dermoscopy, an improvement of diagnostic performance was found (sensitivity 75%, specificity 88.8%, VPP 71.0%, VPN 90.7%). The inter-observer agreement in melanoma diagnosis, by using dermoscopy, was similar to that obtained by clinical examination (k statistics = 0.54 and 0.52, respectively). Concerning dermoscopic criteria, the best agreement among observers was found for pseudopods, a dermoscopic parameter related to the radial growth phase of melanoma. We conclude that dermoscopy is an useful tool for a non-invasive diagnosis of melanocytic skin lesions, improving the diagnostic performance compared to clinical examination

    Separation of Ho3+ in Static Magnetic Field

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    Abstract The rare earths elements (REE) belong to the group of critical metals and they are achieving more and more interest due to their special properties. However, there occur some problems connected with their production. The most difficult phase is separation of REE. It includes a necessity to intensify currently applied processes and looking for new solutions. The present work introduces an idea to use differences in physical properties of the REE ions to get them separated. In the experimental part of the work some efforts were undertaken to analyse results presenting changes of holmium ions concentration under an influence of the magnetic field gradient. There was determined the gradient of magnetic field and concentration of Ho3+ ions depending on initial concentration of the solution and time. A simulation of changing the concentration of holmium ions in the solution under an influence of the magnetic field gradient was performed to compare the mathematical model with the obtained results

    Evidence for distinct polymer chain orientations in KC60 and RbC60

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    The KC60 and RbC60 polymer phases exhibit contrasting electronic properties while powder diffraction studies have revealed no definite structural difference. We have performed single crystal X-ray diffraction and diffuse scattering studies of these compounds. It is found that KC60 and RbC60 possess different chain orientations about their axes, which are described by distinct space groups Pmnn and I2/m, respectively. Such a structural difference will be of great importance to a complete understanding of the physical properties.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Multiscale Bone Remodelling with Spatial P Systems

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    Many biological phenomena are inherently multiscale, i.e. they are characterized by interactions involving different spatial and temporal scales simultaneously. Though several approaches have been proposed to provide "multilayer" models, only Complex Automata, derived from Cellular Automata, naturally embed spatial information and realize multiscaling with well-established inter-scale integration schemas. Spatial P systems, a variant of P systems in which a more geometric concept of space has been added, have several characteristics in common with Cellular Automata. We propose such a formalism as a basis to rephrase the Complex Automata multiscaling approach and, in this perspective, provide a 2-scale Spatial P system describing bone remodelling. The proposed model not only results to be highly faithful and expressive in a multiscale scenario, but also highlights the need of a deep and formal expressiveness study involving Complex Automata, Spatial P systems and other promising multiscale approaches, such as our shape-based one already resulted to be highly faithful.Comment: In Proceedings MeCBIC 2010, arXiv:1011.005

    Impact of pollen on throughfall biochemistry in European temperate and boreal forests

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    Pollen is known to affect forest throughfall biochemistry, but underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We used generalized additive mixed modelling to study the relationship between long-term series of measured throughfall fluxes in spring (April–June) at forest plots and corresponding airborne pollen concentrations (Seasonal Pollen Integral, SPIn) from nearby aerobiological monitoring stations. The forest plots were part of the intensive long term monitoring (Level II) network of the UNECE International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) with dominant tree genera Fagus, Quercus, Pinus and Picea, and were distributed all across Europe. We also conducted a 7-day laboratory dissolution experiment with bud scales and flower stalks of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), pollen of beech, common oak (Quercus robur L.), silver birch (Betula pendula L.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Corsican pine (Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. laricio (Poiret) Maire), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and sterilized pollen of silver birch in a nitrate (NO3--N) solution (11.3 mg N L-1). Throughfall fluxes of potassium (K+), ammonium (NH4+-N), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) showed a positive relationship with SPIn whereas NO3--N fluxes showed a negative relationship with SPIn. In years with massive seed production of beech and oak SPIn and throughfall fluxes of K+ and DOC were higher, but fluxes of NO3--N were lower. The experiment broadly confirmed the findings based on field data. Within two hours, pollen released large quantities of K+, phosphate, DOC and DON, and lesser amounts of sulphate, sodium and calcium. After 24-48 hours, NO3--N started to disappear, predominantly in the treatments with broadleaved pollen, while concentrations of nitrite and NH4+-N increased. At the end of the experiment, the inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was reduced, presumably because it was lost as gaseous nitric oxide (NO). There was no difference for sterilized pollen, indicating that the involvement of microbial activity was limited in above N transformations. Our results show that pollen dispersal might be an overlooked factor in forest nutrient cycling and might induce complex canopy N transformations, although the net-impact on N throughfall fluxes is rather lo

    Caracterización petrológica y geoquímica de las rocas plutónicas de la Sierra de La Aguada, Provincia de San Luis, Argentina: Implicaciones genéticas con el arco magmático Famatiniano

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    This study presents a synthesis on the geology of the crystalline complex that constitute the Sierra de la Aguada, San Luis province, Argentine, from an approach based on field relations, petrologic and structural features and geochemical characteristic. This mountain range exposes a basement dominated by intermediate to mafic calcalkaline igneous rocks and peraluminous felsic granitoids, both emplaced in low to medium grade metamorphic rocks stabilized under low amphibolite facies. All this lithological terrane has been grouped in the El Carrizal-La Aguada Complex. Field relations, petrographic characterization and geochemical comparison of the plutonic rocks from the study area with those belonging to the Ordovician Famatinian suit exposed in the Sierra Grande de San Luis, suggest a genetic and temporal relation linked to the development of the Famatinian magmatic arc.El presente trabajo expone una síntesis de la geología que comprende al complejo cristalino que constituye la Sierra de La Aguada, provincia de San Luis, Argentina, desde un enfoque basado en las relaciones de campo, los rasgos petrológico-estructurales y las características geoquímicas. Dicha serranía expone un basamento dominado por rocas plutónicas intermedias-máficas de afinidad calcoalcalina y granitoides félsicos peraluminosos, en conjunto intruidas en metamorfitas de bajo a medio grado metamórfico estabilizadas en condiciones de facies de anfibolita. Todo el conjunto litológico ha sido agrupado dentro del denominado complejo El Carrizal-La Aguada. El análisis de las relaciones de campo, la petrografía y la comparación de las características geoquímicas de las rocas plutónicas del área estudiada y aquellas pertenecientes a la suite ordovícica Famatiniana expuestas en la Sierra Grande de San Luis, sugiere una posible relación genética-temporal vinculada al desarrollo del arco magmático Famatiniano

    Muon spin rotation and relaxation in magnetic materials

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    A review of the muon spin rotation and relaxation (μ\muSR) studies on magnetic materials published from July 1993 is presented. It covers the investigation of magnetic phase diagrams, of spin dynamics and the analysis of the magnetic properties of superconductors. We have chosen to focus on selected experimental works in these different topics. In addition, a list of published works is provided.Comment: Review article, 59 pages, LaTeX with IoP macro

    Epífitos vasculares predominantes em zonas ecológicas de forófitos, Santa Catarina, Brasil.

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    Espécies epifíticas apresentam formas, dimensões e biomassa distintas e colonizam os forófitos em regime temporário ou permanente. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a distribuição de epífitos vasculares de biomassa visualmente dominante nas zonas ecológicas dos forófitos (fuste, copa interna e copa externa) da Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Santa Catarina. Os estudos foram realizados em 13 unidades amostrais, no interior das quais foram selecionados oito forófitos. Para a coleta dos dados, foi empregada a técnica de arvorismo e observação a partir do solo. De modo geral, as espécies registradas puderam ser classificadas como holoepífitos característicos e facultativos, e hemiepífitos primários e secundários. A família Bromeliaceae destacou-se dentre as demais nas três zonas ecológicas dos forófitos, reunindo as espécies com maiores biomassas. Relacionando as categorias ecológicas, os holoepífitos característicos, como bromeliáceas e orquidáceas, concentraram-se na região da copa e os hemiepífitos, como as aráceas Philodendron loefgrenii e Philodendron appendiculatum, foram encontradas geralmente na região do fuste.Edição especial: II Seminário sobre Inventário Florestal