1,027 research outputs found

    Inhibitors of phosphoprotein phosphatases 1 and 2A cause activation of a 53 kDa protein kinase accompanying the apoptotic response of breast cancer cells

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    AbstractTreatment of MCF-7 breast cancer cells with 50 nM okadaic acid triggers an apoptotic response which is accompanied by a 7-fold increase in the activity of a protein kinase with a relative molecular mass of 53 kDa. The activity of the kinase was stimulated by cell treatment with inhibitors of phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 and 2A, but not by stressing conditions. Okadaic acid-induced stimulation of the 53 kDa protein kinase was not abolished by coincubation of cells with cycloheximide. We conclude that stimulation of the 53 kDa protein kinase by inhibitors of phosphoprotein phosphatases involves pre-existing molecular components whose activity depends on the phosphorylation state of serine/threonine residues

    Acúmulo de prolina em cana-de-açúcar sob estresse hídrico ou submetida ao ataque de cigarrinha-das-raízes

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    A cigarrinha-das-raízes Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) tornou-se uma praga importante da cultura da cana-de-açúcar na região centro-sul do Brasil. Estratégias de controle têm sido desenvolvidas, mas os danos promovidos por essa praga e sua interação com a cana-de-açúcar ainda são pouco caracterizados. Em altos níveis de infestação da praga, os sintomas nas plantas são muito semelhantes à restrição hídrica severa. Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar se o estresse promovido pela infestação de ninfas de cigarrinha-das-raízes resulta em acúmulo de prolina livre, além de comparar dois genótipos de cana-de-açúcar quanto à tolerância ao déficit hídrico. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 4 com duas cultivares (SP80-1816 e RB72454), dois níveis de estresse (controle e dez ninfas por planta ou 50% de restrição hídrica) e quatro épocas. O déficit hídrico promovido por M. fimbriolata não resultou em acúmulo de prolina, ilustrando a existência de mecanismos distintos para a percepção do estresse hídrico promovido pela praga e pela variação no potencial osmótico nas células das raízes. A cultivar RB72454 acumula maiores teores de prolina livre, e o acúmulo de massa seca e o crescimento dos colmos são menos afetados nessa cultivar sob restrição hídrica. Os teores de solutos compatíveis provavelmente não podem ser utilizados para quantificar o estresse promovido por M. fimbriolata em cana-de-açúcar. A cultivar RB72454 é mais tolerante ao déficit hídrico do que a cultivar SP80-1816.Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) has become a key pest in the sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) fields of center-south Brazil. Although some control technologies have shown to be efficient, the damage promoted by this spittlebug species and its interaction with sugarcane are poorly characterized. At high infestation levels the symptoms are similar to those of severe water restriction. This work was conducted to determine whether the stress promoted by spittlebug infestation can be measured in terms of free proline accumulation. The water restriction tolerance of two sugarcane genotypes was also compared. Two experiments were set up in a greenhouse and arranged in a completely randomized design in a 2 x 2 x 4 factorial, with two cultivars (SP80-1816 and RB72454), two stress levels (control and ten nymphs per plant or 50% water restriction), and four sampling dates. The water deficit caused by spittlebug nymphs sucking xylem sap does not result in proline accumulation, illustrating that there are different mechanisms to sense when the water deficit is caused by insect feeding or water potential variation in root cells. The cultivar RB72454 accumulates more free-proline, and the dry mass accumulation and stalk growth are less affected in this cultivar under water restriction. The levels of compatible solutes probably cannot be used to measure spittlebug infestation stress in sugarcane and RB72454 is more tolerant to water shortage than SP80-1816

    Investigation of the incidence of oral cancer in the municipalities of the state of Sao Paulo-Brazil: a retrospective observational cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: The etiology of Oral Cancer (OC) is multifactorial, resulting from several factors that predispose to the development of this pathology, with a high incidence and mortality, and is among the 10 most common pathologies in the world. Objective: It was to carry out a retrospective longitudinal observational study on the incidence of oral cancer in patients treated at public health units in the municipalities of the State of Sao Paulo-Brazil, as well as to present the main clinical and demographic characteristics of these patients. Methods: This study followed a retrospective observational cross-sectional model (2018-2022), following the rules of clinical research of the STROBE. The present study used the database of the public health system in Brazil on the incidence and prevalence of oral cancer in health units in 467 municipalities in the State of São Paulo-Brazil, whose data are available for public consultation and do not require approval. by the research ethics committee. Participants with oral cancer records of different ethnicities, aged over 20 years, and of both genders were included. Participants who had missing registration data were excluded. For data analysis, the database was built in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which was exported to the Minitab 18® statistical program. One-Way ANOVA with p>0.05 was applied without a statistical difference in the CI95%. Results: The total number of municipalities in the State of São Paulo-Brazil analyzed was 467. Suspected oral malignancy did not present a significant statistical difference between the years 2018 and 2019 (0.33% vs. 0.30%), with p>0.05 in CI95 %. The highest incidences of suspected oral malignancy occurred in 2018 and 2019. In addition, it was evidenced that the most frequent histological type was squamous cell carcinoma in all the years analyzed. Also, bad habits such as alcoholism, smoking, excessive exposure to the sun, and also genetic predisposition, the presence of HPV did not show to influence statistically the occurrences of oral neoplasms. Conclusion: Based on the objective of this study, the incidence of oral cancer in the municipalities of the state of São Paulo-Brazil was higher in the years 2018 and 2019, regardless of the action of predictors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, HPV, genetic predisposition and age. However, further studies need to be carried out in the periods from 2020 to 2022 to know the population that was absent due to the COVID-19 pandemic

    Modelos para estimativa da área foliar de Zinnia elegans Jacq., Zinnia haageana regel e 'profusion cherry'

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    A determinação da área foliar é importante em estudos fisiológicos e agronômicos. O uso de modelos para estimativa da área foliar é um método simples, de boa precisão e não destrutivo. O presente trabalho determina modelos para estimativa da área foliar de Zinnia elegans ('Liliput' e 'Thumbelina'), Z. haageana ('Carpet Persa') e Z. elegans x Z. angustifolia ('Profusion Cherry'), cultivares ornamentais com potencial para produção em vaso. Foram coletadas 250 e 300 folhas, respectivamente, nos estádios de gema florífera apical visível e de floração, de plantas cultivadas em casa de vegetação, em cada estação (outono, inverno, primavera e verão), totalizando 1000 e 1200 folhas, para cada estádio de desenvolvimento. Determinaram-se o comprimento (C) e a largura (L) máximas e a área foliar real (AFR), com auxílio de um sistema de análise de imagem digital - Delta T Devices. Estudaram-se as relações existentes entre a AFR e o produto do comprimento pela largura da folha (CL), por modelos de regressão linear, para cada cultivar, em cada estádio de desenvolvimento. Os modelos, para o estádio de gema florífera, AFR = 0,0009 + 0,7765 CL ('Profusion Cherry'), AFR = 0,0021 + 0,8156 CL ('Thumbelina'), AFR = 0,0031 + 0,8003 CL ('Liliput'), AFR = 0,0036 + 0,7719 CL ('Carpet Persa'), e para o estádio de floração, AFR = 0,0029 + 0,7899 CL ('Profusion Cherry'), AFR = 0,8318 CL ('Thumbelina'), AFR = 0,001 + 0,8417 CL ('Liliput'), AFR = 0,0042 + 0,723 CL ('Carpet Persa'), são adequados para estimar a área foliar real.Leaf area measurements are of value in physiological and agronomic studies. The use of prediction models to estimate leaf area is a simple, accurate and nondestructive method. The present work suggests leaf area prediction models for Zinnia elegans ('Liliput' and 'Thumbelina'), Z. haageana ('Carpet Persa') and Z. elegans x Z. angustifolia ('Profusion Cherry'), potential flower potplant cultivars. At the stages of visible apical flower bud and flowering, 250 and 300 leaves were collected from greenhouse grown plants, respectively, at each season (fall, winter, spring and summer), totaling 1,000 and 1,200 leaves, for each developmental stage. The maximum length (L), maximum width (W) and real leaf area (RLA) were measured with a Digital Image Analysis System - Delta T Devices. The relation between RLA and the product of length by width (LW), was studied through linear models, for each cultivar, at each developmental stage. The models for the flower bud stage were: RLA = 0.0009 + 0.7765 LW ('Profusion Cherry'), RLA = 0.0021 + 0.8156 LW ('Thumbelina'), RLA = 0.0031 + 0.8003 LW ('Liliput'), RLA = 0.0036 + 0.7719 LW ('Carpet Persa'), and for flowering stage: RLA = 0.0029 + 0.7899 LW ('Profusion Cherry'), RLA = 0.8318 LW ('Thumbelina'), RLA = 0.001 + 0.8417 LW ('Liliput'), RLA = 0.0042 + 0.723 LW ('Carpet Persa'). Models were considered adequate to estimate leaf area

    Germinación de las semillas en algunas especies americanas de Fabaceae y Bignoniaceae cultivadas en Sevilla (SO España)

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    Entre las especies que crecen en el Jardin Americano de Sevilla, se encuentran varias especies americanas de Fabaceae y Bignonoaceae.SE exponen en este artículo las capacidad de germinación y la dimanica de las semillas de Caesalpinia spinosa, C. baraonensis, Enterolosium contorsiliquum, Haematoxylon Campechanum, Lucaena glauca, Parkinsonia aculeata, Piptademia macrocarpa, Sophora secundiflora, Tipuana tipu, Jacaranda mimosaefolia, Tecoma stans

    Danos promovidos por cigarrinha-das-raízes na qualidade da cana e processo fermentativo

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    A qualidade da matéria-prima define o potencial de produção da indústria. A colheita de cana sem queima proporcionou um ambiente favorável ao aumento da infestação da Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål, 1854), que suga a planta e afeta seu desenvolvimento. Avaliaram-se os danos promovidos pela M. fimbriolata na qualidade da cana e no processo fermentativo. Os tratamentos utilizados foram quatro níveis de danos e duas épocas de avaliações para as análises tecnológicas, e quatro níveis de danos, quatro ciclos fermentativos e duas épocas de avaliações para as análises microbiológicas com três repetições. Foram determinados Brix (sólidos solúveis), Pol (sacarose aparente), Pureza, açúcar redutor total (ART), açúcar redutor (AR), Acidez Total, pH, e teor de compostos fenólicos totais no caldo. No processo fermentativo foram realizadas análises de viabilidade celular, brotos de leveduras e concentração de bactérias. Determinaram-se açúcar redutor residual Total (ARRT), teor alcoólico nos vinhos e a eficiência da fermentação. Os tratamentos com 60% dos colmos danificados apresentaram menor média de Brix, Pol, Pureza e ART do caldo. Verificou-se aumento do AR% caldo e dos teores de compostos fenólicos totais. A viabilidade celular e de brotos foram reduzidas com o aumento dos danos provocados pela M. fimbriolata. O processo fermentativo apresentou maiores quantidades de contaminantes. Com os danos a quantidade de ARRT dos vinhos foi maior, houve redução do teor alcoólico, assim como na eficiência da fermentação. Os danos causados pela M. fimbriolata afetaram a qualidade da matéria-prima, comprometendo o processo fermentativo, além de aumentar a produção de compostos fenólicos e contaminantes.The quality of the raw material defines the industrial potential production. The harvest of raw sugarcane promoted a favorable environment for the increase of Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål, 1854) pest that affects the plant development. This research was undertaken to evaluate the effects of M. fimbriolata on sugarcane quality and fermentation process. For the technological analysis, four damage levels and two evaluation periods were evaluated, while four fermentation cycles and two evaluation periods were tested for microbiological analysis, with three replications. The determined parameters were Brix (soluble solids), Pol (apparent sucrose), Purity, reducing sugars (RS), total reducing sugars (TRS), Total Acidity, pH and Total Phenolic Compounds in juice. In the fermentation process cellular viability analysis, yeast sprout and bacterial concentration were carried out. The wine was submitted to alcohol content, TRRS (total residual reducing sugars) and fermentation efficiency. The treatment with 60% of damage steams exhibited the lowest averages of Brix, Pol, Purity and TRS of the juice. An increase of the RS% of the juice and content of total phenolic compounds was observed. The cellular and sprouts viability were reduced with the increase in the damages caused by M. fimbriolata. The fermentation process exhibited larger quantities of contaminators. With the damages, the wine TRRS quantity was superior and, consequently there was a decrease of the alcoholic content and fermentation efficiency. The damages caused by M. fimbriolata affected the quality of the raw material, compromising the fermentative process, and increase the production of phenolic compounds and contaminators

    Interplay between Human Cytomegalovirus and Intrinsic/Innate Host Responses: A Complex Bidirectional Relationship

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    The interaction between human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and its host is a complex process that begins with viral attachment and entry into host cells, culminating in the development of a specific adaptive response that clears the acute infection but fails to eradicate HCMV. We review the viral and cellular partners that mediate early host responses to HCMV with regard to the interaction between structural components of virions (viral glycoproteins) and cellular receptors (attachment/entry receptors, toll-like receptors, and other nucleic acid sensors) or intrinsic factors (PML, hDaxx, Sp100, viperin, interferon inducible protein 16), the reactions of innate immune cells (antigen presenting cells and natural killer cells), the numerous mechanisms of viral immunoevasion, and the potential exploitation of events that are associated with early phases of virus-host interplay as a therapeutic strategy


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    O artigo analisa, a partir dos fundos contábeis destinados à educação brasileira, especificamente o FUNDEB, como se dá o federalismo cooperativo no Brasil. Para tanto, trabalha-se com a origem dos fundos contábeis na Contabilidade tomando como base a Teoria dos Fundos representada por Van Breda e Hendriksen (1999), bem como a Teoria do Federalismo enquanto pacto, a partir da matriz internacional representada por Elazar (1987) e Wright (1978), que propõem um pacto federativo pautado na garantia da unidade na diversidade. Posteriormente, discute-se a natureza do FUNDEB e os recursos destinados ao Município de São Luís (MA), a partir da análise do montante repassado pela União para a Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SEMED), cujo acompanhamento se dá pela Superintendência da Área de Orçamento e Finanças (SAOF). Conclui-se, com base nos dados coletados, que o pacto federativo brasileiro, mesmo balizado pelo FUNDEB, é incompleto em virtude de a Federação brasileira ser demos constraining a seus entes federados.Palavras-chave: Federalismo. Fundos contábeis. FUNDEB.ResumenEl artículo analiza, a partir de los fondos contables destinados a la educación brasileña, específicamente el FUNDEB, cómo se da el federalismo cooperativista en Brasil. Para ello, se trabaja con el origen de los fondos contables en la Contabilidad, tomando como base la teoría de los fondos representada por Van Breda y Hendriksen (1999), así como la teoría del federalismo como pacto, a partir de la matriz internacional representada por Elazar (1987) y Wright (1978), que proponen un pacto federal regido por la garantía de la unidad en la diversidad. Posteriormente, se discute la naturaleza del FUNDEB y los recursos destinados al municipio de São Luís (MA), a partir del análisis del monto entregado por la Unión a la Secretaría Municipal de Educación (SEMED), cuyo acompañamiento se da a través de la Superintendencia del Área de Presupuesto y Finanzas (SAOF). Se concluye, con base en los datos recolectados, que el pacto federal brasileño, si bien evaluados por el FUNDEB, es incompleto en virtud de que la Federación brasileña es demos constraining para con sus entes federados.Palabras clave: Federalismo. Fondos contables. FUNDEB.AbstractThis article analyzes, from the financial funds for Brazilian education, specifically FUNDEB, how is the cooperative federalism in Brazil. For this, works with the origin of financial funds in Accounting building on the Funds Theory represented by Van Breda and Hendriksen (1999), and the Federalism theory while pact from the international array represented by Elazar (1987) and Wright (1978), which proposed a federal pact founded on the guarantee of unity in diversity. Later, we discuss the nature of FUNDEB and resources for the municipality of São Luís (MA), based on the analysis of the amount transferred by the Union to the city Department of Education (SEMED), whose follow-up is given by the Superintendency of Budget Area and Finance (SAOF). The conclusion is based on data collected that the brazilian federal pact marked by the same FUNDEB is incomplete because the brazilian federation be demos constraining their counties.Keywords: Federalism. Accounting backgrounds. FUNDE

    The Human Splice Variant Δ16HER2 Induces Rapid Tumor Onset in a Reporter Transgenic Mouse.

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    Several transgenic mice models solidly support the hypothesis that HER2 (ERBB2) overexpression or mutation promotes tumorigenesis. Recently, a HER2 splice variant lacking exon-16 (D16HER2) has been detected in human breast carcinomas. This alternative protein, a normal byproduct of HER2, has an increased transforming potency compared to wild-type (wt) HER2 receptors. To examine the ability of D16HER2 to transform mammary epithelium in vivo and to monitor D16HER2- driven tumorigenesis in live mice, we generated and characterized a mouse line that transgenically expresses both human D16HER2 and firefly luciferase under the transcriptional control of the MMTV promoter. All the transgenic females developed multifocal mammary tumors with a rapid onset and an average latency of 15.11 weeks. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed the concurrent expression of luciferase and the human D16HER2 oncogene only in the mammary gland and in strict correlation with tumor development. Transgenic D16HER2 expressed on the tumor cell plasma membrane from spontaneous mammary adenocarcinomas formed constitutively active homodimers able to activate the oncogenic signal transduction pathway mediated through Src kinase. These new transgenic animals demonstrate the ability of the human D16HER2 isoform to transform ‘‘per se’’ mammary epithelium in vivo. The high tumor incidence as well as the short latency strongly suggests that the D16HER2 splice variant represents the transforming form of the HER2 oncoprotein